Canadian Environmentalists Canadian Environmentalists Environmental Up-Date 2020 Michael Bailey charge of Belleville Green Check, which conducted Currently: Bevan-Baker currently serves as the leader energy audits on area homes. He played a role in op of Prince Edward Island’s Green Party. He is the first Currently: Director of Operations, The Climate Summit - posing a coal-fired power plant at Point Aconi, Cape person to win a seat for the Green Party in the PEI legis (theclimatesummit.org), and Producer/Director at - Breton. Bennett also headed the national Climate Action Planetviews Productions, based in Honolulu, Hawaii. lature, having been elected in May 2015. He previously Network. He served as Communications Director for the ran for election 10 times, federally and provincially. Career: Bailey is a graduate of Al Gore’s The Climate Green Party of Canada and has worked closely with Career: Earned his Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree Project training program and is currently an authorized party leader Elizabeth May. from the University of Glasgow. After an unsuccessful presenter for the program. In addition to his documen- Contact: Friends of the Earth Canada, #200, 251 Bank run for office in the 2001 federal election, Bevan-Baker tary film work, Bailey was an official observer at the In- St., Ottawa, ON K2P 1X3; Phone: (613) 241-0085; Fax: worked with Liberal MP Joe Jordan to write the Canada ternational Whaling Commission and has been involved (613) 566-3449; e-mail: [email protected]; Well-Being Measurement Bill, which sought to establish in anti-whaling and dolphin protection initiatives, as well URL: foecanada.org the Genuine Progress Index, measuring the health of as other environmental and wildlife conservation pro- people, communities & eco-systems. It is considered to grams. He supervised the original Rainbow Warrior, be one of the greenest pieces of legislation to reach the flagship of Greenpeace. Tzeporah Berman Born February 5, 1969, in London, ON. floor of the House of Commons. In 2012 he led a coali- Contact: Planetviews International, #100-147, 758 tion of Islanders against the Plan B project, which aimed Kapahulu Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 96816; Phone: Currently: Berman, an active and controversial figure in to reroute part of the Trans Canada Highway through a (415) 484-8343; Fax: (808) 733-7808; e-mail: conserva- the Canadian environmentalist movement, currently portion of the ancient Acadian Forest. [email protected]; URL: planetviews.org functions in a strategic advisory capacity for numerous environmental, First Nations, and philanthropic organi- Contact: PO Box 2000, Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8; Phone: (902) 620-3977; e-mail: psbevanbaker@assem- Maude Barlow zations engaged in clean energy and issues related to oilsands and pipelines. She is also an Adjunct Professor bly.pe.ca; URL: thirdpartypei.ca; greenparty.pe.ca. Born May 24, 1947. in York University’s Faculty of Environmental Studies. In Currently: Chair of Food and Water Watch, based in 2015 she was appointed to the BC Government Climate David B. Brooks Washington, DC; a member of the executive of the Inter- Leadership Team in order to help BC meet its climate Born in the U.S.; immigrated to Canada in 1970. national Forum on Globalization, located in San Fran- targets. Berman has also served as a designer for pro - Career: In addition to degrees in Geology from MIT cisco; and a councillor of the World Future Council, motional campaigns for Greenpeace International, for (B.Sc. 1955) and the California Institute of Technology based in Hamburg, Germany. the Volkswagen campaign in Europe, and for the Clean (M.Sc. 1956), Dr. Brooks holds a Ph.D. in Economics Our Cloud campaign, the latter of which pushed Apple Career: Barlow served as Senior Advisor on Water to from the University of Colorado (1963). Dr. Brooks is the and Facebook to adopt renewable energy resources to the 63rd President of the United Nations General As- Founding President, a past President (1996-97), and a power their data centres. sembly, 2008-2009. She is the co-founder of the Blue Director of Research for Friends of the Earth Canada. Planet Project, a global initiative with a focus on secur- Career: Berman’s earliest activity as an environmental He is a past Acting Director for Environment and Natural ing the right to water, and sustainable solutions to the organizer began in the early 1990s, during the Resources Management at the International Develop- water crisis. She is also the former Chairperson of The Clayoquot Sound anti-logging protests; her role as a ment Research Centre (IDRC), headquartered in Ot- Council of Canadians, a citizens’ advocacy group with central figure in organizing and promoting the demon- tawa, the Founding Director of the Office of Energy chapters across the country. strations led to the then-Premier labeling her “an enemy Conservation at Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Books: Barlow has authored or co-authored numerous of the state”—and to her arrest under 857 counts of and a member of the International Water Academy, as books and reports, including the bestseller, Blue Cove- criminal aiding and abetting. After shifting her efforts well as serving as an Associate for the International In- nant: The Global Water Crisis, and Boiling Point: Gov- from forestry to climate change, Berman was named by stitute of Sustainable Development’s Natural and Social ernment Neglect, Corporate Abuse, and Canada’s the Premier of British Columbia to the Green Energy Ad- Capital program. His research, interdisciplinary in ap- Water Crisis (2016). Her most recent book is Whose visory Task Force in 2009. Berman has founded and proach, has focused on ways to reduce the dependence Water is it Anyway? Taking water protection into public served in senior positions with a number of Canadian on minerals, water and energy in economic production hands (2019). and international environmental organizations, acting as and other areas, while slowing or avoiding environmen- Co-Director at Greenpeace International’s Global Cli- tal degradation. Dr. Brooks has a particular interest in Awards: Recipient of fourteen honourary doctorates mate and Energy Program; as Executive Director and water soft paths, a method or system which targets cur- from Canadian universities, most recently from Mount Co-Founder at PowerUp Canada, which targeted key rent water use practices to foster conservation and effi- Saint Vincent University in Halifax, in 2016. Barlow was federal ridings in an effort to mobilize voters around cli- ciency (rather than a supply side or demand also granted the 2005 Right Livelihood Award, the Cita- mate change; and as Co-founder and Campaign Direc- perspective) as the foundation for a long-term, tion of Lifetime Achievement at the 2008 Canadian Envi- tor of ForestEthics, a group that informs consumers sustainable strategy for managing water as a critical ronment Awards, and the 2009 Earth Day Canada about the environmentally harmful business practices of resource. He is a noted author and conference speaker. Outstanding Environmental Achievement Award. She is large corporate suppliers. featured in Sam Bozzo’s documentary film Blue Gold: Awards: Recipient of an honourary doctorate in envi- World Water Wars, and is the subject of both the Na- Awards: Recipient of the 2015 YWCA Women of Dis- ronmental studies from the University of Waterloo. - tional Film Board’s documentary Democracy à la Maude tinction Award in British Columbia. In 2013, Berman re Books: Author of: Zero Energy Growth for Canada: Wa- (1998) and a CBC TV Life and Times biography, “Im- ceived an honourary doctorate from the University of ter-Local Level Management Corporate Knights (IDRC’s in-focus series); movable Maude: The Life and Times of Maude Barlow” British Columbia and was selected by co-author of: Watershed: The Role of Fresh Water in the (2001). magazine as one of the Top Women in Sustainability. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict; co-editor of Making the Most Berman was also a featured interview subject in the of the Water we Have: The Soft Path Approach to Water Contact: Food and Water Watch, 1616 P Street NW The 11th Hour - 2007 environmental film , narrated by Leo Management (2009). Washington, DC, USA 20036; Phone: (202) 683-2500; nardo DiCaprio. She has been included in an exhibit at Toll-Free: (855) 340-8083; e-mail: [email protected]; the BC Royal Museum that celebrates 150 central Contact: [email protected] URL: www.foodandwaterwatch.org. figures in British Columbia history. Books: This Crazy Time: Living Our Environmental Silver Donald Cameron John Bennett Change (2011). Born June 21, 1973, in Toronto, ON. Currently: Senior Policy Advisor, Friends of the Earth. Contact: URL: tzeporahberman.com; Twitter: twit- Career: Completed his B.A. from the University of Brit- Career: Bennett served as executive director at Sierra ter.com/Tzeporah ish Columbia in 1960, his M.A. from the University of Club Canada from 2007-2015, and in various capacities California, Berkeley in 1962, and his Ph.D. from the Uni- since 1998. While a student at the University of Toronto, Peter Bevan-Baker versity of London in 1967. Cameron became an English professor at the University of New Brunswick in 1968. In he was instrumental in establishing the Toronto office of Born June 3, 1962, in Aberdeen, Scotland; immigrated Greenpeace. After working as a newspaper reporter for 1971 he became a full time writer, and has since written to Canada in 1985. ten years, Bennett returned to Greenpeace in 1989, and 18 books, a stage play and over 50 radio dramas. He also worked with Pollution Probe. In 1994, he was in has previously served as the Writer-in-Residence at the CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE GUIDE 2020-2021 E-1 Recent Environmental Events Environmental Up-Date 2020 2018 February June • Many regions of Canada experience an abnormally cold and wintery February, with B.C.
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