.DECEMBER, 1904 'Trice 25* i223J^year Official Bulletin U.S.GA. SPEND THE IF INTER OUT OF DOORS I fV North PINEHURST Carolina ! Founded •H y The Ideal Resort, Located in the t'AMES •\v. Heart of the Long Leaf Pine Region -TUFTS INEHURST is a private estate, covering a territory about P ten miles* square-,•• located about 700 feet above the sea, and singularly favored as regards climate. This region enjoys an unusual percentage of bright, sunn}' days, and is absolutely free from'damp or penetrating winds. For the accommodation of guests there are FOUR SPLENDID HOTELS FIFTY COTTAGES All under one management' and ownership. Rates at hotels range from $2.50 per day upward. TWO EXCELLENT GOLF COURSES Which are acknowledged to be the best in the South, offer ample opportunity to the golf novice and expert alike. The annual North and South Championship Tournament is held on the Pinehurst Links as an annual fixture. A 35,000 Acre Shooting Preserve has been set aside for the exclusive use of guests, and guides, dogs, and conveyances are always ready for a day's sport with the birds. GOLF, SHOOTING, and TENNIS TOURNAMENTS are jield weekly for appropriate trophies. A tine Preparatory School, under direction of A. G. Warren, 'head-master, enables parents to bring their children to Pinehurst without interruption of their course of study. Pinehurst is the only resort in America from which Consumptives are absolutely excluded. Through Pullman Service via Seaboard Air Line or Southern Railway. Only one night out from New York, Boston and Cin- cinnati. An exquisite book with facsimiles of water-color sketches similar to the accompanying, illustrating the out-of-door features of Pinehurst, will be sent upon application. ADDRESS PINEHURST GENERAL OFFICES PINEHURST, NORTH CAROLINA or LEONARD TUFTS, Owner, Boston, Mass. The Highest Award in its class, a GOLD MEDAL was awarded by the International Jury of Awards, at the Saint Louis Exposition, 1904, to the GOLF SCORER REMOVABLE PAPER PAPER DISK DISK, BLANK SHOWING PRINTED SCORE In Solid nickel, sterling GOLF SCORER silver, filled gold, (guar= Saves Time anteed for 20 years,) or Saves Annoyance solid i4=carat gold, it is Saves Your Score the most appropriate, Helps Your Game elegant and useful •. •. Christmas Present SEND FOR BOOKLET or write to ever introduced. .. The .. Scorer Company, Complete with 200 score disks, Richmond, Virginia, 100 disks bearing the owner's ijame SIZE, (16-WATCH SIZE) U. S. A. ----- 1 The route of the Southern's Palm Limited between NEW YOM and ST. AUGUSTINE Sunset Limited between NEW YORK and CALIFORNIA New York Office, =7I ami r,S5 Broadway: ALEX. S. THWEATT, Eastern Passenger Agent S.H. HARDWICK.P.T. M. w. J-I. TAYLOE, G. P. A Washington, D. C. ELECTRIC LAUNCHES SAFE RELIABLE NOISELESS Simply constructed, easily operated, elegantly appointed and economically maintained It is the one form of power boat that leaves nothing to ask for, nothing to be desired We Build Also AUTO-BOATS, GASOLINE LAUNCHES and AUXILIARY SAIL YACHTS 30 minutes from Liberty St., New York 15he ELECTR.IC LAUNCH CO.. BAYONNE CITY, NEW JERSEY GOLF BOOKS GOLF FOR WOMEN By GENEVIEVE HECKEH (Mrs. Charles T. Stoxit) With a Chapter on American Golf by RHONA K. ADAIR English and Irish Champion. HIS BOOK, by the leading woman player of the country, not only contains the best of Golf instruction, which will be useful to men as well as women, but is also a complete T guide for all details of Golf for women. It includes matters of dress, training and links for women, and furthermore is so prepared as to be a guide for the beginner and a complete manual of instruction for the more advanced player. Miss Adair's chapter will be found full of interest to every woman golfer. N. Y. Sun : " Direct and helpful, and her advice that of an expert who should be heeded." N. Y. Post and The Nation: "No woman player, however skillful, can fail to profit by a careful of it." Admirably illustrated." The Reader Alagazine: " Interesting and instructive, not only to beginners, but to old players as well." GObF, 213 East 24th St., H H Yotfk City Musically maintained nothing to lie fcid * from Liberty SI, told NNE mv, RWJBH r. stout) ADA!R t, but is •dress, tram"; tapierw.ilkl ,'jito Vof- Photograph by T. C. Turner, THE COUNTRY CLUB OF LAKEWOOD. THIRD GREEN. 3 s GOLF BY APPOINTMENT AN OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES GOLF ASSOCIATION WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED "GOLFING," ESTABLISHED 1894 VOL. XV. DECEMBER, 1904 NO. 6 CLUB HOUSE, ROYAL SYDNEY GOLF CLUB. GOLF IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND By E. D. Hoben. MERICAN GOLFERS on holiday Zealand is peculiarly suited for the A bent might well turn their faces pastime, fine cool climate and splendid towards Australia and New Zea- turf, permitting of its indulgence all the land. Golf is universal now-a-days, but year round. Every town has its club it flourishes especially in the British and course, especially good courses exist- •Colonies of the South Pacific. New ing at Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Copyright. 1QQ4. bv /\KTHUK POTTOW. All rights reserved. ,;,./• '-••• •>•-.'• • •- 326 GOLF IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. Christchurch and Dunedin. Auckland by a club—previously all had been leased is the port of call of the Oceanic steam- or rented in some way, or upon State ers from San Francisco to Sydney, N.S.W., reserves—was Killara, a Sydney suburban and it is one of the most picturesque of course, The Killara club is especially cities, with a magnificent harbor. A few- progressive. Now the two senior New hours away by rail is Rotorna, the centre South Wales clubs, the Royal Sydney and of New Zealand's Hot Lake District, a the Australian G. C. have purchased rival to the Yellowstone Park, where land to which they are removing from fie Australian among the countless thermal wonders is their old leased courses. The Royal the world's greatest Geyser, Waimangu, Sydney purchase is at Rose Bay, a beauti- throwing its vast column over 1,000 feet. ful harbor suburb some twenty minutes From Auckland the whole of New Zea- by electric train from the heart of the land's scenic wonders, ranging from some city. Here 214 acres have been pur- of the world's greatest glaciers, and most chased at a cost of about $160,000, and striking Alpine peaks, to the soft beauty the handsome new club house has cost of an English trout stream, are accessible, about another $17,000. It is a residen- and the New Zealand Tourist Depart, tial club house, and will partake more of ment with the Hon. Sir Joseph Ward the American "country club" idea than as ministerial head, and Mr. T. E. Donne, any other club in Australia, as provision (just now at St. Louis Exposition) as is being made for lawn tennis, croquet,. departmental head, makes everything bowls, cricket, and polo on the club smooth for the visitor, whether he wants grounds, and there is a swimming bath what is acknowledged to be the best in the harbor opposite. The turf is the trout fishing and deer shooting to be had true seaside variety—excellent, and the anywhere, or golf under the happiest greens are very fine. v conditions. Though New Zealand is full The Australian Golf Club is now occu- of Scotch golfers, the golf championship pying what is admittedly the finest of the colony for last year was won by champion course in Australia—that at Kurupu Tareha, one of the splendid Botany. It is comparable to some of \\\ Maori race, who have taken keenly to the historic British courses, but it is the game. lease-hold land, and the club has pur- It In Australia golf centres chiefly around chased not far away 170 odd acres of the two great cities of Sydney and splendid golfing country. Though close Melbourne, but throughout the entire to train lines and easy of access to town,, commonwealth the game is played. this (Kensington) is not in so expensive Americans know some of the difficulties a district as Rose Bay, so including a fine met with by votaries of the King of non-residential club house, the expendi- Games in making courses in dry country. ture will not exceed some $70,000, and There are scores of links in Australia the club will have two 18 hole courses, where the putting "greens" are either one for A grade men and the other for "chip" or sand, because water cannot be ladies and B grade men. applied to keep turf green, even if it In Victoria, the Royal Melbourne G. C, would grow. In many cases it would the senior Australian club, occupies its not grow in the form which favors golf. own freehold course at Sandringham,. Around the cities, however, are splendid near Melbourne, where there is a fine turf courses. Sydney has three courses club house, and the standard of golf is owned by the clubs which control them. high. Hobart, the Tasmanian pleasure The first course in Australia to be owned city, has two courses, much frequented GOLF IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. 327 by visitors; Adelaide and Brisbane have First day (Wednesday). 18 holes their courses—the Brisbane Club, at the stroke handicap, handicap limit 18. 86 Queensland Capital, has recently moved competitors. to its own course. In fact, every town Thursday. First Inter-State Teams of any consequence has its golf links, but Match. Victoria v. N. S. Wales. 8 those mentioned are good courses with a side.
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