The Passengers' Log Index of Photographs and Illustrations

The Passengers' Log Index of Photographs and Illustrations

The Passengers’ Log Index of Photographs and Illustrations Sixth Edition: Volume 1 No. 1 – Volume 23 No. 3 • This index covers most photos and illustrations. • Passengers and incidental drawings are not usually included, unless directly related to an article. • The index is fully searchable, using the FIND option of Word . • When searching for a well-used term (such as “Sherlock”) it may be better to get to the “S” section (by searching for “S..”) and scrolling from there. The numbers refer to Log Volume. Number: Page. eg 5.2:10 = Log Volume 5 Number 2 Page 10. eg 3.4&4.1:46 = Log Combined Volume 3 Number 4 & Volume 4 Number 1 Page 46 The index: 221B Baker Street ( the address): - door: 22.3:26 - door sticker, life-sized: 18.3:29 - at International Exhibition of Sherlock Holmes Sydney: 20.1:18; 20.2:11-12; 20.3:34 - mock-up, in ACD Room, Toronto Library: 12.2:28 - movie set (185 North Gower St): 13.4&14.1:37 - at Oregon Museum of Science & Industry: 17.1:11 - plaque: 22.3:17 - reproduction, unidentified: 17.3:19 221B: The Sherlock Holmes Web Series (ad): 17.1:41 44 Henry Street, Ashfield (site of first Passengers’ meeting, 9 th May 1985): 8.3&4:47 A.. Abbey Grange, Adventure of (illustration from): 5.2:10; 8.2:7; 9.1:7, 8, 9; 13.3:39; 14.3&4:20; 16.1:25 - oaken chair/bell rope re-creations: 9.1:8,9,10 Abbey House, Lon: 22.3:20 Abbington, Amanda (actress – Morstan): 17.2:39; 20.2:3, 31; 20.3:20, 24; 21.2:9 Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem (basketballer/author): 18.2:30 Abominable Bride (Sherlock Christmas special): 19.2:37 - cast receiving Emmy Award: 20.1:33 Acacia Restaurant, The Rocks (2005): 8.2:4 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1939 film): 7.3:61 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes VI (Naxos Audio): 9.3&4:52 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson (Russian DVD): 11.4:11 Adventures of Sherlock Hound (Japanese animated TV series): 21.3:14 Adventuresses of Sherlock Holmes: - dinner (2009): 12.2:31 advertisement: - Female emigration to Australia poster: 8.3&4:46 - Ferris Corset Waist female bicycle attire: 21.3:13 - Holmesian website: 5.2:27 - Metro Auto Find: 3.3:24 - Mrs Winlsow’s Soothing Syrup (morphine-laced syrup for children): 21.3:17 - Norddeutscher Lloyd Steamers: 8.3&4:36 - a sports website: 3.4&4.1:46 - Victoria Theatre, Ballarat: 8.3&4:39 Afghanistan - Afghan musket or Jezail: 17.1:13 - Malalai medal (after Kandahar): 17.1:16 - map, showing Maiwand): 17.1:13 Agra Fort: 4.3&4:30, 32, 34 airgun target: 21.2:14 All Saints Church, Minstead: 10.1:49 Allen, Patrick (actor – Moran) (Departure): 10.1:4 Allison, Peter David (actor – Watson): 22.3:36 Almeida, Joaquim de: (actor – Holmes): 7.3:60 Al’s Elementary Crossword: 17.2:10; 17.3:10; 18.1:10; 18.2:31; 18.3:32; 19.1:31; 19.2:34; 19.3:36; 20.1:38; 20.2:38; 20.3:38; 21.1:38; 21.3:32; 22.1:37; 22.2:32; 22.3:32; 23.1:34; 23.2:30; 23.3:36 Ambassadors (painting by Hans Holbein): 18.3:27 Anderson, Paul (actor – Moran): 23.2:28 Andrews, Anthony (actor): 7.3:41 Angell, Branford Bryan (ACD’s nephew): 10.1:7 - family: 10.1:7 - newspaper clippings of death: 10.1:8-9 Annett, Paul (Grenada director) (Departure): 21.2:6 Anwar, Gabrielle (actress): 8.1:41 D’Arcy, James (see D) Argyle Street, The Rocks, Sydney: 8.2:5 arsenic lotion (label): 23.1:15 Arthur Conan Doyle Gasse (alley, Austria): 23.1:29 Arthur Conan Doyle Society logo: 1.3:22 Arthur, H. Vosper: - Departure: 22.3:4 Arthur and George (film with Martin Clunes): 18.3:29 Arthur Williams “Admirable Cobber” Award: 23.3:7 Asclepius (son of Apollo) (statue): 19.3:26 - rod of Asclepius (drawing): 19.3:26 asteroids (etc): - 5048 Moriarty (drawing); (photo): 8.2:35; 18.3:28 - 5049 Holmes (drawing): 8.2:35 - 5050 Doctorwatson (drawing): 8.2:35 - “Comet Holmes”: 11.1:28 Ashfield Municipal Library (display): 4.3&4:6 Atkinson, Rowan (comedian): 9.3&4:50 audio versions of the canon: 6.3:32; 20.3:28 Auger, Claudine (actress) (Departure): 23.2:5 Australian Cattle Dog Society of NSW (logo): 17.1:27 Australian soldiers, WWI: 14.2:17 automatic writing (drawing): 19.3:29 B.. BAD: Sydney Crime Writers Festival (logo): 22.1:40 Baker, Colin (actor): - drawing: 2.1:36 Baker, Rick: 14.2:20 Baker, Roy Ward (director) (Departure): 14.3&4:8 Baker Street: - Christmas lights, 2019 (goose with blue carbuncle): 23.2:28 - Grenada Studios set: 22.3:21 - movie set (185 North Gower St): 13.4&14.1:37 - Russian residential complex (still from website video): 22.1:36 Baker Street (musical CD): 9.2:22 Baker Street Almanac (record of Sherlockian events): 22.2:29 Baker Street Irregulars: - Cocktail Reception (2009): 12.2:36 - Dealers’ Room (2009): 12.2:35 - dinner program (January, 2000): 3.3:17 - dinner (2009): 12.2:33-35 - Distinguished Speaker Lecture (2009): 12.2:32 - William Gillette Memorial Luncheon (2009): 12.2:33 Baker, Tom (actor – Holmes): 5.3:53; 11.4:7; 14.3&4:36; 21.2:25 - drawing: 2.1:36 Ballarat, Victoria: 8.2:19 bandicoot: 23.1:19 barometer: 22.2:21 Barkworth, Peter (actor) (Departure): 10.1:4 Barnes, Bill ( the Captain): 19.3:4,8 - 10 years at the helm tribute: 10.1:22-23; 10.2&3:6 - “compelled” to accept elevation: 11.2&3:9 - his hat: 18.1:5 - invested into BSI as “The Gloria Scott”: 12.2:3 - and his Lady, Kate Dyer OA: 18.1:5 - 2016 Montpellier winner: 21.1:6 - his ship’s decanter: 10.2&3:12 - a Walk of Fame star?: 12.2:31 Barraclough, Roy (actor – Watson) (Departure): 21.1:4 Barron, Keith (actor) (Departure): 21.2:7 Barry, John (musical dramatist) (Departure): 14.3&4:9 Barrymore, John (actor – Holmes): 8.2:41; 16.3&4:34; 18.1:34 Bart’s Hospital (see Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital) Basil of Baker Street (animated character): 20.1:37 Baskerville family crest: 11.4:36; 16.3&4:9 Baskerville – a Sherlock Holmes Mystery (a play by Ken Ludwig) (playbill): 22.1:42 Baskerville Hall (Clyro Court) Wales: 16.3&4:9, 27 Bass, Sandra (Genesian playwright): 23.2:14 Bate, Anthony (actor) (Departure): 15.3&4:4 Batman: - Batman/Sherlock cross (drawing): 10.2&3:25 - drawing: 13.1&2:32, 36 BBC Broadcasting House: 15.1:13 bees: - box beehive: 19.3:13 - Mesolithic cave painting: 19.3:13 - queen excluder: 19.3:14 - skep beehive (drawing): 19.3:13 Beeton, Isabella (household manager): 12.1:23 Beeton’s Christmas Annual (the publication): 22.1:11 - advertisment for 1887 edition: 22.1:12 - facsimile cover: 22.2:30 “Believe in Sherlock Holmes” banner: 15.2:18 Bell, Doctor Joseph: 6.1:18; 9.3&4:26; 15.1:28; 15.2:21, 22 - drawing: 3.1&2:19 - his house: 6.1:19 - painting: 17.1:11 Bellew, Harold Kyrle (actor – Watson?): 18.1:31 Belshazzar (Biblical king) (drawing): 19.3:27 Benaud, Ritchie: (drawing): 2.2:33 Benes, Elaine (character): - drawing: 2.1:34 Benham, Harry (actor – Holmes): 15.3&4:11 Bennett, Bob (Passenger) (Departure): 12.2:5 Bennett, Constance (actress): 21.1:24 Benson, Sir Frank (actor; Rathbone’s cousin): 16.3&4:30 Beryl Coronet, Adventure of (illustration from): 2.1:27 Big Ben: 22.1:30 Bildt, Paul (actor – ACD): - drawing: 1.3:13 birds: - bittern (drawing): 1.1:49; 7.1:18, 11.2&3:17 - plover’s eggs: 10.2&3:34 birthday cake: - Passengers’ 30 th Anniversary: 18.3:6 - Sherlockian themed: 16.1:31 - SH’s 150 th ): 7.2:15 - SH’s 157 th : 14.2:9 Bishopthorpe Manor, Goulburn: 4.2:26; 4.3&4:24; 5.1:6, 10 - Gus, the Hound of Bishopthorpe: 5.1:6 Black Shuk (AKA Grim or Padfoot; legendary hound) (drawing): 5.1:29; 5.2:32 Blackheath (UK) Rugby Union team (1958): 4.2:36 Blackford, Harriet (socialite; model for Adler?): 5.2:14 Blackwell, Carlyle (actor – Holmes): 5.3:48; 18.1:35 Blakely, Colin (actor): 8.1:29; 15.2:24; 15.3&4:35, 38; 17.2:30; 21.1:27; 21.2:30 Blanched Soldier, Adventure of : - illustration from 13.1&2:54; 13.3:42; 17.3:31, 32, 33, 35; 19.2:11 Blau, Peter (Sherlockian): 13.1&2:5; 16.2:15 bloodhounds – Barnaby and Burgho (drawing): 10.1:28 blow-pipe, in action: 18.1:28-29 Blue Carbuncle, Adventure of : - illustration from: 9.1:27, 34; 12.1:23; 16.1:27 Bochym Manor (DEVI setting?): 11.4:35 Bonaparte, Napoleon (drawing): 22.3:12 book, fake / hollow: 19.3:33 bookplate: 23.1:21, 24 books: __________, Australian Journal 22.1:30 __________, Australia Post Postcode book 2.1:43; 7.2:29; 9.1:25 __________, Beeton’s Christmas Annual (1887) 10.4:5; 15.1:34; 22.1:11 __________, Beeton’s Christmas Annual (BSI, 1960) 10.4:12; 11.1:9 __________, Beeton’s Christmas Annual (Magico, 1987) 10.4:13; 11.1:9 __________, Beeton’s Christmas Annual (Gibson, 1987) 10.4:14 __________, Belgravia (magazine) (title page) 9.3&4:27 __________, Bill Barnes, Air Adventurer (1930s graphic novel magazine): 11.4:4 __________, Book Collector (March 2002) 23.1:6 __________, Colliers Weekly (January 28, 1905) 12.2:20 __________, Serie Detective (Spanish pulp magazine) 3.3:26; 5.1:18 __________, Ellery Queen Msytery Magazine 11.2&3:18 __________, The Friend (British occupation newspaper, Bloemfontein, c.1900) 10.1:13, 15 __________, German “Penny Dreadful” 10.2&3:13 __________, Illustrated London News (?) 12.1:24 __________, Life - Sherlock Holmes edition (magazine) 20.2:34 __________, Lippincott’s (magazine) 5.3:42 __________, Lonely Planet’s 1000 Ultimate Sights 15.1:30 __________, Mad Magazine (a page therefrom) 18.2:30 __________, Moving Picture World (magazine) 18.1:24 __________, New Yorker (magazine) 22.2:29 __________, novel journal (blank journal) 19.1:38 __________, Philosophy Now (magazine) 22.2:37 __________, Radio Times (BBC guide) 21.1:27 __________, Sherlock: The Mind Palace (BBC colouring book): 19.2:39 __________, Sherlock Holmes (Spanish comic) 16.1:33 __________, Sherlock Holmes and Kolchak the Night Stalker (Moonstone Books comic) 16.1:33 __________, Sherlock Holmes Magazine 23.3:31 __________,

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