: j; '\y . 'i ) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Media History Digital Library https ://archi ve .org/detai Is/paramou ntpepog raOSu nse ;;; Page T u o P E P - O - G R A M S Read the verse on this page. W’e wish we knew to whom to give credit. It was clipped by a club member and turned over to us. And we are printing it because it is so aijpropriate. After you read it once, read it again. Remember that this publication is your publi- cation and that it will be as good as you make - . - - Maurice Hexle . Editor it. * * Fred Jehle -j Charles Ross l - - - - Art Editors W e want news. Elsew^here in this issue you JoHX Savage J will find a list of the reporters committee Alvin A. Adams - - Associate Editor headed by the genial Air. Gray. and all members of the Keep ’em informed what’s going on. Sign your name to the contribution. If you think GPammoiinC-Q>ep (piab you’ll make a good reporter for Pep-o-Grams V ( WCO^yOI^ATi^D^ / / ^ J A CLAN OF '*COOD FELLOWS* apply to Air. Gray. 485 FifthAvenuc.l^^ew'VbrkCl^ Vol. 3, No. 1 Nov. 1, 1926 The Editor The Editor, he sits around .And wonders what to write He’s got to think up something good. Paramount Pep Reporters But must not start a fight. The Editor, he wants the dope Henry P. Gray, Chairman ; He wants the news and stuff; Helen Fichtel .Armand Toussaint ’Alost any little joke wnll do. Helen Gilsenan Ruth Alarx Though it mustn’t be too rough. J. B. Zabin Rose Eidelsberg Lillian Lerche Claude Keator The Editor, he wants to know Dick Blumenthal Alarjorie Stolfi W hen folks go for a frolic Helen Kane H. Behr G. ’Bout marriages (or eten dates!) Elmer Short Martin Carroll Or a cure for haliy’s colic; Mrs. Alyrtle Eldred AI. H. Hodge Promotions, transfers, and the like, Alarion Alay Florence AVey .And w'hat’s become of “Jimmie”; -Anne Berliner -And for any thing original, Wdiy, say, his name is “Gimme.” Our cover this month requires a word of The Editor, he sits around e.xplanaton. Alalcolm St. Clair, before be- -And wonders what to write coming a picture director, motion was a He looks for new'S the whole day long, full-fledged newspaper cartoonist. .Among .And prays for it at night. those present at the .Astor Dinner, as we W ell, let’s all helfi the Editor, all know' was Air. St. Clair. He just couldn’t With the contribution stnfif; make his fingers behave and soon he had, Let’s deluge him w'ith newsy news !” ready for Pep-O-Grams, the caricature of LTntil he cries “E-n-o-u-g-h Jesse L. Lasky that you see on the cover. ^ ^ ^ The Convention We feel it is only fair to outline Irriefly On Saturday, Oct. 23, the home office the policy that will be followed in Pep-O- executives left for French Lick, to attend Grams during the next 12 months, providing the branch and district managers conven- the editor doesn’t get thrown out of a win- tion in that quiet little Indiana city. dow. Judging from reports that came from the We are going to be serious. We are go- convention, it w'as a huge success. ing to be the official mouth-piece for Presi- .After the convention a number of the dent McLoughlin. Wdien you read something folks left for Hollyw'ood to inspect the new in it studio. Emil Jannings attended the conven- Pep-O-Grams will be like reading an ! interview with a AVhite House Official tion and left immediately thereafter for the Coast to begin his first Paramount produc- Spokesman. f tion. ‘ But we are also going to reflect through at least some of the pages the spark of good fellow'ship that in reality is the binding force The sympathy of Pep-O-Grams is . between members of the Club. It looks now extended to Saul Schiavone of the Art | as though this will have to find its ex- Department, whose mother passed i pression in gentle digs at one another, in away Sunday, October 24th. humor—in other words, in laughter. - Page Three PEP O - GRAMS President McLoughlin ’s Message NEW ADMINISTRATION PLEDGES EVERY EFFORT TO MAKE THIS YEAR A MEMOR- ABLE ONE FOR CLUB Through the medium of “Pep-O-Grams” your new officers desire to express again their deep appreciation of the honor you have conferred upon them and pledge their best efforts to continue the march of progress our Club has enjoyed during the five years of its existence. From all sides come many whole hearted offers of co- operation and it would be hard indeed not to feel encourage- ment and confidence where such a spirit is dominant. The roster of committees, which you will find printed else- where in this issue, has been chosen with serious thought for of the organization l:)ut the ideas and sug- the best interests ; gestions of every member is earnestly solicited. It is your clul) and you may be assured that any suggestions you may make will be given ample and deliberate consideration. As we read our Anniversary number of “Pep-O-Grams” and reflect upon the inspiring sight of the dinner at the Hotel Astor on October thirteenth last, we cannot refrain from an expression of admiration and gratitude to those responsible for Joseph P. McLoughlin our progress up to now. How much we owe the executives who have made our PARAMOUNT PEP-CLUP> possible, those of our members who conceived it and the governors and officers who have kept it alive and flourishing since it’s inception. Much credit is due the past administrations for the many advantageous activities they have fostered for our benefit and in no better way can we show our appreciation than by taking an active interest in them. For the coming year many additional activities are under consideration. Miss Scott and the' Educational Committee are giving much of their time and energy out- lining plans for further educational work. The numl)er participating in the speed class in stenography is gratifying and encouraging. A Glee Club and a Dramatic Club are in the making. I am sure there is much latent talent in music among our members and the pos- sibilities in the other liranch are readily discernible. Mr. Finston, director of music, has; kindly consented to give what assistance he can in providing capable instruction and direction. Singing is healthful, it affords an e.xcellent relaxation from mental labor and even a little study of it increases our capacity to enjoy good music and singing when we hear it. Announcement Em blems The editor wishes to announce the reap- Any member of the Club who joined prior to September 14th, 1926, and have not re- pointment of Dean Henry Gray to the ceived their emblem may procure same by chairmanship of the Reporters’ Committee. getting in touch with Mr. P. H. Stilson. In reappointing the Dean, the editor is acknowledging the valuable aid given Dr. Harry Kassel has been promoted to the Jay Shreck, last year’s editor. Dr. Shreck accountant’s desk at the Storehouse and says Dean Gray did a fine job in rounding- Charlie Lins to the Inter-exchange desk. up the elusive news items. Congratulations. Page Four P E P - () - G R A M S As A Cartoonist Saw The Astor Dinner TwiNiWLLE: Tv/JIMKLE lAc ^,\L. Ray McGill, noted cartoonist and comic strip artist, was with us at the Astor and here are his impressions. Mr. McGill is the creator of Brodie Betts and is now with the New York Journal. ! . PEP-O-GRAMS Page Five Merry Doings at the Astor! called upon the directors and Even the traffic cop at Broadway and 45th klr. Saunders to rise and Lois Wilson, Her- street had to admit that the Pep Club affair at players present Reed, . C. Fields, Mal- the Astor Hotel on Wednesday, Oct. 13th, was bert Brenon, Luther A Clair, Lawrence Gray and the Para- the best e\’er held in the five year history of colm St. Stars responded. the club. mount Junior d'hen came the dancing and right here’s He saw 700 lean and hungry males and fe- where we could spill some interesting informa- males pass into the hotel along about 6 :30 P tion about who danced with who but we won’t. M., and some hours later saw 700 well-fed, Along about 11:30 the floor was cleared and bulging persons waddle out of the same hotel. some snappy entertainment gi\cn after which “Husta been SOIME eats,” he muttered. the dancing was resumed. Never has there been such a meal Tlie milk wagons were lumbering up Broad- way when the orchestra signed off. We started out with Coupe of Fruit Favorite and it looked for aw'hile like we all were going to get automobiles. Dean Gray Wonders: “Pm glad they’re going to serve coupes,” re- marked Sadie S])itzer, “I hate these open model autos.” Why Larry Flynn doesn’t get a pair of roller skates? Then came Filet of Striped Bass saute’ Bert Kelh" ever smiles? Amandine. And Cucumbers Grenobloise. Roast If Sirloin of Beef, Fresh Mushrooms and Green What Mrs. Joe Doughney had to say to in the Peas a L’Anglaise. Air. J. D. when she spotted him seated midst of a group of Pep’s most glorified Margaret Russell, the little girl with the big femmes at the Astor? understand what the Candied smile, couldn’t Adiat made A1 Adams make a sudden Yams were.
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