Technological University Dublin ARROW@TU Dublin Journals and Periodicals Irish Tourism Archive 1935 Irish Travel, Vol. 11 (1935-36) Irish Tourist Association Follow this and additional works at: https://arrow.tudublin.ie/irtourjap Part of the Cultural History Commons, European History Commons, Geography Commons, Tourism Commons, and the Tourism and Travel Commons Recommended Citation Irish Tourist Association, "Irish Travel, Vol. 11 (1935-36)" (1935). Journals and Periodicals. 14. https://arrow.tudublin.ie/irtourjap/14 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Irish Tourism Archive at ARROW@TU Dublin. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journals and Periodicals by an authorized administrator of ARROW@TU Dublin. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE -IRISH IRISH TOURIST ASSOCIATION TRAVEL OCTOBER, 1935. No. 1. PRICE THREEPENCE I RI 5 H T RA [. EL OctobeT, 1935 SEVEN ROUTES TO IRELAND Leave Paddington ·5·55 p.m. FISHGUARD to CORK-Direct Every Tues.. Thurs. and Sal. DU BllN Leave Euaton -6-5 p.m. Sail 10.15 p..... LIVERPOOL to Nightly (Sundays neepted). BELFAST Leave Euaton -6·5 p.m. Sail 10.15 p.m. LIVERPOOL to Nightly (Sundays excepted). ARDROSSAN to BELFAST Exprell Night Mail s.,tvfce. Leave Glasgow (Central) 10·30 p.m.§ GLASGOW to BELFAST-Direct SailErom Glaallow g.Op.m·t Nil:htly (Sundays eaeepled). GLASGOW to DUBLIN via Gr••nock. Every Mond.,. W.dnesday, Friday and Saturday. GLASGOW to DERRY vi. Greenock. Daily neept Tuesda,. Tburs- day and Sunday. • Restaurant Boat Eapr.sL § Saturday. and Sunday. ueepted. t Saturday. 10·45 p..... BANK OF IRELAND ARDEX LOVERS ESTABLISHED 1783. Donegal G yisiting Ireland Handwoven FACILITIES should make a Tweeds and point of eeing Li sadell Handknitted FOR Stockings, Gardens w here a yery Jumpers, etc., TRAVELLERS large collection of Alpines also fine and other Hardy Plants Handmade Lingerie and can be seen growing in Hand­ Rock Gardens, :Jloraines, embroidered Goods, Retaining \'lalls, etc. always in SEEDS A SPECIALITY. stock. ~ LISSADEI,L IS SITCATED HEAD OFFICE, COLLEGE GREEN, DUBLIN AND ATIOCT FOUR :IIILF.S BRANCHES AT WEST OF THE SLIGO­ BELFAST, CORK, DERRY Bl'j,'DORAX ROAD. AND 100 TOWNS THROUGHOUT IRELAND, ALSO AT MANAG ER, LISSADELL, COBH (QUEENSTOWN) & GALWAY (DOCKS). EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE SLIGO BUSINESS TRANSACTED ON ARRIVAL OF ALL LINERS BY DAY OR NIG/-.T IRISH FREE STATE SUBSCRIPTION Wholesale from the 5/- PER ANNUM. I rish Tourist Associa­ Post Free. tion and from Eason & Son, Ltd. COPIES FREE TO ALL MEMBERS Retail from all OF THE Newsagents and ASSOCIATION AND InlSH from the Irish OF ITS ASSOCIATE Tourist Association. DEPARTMENT. TRAVEL Price -• 3d. OHll,lAl ORGAN OF THE IRISH TOURIST ASSOCIATION. DUBlIl1 VOL. XI. OCTOBER, 1935. No. I. Roundabout THE SPIRIT OF IRELAND abo .lust finished a three-act play on Sarsfleld II'hich •• v\'~e have just received from the ]llth­ I"ill soon he seen in London. lishers--:'Iessrs. Batsford, Ltd., London-u copy of "The Spirit of Ireland," \\"ritten by that \\'ell­ knoll'll Irish author, Lynn Doyle. It is a beautifully • • • produced and superbly illustrated book, containing PICTURESQUE •• Probably the most picturesque maga­ I ~8 pages of text and ]38 excell~nt pictures of Irish zinc ~irticle on Ireland published in recent times is life and landscape, together Idth three-colour n:pro­ that \\Titten by Alain Serdac in a summer number ductions from Paul Henry and Humbert Craig and of the French monthIy motor nell's-" Automobilia." pen dra\\'ings by Brian Cook. \Ve hope to publish :\I. Serclac, \\"ho visited the. outh of Ireland in 193<1, a revie\\' in the next issue of IRISH TRAVEl,. gives in this essay, which he ca]]s, simply, "En Irc1ande," a fu]] and very graphic account of • • • ~Iunster. The feature occupies three large pages anLl NOVEL OF PATRICK SARSFIELD is artistical1y set off by live excel1ent i]]ustrations. •• all page () of this number of IRISJI Perhaps we sha]] quote from it in a future issue of l'R,IVEl. l\Iiss Marjorie BO\\'(:1l (in private life, 1\1r:>. IRISH TR,WEl,. Arthur tong) gives her impressions of Ireland which she recently visited. These impressions were broad­ • • • cast from the R.B.C. Station last August. 1\1iss DO YOU REMEMBER? Bowen, \\'ho is the author of several historical novels •• The 1\1emory Test set to readers in both under her maiden the August issue of name and under the IRISH TRAVEL evoked name of George Preedy, ansll'ers from all quar- has completed tll'O his- ters. Particularly good torical novels dealing P.IGF. entries came from List of Irish Hunts, l\lastcI'';, Secretaric,;, \\'ith Irish history­ America (Joseph 10r­ F~s, etc. 2 'f Brave Employments," roll', New York), France which has Patrick Sars­ (j Ireland. By ,\lllrjoric !lOi.l'CII (R. Gerber, Rue Valette, field for its hero, and The Pony Show at Carna. By Seall 1\1'1111)' Paris), and Germany "Dark Rosaleen," which Palthoating- in lrc1an(1. 8y .11 Ice El/is (H. Fuchs, Gera), all covers the troublous Kerry. lly F. Ca/Ill times of Lord Edward of II'ho111 win prizes. Fitzgerald. She hopes Result,; o[ Our .\1cmory Test Competition Turn to page 16 for a to make a trilogy of Notes and ... -c\\,,; ... l!l full report. Irish heroes, but has Directory of Hotels, etc., dC'. not yet decided who the third will be. She has ... A I RI SH TRAVEL October, 1936 LIST OF Irish Hunts, Masters, Secretaries, Fees, etc. FOXHOUNDS Xame of Hunt ana Couples Convenient Towns Hunting Maslers Secretaries Subscription and Special Fees for KeullelE: -. Where Hunler~ of Hounds Days Cap Charges Temporary \'isitors can be hired ---------------------1------1------1------1------1------- BaUYlI.'acad (22) OIJcastle, Castle­ Tues. T. Martin A. Hone, Esq., Bally­ Minimum sub., £5; By arrangement ... GrCUllan, Dromore, Wrile Hon. Sec pollard. Fri. Esq. macad, OldcasUe, cap, 25. 6<1. Oldcaslle, Co. Co. Meath. Meath. Bree (20) Enniscorthy Mon. R. A. Dier, ~:[r. J. 1\lernagh, Sub. £2. 25. 6d. cap. Coolbawu. Apply Hou. Sec. Thurs. Esq. lJavidstown, Enniscorthy. Carlow (35) Carlow, Tullow, Tues. Mrs. W. Hall O. H. Euslaee-Duck­ £ IU ulio. Ss. cap.... By arrangement with Moy]c, Carlow. Apply Hou. Sec Bagcnatstowu. Sat. and elt, Esq., CasUe­ Hon. Sec. Tel.-Carlow 17 bye days more TuIJow. Carbery (25) BandoD, Clonakilty, Thurs. P. J. O'Driscol1. C.O'Driscoll, £5. 2s. 6d. cap. Old Barracks, Apply HOIl. Sec. KinsaJe. SUIl. M.R.C.V.S., Bandon Bandon. CooUattin (2-) Shillelagh, Carnew Mon. D. H. Doyuc, Capt. T. H. Wood­ £l() 10s. sub.; 105. Apply lIou. Sce. .. Coollalliu, Co. Apply Hon. Sce. Fri. Esq. house, Carnew Castl< cap. Wicklow. Duhallow (42) .. Mallow, Buttevant, Tu., 'rh., A Commillee Mr. G. Sharp-Bolsler, £15. £1 cap. £ I cap per day B1ackrock, Mallow, -- CharleviJle. Sat. Glenlohane. Kan­ Co. Cork. lurk. Ea3t Galway (25) Ballinasloe, 2 per J. A. B. Treuch. ]. A. Lcwis, Dcrra· £10. 2s. 6d. cap. Apply lIon. Sec. .. I,ismany, BaUina· Several 11 i r i n g Banagher, Port­ week. hiney, BaHycrissanc, Slrangers, £ 1. sloe. stables in distrkL umua. Balliuasloe. Galway CD. (The Galway, Athenry, Mon. Mr. BOWl"S Daly" A. D. Comyn, Esq., Miu., £10; 25. 6d. £1 cap per day Craug:hwcll, Co. n. Poller, F,sq.. Blazers) (45) Loughn--a, Tuam Wed. D. Brownc, Esq. Loughrea. cap. Visitors ou members' Galway. Craughwcll, Co. Thurs. and lhe Marquis horses, 2s. 6d. cap. Galway. of Sligo. Island (38) G 0 re)', Ennis· Mon. Col. Hudson­ W. Ldt, F,sq., Clone, Sub. £5. 25. 6d. mp. 10s. cap per day ... Rockmount. Ferns, Apply HOIl. Sce. earthy, Ferns. Wed. Kinahan, C.B.E. Ferns, Co. \Vcxford. Co. Wexford. Fri. Kildare (45) Dublin, ~aas, May­ Tues. .\ Commillee. Cap\. A. W. lligl'(in­ £10 10s. per day a £1 per day Jigginslown, Naas Apply Hon. Sce. nooth, Ki1cock. Thurs. son, R.N., The week. Ss. cap. ... Sat. Bungalow. Naas. Kilkenny (50) ... Kilkenny, Thomas- 1\lou. 111 a j 0 r McCaI­ J. McClinlock, Esq., £IU a horse; £1 per Maller of arrange­ Mouul Juliet, James IIlcClinlock lown, Walerford. Wed. mon t, M.C., Portlaw, Co. \Vater· day... ... ment with the Hunt Thomastowu. Esq., Portlaw, Co. Fri. Mount Juliet, ford. Secretary. Walerford. Thos. Sat. ThomastowD, Butler, Esq., Kil­ Co. Kilkenny. kenny. Kilkenny (North) Kilkenny, Fr~h· Tues. Geo. Angel, Esq. R. Ca hill, Esq., £5 a horse. Cap. 10s. per day. Ballyraggel, T. Buller and R. (30) ... ... ford, Ballyraggel. Fri. Ballyconra House. 25. 6<1. Co. Carlow. CamJin, Kilkenny, Ballyragget. J. McCliulock, PorUaw. Limerick Co. (50) l .. hlcrick, Croom, Mon. I,ady Holen Edward Leaby, Esq., Sub. £15. 55. cap. Apply Hon. Sec.... Clonshire, Adarc J. P. Hogan, Bruff, Adore, Ralh­ Thurs. McCalmollland County Club, J. Murphy and P. keale. Sat. aud Mr. Alexauder. L i mer i ck. Power Ra t h· bye-days keale, and others i n Adare and Ralhkeale. Louth (25) Dundalk, Wed. Capt. R. A. B. Major E. Shirley, £10. 25. 6d. cap.... £1 per day I,isr~nny. Ardee Drogheda. Sat. Filgale. Lough Fea, Car­ rick:macross. Meath (50) Dublin, Navan, Mon. Mrs. A. H. Col. A. Currell­ £15 per day in weck £1 per day NugcntstowD, Apply lIou. Sce. Duoshaughlin, TUC5. Connell all d K n 0 c k m ark, hunled throughout Kells, Co. Mealh. Kells. Thur. Major Shirley Drumree season. Fie I d Fri. money 25. 6d. Cap of £1 from non­ subscribers. Muskerry (25) ... Cork, Macroom ... Wed. Capt. A. H.
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