The North American Subspecies of Culicoides Variipennis (Diptera, Heleidae) L 7

The North American Subspecies of Culicoides Variipennis (Diptera, Heleidae) L 7

I Iii 12.8 IiiW Ii: IIi!§ I~ Ii: I~ 111.0 ~ I~ 2.2 11111.0 ~W 2.2 ~ w ... ~ ... ~ ::~ w ::iii w . .. k ..Iii ...... 1.1 1.1 ~~ ... --- 11111 1.25 1111,1.4 ""11.6 111111.25 11111 1.4 11111 1.6 . , MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU Of STANDARDS-J963-A NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS-J963-A REFERENGE t~O'F LOAN I 00 • \ The North American Subspecies of Culicoides, variipennis 1 \ (Diptera, Heleidae) ?'!. ~ ~. ,~ ~ r- ~ o LO ~ ~ 1= ~ f'- ~ o ......... (J) ~ <....) ~ r~' u....I ~ - Q en ~ ~ by Willis W. Wirth and Robert H. Jones • \ Technical Bulletin 1170 • UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ;/ • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS \,-(\ are gn'atlr ill<lehh'\l to :J. AlllhollY Ih)wllt'" :111(1 J~. Colin ('lIrns of thl' ('tmulliall Del1at!IL{>llt of Agl"iellitllrf> ('.\Xl, fOJ: !'lIgg('sting thf> taxollomic.' study ,)f the "uria!:iOIl ill II0I)llla t iOlls of I ht, ro rii /U'IIII i.q l'ompll'x, a lid for ('a \lill;:­ ('ertnin USt'fui ('haract:(>rs to our at-t('lItioll; allli to tht'lIl, as well as tlw flll\owin!!, 1)(>rson;; and .institution", ror tht' loall 01" Jlr('';PlIlali<l1l of nHlI(>riul whif'h mude this siu<ly possible (n:1I1I(," of "ol\edinlls al'(' abhrp\'iatl") ill th(> tpxt· reeol"lls as indicated in 1):1r(>nth(',,(''') : ~In:;. Eli7.alwth ('. lW('k, Floridn ~tat:c Boanl of Health, JaeksOlwil1<.' (FL,\): {:. D, Hllt'l('r, l'lli\'l~)'''ity of ..\l'i7.()lIn, 'I'm'soll; lI, Dietrieh, Corn(>l1 lJni"l'l'"Hr, Ithaea, ~. y, {( 'on) : D, K Ilowell. Oklahoma ,\, and l\£. ('(1l\e!!'I', St:il1\\':lll'r (OKLA): ~1. '1'. :rall1l''', '1\'aHhiugl'!I1 ~t:lt\, Collt~g(', l'nlhnan ('IYASll): ll, n, Pratt, COlli 1II1lllkn bl(' nisl'US(> ('('111:1'1', t', ~, Publie Health Sen'it-p, "\I"lallla, <::1., 1('1)('): L. W. tinnil'. \'Ilh'('r"iiy of ::\(>brn~k", Lineolll (NEBR); (', K nkhnr!\";, I'. ~. 1'11hli" 1I('alih ~<'I'\'ke, :l'P111])(> , Al'i7..; .II. II. Hoss, Illinoi,:; ::\:lil\l':tl lIi:;tol'Y ~Ul'\'('r, lJl'lHlna (lLL); R. E. Ryek.lliln, Rehool of Tropirnl atHl 1'1'!'\'\'nf'in' ~I('dieitl\'. Lonl:1 LitHia, ('alif,: '1Y. E. ~nn\\', T('nnt'i'i'(>(> Valler ,\ut\lOrity, Yfil"nn Dalll.•\Iah:un:l 1'1'\'.\); I'a\ll K ~pan!!l('r, \-Ilin'r:;ity of ~li"~()lIl'i, (',dlllllhia: and '1'. O. 'l'linh'Ill'I', ('Olol':llln .\. &:\1. ('011 I';!l' , 1."01'(: Collins (COLO), (".lip,,;; :;i:ltl'(1 othc'l'\\'i,,(', Iht' Illntpl'ial i;; fl'olll tlil' U. R. :-\ation:ll ~II1i;(,UIll ('ol1('C'tioll ill \\'tlHhillgtllll. D. C. (i'or t h(' 10:ln or dOllntion of "11l'dllH'n~ 01' r('lat('() I:'pel'il':; 01' Cllli('oi<l("~ of the '11111i(,(,I(IONII.~ grollp we \\'i;;h i'o thank: 11. C. Hal'lll'tt, "'nIter Reed Arlll,' In;:;/itlltl' olf HI'spare-h, '\';u.;hingt:oll, n. C.: n. <Ill Toit: alI(I O. G. H. ~'it'(llt'l', Y(~tel'inal'Y HesellrC'h Lal.loratol'ie~, o-ntlpr•.:tPllOort" '1'ran;;\':l:11, ~Ollnl .\erka; E. C. l'elhn111- Clinton, MOl'edulI ]n~titlltl'. E<lilliJul'gh, Reot land: :lI!'l ~l. ~l'()k!1nllgn, Snik~'o l'niyersity, Kyoto, J:lllnn, 'lYe acknowl('(ll,.' with SiIH'PI'(' thank;; Illl' dilIi:-nlt a 1111 tilllt'-('OIlSnming statis· lienl nn:tlr;:;iH llIad<' (,I' Oil r lIa ta hy ,1 nd~on f'. ~r(·GuiL'e. J r" Biometrieal Hen'i('('s, "\grh.ultul'al Respareh ~(,l:yi('l'. • • Contents l'ugc Introduction.,•.. Taxonomic relation,: ___ . Taxonomic differentiation____ ..___ .... .... _.... 5 C'lIlicoides t'ariipennis mriipennis (Coquillett) ___ . _. _ . .. ... ] 2 Culicoides ('ariipennis llll.~tratjs 'Wirth :1nd Jones, new subspecic~_. I.) ClIlicoides t·ariipenni.~ alberten.~is \rirth and Jones, 11(,\\" "llb~pecies____ 17 C'lllicoide$ rariipennis ,s()norell.~i.~ Wirth and ,Jon~s, new sub"pecie~._ IS C'wicoides t·(lriiJ!enni.~ orridenlali.~Wirth and .Jones, up,," ,.;ub::;pecies___ 21 Statistical eyaluation of fOUi' charnct<'r:' of th(' ."ub,:pcC'i(';< of the t'arii"Pnni,~ complex.. ---..... 28 General consideration:,_ -. 32 Refer('nce~ - .•-- .• ---­ :34 Washington, .D. C. Issuc(l October 1037 For sale by tho Superintendent of DO('I1I11(,l1t;;, l". ~. (;O\'ernm!.'lJ[ PI illting Ollie!.', • Washington 25, D. (' '- Price 1.5 cents III • \ \/ The North American SUbspecies of Culicoides variipennis (Diptera, Heleidae) L 7 \ by Willis W. Wirth and Robert H. Jones i';lItoHHI/"f}!1 R("~('''I'('II .f);'l'il<iOll, \!I"i('HlIlu'«~ /{('S('(II'('/t S"ITice Introduction It has been kn(j)\"11 1'01' :;OUle tillle that w('sterll spc~illlen::; of Cuii­ caides 1'(U'iipelllli8 (Coqllilletl') art' smaller and palcr: with brighter wil1rr mal'kinrr::; than tho::e in thp Ea::;t. In 1\J5~ the senior author, ill his study (rf the lIeleidac of C;difomia, was unable to analyze the differences with the materi:ll then Onhlll1cl at the r. ~, ~lltionlll J(useum, largely berllnse :-;om(' CaliJ'ol'l1in. :::pccinH.'lls snperiicially l't'sembled those from the Eastern ~t,ltes more close 1v th,lIl other west­ ern incliddullls. In the last fr'" wars 8e\'e1'a1 tllx6'nomie ·workers in (}ulicoides have called attention te') tL number of structural characters which are useful in dilferPlltiatinu some closely related species. These ('harneter::; btlYl' lJeen applied tU1{tlH~'Y OlH'S adcled ill the present study. Culicoide8l'(lI"iipennis has been demonstrated to be a IJossible yector of the bluetongue yjI'us di:,ease of ::iheep in Texas (Pri<:e and Hardy, lU;){) , Large lllllHber::; of thi" :-pel'iC':3 1u1"e been identifietl from material collected in slIrveyS' 11l,11le in connection with bluetongue out­ breaks in the Southwe"t ("Tirth n ltd Bottimer, 1!)5G). These develop­ ments have pro\'ided both the inet'ntiw and the material to undertake a detailed taxonomic mutly::;is of th(' mriation in the variipennis com­ plex, Our results arc publish('d llO\\" to make llalJleS n.ntiln.ble for the major sllbspeciiic population::;, and to point out some indications or biolorrical differences which Illay assume importance in disea::;e trans­ mission and contro1. TAXONOMIC RELATIONS C1llicoides var'iipennis l Coquillett) 1901 belongs to the sllbrrenus MonoclLZicoides which Khalaf (195:2) proposed, with nllbecldosus (Meigen) 1818 as type. Kh::Llnf included fuUl' groups in this sub­ genns, of which only one, the mlbeculos!ls group, is concerned in the present problem. Seyen species were included by Khalaf in this group: ltegneli Causey 1938 from Thailand, nubeclllo8uS (:Meigen) • from Europe and .Asia, parl'oti Kieffer 1922 from England and the 1 2 'J'EcnXIC'AIJ BULLETIS 11 TO, r, S. DEPT, OF AGRICULTURE .\Iedit{,l'l'ltlll':L1l al'en 01' Europe and Africa, pUllctieolli8 B{'('ker 1DO:Z :frOI11 the Ml'dih'l'l'HIH'nn al'pa, /'irl/ti Kil'f!'l'1' Ull-" fl'oll1 _Eul'l)pe~ stigma PJrigpn) tHIS 1'1'0111 EIII'0lW nnd XOI'tlt ,\/'I'ic'a, all(ll'III'i;J1(,IlIlJ,~ ('0- • qllil1{'(t) 1'1'0111 Xol'flt .\I1\Pl'i('a, 111 addition to tltt' SlH'{'iPS nallll'd 11," Khalaf, we would. assign til(' following 10 till' IIltlJl'(',t/os/(s gl'OIlP: corllulus de Mpillol1 10:ri fl'oi11 ;:';ollth Afl'ica, del/meadi Cause)' 1n:38 fl'om Thrtilnnd, ,qiga8 Hoot and 1[ottmal1 HJ:ri fl'o/ll Wl'~t(,I'Jl Cannd::t~ and llOIIIOt07Jlll.~ Ki('f!,pr 10:21 fl'Olll FormOSlt and ,Japan, Th(' typ(' of' lupneJ:i ('auH',)' 'was ('x::tmilwd :IIHl, on the basis of thp Pl'l'S(,I1('(, of ;;l'IlS01'Ia Oil nlltpllllal sl'gllll'lli-s XI-X'", :tIl O\':t! 110npt'I'fol'ah'd 5(>('1'­ I1wthpc'a, ant:pllnal ra('io of 1..-1" and aNleaglls with simpl<', llonhifid apex, this specie!'; is l'xcllldl'cl from tlll' IIl1bc('u/08U8 grOllp, The primal'Y ('harnet-ers of the nubN'ulo8ll8 group al'c foun(l in the genitnlin; in the fell1nle tlll'l'P is only 011(' spel'mathN'a, this 11101.'(' Ol' le;.;s elongate, I1sllnll~' ·wit-h hyaline lwr:f'ol'at'ions, Hlldfl'l'qllently alTuntt' :in the mall' thr pal'allll'l'pS art' JlIs('cl basally, tlte Hedl'agus is hifid at. the tip, i'lU\vPlltl'' of tl1l' ba~ist'yIl' is shOl'! anll simph.., Ihl' dOl'sal I'oot long and Illodpl'atply ;.;lpll<1pl', and till' api('olatpl'al PI'Ol'p;-i­ ;;e5 of the nillth (('I'gllnl al'p well dp\·elopl'(l. _\dditiollal ('\tal'aeiers :ll'l' a;.; follows: Tht' {'ol1lhinl'd Il'ngth of the last tin' tlnt('lln:tl sl'gm('nts i:, I(';-is thnn that of nH' PI,(,(,t'dillg eight: antennnl s('Il!,;OI'ia :u'e l)l'espni', at 1l1O;';i. Oil seg'nwllts thl'l'l' 1'0 i:('n: a pail' of (Iist-illC'/ fl'ontal tnbel'l'h's al'(' pl'l'~('llt lwt:\\'(,l'lt tIlP fl'olltal carilla nll{1 (hE' IIlesal mal'gins of tIlp lil';;t allt-('1lI1:l1 S('gIllPIl/S ill till' fplllnle; tit" sizl' i" usually I:n'gpl' nwn :\\'I'I'ag'p for til(' !!.'pnl1s: :lnd tftl' l11('sonohlll1 IllIs nll1lH'I'OIl;'; Snlnn dark (>111)('tll1'('S on n li'!!htt1I' baekp.TOII1Hl (('s(,l'pl'in slir/lll1t allll jlw'l'oli) , In (ll'del' to ;.;IlO\Y tht' nahll'p of tll(' s(l'lldul'al ('h:ll'netr]'s lI:-:ed.

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