UGUST A 15, 2021 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary ST. FRANCIS DE SALES ORATORY HOLY MASS SCHEDULE: Sunday Schedule Mass 8:00am and 10:30am Monday - Saturday Mass 8:00am Tuesday Mass 6:30pm Wednesday Mass 12:15pm First Fridays ORATORY CLERGY: Mass 6:30pm VERY REV. MSGR. R. MICHAEL SCHMITZ, STD, JCD Holy Days of Obligation Vicar General & Delegate for the United States Please consult the bulletin REV. CANON MATTHEW L. TALARICO Provincial Superior, United States REV. CANON BENJAMIN L. COGGESHALL SACRED DEVOTIONS: Rector Mother of Perpetual Help REV. CANON PIERRE R. DUMAIN Tuesday 8:00am & 6:30pm Vicar REV. CANON MIGUEL A. CAÑADAS CARPIO Adoration Vicar & Sacristan Thursday 6:30pm ABBÉ ALEX J. BARGA General Manager ABBÉ MARK T. HALISKY CONFESSIONS: Oblate 30 minutes before all Masses ORATORY STAFF: Mr. Jon Roché Mrs. Mary Hayworth Mr. James Marck Accounting Manager Office Administrator Director of Sacred Music “Let us run to Mary, and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her arms with a perfect confidence.” - St. Francis de Sales INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING SOVEREIGN PRIEST LITURGICAL CALENDAR Reception of Holy Communion To facilitate the timely distribution of Holy Communion at the 8:00am Sunday Masses, the faithful are re- quested to use the MAIN ALTAR RAIL ONLY for the time being. This makes it easier for the single priest to efficiently distribute the Blessed Sacrament. Plan on this arrangement until we receive a second priest for that Mass. Thank you for your understanding. Mass Intentions: Server Schedule Sunday, August 15 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sunday, August 15 1st Class 8:00am Low Mass 8:00am Low Mass - Maria de los Angeles and Acolytes: Joel Miller, Liam Miller Macario Lopez Muñoz 10:30am Solemn Mass 10:30am Solemn Mass - Pam Fichter Master of Ceremonies: Timothy White Thurifer: Alex Vega Monday, August 16 Acolyte 1: Trent Hickey St. Joachim, 2nd Class Acolyte 2: Raymond Pekny 8:00am Low Mass - Madeline Fichter Crucifer: Mark Stamos Choir Master of Ceremonies: Michael Ruggiero Tuesday, August 17 Torchbearers: John Wichmer, Jackson Huber, St. Hyacinth, 3rd Class Charles LeBlanc, John Paul Davidson, Gabriel 8:00am Low Mass - David Kessler Davidson, Gus Pekny 6:30pm Low Mass - Restoration & Benefactors of St. Francis de Sales Oratory Thursday, August 19 Wednesday, August 18 6:30pm Adoration Commemoration of St. Agapitus Master of Ceremonies: Gabriel Ruggiero 8:00am Low Mass - Nicholas Fichter Thurifer: Joseph Pekny 12:15pm Low Mass - Special Intention Acolyte 1: Dominic Ruggiero Acolyte 2: Raymond Pekny Thursday, August 19 Torchbearers: Gus Pekny, Joseph Shany St. John Eudes, 3rd Class 8:00am Low Mass - Dominic Unseth 6:30pm Adoration & Litany of St. Joseph Sunday, August 22 8:00am Low Mass Friday, August 20 Acolytes: Joel Miller, Liam Miller St. Bernard, 3rd Class 10:30am Solemn Mass 8:00am Low Mass - Daniel Kessler Family Master of Ceremonies: Austin Newton Thurifer: Gabriel Ruggiero Saturday, August 21 Acolyte 1: Michael Ruggiero St. Jane Frances de Chantal, 3rd Class Acolyte 2: William Cassibry 8:00am Low Mass - Richard Frierdich Crucifer: Timothy White Choir Master of Ceremonies: Trent Hickey Sunday, August 22 Torchbearers: Alex Vega, Joseph Pekny, Ezio Immaculate Heart of Mary, 2nd Class LaZella, Campion Purgahn, Benjamin Lowe, Gus 8:00am Low Mass - Canon Bryan Silvey LeBlanc 10:30am Solemn Mass - Mary LaFontaine † NEWS AND UPCOMING EVENTS TODAY: Assumption of Our Lady (2nd Collection) August 19: Devotions to St. Joseph at Evening Adoration August 22: Immaculate Heart of Mary August 22-28: Annual Chapter Meeting in Gricigliano, Italy October 28-31: Christ the King Choir Festival Enroll Now in Chant Class December 11: Gala Music Fundraiser (Begins August 24!) Enroll Now in Chant Class (Begins August 24!) Registration now open for the Fall ’21 semester of Chant Class with instructor Mr. James Marck and Canon Pierre Dumain. Launched in August 2019 with only 8 members, the weekly chant class grew to 35 members this Summer, with 50 attendants to the class’s concluding 5-part lecture series, The Papacy on Music. This Fall, the focus of the class will be the Kyriale, the ordinary parts of the Mass (Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, etc.), and students of the class will learn the Mass setting and hymns of Ad- Marian Prayer of vent and Christmas. St. Francis de Sales Tuesdays, 7:45-8:45pm (following devotions to Mother of Perpetual Help) Most Holy Mary Virgin Mother of God, I am un- worthy to be your servant. Yet moved by your No experience required motherly care for me and longing to serve you, I Free choose you this day to be my Queen, my Advo- For men & women cate, and my Mother. I firmly resolve ever to be Learn basics of both reading and singing devoted to you and to do what I can to encourage Chant others to be devoted to you. My loving Mother, 3-part lecture series Nov. 9, 16, and 23: Tota through the Precious Blood of your Son shed for pulchra est: The Song of Songs and the Im- me, I beg you to receive me as your servant forev- maculate Conception (enrollment in class not required to attend lecture series) er. Aid me in my actions and beg for me the grace never by thought, word, or deed to be displeasing To enroll, simply email music director James in your sight and that of your most holy Son. Re- Marck and request a form at jmarck@institute- member me, dearest Mother, and do not abandon christ-king.org. All registration requests must be me at the hour of death. submitted by August 20. Welcome Guests & Visitors Please join us for the social hour with coffee & donuts after both Sunday Masses located in the hall below the Church. The Hall can be accessed via the middle of the nave—elevator is to the South and stairs to the North. An Easy Way to Donate Planned Giving There is now a new and simple way to make do- Please remember St. Francis de Sales Oratory in nations securely online by using your cell phone. your Will or Living Trust. An appropriate Will or Open the camera function on your phone and Trust provision would be: place the screen over the QR Code below. A win- dow banner will appear at the top from eservice- "I give __________ to The Friends of St. Fran- payments.com and then follow the prompts to do- cis de Sales Oratory, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, nate to the Oratory’s general fund or restoration for the Oratory's unrestricted use." fund. You will also have the option to donate to the U.S. Provincial Headquarters in Chicago to support the work and Insurance Assessment mission in the USA. The Oratory’s biggest annual financial obligation If you have any ques- continues to be that of our property and liability tions please contact insurance assessed by the Archdiocese of Saint the rectory office. Louis. Thank you very much for your charitable Our 2021-2022 insurance assessment is generosity. $99,214.00. We are relying on your continuous prayers and generous donations which you exer- cise by using your insurance envelope. De Sales Heritage Foundation Please help us off set this cost by donating to- day. Thank you very much! The DeSales Heritage Foundation is in existence since January 2018. This entity is a public charity, tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Stewardship Section 501(c)(3). All donations made to the Foun- July 2021 - June 2022 dation are therefore tax deductible according to IRC Section 170. The governing instrument of this Weekly Collection Goal: $10,500.00 Foundation provides that its purpose is to promote and support the restoration, preservation and im- August 8 provement of our church building, an historically Envelopes Mailed: 253 and architecturally significant structure listed on the Envelopes Turned In: 141 National Register of Historic Places. This nar- row objective is meant to encourage companies, associations and other entities that may not wish to Loose: $2,572.00 support religion, as such, to contribute to the im- Envelopes: $8,275.70 portant cause of the restoration of our magnificent Online Donations: $1,537.46 church. TOTAL: $12,385.16 Many corporations match donations made by em- ployees to a recognized non-profit, such as DeSales YTD Stewardship Goal: $63,000.00 Heritage Foundation. Please inquire about your YTD Stewardship: $66,275.79 company’s employee gift matching program and YTD Surplus/Deficit: $3,275.79 guidelines. Archdiocesan Insurance Assessment If you need to provide details to qualify DeSales 2021-2022 Heritage Foundation for your company’s program, please contact Mr. Charles A. Redd at (314) 259- $99,214.00 Approx. $8,267.80 a month. * $2,066.90 per weekend 4534 or [email protected]. Requiescat in Pace In your charity, please pray for the repose of the soul of Mrs. Loretta Brandt who passed away on 2021-2022 Troops of St. George August 9, 2021. Mrs. Brandt, along with her hus- The Troops of Saint George is an apostolate for band Howard, are long time members of the Ora- tory and also attended the Log Church in Cahokia. fathers and sons (ages 6 - 18) which “...aims to use Please pray for the repose of Mrs. Brandt and her the outdoors as our canvas and the sacraments as family during this difficult time and also pray for our path to light the way for the formation of Holy all those who have gone before us. Catholic men and boys. Whether called to the vo- Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let cation of the priesthood, the religious life, or that perpetual light shine upon her.
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