The original documents are located in Box 18, folder “7/29/75-8/2/75 - Helsinki (2)” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Tues, Std; CITY HtL Slf.JK.I DATES OF VISIT .::rvly .S'l ~ z signal te 1 t '-1....;o"""-"""2._,_o=-"""s"--q-_....;~~=- Probable weather: 4?5°-75 rains moqes furn °) affen We.d.'!. ~ fil Events we'll have: 12-1&.·20 openf°'1 sess10n llM,-'lptr. ug1ih&tt$ 'lrao csce- ~ Ptl:Xfmhl ! -lour- of CA~~ $~ 12136 shq.>pioq, lvndt. ~,saw 5eury-iSA.ri, luhLh.,1 open dOL{ You' 11 be staying: Heseeqa - rrorn &,2.I - about 3 m1wdes 6-am press Mrs. emBaSS<.:j n:>5jdeocJ? 4boµf 10 m1h$ f'rom Ford will be: nte . ) 'l°V Jack Ford will be: we emeaSS<f o;s1dencp. Ambassador's wife: rnrs. mack'.. evao:s ausre-o {lo/9) "->. Wife of head of state: cd«-ea.se.&.) ( President i.s l<et<J<oneN • tnrs P1Hd<D uihamaa, wife. oFprintfL ministlvu mrs. €;. s . fhtJ.:+f·ila, w1f'e o.P Fe,re1qn min/sf:rvv STAFF LOCATIONS: . Patti Vaa K.una rm ~03. Dick 1+c:si:>er1a r1h 5zg Carolyn ~S?Lj residenc.e- Pete H~SPf:'2°!a rm AA Jeannie VAAku~ rm 80§ PRESS INFORMATION: Press Itotel Va.a Kuna Press center location ' AP EtaoK. eorrnteC ' UPI \-\ e.le.o . JbonlC\S room ~\9 VoC)r{1 1oa ,~, .. J Networlt pool coordinator Ft1:\n!l jotdao mom_ JOI Vaa KUO"°f"J=:1;~ ':)tt Press message center ~~u~~S.1-.-~2.lp-...2..__---:~~b~s~-~~~O?~------~------\~----~~/-- - ~ GIFT INFORMATION: KEY CONTACTS: ADVANCE TEAM: Mrs. Ford l1 ~1'¥ \-bl brooK, Sor;t-- Purslaner. lead WOK ursornarso press b->b rs:>1.l 1afucS Jack Ford .::ro.rmo KamrooceV'\ press tran ~atli u1ri'qb± WHCA me ±horosea Press Yic sher: ~. Qtt.k. Knriwles USSS J r"t !:»II state 5ep bat-vey hvffala Digitized from Box 18 of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ' . J .. - - ;)--- ~ r~ VJ r) ~ Ci ~ ~ ~ f-, f 1TICE TO THE PRESS MRS. FORD'S SCHEDULE HELSINKI Wednesday, July 30, 1975 12 noon Mrs. Ford will attend opening ceremonies of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Finlandia Hall. 1 p. m. Mrs. Ford will tour a local market area, do some window shopping and have a private lunch in a local restaurant. She will be joined on the walking tour by Mrs. Mark E. Austad, wife of the US Ambassador to Finland, and Mrs. Leo Tuominen, wife of the Finnish Ambassador to the US. The luncheon is being hosted by Mrs. Austad. In addition to Mrs. Tuominen, the women will be joined by Mrs. R. R. Seppala, wife of the former Finnish Ambassador to the US; Mrs. Walter Stoessel, wife of the US Ambassador to the Soviet Union; and Mrs. James Davis, Mrs. Austad's daughter. PRESS CO¥ERAGE: Press bus loads at 12:45 p. m. at the front of the hotel. Pool: AP photo UPI photo Network pool crew (2) AP reporter UPI reporter Net pcol reporter 8 p.m. Mrs. Ford will attend a dinner for wives of the heads of CSCE delegations and other guests at Smolna, the government banquet hall (see separate release for details). PRESS COVERAGE: Press bus loads at 7:30 p. m. at the front of the Vaakuna. Pool: AP photo UPI photo Network pool crew (2) AP reporter UPI reporter Net pool rep Jrter " • - • l;; . ~ . •;': . ·~ .. ... •-'. ,.. I 'I 'f 10 ECONOMY-ENERGY FORD'S OIL COMPROMISE PHOBABLY WON'T PASS --Washington Week in Review; -President .Ford's new compromise energy legislation· . ': . • ... ·. i:nay come up .for. a. House. vote next week,. Neil MacNeil said. ·~·If·. it does it probably will be defeated in the House. If'.itis ' made part of a. D~mucra.tic package, it could perhaps pass the I!ous.e,.- hut. it would be defeated in the Senate, is the collective wisdom." MacNeil said he thinks the Democratic-controlled Congress will pass a continuing resolution and give Ford the power to increase old oil prices up to a certain point and then go home "and see if he has the guts to veto it." (7/25/75) ADMINISTRATION RICHARDSON SAID CONTENDER FOR CIA CHIEF: Elliot Richardson, .Ambassador to Great Britain, is a leading contender to replace William Colby as head of the CIA; Time Magazine reported Sunday. · IQ a ~tory outlining the. shatte.red morale of. the spy agency since · . :;::.-, ;_·-><t:he revelations of its allegedly. widespread illega:l ·activities, · · · · · Time, citing administration sources, said nsooner or later, . , .. : ':T· ::, '' .quite possibly by the erid of this year I Colby seems certain to beasked to l~ave." ·~ 1 He (Colby) .interited all the skeletons in the closet and issued all the corrective memorand~, . but that's . ' ,: · . hot going to make him any less ~xpendable, tu Time quoted a ' ... White ·House aid as saying. According to Time, the search for a sucqessor to Colby is already underway and "one prime possibility is Elliott Richardson."-- UPI (7/27/75) HEW ADMINISTERED LSD TO 2,500: HEW administered LSD to .,_,;:;•-·>··-:'-',:.,,.sa.bout 2, 5.oo. prisoners / mental. patients and pa:id volunteers. :t · · ·. between 1954 and 1968 to determine whether it had any medical ::.· value, according to government sources. · ·· Millions of.dollars in HEW grants also were given to more ....... ,· ... --than,30 \miversity researchers for additional-LSD experj,rr1ents ""·"'">··----'~:: . with human subjects. -~AP (7 /27/75) .. ;· # # # # # ' -kl~ ' ~ ?'['i.,..z,,..{ ~ ) \_ ~ l-iJ*' J ; < ~Ct \r ~-~ I .. ' " (/' p rtLu b ~ t ~ ~ ~ r--- c Lt vz,. ~ ruiS - ~ Cfi"'-vaJ ~I t lA l_qv,"Y-<, JJL:.. ~ ( c;:VL~a~ ~J _ - [~ (,,, cC~S uf vv"'fI . >AL Lt cGik ,K h ~w~ l. ,l ~ l[\A,i iv_ (i ~I {J W- ~ - ~j ~s+ o/.e-~5 . L wa 1 _ . (11,J s,J ~l"Lu,_j ~ 0 I Of 1 I"' lvv.r~rvJ " lJJ t,vk · u__/ D--f . ~cr- l, Cl ~ tt l 1 o v-' ~ \..._ \ ::t-o c t;f1JF-1-11 h J >&,..,._, ~a;1ve ye) . J ·--h ' - ~ -;f;: ,, b u ~ ~ ulu o-i rY (faA../L Lf' c ~ ~ ( -3- O'Connell, A. 539 J. O'Neil V-764 O'Quinn, C. 625 H. Obst K-215 Oldenberg, H. 507 Ortman, J. 541 Ott, S. 530 Ottie, A. 633 Parker, L. 536 B. Passwaters V-829 Parker, T. 641 G. Pirozzi V-729 Phillips, S. 530 D. Petrich 8-501 Ravenburg, D. 626 P. Presock V-727 Rasor, R. 533 S. Porson K-201 Reams, P. 811 G. Proulx S-603 Remington, J. 806 J.W. Roberts V-680 Reynolds, H. 521 J. Robinson V-617 Robey, J. 631 J. Rogers S-315 Rodman, P. 522 E. Rosenberger V-850 Roup, K. 632 E. Rosmarin V-834 Russell, H. 608 D. Ross D-841 Saunders, H. 620 B. Seidenman K-213 Schenk, S. 413 G. Schatz S-514 Schlamm, P. 803 E. Schumacher V-808 Schoewbel, H. 413 A. Short V-837 Schwartz, D. 531 J. Stouffer V-805 Snowcroft, B. 818 Sheils, M. 605 Sherer, A. 629 Soltis, M. 510 Sonnenfeldt, H. 824 Sorum, P. 804 Stahl, N. 517 Stoessel, W. 5_12 Thompson, E. 63.S R. Thomas V-809 Thomsen, R. 627 J. Trattner V-610 Tunnicliffe, M. 533 G. Wright V-631 Twynham, R. 534 F. Zimmerman V-623 Vikander, R. 634 R. Zook V-740 Vinson, G. 6a1 Wallace, M. 538 Widenfeld, S. 621 Crew Valli Hotel (WHCA) Williams, C. 825 \ Wilson, G. 607 Winks, D. 638 Wooten, K. 611 Yee, A. 535 Zahren, E. 540 Zollinger, R. 638 . , WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) FORM OF CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE DATE RESTRICTION DOCUMENT Doc. Floor Diagrams (pages - 5) 7/29175-8/2/ B 75 . File Location: Shelia Weidenfeld Files, Box 18, Trips Files. Folder: 7/29/75-8/2/75 - Helsinki (2) RESTRICTION CODES JJO 11/18/16 (A) Closed by applicable Executive order governing access to national security information. (B) Closed by statute or by the agency which originated the document. (C) Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in the donor's deed of gift. NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION NA FORM 1429 (1-98) 1 . I 1 J:::Le- 1 s1nh0 ~ ftnfu4_57 n I:±ii1n2/h..J f2LJIS.7DT7£ llaoLLfO !Leis~ L!± ' of! '318 I~ TttQ<.. R::12fJ. CCJn7ACr : ;;:ffil-md Ka_ fh mo o e o h . B!1.2. 11w.. rnR$. R>R..D ao.AJ.Tltf::.C:. So h l (J.__ PU r- Si a n e" 11 q 1L .a£ ) XZJp'-t hS ')d..SL/ ~ ",c~ .B.m.liltl s sa daL LharR F~o ~ au s-l:a.d....z +< PR..i : D IC.I<. !<Yl al lil c. ~ Lile_~ J" sheJL) ttz:i aJ<. UCSQmOJ) SO J ~ buffu_lei_ l1::Ln. ±homSR..C\ Jen::o- ~L J +.. ~ob [XLS.Sl!Jaf/)/)S ¥1G wa'r;f-f I epal-~ ~t Qf' lh£S5it£:n: &6 /-fousioLJI 1Ll) ~/_la co &1~ conJJ a.;;;bh__ Ur <? he.· l (w7~ !nr_jack.
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