United Nations 90th GENERAL PLENARY MEETING ASSEMBLY Friday, 3 December 1982, THIRTY-SEVENTH SESSION at 11./0 a.m. Official Records NEW YORK President: Mr. Imre HOLLAI (Hungary). AGENDA ITEM 78 World social situation: reports of the Secretary-General AGENDA ITEM 75 AGENDA ITEM 91 Adverse consequences for the enjoyment ofbuman rights of political, military, economic and forms of United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Develop- assistance given to colonial and racist regimes 2.11 south- ment and Peace: ern Africa (a) Implementation 6f the Programme of Action for the Second Half of the United Nations Decade for AGENDA ITEM 76 Women: report of the Secretary-General; (b) Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for of the Programme for the Incade for Women: report of the Secretary-General; Action to Combat Racism and Racial Di§crimination: (c) Draft Declaration on the Participation of Women in report of the Sec!'etary-General the Struggle for the Strengthening of International Peace and for the Solution of Other Vital National AGENDA ITEM 19 and International Problems: report ofthe Secretary- General of the universal of the (jght of peoples to self-deiermination and of the speedy AGENDA ITEM 92 granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of Status of the Conventinn on the Elimination of All buman rights: report of the Secretary-General Forms of Discrimination against Women: report of the Secret&ry-G-eneral AGENDA ITEM 80 1. Mr. BORCHARD Republic ofGermany), Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination: Rapporteur ofthe Third Committee: I have. the honour (a) Report ofthe Committee on the Elimination ofRacial to introduce the reports of the Thirtl Committee on Discrimination; agenda items 75, 76, 79, 80, 77,81,82 and 83, 89, 78, (b) Status of the International Convention on the 91 and 92, contained in documents A/31/579, A/37/595, Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination: A/37/580, A/37/581, A/37/629, A/37/630, 1\/37/631, report ot' the Secretary-General; A/37/632, A/37/640, A/37/676 and A/37/677, respec- (c) Status of the international Conve1Jtion on the tively. Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of 2. In paragraph 9 of its report on agenda item 75 Apartheid: report of the Secretary-General [A/37/579], the Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of a draft resolution which it AGENDA ITEM 77 adopted by 113 votes to 10, with 15 abstentions. International YoutH Year: Participation, Development, 3. In paragraph 13 of its report on agenda item 76 Peace: report of the Secretary-General [A/37/595] , the Committee recommends to the As- sembly the adoption of two draft resolutions. Draft AGENDA ITEM 81 resolution I was adopted by 113 votes to 19, with '. 5 abstentions, and draft resolution Ilby 124 votes to 2. Policie§ and programmes relating to youth: report of the Secretary-General 4. In paragraph 9 of its report on agenda item 79 [A/37/580] , the Committee recommends to the As- AGENDA ITEMS 82 AND 83 sembly the adoption of two draft resolutions. Draft resolution I was adopted without a vote, and draft Question of the and the aged: reports of the resolution 11 was adopted by 110 votes to 17, with Secretary-General 7 abstentions. 5. In paragraph 18 of its report on agenda item 80 World Assembly on Aging [A/37/581], the Committee recommends to the Assem- bly the adoption of four draft resolutions. Draft AGENDA ITEM 89 resolutions I and 11 were adopted without a vote; resolution III was adopted by a recorded vote of World Programme of Action concerning Disabled 123 to 2, with 13 abstentions, and draft resolution IV Persons: report of the Secretary-General by a recordedl vote of 112 to 1, with 22 abstentions. 1489 A/37/PV.90 \ . , ... .. .. ., • .. I •• ....,... I' .. . .. .' , .' f " ".. , . e. .. • , ., t u. .' J :.' • '. " , W ... , . ... ".;..'" ,.'JJ' .•• ,. 1490 General Assembly-Thlrty..seventh Session-Plenary Meetings o. In paragraph 17 of its report on agenda item 77 fundamental human rights which are infringed by [A/37/629], the Committee recommends to the Assem- discrimination against human beings for any reason. bly the adoption oftwo draft resolutions. Draft resolu- 18. However, we wish to place on record our reserva- tion I was adopted by a recorded vote of 133 to I, tions to those paragraphs in which reference is made and draft resolution 11 was adopted without a vote. specifically to certain States, since that detracts from 7. In paragraph 7 of its report on agenda item 81 the objectivity of the draft resolution. [A/37/630], the Committee recommends to the Assem- 19. The PRESIDENT: The Assembly will now bly the adoption ofa draft resolution which it adopted proceed to take a decision on the draft resolution without a vote. recommended by the Third Comm;ttee in paragraph 9 8. In paragraph II of its report on agenda items 82 of its report on item 75 [A/37/579]. A recorded vote and 83 [A/37/631], the Committee recommends to the has been requested. Assembly the adoption of a draft resolution which A recorded ,'ote WllS takell. it adopted by a recorded vote of 12! to I, with 7 ab- stentions. In fin'olll': Albania, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, 9. In paragraph 14 of its report on agenda item 89 Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, [A/37/632], the Committee recommends to the As- Brazil, Bulgaria, Burma, Burundi, Byelorussian sembly the adoption of two draft resolutions which it Soviet Socialist Republic, Cape Verde, Central African adopted without a vote. Republic, Chad, Chile, China, CoJomt,ia, Comoros, 10. In paragraph 12 of its report on agenda item 78 Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Demo- [A/37/640] , the Committee recommends to the As- cratic Kampuchea, Democratic Yemen, Djibouti, sembly the adoption of two draft resolutions which it Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, adopted without a vote. Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, German 11. In paragraph 31 of its report on agenda item 91 Democrat.ic Republic, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, [A/37;676] , the Committee recommends to the As- Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Hungary, India, Indo- sembly the adoption of eight draft resolutions which nesia, Iran (Islamic Republic 00, Iraq, Jamaica, it adopted without a Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libyan Arab 12. In paragraph 8 of its report on agenda item 92 Jamahiriya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, [A/37/677] , the Committee recommends to the As- Malta, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Mongolia, sembly the adoption of a draft resolution which it Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, adopted without a vote. Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New 13. I commend the recommendations of the Third Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Committee to the General Assembly. Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Samoa, Sao Tome and Prin- cipe, Saudi, Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singa- Pill'Slll",t to rllle 66 of the rllles of procedure, it pore, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, was decided not to disC:llss the reports of the Third Surimime, Swaziland, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Committee. Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, 14. The PRESIDENT: Statements will be limited to Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet explanations of vote. The positions of delegations Socialist Republics, United Arab llnited regarding the various of the Third Republic of Tanzania, Upper Volta, Uruguay, Va- Committee have been made clear in the Committee nuatu, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Yemen, Yugoslavia, and are reflected in the relevant summary records. Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe. I would remind members that., in paragraph 7 of its Against: Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, decision 34/401, the General Assembly decided Federal Republic of, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Neth- when the same draft resolution is considered in a Main erlands, United Kingdom of Great Britain and North- Committee and in plenary meeting, a delegation should, ern Ireland, United States of America. as far as possible, explain its vote only once, i.e., Abstaining: Australia, Austria, Denmark, Finland, either in the Committee or in plenary meeting, unless Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Ivory Coast, Japan, New that delegation's vote in plenary meeting is, different Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden. from its vote in the Committee. I also remind mem- bers that, in accordance with decision 34/401, explana- The draft resolution was adopted by 121 to 10, tions of vote are limited to 10 minutes and should be with /4 abstentions (resolution 37/39). I made by delegations from their seats. 20. The PRESIDENT: The Assembly will now con- sider the report of the Third Committee on agenda 15. We shall first take up the report of the Third item 76 [A/37/595]. ' Committee on agenda item 75 [A/37/579]. 21. I call oil the representative of the Dominican 16. I ca,1I on the representative of the Dominican Republic, who wishes to explain her vote before the Republic, who wishes to explain he' vote before the voting. voting. 22. Mrs. TAVARES de ALVAREZ (Dominican 17. Mrs. TAVARES de ALVAREZ (Dominican Republic) (intelpretation from Spanish): My delega- Republic)(intelpretationfrom Spanish}:.,My delegation tion will vote in favour of draft resolution I, on the wm vote in favour of this draft resolution because implementation of the Programme for the Decade for we have always condemned arid deplored the situa- Action to Combat. Racism and Racial Discrimination, tion prevailing in southern Africa relating to the prac- because we have a'ways deplored and condemned the tice of apartheid, which is a ijagran(i violation of practice apartheid and racjal discrimination.
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