0LDVOL. SERIES,L } BULLETIN OF THECONTINUATION NUTTALL ORNITHOLOGICALOFTHE CLUB { NEWVOL. XLIISERIES The Auk • •u•rterlp •Iourn•l of ©rnitl•ologp EDITOR WITMER STONE VOLUME XLII PUBLISHED BY The American Ornithologists' Union LANCASTER, PA. 1925 Entered as second-classmail matter in the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa. OFFICERS OF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION PAST AND PRESENT. PRESIDENTS. *J. A. ALLEN, 1883-1890. CHAS. F. BATCHELDER,1905--1908. *D. G. ELLIOT, 1890-1892. E. W. NELSON,1908--1911. *ELLIOTTCOUES, 1892-1895. FRANK M. CHAPMAN,1911--1914. *WILLIAM BREWSTER,1895--1898. A. K. FISHER, 1914--1917. ROBERTRIDGWAY, 1898--1900. *JOHN H. SAGE,1917--1920. C. I•RT MERmAM, 1900--1903. WITMER STONE,1920--1923. *CHAs. B. CORY, 1903-1905. JONATHANDWIGHT, 1923-- VICE-PRESIDENTS. *ELLIOTTCOUES, 1883-1890. CHAS.F. BATCHELDER,1900-1905. 1883-1891;E. W. NELSON,1903-1908. ROBERTRIDGWAY, [1895--1898. FRANK M. CHAPMAN,1905-1911. *WILLIAM BREWSTER,1890--1895. A. K. FISHER, 1908--1914. f1891--1894; WITMER STONE, 1914--1920. tI.W. HENSHAW, •1911--1918. GEORGE BIRD GRINNELL,1918--1923 C. Hart MERRIAM, 1894--1900. JONATHANDWIGHT, 1920--1923 *CHAs. B. CORY, 1898-1903. ALEXANDERWETMORE, 1923-- JOSEPHGRINNELL, 1923- SECRETARIES. C. HART MERRIAM,1883--1889. *JOHNtI. SAGE,1889--1917. T. S. PALMER,1917-- TREASURERS. C. HART MERRIAM,1883--1885. *WILLIAM DUTCHER,1887--1903. *CHAs.B. CORY,1885-1887. JONATHANDWIGHT, 1903-1920. W. L. McATEE, 1920- * Deceased. MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL. *J. A. ALLEN,1883-1921 CHAS.F. BATCHELDER,1891- *S. F. BAIRD,1883-1887. FRANKM. CHAPMAN,1894-- *WILLIAM BREWSTER,1883-1919. *CHARLESE. BENDIaE,1895--1897 *Mo•rAGVE CHAMBERLAIN,1883--1888. A. K. FISHER, 1895- *ELLIOTTCOUES, 1883-1899. JONATHANDWIGHT, 1896- 1883-1894; RUTHVEN DEANE, 1897-- H.W. HENSHAW, [1911--1918. WITMER STONE,1898- *GEORGEN. LAWRENCE,1883--1890. THOMASS. ROBERTS,1899-- C. HART MERRIAM,1883- ]•. W. NELSON,1900- ROBERTRIDGWAY, 1883-- C. W. RICHMOND,1903- 1885--1895; F. A. LUCAS,1905-1921 *CHAs.B.CORY, [1896-1921 W. H. OSGOOD,1911-1918, 1920- *WILLIAMDUTCHER, 1887--192Q. JOSEPHGRINNELL, 1914-- *D. G. ELLXOT,1887--1915. T. S. PALMER,1917-- 1887--1895;I-IARR¾ C. 0BERHOLSER,1918- LEOXaARDSTEJNEGER, [1896--1899. GEO. BIRD GRINWELL,1918--1923 *THOMASMCILWRAITH, 1888-1889. AR?H•ZRC. BEN?, 1921- *JOHNH. SAGE,1889-1925 ALEXANDERWE?MORE, 1923- *N. S. Goss, 1890-1891. JAMESH. FLEMING, 1923-- Officers are ex-officio members of the Council during their terms of office and ex-presidentsare members for life. Ex-officio members are included in the above. * Deceased. Electionshave been in November exceptin 1883 and 1884 (September) 1887, 1922 and 1923 (October), 1907 and 1909 (December),1914 (April) and 1915 (May). CONTENTS OF VOLUME XLII. NUMBER 1. PAGE WALTERBRADFORD BARROWS. By A. K. Fisher. (Plate I.) 1 GROWTH DEVELOPMENT AND REACTIONS OF YOUNG GREAT HORNED OWLS. By BessieP. Reed. (Plates II-IV.) ....... 14 NOTES ON Two GROUND-NESTINGBIRDS OF PREY. By Chas. A. Urner. (Plates V-VI.) .............. 31 THE SECONDARY REMIGES AND COVERTS IN THE MANDARIN AND WOOD DucKs. By W. De W. Miller .......... 41 NOTES ON THE BIRD LIFE OF NORTH DAKOTA WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THE SUMMER WATERFOWL. By Frederick C. I•ncoln .................... 50 SOMESUMMER BIRDS OF LAKE OWEN, BAYFIELD COUNTY, W. ISCONSIN. By A. W. Schorger................ 64 NOTESON BIRDS OF THE LABRADORPENINSULA IN 1923. By Harrison F. Lewis. (Plate VII.) .............. 74 OBSERVATIONSAND BANDING NOTES ON THE BANK SWALLOW. By Dayton Stoner. (Plate VIII.) ............ 86 SUCGESTEDORNITHOLOGICAL WORK FORBIRD BINDERS. By Alfred O. Gross ................... 95 THE FORTY-SECOND STATED MEETING OF THE AMERICAN ORNI- THOLOGISTS'Ulx.•ION. By T. S. Palmer ......... 105 REPORTOF THE SECRETARY. By T. S. Palmer ........ 116 NOTES ON THE TAXONOMYOF ARDEA CANADENSISLINNE. By James L. Peters ................... 120 GENERAL NOTES. Sea-birds at Cape Lookout, North Carolina, 123• The Brown Pelican (Pelecanusocc•dentalis) in Ontario, 124; Abundanceof the Laughing Gull (Lar•s atricilla) about New York, 125; Black Skimmer (Rynchops nigra) at Long Island, 125; The Black Skimmer (Rynchopsnigra) at Ipswich, Massachusetts,125; Black Skimmerand Golden Plover in Bronx County, 125; Wilson's Phalarope (Steganopustricolor) in Bronx County, 126; A Remarkable Flight of Sanderlings,126; King Rail Nesting on Long Island, N.Y., 127; Nesting of Great Blue Heron in Boothbay, Maine, 128; Little Blue Heron in Massachusetts, 128; American Egret (Casmerodiusegretta) and Little Blue Heron (Florida caerulea)in Brooke Co., W. Va., 129; Correction, 129; Late Nesting of the Scaled Quail (Callipeplasquamata squamata), 129; Another Record of the Ruddy Quail-Dove at Key West, 130; Black Vulture at Grand Manan, New Brunswick,and Ipswich, Mass., 130; Swallow-tailed Kite in Southern Michigan, 130; Goshawksin North- iv Contentsof Volume XLII. ern New Jersey, 131; The Barn Owl (Tyro pratincola)in Schenectady County, N.Y., 131; Barn Owl Breeding at Madison, Wis., 131; Richardson's Owl at Grand Manan, New Brunswick, 131; An Or- nithologicalEnigma, 132; Noteson the NestingHabits of the Northern Pileated Woodpecker, 132; Habits of the Flicker, 134; Will the Starling Learn to Migrate in this Country? 134; Bobolink in Colorado, 135; Domestic Affairs of Spizella p. passerina, 136; Violet-green Swallow in Illinois, 137; Prothonotary Warbler in Erie Co., N.Y., 138; Nesting of the Prothonotary Warbler in Northern New Jersey, 138; Prothonotary Warbler in So. New Jersey in Summer, 139; Pro- thonotary Warbler Feeding Young of Another Species,140; Con- necticut Warbler in Spring Migration in Central New York, 140; Mockingbird in Central New York, 140; Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottospolyglottos) Nesting in Cohasset, Mass., 141; Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and Carolina Wren in Minneapolis, 142; Notes on the Water Ouzel (Cinclus mexicanus)in the Mountains of Colorado, 142; Ruby-crowned Kinglet in Summer in the Adirondack Mts., 144; Robin Feeds Young House Finch, 144; Michigan Notes, 144; Notes from Luce County, Mich., 145; Further Notes on North Dakota Birds, 145; Notes from Manitoba, 146; Early Shooting and Some Late BreedingRecords for Alabama, 147. RECENT LITERATURE. Cory's 'Birds of the Americas,' 148; Kirke Swann's 'Monograph of the Birds of Prey,' 149; Abel Chapman's'The Bordersand Beyond,' 151; Heim'oths' 'Birds of Middle Europe,' 152; Recent Publications of the U.S. Biological Survey, 153; Chapin on the Weaver-Finches of the Genus Pyrenestes, 154; Riley on Celebes Birds, 154; Chapman on New Neotropical Birds, 155; Hellmayr on the Birds of 'Silla de Caracas,' 156; Recent Papers by Griscom and Dwight, 156; Pearson's 'Herons of the United States,' 157; Grinnell's 'Bibliography of Cali- fornia Ornithology,' 157; Mathews' 'The Birds oœAustralia,' 158; Life a•d Bibliographyof Salvadori, 158; Murphy ox•the Cormorants of Peru, 158; The Nuttall Club's AnniversaryPublication, 159; Note on the Crested Mynah, 159; Introduction upon Introduction, 160; The OrnithologicalJournals, 161; OrnithologicalArticles in Other Journals, 168. CORRESPONDENCE. Bird Banding Traps, 171; The Bean Goosein North America, 173. NOTES AND NEWS. Obituary: Adolph Herluf Winge, 174;William Daly Hobson,175; Personal Mention: J.P. Chapin and H. Lang, 175; Dawson's 'Birds of the World,' 175; Arnold's 'British Waders,' 175; International Congress on Bird Protection,175; Meeting of the Wilson OrnithologicalClub, 175; Meeting of the R. A. O. U., 175;Perso:aal Mention: R. C. Murphy, 176; Bird Refuge and Public Shooting Ground Bill, 176. Contentsof Vol•me XLII. NUMBER II. PAGE OBSERVATIONSONTHE DOMESTIC BEHAVIOUR OF THE BARN OWL (Tyro pratincola). By Julian K. Potterand John A. Gillespie. (Plates IX-X) .................... 177 THE RELATIONSHIPS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE WARBLERS OF THE GENUS COMPSOTHIJYPIS: A CONTRIBUTION TO THE STUDY OF THE ORIGINOF ANDEANBIRD LIFE. By Frank M. Chapman. 193 A GRArHICMETHOD or RECORDINGFLIGHT. By Earl L. Poole. 209 BIRDS'NESTS AT HOME. By E. A. Andrews......... 217 OBSERVATIONSONTHE SrOTTED SANDrIrER. By A. J. Van Rossem..230 AN OUTLINE or THE PRINCIrLES or THE NATUraL SELECTIVE ABSORr- TION or RADIANT ENERGY. By B. W. Cartwright and C. G. Hartold ..................... 233 THE ORNITHOLOGICALCOLLECTION OF THE BERLIN MUSEUM. By T. G. Ahrens .................. 241 BIRD NETTINGAS A METHODIN ORNITHOLOGY.By JosephGrinnell. 245 THE HISTORY AND CHARACTERSOF VERMIVORACRISSALIS (SALvIBI ANDGODMaN). By OutramBangs ............ 251 A NEW RACE or SICALIS rLAVEOLA fROM SOUTHEASTERN BraZIL. By W. DeW. Miller ................. 253 THE EVENING GROSBEAK(HESPERIPHONA), THE ONLY AMERICAN GENUSOr A PALAEARCTICGROUt. By Prof. Peter P. Bushkin. 256 GENERAL NOTES. Notes on the Black Skimmer in Maine, 261; Wilson's Petrel in Maryland, 262; White Pelicanat Lawrenceville,Ill., 263; Noteson TexasDucks, 263; European Widgeon (Marecapenelope) at Niagara Falls, N.Y., 263; King Eider in North Carolina, 264; Blue Goose(Chen caerulescens) at Sea-breeze,Fla., 264; Blue Goose (Chen caerulescens),in Maine, 265; A Pink-looted Goose taken in Massachusetts, 265; The Brant (Branta bernicla glaucogastra)at Charleston, S.C., 265; King Rail Wintering on Long Island, 266; Type Locality of Ardea herodias wardi Ridgway: A Correction, 266; Purple Sandpiperat Cape May, N.J., 267; Wfison'sPhalarope in Bronx Park, New York, 267; Notes on the Mating Habits of the SparrowHawk, 268; Habits of the Marsh Hawk, 269; Tyto pratincolain NortheasternIllinois, 269; Northern Pileated Woodpecker in Clayton Co., Iowa, 269; The Nighthawk in Alaska, 270; Another
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