so - M A N C H E S T E R H E R A L D . T u e s d a y . A p ril 19, 1988 2 - N MS — IS HOMES I ^ H O M E S UDIFOR SALE HO FOR SALE CARS I Merchandise FOR SALE SOU^HkRN New Eng- WILLINGTON. 7 room ITED land classifleld ads Raised Ranch on 1.4 $6a3 billion reach nearly 800,000 1979 BUICK Le Sabre. Acre. 2 car garage. 3 Excellent condition. 0 .5 % jump homes In Connecticut bedrooms, 1'/i baths, FURNITURE Loaded. 60,000 miles. Ian fo r and Rhode Island. The Fleldstone fireplace In m fic prac- price fo r a basic 25 $4500 or best offer. Budget on the way rea. Full living room. $169,900. 647-8351. t Boston’s Clemens isn’t bothered Increase in prices w ord ad Is only $55 and C all 429-1213. ' QUEENSIZE Waterbed nee ne- (21 IsTlSpoFHie/ MISCELLANEOUS complete. Dark pine. 4 SU B A R U 1 ^ G L W agon, will appear In 43 news­ MANCHESTER. Raised LAWN CARE REMODELING |2 i| MOING to O ’N e lirS vd e s k /4 Ab c e lle n t papers. For more In­ m m SERVICES drawer base, amtchlng 5 speed, excellent con­ IStelililiH by the Oy^ Young Award jinx / 1 8 biggest in a year / l O and be- Ranch, 4 bedrooms, 1 '/a nlghtstand and chest of dition. $7500 or best formation call Classi­ baths, fireplace, above lo ; p ox Lami Mewliiii S M Hr im ODD lobs. Trucking. drawers. $500 or best offer. 742-6561. lanches- fied , 643-2711 and ask ground pool. Conve­ p r e s t ig e ROOnNG for detalls.n Edgliii. Nadfe TrhRMlni. Improvimintt A Rtpair Home repairs. Y p u offer. Coll after 4pm. SIESTA 1980- Needs a Schi niently located near Rooflng of all lypoa. SMnglaa, 568-1903. MANCHESTER. Lovely 3 schools, shopping. Trw klni. ate. Complota, homa oara. name It, we do It. Free little work. $200 or best b e d ro o m C a p e , 1'/> •ProftMlomlly Equipped flat roofing, roof lopalrt. estimates. Insured. 643- offer. Coll otter 5:00. Reg $219,900. Call 643-9095 or "No Job Too Snwir *11 work guvnteed. MOVING- Living room baths, dining room, 649-2276. • DppemtaM* Fm EitlmitN 0304.___________________ set and fireside chairs. 649-4615. is b eii garage. In-ground Call r e t i r e m e n t L lv ln g - Excellent condition. re m a i pool, beautiful neigh­ MANCHESTER. Immac­ Ray Hardy. 8 4 6 > 7 0 7 3 ulate and spacious U 8, 648<1143 . 742-7831 Everythlng provided Coll 649-9334.__________ and 6. borhood! Sellers relo­ for your comfort even cating. $169,900. Cen­ R duality built 9 room MATCHING Couch and LIPM AN #1 Ranch. Many extras. FARRAND REMOOELINS nurilng service. Rotes love seat. Dark Green tury 21-Homeseekers LJSaSON reasonable. Coll 649- Asst R eolty 623-5044. Including 2 fireplaces, Loadtcapliit * Mowing Room addttlona, dooks, roofino. with floral design, also VOLKSWAGEN woodstove, custom tiding. windoiM and guNen. HAH ROOFING 2358. brown lounger chair. 6 n w a r d Si U pw ard 11 Yard doofi-ve, mendno, (nil Baekhot and buidotar tarvloa ftssMentlel roofing of ea lypee. •7 Bulok Bagal, Immsoulate A fr window treotments londKoot Mrvlct otrorod. Excellent condition. Losdsd, MSSao Growing out of your avallaMa. Call Bob Fanand, Jr. FREE ESTIMATES. HAWKES TREE SERVICE 649-3329 after 4pm. held I and beautifully manic­ Free Ettlmotos. 10% Senior CHIten Olseounl. ee Subaru QL 3 dr, Slivsr, S ap, starter home? This ured grounds with an Buokol, truck S obipper. Slump 4 WO, AC, AM-FM, *7208 Wome beautiful property can Bus. 647-8500 All WOik Quarsnised. Inground pool. Conve­ 6 4 5 * 6 4 1 2 (iM v* monoa*) ramoval. Free sstimatss. eavwQTiraeee lege. ’ solve th a t p ro b lem I R it. 845-0640 B0AT8/MARINE iJlanrljFatrr nient location for easy 647 -82 80 Spaoltl oonsidaratlen tor ae Trana Am, Blk, •11,903 regist Priced right at $209,900 commute. Must see to eusRiiow_____ m a m aldarly and hsndloapped. EQUIPMENT 83 Toy. Toreoi 2 dr, rod. •6198 features Include 3 bed­ appreciate! Don't ProfWslonal Lawn KITCHEN A BATH 86 (2) Tareola 4 dr, AT, •0993 rooms, 2 full baths, wait 18209,900. Klernan Mdntananea 6 4 7 * 7 5 5 3 15' Seastor, no seats. 98 Chav Covalter Typa 10, •3296 C atT family room with fire­ REMODELING 86 Cuttaaa Ctorrn bm. •TbbS Realty 649-1147.0 Cewipm t landMapIno dedgo. CaN 85HP Chrysler. $1500or Wednesday, April 20, 1988 place, stylish Euro­ for your iraa ■allmm. From the smallest repair to best otter. 649-2530. 84 Audi 4000, quarto. •9498 Manchester, Cenn. — A City D f Village Charm App pean fully appllanced MANCHESTER. Ideal lo­ the largest renovation, we m FL00R IN 6 94 Volvo DL 4 dr, bm. AT, •7899 30 C en ts Conne cation, next door to 6 4 5 -4 0 7 5 Pm w m m tg t) kitchen, formal dining wilt do a complete job. Start Tae SsR ScrssBBd Lsan 12' Aluminum boat and 94 VW OLI H im a vaila room , a ttic fan , a ttra c ­ everything, shopping, 4 8 7 -5 8 7 0 to finish. Free estimates. Any amount daHvtied. Alao. fill, trailer. Also,4HP Mer­ 93 VW Csmpar AT, *7906 tive landscaping, situ­ schools, public trans­ graval, atona and bark, muloh cury motor. Call offer 84 VW RabMt, 49K, •4296 A portation, recreation, EASTERN FLOORSANDING 3om 6 4 9 - ^ . _________ 92 Bulok Skylark, •3296 A ated In the Forest Hills Heritage KHchen A Bobeal, baokhoa $ loadar rantat W o r section of Manchester. plus an easy commute. LAWNCARE a Floors like now Don’t miss the many offer­ 76 BMW 3201, •4796 3 bedroom Cape, 1'/a ottering a Fuff Line ot Bath Center a Specializing In oktsr floors DAVIS CONSTMICnON Jackson 8, Jackson Lawnn S6 YYard SarWoaa■ ings In today's classified 24 ToHbmI Tapk, Rto. S3 M u l Real Estate, 647-8400.O baths, fireplaced living Come visit our showroom at: • Natural & atalnad floors columns. room, spacious eot-ln 182 W. Middle Tpke. a No waxing anymore 872-1400/659-9555 Vbihob, CT e 649-2638 Town offers to pay for sewer to mall S atu n MANCHESTER. One of kitchen and hardwood Futy kMund • Ftm I WIwm Manchester M ancI the best buys Is this • amlor CMnn DbeounM By Alex GIrel. floors, the perfect John VarfilR i - 846-5750 MIRRORS • MIRRORS M USICAL serve the Mall at Buckland Hills, propose it to the district, $ 120. 1 lovely 8 room Colonial M7-9910 Kandall Kayot 6 4 9 - 5 4 0 0 Brighton up your homa. and Andrew Yurkovsky ing that "the parties performing on the specifics of it, but he said. DiRosa who set up the caucus of blend of comfortable ITEM S is contained in letter from attor­ Walter Joyner, district presi­ situated on Tuck Road living and affordable RaaaofwUy prioad, Manchester Herald the construction would be reim­ "If the town wants to seek a Democratic directors to discuss rafaranoaa; Inaurad. ney Kevin O’Brien, who repres­ dent. said today he is unaware of here In Manchester, price I $149,900. K ler- GILBERT UW N [M l PAINTING/ IH E A T IN O / AMPEG Amplifier with ★ bursed their costs.” settlement, the proper vehicle the sewer problem. B a k i large 1st floor family • Ovor 20 yoora axpartonoa ents the town, to attorney John D, any proposal under which the IDES P non Reolty 649-1147.P SERVICE iO D I p a p e r in g PLUMRING 4-12" speakers. Excel­ Th e tow n of M a n c h e ste r ha.s The district directors had would be the liaison committee, The town has sued the district P room, enclosed son I LaBelle Jr., the district’s legal The MANCHESTER. Sentry Per AH Your IN ACCENT GLASS CO. lent condition, $300 town would pay the sewer cost. planned to install the sewer DiRosa and Longest. If anything over the sewer, seeking a declar­ 10 Good room, front to back must sacrifice. Coll offered to pay for the installation counsel. Joyner said he did know of a fundr: living room, 3 bed­ Real Estate Is proud to NAME your own price. 64741146 despite the legal entanglements is going to be done, it would have atory judgment from Hartford IS fu lly feature It's home of the AhMpe a «eoouM tar Benlpr ORfeene Bernie, 649-5819. of the controversial Buckland LaBelie is on vacation and Shopp room s, 2 fireplaces, 1 '/a • traoUnf ef taam stonla Father 8i Son Pointing PJ’t Plumbing 6 Hsating suggestion from the town that the surrounding it but changed their to be done by the two boards” ulsness week. Charming 6 Mm, m i and Papering. Remo­ LYNCH sewer with the understanding could not be contacted for Superior Court over which go­ district buildthesewerandletthe o llo c o - baths. Many nice fea­ Boilers, pumps, hot that the town and the Eighth plans Monday. The current dis­ Landers said. vernment has the right to decide tures, oulek occu- room maintenance Cat 647-7156 val. 872-8237. co m m en t. legal issues be decided after lal Est- free Cape In sought water tanks, new and MISCELLANEOUS Utilities District will let the trict proposal is to build only part Landers was referring to how the .sewer will be connected A r t is poncy.
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