GUIDELINES ON CULTURAL HERITAGE TECHNICAL TOOLS FOR HERITAGE CONSERVATION AND MANAGMENT JP - EU/CoE Support to the Promotion of Cultural Diversity (PCDK) Funded Implemented by the European Union by the Council of Europe EUROPEAN UNION COUNCIL CONSEIL OF EUROPE DE L’EUROPE GUIDELINES ON CULTURAL HERITAGE > 1 2 GUIDELINES ON CULTURAL HERITAGE TECHNICAL TOOLS FOR HERITAGE CONSERVATION AND MANAGMENT SEPTEMBER 2012 JP - EU/CoE Support to the Promotion of Cultural Diversity (PCDK) GUIDELINES ON CULTURAL HERITAGE > 3 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS PCDK Promotion of Cultural Diversity in Kosovo*1 MCYS Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports CHL Cultural Heritage Law CoE Council of Europe SPL Spatial Planning Law SPZL Special Protection Zones Law IC Integrated Conservation UNMIK United Nations Mission in Kosovo MESP Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning ICOMOS International Council On Monuments and Sites ICCROM International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property This document was produced within the framework of the Joint Project “EU/CoE Support to the Promotion of Cultural Diversity in Kosovo”. The content does not necessarily represent the offi cial position of the European Union and/or the Council of Europe. * This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence 4 CONTENTS Guidelines for inventories of cultural heritage assets Guidelines for archaeological research Guidelines for licensing of archaeological research Guidelines on criteria and conditions for evaluation of cultural heritage assets Guidelines on design of conservation basis for cultural heritage within the planning process Guidelines on cultural heritage conservation and restoration activities - conservation project design – Guidelines on preservation of movable cultural heritage GUIDELINES ON CULTURAL HERITAGE > 5 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to extend our gratitude to all participants in development of Guidelines on Cultural Heritage, particularly working team: Ms. Julija Trichkovska, PCDK senior specialist on cultural heritage Mr. Jusuf Musa, Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports Ms. Drenushe Behluli, Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports Mr. Imer Hakaj, Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports Mr. Avdyl Hoxha, Regional Center for Cultural Heritage Pejë/ Peć Ms. Lindita Cervadiku – Dibra, Regional Center for Cultural Heritage in Prishtinë/Priština Ms. Valbona Saliuka, Regional Center for Cultural Heritage in Prishtinë/Priština Ms. Besnike Rraci, Museum of Kosovo To local experts: To CoE experts: Ms. Edi Shukriu Dr. Martin Cherry Ms. Gjejlane Hoxha Dr. Adrian Olivier Mr. Bujar Demjaha Mr. David Johnson Mr. Osman Gojani Ms. Donatella Zari Mr. Agim Gerguri Dr. John Bold Mr. Jusuf Xhibo Dr. Robert Pickard Mr. Enver Rexha, Mr. Haxhi Mehmetaj Mr. Shafi Gashi Mr. Milot Berisha Ms. Festa Nixha – Nela Ms. Hidajete Zhuri Mr. Luan Nushi To PCDK Institutional Capacity Development assistant: Mr. Avni Manaj We would also like to express our gratitude to all partici- pants for their contributions on the round tables organized by PCDK project team. GUIDELINES ON CULTURAL HERITAGE > 7 8 FOREWORD The work of the Council of Europe (CoE) combines the ma- We have developed and produced seven Guidelines to make king of policy, and providing support and assistance to govern- the provisions of the existing legal framework more unders- ments and other partners to implement policy through a variety tandable and easier to apply. The Guidelines are designed to be of approaches. A large number of charters, recommendations used by professionals working in the fi eld of heritage protection, and guidance exists in Europe relating to the proper treatment and have been developed in close collaboration of the Ministry of cultural heritage, many of which are CoE documents. At their of Culture, Youth and Sports, with experts from other ministries core is the understanding of heritage in its wider context: heri- and organizations, and with individuals with broad internatio- tage comprises a wide array of features and a spectrum of va- nal experience and backgrounds. The Guidelines are dynamic lues that describe its signifi cance both to local communities and documents, and so should be updated or revised as conditions the wider European community. change and new regulations are adopted, thereby evolving in In support of existing Cultural Heritage Law in Kosovo and response to the heritage context in Kosovo and the developing its seven Regulations, the European Union/Council of Europe needs and skills of its professionals. The Guidelines are the Joint Project - Support to the Promotion of Cultural Diversity starting point for setting heritage standards and measures and in Kosovo (PCDK) has sought to strengthen understanding of for further stimulating the active involvement of the both the these documents and integrate their values more closely into authorities and the , wider local cultural heritage community in the everyday practice, in line with European practice and inter- issues of heritage protection and promotion. national conventions. Robert Palmer Director of Democratic Governance, Culture and Diversity Council of Europe Strasbourg GUIDELINES ON CULTURAL HERITAGE > 9 THE HUMAN HORIZON When talking about cultural and natural heritage we`re often These Guidelines, supported with a joint project of the Euro- tempted to use very meaningful words such as national identity pean Union and the Council of Europe, are also to be seen in- and historical tolerance. But aren`t we, in our everyday expe- between: between the law and the fi eld, between existing legal rience, much too often confronted with the exact opposite: with frame-work (developed through wide expert and public debate multiple identities and hysterical ignorance? More often than by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport) and the everyday not the stereotypes prevail under subtle nuances of people`s use by professionals on the ground. Their production was the singular experiences and we are much too often deeply shaken typical example of how things should be done in collaboration by brutal interventions into the works and places of universal and in a participatory manner: isn`t this same practice of sharing value, be it an urban texture or a breath-taking landscape. universally approved principles with an experience of a specifi c If we`re really willing to learn from our heritage, our fi rst fi eld, country or region, also the way that European integration lesson should be that critical thinking is our greatest and most is moving forward? valuable heritage. Without this heritage, no progress would be So, even if you would encounter some critical voices on the possible. Once we are aware that the critical attitude towards our way, don`t be surprised: this is our common European heri- everyday activities is the best way to recognize and preserve our tage, too. heritage, we`re close to the classical ethical maxim that links the starry sky above us to the moral law in our hearts. Samuel Žbogar Or, to put it in other words, close to the human horizon that Head of the EU Offi ce and European Union links natural landscape and cultural heritage. And it is exactly Special Representative in Kosovo here, in these magic moments between space distances and our most intimate times that cultural and artistic values are created. To grab a moment of eternity by recognizing our most contemporary moment; to project it back among eternal values by signing it with the sign of our times – this double process is in the heart of both art and culture, if they want to become heri- tage one day. 10 INTRODUCTION The heritage protection fi eld places great importance on the The PCDK project followed a systematic methodology in the prepa- use of principles and standards in guiding practitioners to ap- ration of each of the Guidelines, ensuring ongoing consultation with re- propriate conservation and management of heritage properties. levant parties; fi rst working with the MCYS staff and local experts, stu- Conservation is not limited to physical intervention, for it in- dying examples in Kosovo, following legal requirements and drawing cludes such activities as the interpretation and sustainable use linkages with international standards. This practice is also considered of its features. Sustainable management of heritage is not an part of the on-the-job capacity development for the MCYS staff. Draft isolated process; it begins with identifying, understanding and documents were sent to Council of Europe experts who provided the defi ning cultural values and their signifi cant attributes, which fi rst feedback for the respective Guidelines. The document has been is a statutory basis for designation in every national system of adjusted by the PCDK team, and was then translated into Albanian and cultural heritage protection. Beyond designations, in the wider Serbian and shared with local stakeholders at a roundtable. Feedback context of environmental management and spatial planning, an received from the stakeholders was consolidated into the document understanding of the value heritage may have to their owners, in order to develop a fi nal version of the document, which underwent the local communities and other interested parties should be fi nal checking by an international expert. This method was repeated considered as a basis for its future. In this dynamic process of for each of the Guidelines, to encourage the most inclusive partici- protecting heritage, the established standards and good prac- pation possible in the process. These working groups are involved in tices in carrying out conservation measures and interventions a collaborative effort to develop Guidelines that can be best used by should always be carefully elaborated and implemented, consi- professionals in the fi eld. dering that the heritage values represent public interest. The The Guidelines for Cultural Heritage were prepared in order to en- use of heritage law, regulations and other legal instruments or sure that fi eldwork meets the standards necessary to protect heritage technical tools in the protection of heritage process are justifi ed assets in Kosovo.
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