July 24, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H6453 the Department's ``Major'' final ruleÐMedi- H.R. 4327. A bill to direct the President to pendent counsel to investigate a number of care Program; Medicare Coverage of and commence an emergency program to build matters relating to the financing of cam- Payment for Bone Mass Measurements and field as quickly as possible a theater paigns in the 1996 Federal election, including [HCFA±3004±IFC] (RIN: 0938±AI89) received missile defense system capable of defending the conduct of President Clinton and Vice June 23, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. against the type of ballistic missile that was President Gore; to the Committee on the Ju- 801(a)(1)(A); jointly to the Committees on flight tested by Iran on July 21, 1998; to the diciary. Commerce and Ways and Means. Committee on National Security. By Mr. PAYNE (for himself, Mr. BER- 10315. A letter from the Administrator, By Mr. WOLF: MAN, Mr. GILMAN, Mr. SMITH of New Agency for International Development, H.R. 4328. A bill making appropriations for Jersey, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. LANTOS, transmitting a quarterly update report on the Department of Transportation and relat- and Mr. HASTINGS of Florida): development assistance program allocations ed agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- H. Con. Res. 309. Concurrent resolution updated as of March 31, 1998, pursuant to 22 tember 30, 1999, and for other purposes. condemning the forced abduction of Ugandan U.S.C. 2413(a); jointly to the Committees on By Mr. CASTLE: children and their use as soldiers; to the International Relations and Appropriations. H.R. 4329. A bill to require the design of the Committee on International Relations. obverse side of the $1 coin to depict the Stat- f f ue of Liberty; to the Committee on Banking REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON and Financial Services. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. COLLINS (for himself and Mr. TANNER): Under clause 4 of rule XXII, sponsors Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of H.R. 4330. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- were added to public bills and resolu- committees were delivered to the Clerk enue Code of 1986 to allow capital gains tions as follows: of printing and reference to the proper treatment and an exception from the uni- H.R. 59: Mr. WHITFIELD. form capitalization rules for timber which is calendar, as follows: H.R. 303: Ms. DELAURO. more than 4 years old when harvested; to the Mr. SMITH of Texas: Committee on the Ju- H.R. 997: Mr. KOLBE. Committee on Ways and Means. diciary. S. 1304. An act for the relief of Belin- H.R. 1126: Mr. SANDLIN, Mr. CRANE, and Ms. da McGregor (Rept. 105±646). By Mr. HILL: H.R. 4331. A bill to provide for the estab- DUNN of Washington. Mr. PACKARD: Committee of Conference. lishment of an interpretive center and mu- H.R. 1283: Ms. VELAZQUEZ. Conference report on H.R. 4059. A bill mak- seum at Fort Peck Dam, Montana, and to H.R. 1289: Ms. KAPTUR. ing appropriations for military construction, provide further protection for significant H.R. 1382: Ms. KAPTUR and Mr. KING of New family housing, and base realignment and fossil remains in the vicinity of Fort Peck York. closure for the Department of Defense for Dam; to the Committee on Transportation H.R. 1401: Mr. SANDERS. the fiscal year ending September 30, 1999, and and Infrastructure. H.R. 1450: Mr. STOKES. for other purposes (Rept. 105±647). Ordered to By Mr. HULSHOF (for himself, Mr. H.R. 1773: Mr. WAMP. be printed. H.R. 1995: Mr. FRANKS of New Jersey. MCCRERY, Mr. JEFFERSON, Mr. COL- Mr. WOLF: Committee on Appropriations. H.R. 2023: Mr. ROTHMAN. LINS, Mr. WELLER, Mr. CRANE, Mr. H.R. 4328. A bill making appropriations for H.R. 2409: Mr. KAPTUR and Mr. SOUDER. KLECZKA, Mr. BUNNING of Kentucky, the Department of Transportation and relat- H.R. 2456: Mrs. WILSON. Mr. SAM JOHNSON, Ms. DUNN of Wash- ed agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- H.R. 2602: Mr. LANTOS. ington, Mr. NUSSLE, Mr. tember 30, 1999, and for other purposes (Rept. H.R. 2635: Ms. VELAZQUEZ and Mr. UPTON. CHRISTENSEN, Mr. WATKINS, Mr. 105±648). Referred to the Committee of the H.R. 2754: Mr. SHERMAN and Ms. CHRISTIAN- BAKER, Mr. BACHUS, Mr. SESSIONS, Whole House on the State of the Union. GREEN. Mrs. NORTHUP, and Ms. GRANGER): Mr. GOODLING: Committee on Education H.R. 4332. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- H.R. 2951: Mr. HAYWORTH. and the Workforce. H.R. 3254. A bill to amend enue Code of 1986 to repeal the 4.3-cent motor H.R. 3068: Ms. LEE. the Individuals with Disabilities Education fuel excise taxes on railroads and inland wa- H.R. 3081: Mrs. CLAYTON and Mr. MALONEY Act to clarify the requirements relating to terway transportation which remain in the of Connecticut. reducing or withholding payments to States general fund of the Treasury; to the Commit- H.R. 3215: Mrs. THURMAN. under that Act; with an amendment (Rept. tee on Ways and Means. H.R. 3248: Mr. ENSIGN and Mr. COLLINS. 105±649). Referred to the Committee of the By Mrs. MALONEY of New York: H.R. 3254: Mr. CAMPBELL, Mrs. BONO, Mr. Whole House on the State of the Union. H.R. 4333. A bill to amend the Public ROYCE, and Mr. THOMAS. f Health Service Act, the Employee Retire- H.R. 3290: Mrs. BONO. H.R. 3320: Mr. FORBES, Mr. BISHOP, Ms. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PRI- ment Income Security Act of 1974, and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to require that MCKINNEY, and Mr. ADAM SMITH of Washing- VATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS group and individual health insurance cov- ton. Under Clause 2 of rule XIII reports of erage and group health plans provide cov- H.R. 3400: Mr. SHERMAN and Ms. CHRISTIAN- committees were delivered to the Clerk erage of annual mammograms and annual GREEN. prostate cancer screening tests following the H.R. 3445: Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. of printing and reference to the proper H.R. 3567: Mr. METCALF. calendar, as follows: model established under the Medicare Pro- gram; to the Committee on Commerce, and H.R. 3572: Mr. LAMPSON. Mr. SMITH of Texas: Committee on the Ju- in addition to the Committees on Education H.R. 3610: Mr. GORDON and Mr. DEAL of diciary. H.R. 379. A bill for the relief of Larry and the Workforce, and Ways and Means, for Georgia. Errol Pieterse (Rept. 105±644. Referred to the a period to be subsequently determined by H.R. 3629: Mr. SOUDER. Committee of the Whole House. the Speaker, in each case for consideration H.R. 3681: Mr. BACHUS. Mr. SMITH of Texas: Committee on the Ju- of such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- H.R. 3734: Mr. PICKERING. diciary. H.R. 2744. A bill for the relief of tion of the committee concerned. H.R. 3780: Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, Mr. EN- Chong Ho Kwak, (Rept. 105±645). Referred to By Mr. YOUNG of Alaska: SIGN, Mr. CALVERT, and Mr. CRANE. the Committee of the Whole House. H.R. 4334. A bill to prohibit the construc- H.R. 3783: Mr. BUYER, Ms. FURSE, Mr. f tion of new facilities and structures within FOLEY, and Mr. CHRISTENSEN. the boundaries of the George Washington H.R. 3876: Mr. THOMPSON, Mr. GORDON, Mr. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Memorial Parkway along the Potomac River CARDIN, Mr. EVANS, Ms. MCKINNEY, Mr. Under clause 5 of rule X and clause 4 in Virginia between the Francis Scott Key LAMPSON, Mr. NADLER, and Mr. SHERMAN. of rule XXII, public bills and resolu- Bridge and the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial H.R. 3918: Mr. SERRANO, Mr. SCHUMER, and Mr. NADLER. tions were introduced and severally re- Bridge; to the Committee on Resources. By Mr. YOUNG of Alaska (for himself, H.R. 3992: Mr. WELLER, Mr. BUNNING of ferred, as follows: Mr. HERGER, Mr. POMBO, Mr. Kentucky, Mr. GOODE, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. By Mr. SMITH of Oregon: NETHERCUTT, Mrs. CHENOWETH, Mr. TALENT, and Mr. BONILLA. H.R. 4326. A bill to transfer administrative SMITH of Oregon, and Mr. CRAPO): H.R. 3995: Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts, Mr. jurisdiction over certain Federal lands lo- H.R. 4335. A bill to transfer to the Sec- VENTO, and Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. cated within or adjacent to the Rogue River retary of the Interior the functions of the H.R. 4009: Mr. BOSWELL, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. National Forest and to clarify the authority Secretary of Commerce and the National BONIOR, Ms. FURSE, Mrs. CAPPS, and Ms. of the Bureau of Land Management to sell Marine Fisheries Service under the Endan- MCCARTHY of Missouri. and exchange other Federal lands in Oregon; gered Species Act of 1973; to the Committee H.R. 4025: Mrs. THURMAN. to the Committee on Resources. on Resources. H.R. 4028: Mr. TAYLOR of Mississippi, Mr. By Mr. SAXTON (for himself, Mr. By Mr. BARR of Georgia: FILNER, and Ms. KAPTUR. HUNTER, Mr. GINGRICH, Mr. ARMEY, H. Con. Res. 308. Concurrent resolution ex- H.R. 4031: Mr. RUSH, Mr. WAXMAN, and Ms. Mr. SPENCE, Mr. LIVINGSTON, Mr. pressing the sense of the Congress with re- FURSE. WELDON of Pennsylvania, and Mrs. spect to the failure of Attorney General H.R. 4071: Mr. OBERSTAR, Mr. STRICKLAND, BONO): Janet Reno to seek application for an inde- and Mr. ADERHOLT. H6454 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE July 24, 1998 H.R. 4078: Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. ABER- following Members: Greg Ganske, John D. Petition 6 by Mr. OBEY on House Resolu- CROMBIE, and Mr.
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