THE LONDON GAZETTE, 9 MARCH, 1956 1473 DIBBBN, Horace Ronald, 24, Eaton Place, London, ROBERTSHAW, Fred, 136, Courthill Road, S.E.I3, S.W.I, and lately residing at Lytes Gary Manor, in the county of London, Builder's Foreman, and Somerton, Somerset, COMPANY DIRECTOR. lately carrying on business in partnership with Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of others in the name of F. Robertshaw and Sons Matter—142 of 1955. Date of Order—Feb. 21, at 136, Courthill Road, S.E.13, aforesaid as 1956. Date of Filing Petition—Feb. 25, 1955. BUILDING CONTRACTORS. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—7 of HENDERSON, John Stuart, 70, Golden Manor 1956. Date of Order—Feb. 28, 1956. Date of Drive, London, N.W.I 1, Development Engineer Filing Petition—Jan. 5, 1956. and formerly a COMPANY DIRECTOR, described in the Receiving Order as a Commisi- HICRMAN, Phyllis Anne (Married Woman), other- sion Agent, and lately residing at 9, Victoria wise known as Phyllis Robins, Stanbury Manor, Square, and 37, Sherwood Road, both in Work- Morwenstowe, Bude, in the county of Cornwall, sop, in the county of Nottingham, whose present of no occupation, and lately residing at place of residence the Petitioning Creditors are Beechurst, The Ham, Old Windsor, in the county unable to ascertain, a domiciled Englishman. of Berks. Court—BARNSTAPLE (by transfer Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter—3 Matter—564 of 1955. Date of Order—Feb. 21, of 1956. Date of Order—March 2, 1956. Date 1956. Date of Filing Petition—Sept. 5, 1955. of Filing Petition—Nov. 17, 1955. LAMBERT, Sidney, 8, Lamb Street, E.1, Cafe HEDGES, Douglas Charles, residing and carrying Assistant, lately residing and carrying on busi- on business at The White Horse Hotel, Flitton, ness as a TURF ACCOUNTANT at 80, Hyde in the county of Bedford, LICENSED VIC- Park Mansions, N.W.I, both in the county of TUALLER, formerly residing and carrying on London, described in the Receiving Order as of business at 6, High Street, Bletchley, in the no known occupation. Court—HIGH COURT county of Buckingham, as a GARAGE PRO- OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—779 of 1955. PRIETOR. Court—BEDFORD. No. of Date of Order—Feb. 25, 1956. Date of Filing Matter—1 of 1956. Date of Order—Feb. 29r Petition—Dec. 9, 1955. 1956. Date of Filing Petition—Jan. 6, 1956. LANE, William Herbert, 29, Penge Road, Upton ECCLES, Harry, Flat 3, 145, Reads Avenue, Black- Park, Lond-on, E.I 3, Machine Operator, andl pool, in the county of Lancaster, FISH- lately carrying oni business at 14, Junction Road, MONGER, lately carrying on business at 84-86, London, E.I3, as a BUILDER under .the style High Street, Blackpool, and 46, Back Lord of W. H. Lane & Co., described in- the Receiving Street, Blackpool aforesaid as a MANU- Order as of no known occupation. Court— FACTURER of COOKED MEATS. Court— HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter BLACKPOOL. No. of Matter—7 of 1956. Date —759 of 1955. Date of Order—Feb. 25, 1956. of Order—March 5, 1956. Date of Filing Date of Filing Petition—Nov. 28, 1955. Petition—March 5, 1956. MARKS, Gabriel, 27, Brook Avenue, Edgware, Middlesex, COMPANY DIRECTOR, described TAYLOR, Frank, 60A, Hardhorn Road, Poulton-le- in the Receiving Order as G. Marks (Male), 32, Fylde, Blackpool, in the county of Lancaster, Westgate Street, London, E.8, Ladies' Handbag BUILDER and DECORATOR, and lately carry- Manufacturer. Court—HIGH COURT OF ing on business at 90-92, Topping Street, Black- JUSTICE. No. of Matter—813> of 1955. Date pool, and at 433, Lytham Road, Blackpool, of Order—March 2, 1956. Date of Filing Peti- both in the county of Lancaster. Court— tion—Dec. 23. 1955. BLACKPOOL (by transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter—5 of 1956. Date of PRICE, Daniel Herman, residing and carrying on Order—Feb. 29, 1956. Date of Filing Petition— business at 115, King's Cross Road, London, Nov. 11, 1955. W.C.I, as a GROCER and DAIRYMAN, described in the Receiving Order as D. H. Price TAYLOR, Edwin Christian, 99, Northfield Road, (Male), a Provision Merchant. Court—HIGH Ringwod, in the county of Hants, lately carry- COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—809 ing on business at 188, Somerford Road, of 1955. Date of Order—Feb. 23, 1956. Date Christchurch, in the county of Hants, as a of Filing Petition—Dec. 19, 1955. CYCLE DEALER. Court—BOURNEMOUTH. No. of Matter—5 of 1956. Date of Order- RAWLING, John Stanford, otherwise known as March 5, 1956. Date of Filing Petition—March John Stanford Rawlings, Jack Stanford Rawling, 5, 1956. and Jack Stanford Evan Rawling, 37, Frognal, Hampstead, N.W.3, and formerly of Livingstone BELLI, Frank Dominic, 70A, The Broadway, Oldfield House, Melville Road, N.W.10, Engineer, lately Lane, Greenford, Middlesex, lately carrying on trading as Universal Engineering Products (a business as a CATERER at 70, The Broadway, firm), CONSULTANT ENGINEERS, at 9, Oldfield Lane, Greenford, Middlesex, under the Camden High Street, N.W.I, all London, style of Reg's Bar (described in the Receiving described in the Receiving Order as Universal Order as Frank Belli, 70, The Broadway, Ruislip Engineering Products (a firm), 9, Camden High Road, Greenford, in the county of Middlesex, Street, London, N.W.I, Consultant Engineers. Restaurant Proprietor, and carrying on business Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of at 70, The Broadway, Ruislip Road, Greenford Matter—£25 of 1955. Date of Order—Feb. 27, aforesaid, in the style of Reg's Bar as a 1956. Date of Filing Petition—Sept. 30, 1955. Restaurant Proprietor). Court—BRENTFORD (by transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of RHODES, Ronald Arthur, 55, Churchill Terrace, Matter—2A of 1956. Date of Order—March 1, Chingford, E.4, in the county of Essex, General 1956. Date of Filing Petition—Dec. 16, 1955. Porter, lately trading as a CAFE PROPRIETOR at 96, Morning Lane, Hackney, E.9, in the SAWYER, Richard William, residing and carrying county of London, and formerly trading on his on business at " The Globe," 73, Newland Road, own account and previously in partnership as Worthing, in the county of Sussex. LICENSED "Direct Transport Company," at 21, Berkeley VICTUALLER. Court—BRIGHTON. No. of Avenue, Waltham Cross, in the county of Hert- Matter—11 of-1956. Date of Order—March 5, ford, TRANSPORT and HAULAGE CON- 1956. Date of Filing Petition—March 5, 1956. TRACTOR, described in the Receiving Order as of 55, Church Hill Terrace, Chingford, E.4, BACHE, Herbert Wallace (Bricklayer), residing and in the county of London, of no known occupa- lately carrying on business as a BUILDER, at tion, and lately residing at 21, Berkeley Avenue, "Highfield," Runsell Road, Danbury, Essex, Waltham Cross, in the county of Hertford, and under the style of H. W. Bache and Sons. at 11, Moreland Way, North Chingford, E.4, Described in the Receiving Order as H. W. Bache in the county of London. Court—HIGH and Sons (a firm) of the same address. Court COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—798 —CHELMSFORD. No. of Matter—1 of 1956. of 1955. Date of Order—Feb. 28, 19.56. Date Date of Order—Feb. 28, 1956. Date of Filing of Filing Petition—Dec. 15, 1955. Petition—Jan. 13, 1956..
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