February 4, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S609 APPOINTMENT OF CONFEREES— grams and construction, appointments The joint resolution (S.J. Res. 25) H.R. 2419 to Smithsonian advisory boards, and was ordered to be engrossed for a third The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under legislative initiatives. Given the vari- reading, was read the third time, and the authority of the order of December ety and importance of the Board’s re- passed, as follows: 14, 2007, the chair appoints the fol- sponsibilities in managing the tone of S.J. RES. 25 America’s most cherished cultural in- lowing conferees on the part of the Resolved by the Senate and House, of Rep- stitutions, members of the Board of Re- Senate to H.R. 2419: Mr. HARKIN, Mr. resentatives of the United States of America in gents serve a critical leadership role Congress assembled, That, in accordance with LEAHY, Mr. CONRAD, Mr. BAUCUS, Mrs. for the Smithsonian Institution. section 5581 of the Revised Statutes (20 LINCOLN, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. That is why I am pleased to support U.S.C. 43), the vacancy on the Board of Re- CHAMBLISS, Mr. LUGAR, Mr. COCHRAN, John McCarter’s appointment. He cur- gents of the Smithsonian Institution, in the Mr. ROBERTS, and Mr. GRASSLEY con- rently serves as president and chief ex- class other than Members of Congress, occur- ferees on the part of the Senate. ecutive officer of the Field Museum, ring because of the expiration of the term of Walter E. Massey of Georgia, is filled by the f one of the greatest cultural attractions appointment of John W. McCarter of Illinois, in Chicago. The Field Museum attracts PRESERVATION OF EXISTING for a term of 6 years, effective on the date of over 1 million visitors each year. The JUDGESHIPS the enactment of this resolution. museum was originally founded to f Mr. SANDERS. I ask unanimous con- house the biological and anthropo- sent that the Senate proceed to the im- logical collections assembled for the CONGRATULATING THE NEW YORK mediate consideration of Calendar No. World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893. GIANTS ON THEIR VICTORY IN 556, S. 550. The original collection has been ex- SUPER BOWL XLII The PRESIDING OFFICER. The panded to include some 20 million Mr. SANDERS. Madam President, I clerk will report the bill by title. specimens, due in part to its continued ask unanimous consent that the Sen- The legislative clerk read as follows: worldwide expeditions and associated ate proceed to the immediate consider- A bill (S. 550) to preserve existing judge- research. ation of S. Res. 441, submitted earlier ships on the Superior Court of the District of Under John McCarter’s leadership, today by Senator SCHUMER. Columbia. the Field Museum has undertaken a se- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The There being no objection, the Senate ries of projects to rebuild and restore clerk will report the resolution by proceeded to consider the bill. the museum. Research activities have title. Mr. SANDERS. I ask unanimous con- expanded along with the physical The legislative clerk read as follows: sent that the bill be read a third time structure—the Field Museum is an A resolution (S. Res. 441) congratulating and passed, the motion to reconsider be international leader in evolutionary bi- the New York Giants on their victory in laid upon the table, and any state- ology and paleontology in addition to Super Bowl XLII. ments be printed in the RECORD. archaeology and ethnography. There being no objection, the Senate Before he joined the Field Museum in The bill (S. 550) was ordered to a proceeded to consider the resolution. third reading, was read the third time, 1996, John McCarter was with Booz Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I Allen & Hamilton as a senior vice and passed, as follows: have asked for time because I rise to president and was president of the S. 550 speak about something that happened DeKalb Corporation. He has also in Arizona yesterday. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- worked in government, serving as resentatives of the United States of America in I rise to congratulate the New York budget director for the State of Illinois Congress assembled, Giants on their much deserved Super in 1969 and as a White House Fellow SECTION 1. COMPOSITION OF SUPERIOR COURT. Bowl victory last night, which very few during the LBJ administration. Section 903 of title 11 of the District of Co- John McCarter brought this diverse thought would happen. But we Giants lumbia Code is amended by striking ‘‘fifty- always knew we could prevail; we just eight’’ and inserting ‘‘61’’. work experience to the not-for-profit museum he now leads. During his ten- couldn’t pick the circumstances. f ure at the Field Museum, John has cre- Mr. President, I will also be offering on behalf of myself, my colleague from PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINT- ated several new permanent and trav- New York, Senator CLINTON, and my MENT OF JOHN W. MCCARTER eling exhibits, including the ‘‘Evolving Plant’’ exhibit in March 2006, the ex- two colleagues from our neighboring Mr. SANDERS. I ask unanimous con- hibit of Sue, the T. rex, in 2000, and the State of New Jersey, in which the Gi- sent that the Rules Committee be dis- ‘‘Tutankhamen and the Golden Age of ants stadium is located, Mr. LAUTEN- charged from further consideration of the Pharaohs’’ exhibit in 2006. These BERG and Mr. MENENDEZ, this resolu- S.J. Res. 25 and the Senate proceed to exhibits drew huge crowds to the Field tion. its immediate consideration. Museum, expanding the reach of the The Big Blue, for the few of you who The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without museum’s rich cultural experiences to missed the game—I heard it had one of objection, it is so ordered. The clerk new and diverse audiences. John’s lead- the biggest TV ratings we have had in will report the joint resolution by title. ership has led to a new emphasis on de- a long time—the Big Blue defeated the The legislative clerk read as follows: veloping museum exhibits that tell sto- heavily favored New England Patriots A joint resolution (S.J. Res. 25) providing ries. This approach attracts more visi- in what will go down as not only one of for the appointment of John W. McCarter as tors and better educates those who are the greatest Super Bowl upsets in his- a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of drawn in. The museum has also formal- tory but one of the most exciting and the Smithsonian Institution. ized its educational role in the commu- closely contested games in all of sports There being no objection, the Senate nity, establishing partnerships with history. proceeded to consider the joint resolu- science teachers in the community and Today, I am wearing the red, white, tion. organizing activities for inner-city and blue. I usually enjoy wearing the Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, I schools. red, white, and blue because I love rise to support the appointment of It is my honor to support the ap- America, but today I am particularly John W. McCarter, Jr., to serve on the pointment of John McCarter. His ex- enjoying wearing those colors because I Smithsonian Institution’s Board of Re- tensive experience in the government, love the Giants. gents. private, and nonprofit sectors make Under enormous pressure, facing one The Board of Regents is vested with him a great addition to the Smithso- of the most talented, methodical teams authorities typically given to boards of nian Institution’s Board of Regents. ever assembled, the Giants came from trustees of not-for-profit and edu- Mr. SANDERS. I ask unanimous con- behind, battling back twice, to take cational institutions throughout the sent that the joint resolution be read that title. United States. The Board considers a three times, passed, and the motion to Since the beginning of the season, variety of issues related to the Smith- reconsider be laid on the table, with no the chattering class said the Patriots sonian Institution, including budgets, intervening action or debate, and any were an unstoppable force that would planning documents, proposed pro- statements be printed in the RECORD. march untouched to a comfortable, VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:21 Feb 05, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G04FE6.070 S04FEPT1 smartinez on PRODPC61 with SENATE S610 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 4, 2008 some even said ‘‘large,’’ Super Bowl league, Senator CLINTON, who, of the shadow and take his place along- victory, with the Giants a mere after- course, is on the campaign trail today. side his brother’s great play. thought, a stepping stone on their road But I know she was thrilled about the David Tyree, a New Jersey native, to greatness. victory, as were my colleagues from scored the first touchdown and had an Well, the Giants proved them wrong New Jersey, Senators LAUTENBERG and incredible catch with barely a minute again and today we are world cham- MENENDEZ. left in play, falling back and pinning pions. Now, I have been a Giant fan Mr. LAUTENBERG. Madam Presi- the ball tight against his helmet as he since I was 5 years old. I remember dent, I thank the Senator from Ari- fell to the ground. He was holding onto ‘‘Chuckin’’ Charlie Connerly and Sam zona, Mr. KYL, for his statement about that ball, and nothing could pull it Huff and Frank Gifford and Alex Web- the Super Bowl game that was played from his arms. ster. Back then the two most impor- yesterday, and his congratulations to Plaxico Burress caught the game- tant Roosevelts to me were Brown and the Giants.
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