St. PeterJs .ft66eg 9{f.wsfetter Vol. 19 NO.1 Winter 1997 The front cover of the first newsletter F!4 Fr. Wilfred Hergott cleaning snow off the sidewalks. Abbot Peter reviews highlights ~f 1996 Dear friends, With this issue of the Abbey Newsletter Br. Thomas takes on the role of editor. I want to thank Br. Gerald for his good service in this posi• tion for the past years. We continue to look forward to the valuable collection of pictures he takes to record some of the events at the abbey. There are other things to be thankful for since our last newsletter. Br. Neil made his temporary vows and Fr. Demetrius was ordained to the priest• hood. In addition two men joined us in the fall of 1996 as candidates. One of Participants at the 1996 Abbot's Congress in Rome. The new abbot primate is Marcel Rooney, centre front. The three Canadian abbots are to his right, third row from the front. them decided this was not his vocation and one candidate remains. have gone to their reward. One of our Pannonhalmo which was celebrating its A highlight of 1996 was the celebra• monks who died in 1996 was Br. 1,000th anniversary. It was indeed an tion of the 75th anniversary of the Conrad Abs. He was a good and faith• interesting visit. We heard stories of Muenster Diocese. A book was pub• ful worker at the Prairie Messenger for how the abbey was spared by the lished for the occasion and most of the a half century. armies in WW II and how the monks 1,000 copies are already sold. It The fall of 1996 was the occasion for were restricted during the communist updates Fifty Golden Years, printed in an abbots congress in Rome. This meet• regime. Yet, their residential school has 1953. Much has happened in the last 40 ing takes place every four years. There 350 boys in high school, with a lineup years in the church and in this area. A were about 250 abbots and priors pre• waiting to get in. A day's tour of the diocesan celebration was held on the sent for the lO-day meeting at the end of countryside reminded me of what abbey grounds on June 17 and we were September. We elected Marcel Rooney Saskatchewan agriculture looked like in blessed with ideal weather. as the new abbot primate and reports the 1950s. St. Peter's College also celebrated were given on Benedictine initiatives in This year, 1997, marks the 30th its 75th anniversary and held a reunion China and Third World countries as well anniversary of our mission to Brazil. In to celebrate the occasion. It was good as on developments at our international February I plan to visit Fr. Bernard as to renew acquaintances with former college, Sant' Anselmo, in Rome. well as the Ursuline team, Sisters students. Some of their professors, of After the meeting I and 20 other Maria, Claire, Louise and Ana Lucia. course, are no longer with us as they abbots went to the Hungarian Abbey of We are grateful to the many benefactors and members of our diocese who con• tinue to support our diocesan team through their prayers and donations. Pope John Paul II has been urging Catholics to be mission-minded, espe• cially as we approach the third millen• mum. And this is a good point to end with - a reminder that we are beginning the three-year countdown to the celebration of Jubilee Year 2000. Pope John Paul II has been giving us many challenges: to be reconciled with one another, to work for Christian unity, to be joyful, to work for justice and peace, and to dwell within the heart of God. As followers of St. Benedict, none of this is foreign to us. May we be up to taking on this challenge every day of Abbey of Pannonhalmo our lives. 2 Wasylyniuk ordained to priesthood By Andrew M. Britz, OSB MUENSTER, Sask. - Others might see it as a circuitous route, but Rev. Demetrius Wasylyniuk, OSB, sees his ordination to the priesthood as a logical step from one ministry to another. Wasylyniuk, a monk of St. Peter's Abbey, was ordained priest on June 29, the patronal feastday of the monastery, by Bishop Blaise Morand of Prince Albert. When asked why he became a priest, the newly ordained monk answers quickly: "I feel called to serve the com• munity. I saw being a funeral director (his previous occupation) as a ministry Bishop Blaise Morand, Abbot Peter Novecosky, Elsa Wasylyniuk, F/: Demetrius Wasylyniuk and I see the priesthood as a ministry." and Alex Wasylyniuk. Demetrius, the son of Elsa and the late Joseph Wasylyniuk of Watrous, Novecosky reviewed his eight years in tion of the people is to be the supreme law." Sask., began his work with Scarf's the monastery and highlighted his ser• Funeral Home in Humboldt. There he vice to the elderly and to the sick. Gray, now a hermit at the abbey, came to know three priest-monks very The abbot noted that during his dia• praised his confrere for including the well, namely, Fathers Florian conal year he ministered in a special text from Galatians on his program: Renneberg, Maurice Weber and Martin way to the terminally ill. He also noted "There is no longer Jew or Greek, there Brodner. that Wasylyniuk can give an inspiring is no longer slave or free, there is no "I stayed in contact with Maurice sermon which is true to the Scriptures. longer male or female: for all of you and with his guidance I came to In beginning his exhortation to the are one in Christ Jesus" (Gal 3:28). He combined this text with the text Muenster to continue my education and candidate to the priesthood, Morand eventually to enter the monastic life," noted that 15 years ago, on the feast of taken from the vigil office of Sts. Peter he said. Sts. Peter and Paul, he was ordained and Paul, in which Paul proclaims that In recommending Wasylyniuk to the bishop. God's grace is most powerful when we bishop during the ordination rite held at "What better way can I mark this acknowledge our weakness (see I St. Peter's Cathedral, Abbot Peter anniversary," he asked the people gath• Corinthians 12). ered to celebrate as diocese and as "A consciousness of the unity of friends, "than by sharing the priesthood God's people combined with a con• of Jesus Christ?" sciousness of our own weakness makes At the evening banquet held at the for a powerful priestly ministry," Gray abbey, Rev. Pascal Cheline, OSB, a said. professor from Mt. Angel Seminary in In concluding his remarks, Gray Oregon, spoke of Demetrius's six years quoted "one of his favorite texts" and spent with the monks of their used it as a blessing for the new priest monastery. "As a superior of Mt. whom he praised for overcoming seri• Angel," he concluded, "I make you an ous physical handicaps: "Those who honorary member of our community." wait for the Lord shall renew their Rev. James Gray, OSB, the guest youth, they shall mount up with wings speaker at the banquet, noted like eagles, they shall run and not be Demetrius's natural curiosity and how weary, they shall walk and not faint" (Is he was transforming that into a blessing 40:31). for the abbey. "He is interested in In his short address closing the everything, in everybody," Gray noted. evening celebration, Wasylyniuk Then, testing the new priest's thanked all present, especially his knowledge of Latin, Gray encouraged mother, the monastic community and him to make an old Latin adage his his many friends. "You are the reason I motto for priestly service. "Salus populi am 'Father Demetrius,' " he said, "You Elsa Wasylyniuk with her son PI. Demetrius. suprema lex esto," he said, "The salva- all share in my priesthood." 3 College reunion a resounding success By Phyllis Thompson The long weekend in August '96 was a very special one for St. Peter's College: not only was it the scheduled date for the usual "every five years" alumni/ae reunion, but it was the cen• tral date on which the college celebrat• ed its 75th anniversary. Alumni/ae came from all over Canada; some travelled from Cali• fornia, Florida and other parts of the U.S. Over 400 grads and special invited guests gathered in varying numbers, depending on what events each attend• ed. Most of the monastic community Fr. Francis Lohmer and Bill Allen was able to be at some or all of the events; understandably, liturgical oblig• told and heard all weekend, but Sunday Saskatoon, and a senior administrator ations of various monk-pastors affected was the day set aside for the three for• from the University of Saskatchewan. their attendance. mal events: a special mass, a dinner, During the program, retired Abbot Plenty of reminiscing occurred when and a formal program. Jerome Weber helped unveil a plaque the alumni/ae and the monks got The mass took place in Sts. Peter & presented by the government; it together; and the monks who couldn't Paul Abbey Church, a new building for acknowledges that Michael Hall (the be at one event or another were truly many of the returning grads. large red brick building) is now a missed. Abbot Peter Novecosky was the provincial heritage site. One of the monks who was honored principal celebrant/homilist; he was There was a wonderful atmosphere was Fr. Francis Lohmer, cunent pastor joined by Bishop Raymond Roussin, on the abbey grounds at that weekend's of St.
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