M - MANCHESTER H E R AU ). Monday. Sept. 16. 1985 MANCHESTER FOCUS SPORTS WEATHER State to rebid work 11 Body design class Manchester native Clear, cool tonight; TAG SALE SIGN at town group home 11 has them groaning gets a real treat sunny Wednesday ... page 15 ... p a g e 2 Are things piling up? Then why »J.*MAU? ... page sll ... page 11 The best way to announce It is with a Herald Tag Sale Classified Ad. When you place your ad. you *1 ONE TAG SALE SIGN FREE, compliments of The Herald. STOP IN AT OUR OFFICE, 1 HERALD SQ., MANCHESTER iUanrbfHtfr U m l i KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright e.ati. * TllftSfIflV/.Tuesday. Rflnt Sept. 17, 1985 — Single copy: 25^ I ^ H O M E S [ 3 J ] HOMES Manchester, Conn, — A City of Village Charm FOR SALE FOR SALE BUSINESS A SERVICE DIRECTORY GlMtonburv — Spacious, East Hartford— Immacu­ 7 room Ranch with breeze- late 7 room Raised Ranch, BIHL0HI6/ way, fully appllanced kit­ 3 bedrooms, large family I^PAINTINfi/ Firehouse chen, fireplaced IWIng room, 2 baths, built In bar, I ^ P A P E W I W _________________________CONTRACTUtt Kohl secretary and family room, sliders carpeting, patio, excel­ that walk out onto lovely lent condition through­ Nome your own price ~ landscaped lot with ex­ out. $120,000. U 8, R Lowntnowgrt ropotred > Experienced Mother of 3 FOther and son. FOst, treme privacy with tric­ Realty, 643-2692. Free pick up and delivery. will core tor one or two dependable service. plans win kling brook, quiet family 10 percent senior dis­ chidren In my South Pointino, Paperhonglno now a suspect neighborhood, children's Now You Can Stop Look­ count. Expert eervice. M anchester home be­ 8iA Removal,Removal gaiiCall O4o-a7oi.646-S761 erences,can iicenseo 4444145 ana. in- street. Reduced to sell, ing — Custom built Free estlmoiee. Economy tween hours of 7:30am $109,900. Century 21 Ranch, 3-4 bedrooms, 2 Liown Mower, MT-3660; ond 4pm. Prefer 18 Painting and Poperhang- Jackston-Showcase, 646- full baths, fireplaced liv­ months or older. Fart Ing — Exterior and Inte­ Dumas Electric— Having OK in 8th 1316. ing room, 2 plus car Howkes Tree Service time hours O .K . Referen­ rior, ceilings repaired., Electrical Problems? attached garage, lovely Bucket Trud( * CMpper. ces available. Coll 647- References, fully Insured. Need A large or o smoll By Alex GIrelll Repair? We Specialize In in spy scandal New Listing — South landscaped, stone patio Slump Remoypl. Free Es­ 9044. Quality work. Martin Herald Reporter Windsor, $89,900. Lovely leading to park-llke yard, timates. Spedol consider­ Mottsson, evenings, 649- Residentlol Work. Joseph Ranch with vinyl siding, lends Itself beautifully for ation for Elderly and Hon- -4431. Dumas. Fully Licensed. Preliminary plans for a satellite firehouse on Free Estimates. 6460253. within walking distance to In-law or teen-age suite. (Ecapped.647-75S3. Tolland Turnpike were approved unanimously by the BONN, West Germany (U PI) - A The secretary's husband, Herbert school. Kitchen, dining Call today for details. Interior Painting 8, Wal­ directors of the Eighth Utilities District Monday suspected spy in Chancellor Helmut Willner, worked for the Friedrich area, spacious bedrooms Joyce G. Epstein Real Delivering rich loom — 5 Day Core has full time lpapering — Call even­ Ail types remodeling or Kohl’s headquarters disappeared with Naumann Foundation of the liberal repairs — Complete kit­ night. 7 and hardwood floors. Estate, 647-8895. yards, $ 6 5 tax. Sand, openings for toddlers, 2 ings, Gory McHugh, her husband and probably has defected Free Democratic Party, a junior chens, baths, garages, ad- The directors' also voted to hold a public hearing D.W. Fish Realty, 643-1591 gravel, 8i stone. 64M504. yearn and older. Lunches 643-9321. to East Germany, the West German member of Kohl's coalition govern­ dltlans, dormers, Oct, 21 on a bond issue to finance construction of the or 871-1400. Historic Cope — Charm­ and snocks provided. Ll- press office said today. ment. He also failed to return to work as ing 6 room expanded Cape porches, decks. No lob station, which would be built two lots away from the Good Qudllty Bockhoe ccined and Insured. 646- John Deerr — • Painting scheduled Monday. N e w Listing — on Historic Register. too large or small. Coll town fire department’s controversial Buckland Herta-Astrid Willner, a secretary to and Exdovotlng Work. 0362. contractor. Interior, exte­ one of Kohl's aides, did not return from The spy scandal began July 30 with Manchester, $86,900. Mostly remodled. Great Bockhoe, mcavatlon and rior, Insured. Quality Larry, 649-3985. station. The district board voted on the matter after vacation as scheduled Monday and the disappearance, presumably to the Clean Colonial on a very back yard with fruit trees. snow plowina. No prob­ work, off season rates. viewing the plans and hearing a report on them from CELEBRITY CIPHER announced she was quitting in a letter East, of Sonja Luenburg, 60, secretary quiet street with a treed Assumable mortgage! lem, Coll Independent Call 6490248 Otter 5pm. Robert E. Jarvis, CBtotertty O p »m cryptograms are crested from quotatlofts by famous architect Alan Lamson. lot, large fireplaced living Only $81,900. Joyce G. Construction Co., ASS- Building-Remodeling peopis. paat aftd present. Each lattar In th# cipher stands for Lamson, a former town planning director, esti­ sent by an East Berlin lawyer today, the to Economics Minister Martin Bange- wwthar. Today's due: W equals L. raom, appllanced kit­ Epstein Real Estate, 647- MAS. Loving Mother will bab­ Specialist. Additions, gar­ mated the construction would cost $350,000. The pre.ss office said. mann, the head of the Free Democratic ages, roofing, siding, kit­ chen, new carpeting, an 8895. ysit In m y home. Referen­ I m um / by CONNIE WIENER firehouse would be built on land at Tolland Turnpike The conservative newspaper Die Party. enclosed porch and a chens, bathrooms, re- Sewing Done Expe­ ces available. 649-4201. COHTmCTINS and Buckland Street for which the district paid Welt said she was the secretary to Klaus In August, a secretary in President garage. D.W. Fish Realty, Best Buy — Where else placement •‘QPH YJFK UP AKM P8 K J rienced' seamstress. $85,000. Koenig, the head of the government Richard von Weizsaecker's office was 643-1591 or 871-1400. will $92,900 buy you 3 large Dress making, alterations windows/doors. 643-6712. Odd lobs. Trucking. Forrond Remodeling — Director Samuel Longest said the target date for department dealing with domestic arrested, and a senior counterspy • bedrooms, 2 plus baths, and repairs. Coll 647-8730 VPV LMPD UYKXK IJGX UP defected to East Germany. Brand New LIsItngl central air, large bright Home repairs. You n«ne Cabinets, roofing, gut­ Carpentry and Masonry taking construction bids is Jan. 1, 1986. Longest is a affairs, social security and planning. anytime. ' , The defection Aug. 19 of Hans- Those Who Hesitate Are kitchen, formal dining It, we do It. Free estl- ters, room additions, — Free estimates. Coll member of the building committee that has been The announcement said the Willners Lost I Don't miss out on room and a finished rec motes. Insured. 6430304. decks, all types of remo­ Tony Squlllacote. 649- NKU MJXU LD J BLWS.” conferring with Lamson on the plans for a station to disappeared from their vacation resort Joachim Tiedge, who was in charge of Licensed Day Care Mom deling and repairs. FREE the East German department of the this beautiful 7 room room. All this, plus pool in Manchester hds 2 im- 0811. serve the Buckland area in the northwestern part of in Spain 10 days before. EZ Home Improvement. estimates. Fully Insured. counterintelligence agency, resulted in Cape. 2 full baths, garage, and tennis court. Joyce G. medlote full time open­ — XJDIEJ AKEDYJEI. town. The West German prosecutor’s office fireplace, appliances. Epstein Real Estate, 647- Make your home beauti­ Telephone 643^17, after said it had opened an investigation to the ouster of the overall intelligence ings. Infont/TodcHer. 649. ful again. Pointing lawns, 6pm, 647-8509. I^ H E A T iN B / PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "Pro football is like nuclear The plans shown by Lamson Monday night at the Verplank School district. 8895. 6821. warfare. There are no winners, only survivors." — Frank directors’ meeting show two bays across the front of a determine if the Willners had been chief and demands for the resignation Offered In low $90's. Jack- carpentry and repairs. 1 ^ 1 PLUMBING of Interior Minister Friedrich 647-9395. Leon CleszynskI Builder Gifford. one-story building with doors for apparatus on both spies. son 81 Jackson Real Est­ Super Colonial — In excel­ Bookkeeping Services tor A spokesman in Kohl's office said Zimmermann. ate, 647-8400 or 646-8646. lent condition, this Man­ — New homes, additions, the east and west ends. The western doors could not be the small business or Indl- remodellna, rec rooms, Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ used unless the district gained access to Buckland they probably had defected to East Kohl's government weathered the chester/Glastonbury throom remodeling; In­ NOTICe TO C M D ITO m vidwd personal records. Experienced House­ garages, kitchens remo­ Street, which it does not have now. Lamson Germany because the resignation letter storm and Zimmermann remained in Brand New LIsItngl Ter­ town-line home has many 12 years full tiharge expe­ stallation woter heaters, E S TA TE OF keeper at your conven­ deled, ceilings, both tile, EMMA S. SWANSON, late recommended that the western door opening be came from East Berlin. office. rific starter home In great amenities. 4 bedrooms, rience. Tolk to me about ience.
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