; A .:- Idnlw ^s^L^^ K w / i / / i ^ f ■ '.'. •;, _'• fVyiHfAuisrlDAHQ.^MPNPAY'i^ FEBRUARY,21,1972 ' PEKlN G^itEU - President in establishing normal relation­ on the'Hange" and struck up ,\[u«'tit an a iid Chinese., Nixon innnradnia mlsslonr'io ships belwyen' the 'two. " ‘Am erica the Beautifu l" folhnv- I'im ^ • Chimi ioduy with an unsche- Chou and Nixon held three •ing'Nixon’s .stsitement. - A.s he left ih f podiiun. Nixon .duJfd tolk .Map^*scaiw« ■ disniiision.s lo^'etJier pVior’lo Ihe Ill emlorsin« re.sloraljon of Hci eiited a ^ la .s.S of wine from^a , and an vxchnn^e of public banquet in the labyfinthum normal, relations. Chou- cited waitt'r. and walked straight to pledges w ill) Chou Kn-hil lo (ireut Hall of the People_i().t)ie fivo specific points lo be agretid the big round Uible hii sharped work toward restorint^ friend- center-,uf liu km jjriio n ie eight upon, including nun-aK^'ression, with Chou ICn-lai.. The two •3 h»fH5tft^vcen-the-two • nflt ionsr 4 w iiT s • aflei=— <the- l^osiilunU-s -nanlonterfarunct^iri ;ho mtornal raised their_nlasses. In response to a Iwnquet a rriva l. c:hou met him at the affairs of each other's govern­ Chou then turned to Mrs. toast by I'hou, Ntxpn declurjd: bottom of the ra m p to the ment, • ’ NtxTHi' and they raised their • ;U t iia-in these next five days Nixon jet but the a rriva l was While Nixon’s toast was glasses In a toast as>Nlxon did' start a lonti cnarci) together, subiiueti and sparsely attended. translated into.- Chinese, Chou the sarne with the .more .than 15 OFFICERS, RESCUE ' crew* probe not in ■ locked step, but On “ Nixon n aiil. ■ -This is the hour. !>at half turned in jiis chair, oilier dignitaries u fln T head stpolderlDg wreckage of Sun Valley Air (axl different ruads leading to tlie UuK is the (lay fur our. two looking toward-, the podium table. flight which craahcd near F a triie ld Sunday. Five same goal — a goal.leadlng to [Moples.to r4he to the heights of where Nixon stood behi^th two (CoDtlnued on P . 2) ,----------- — .• -' i. = Pr© be-w i*e© k-- "'■■ - |y»nMift#p<n<?tnffTr^ prgildent.ot line, /lied. C a u ie wace and (ostice inlwhlch.alli^ v tfruatness' which 'can build a ■ of crash.1b still being sobght by federal officials niay stand togctitogethW. =f fj newiand.biHt*»f’ '\voi‘ld /Vtid .in Investigating mishap. (R^l'ated'Storlev; photo on _ani^^dignity;'" (' Uuit" spirit.-I ask all.uf '\uu Pafie 11.1 Of the 2(Kyear alienation, of ijjresen T lfr .join me in raising* Uie *~t\vo governnienLs, Ihe yout g'Usses lo Chairm an Miio. IVwiident said: "T h e ro Is no Minslt'r Chou and to reason, for us to be enemies. frlendsliip 'iif the Cbinesr-orid- Neither or us seeks dotniA«4ion Aniehcari, people which <-’un ■ < »rct'as.| of the other. Neither . of-njs lead io friendship of all ihe EBI^F A A prdhfi ^wmtsH^-\hnninHte,the other." peopl«-i«-theworld.". I ■ - _ln his welcome'. Chou assert­ • In l.ighter vein, the Presidont ed that "'rhe gate o f c a n U ic t praised (he aiusic played h.v a hiis 1x*en oiwned" and voiced large Chinese enseniblp which Fairfield crasTi S H O W £ R S , willingpess to work with Nixon ill one point.rendered "Home By TERRY dAMPBEl.l, ■ St'H tile sguare and about three Tlm el-N ewS HJ-l>r Ihle a irc ra ft; a- JO->eat. twin- (teep in the snow near a barbed- ^ - FA[RFIEI.n - jn in- .englfl'i'. «’fL 'i Q u e t a i . Wiftf .itincfi— Only, rh/trrp/t v e s tig a tio n -was co n iin u in g Aire." left the Hailey airport wreckage and shredded. today into the crash of a Sun .about 10 a.m . headed for Boise •twMi,led metal remained of the V alley A ir • a U p la n e ' Sun^j^^ j n H 40-mimui‘ fl t. pcd-an'd-while air-taxi craft. nj^Ttng which may haveTx- The flr^t vv.'iiii 'f the cra.sh One <^ogine la y al)o u l a consider plwad in mid-air before was rec'eivfil ^&nt' 25 minutes quarter-mile away/and a wing worii again crashing nfiar Fairfield, 'later by Cama.s I'u.inty Deputy was located about half fth ille to Five persons, including. Sheriff Harold Lee .liviii Mrs. the east, near a 'grove of willow busi|ig •SAN FHA'NCISCO (U Pli- Pac'ific .Maritime' Association, RoUand H. Smith, Boise, oH-ner- Wurren Baker, who llVl*^ north­ trees Wesl fJoast longshoremen were representing em ployers.—;*Uu prealdent of th«-Hailey-based west of Ihe crash site. Camas County Sheriff Paul . W/\SHINC,TON tU Pli -The back on the docks to d ay. ending ratified the cuniract, shuttle ah-line. died in the l.ee said lie and about 10 Cox said small pieces of debris volatile Usue of busing children a 135^<lay strike that was the !n Seutih* S3 sliip»i were crash. Fairfield r«»idciils' arrived on were strewi^ for three miles to integrate schools moves to longest and costliest waterfront waiting to be unloaded and Other victims were identified the scene about 10:35 a.m ..on along northeaat-southwesLpath, the Senate floor this week with walkout In U.S. history. reloaded so they can go back to as Otto Carlton, Hailey, chief snowm^.biles. N o s i^ of life was leading to the bejief that the the posslbi|i(>' it could put "W e go back to s ta y ." said sea. while in San Francisco Bay mechanic for Sun Valley Air, visible In the burning wreckage. aircraft had exploded in mid- .presidential candidates on the Mack Smith, for 27 years a . there-were 51 ships wailing. passengers, inoludinj; ..I^e said. He used a fire ex- air. spot before tlie. M arch -,;5 reglstefett langshor^aij in Sa ii ■ Dtxring this strike, gratn pl/ed tSr^ McCabe, aiumbus., Uhguldher ahd nearly‘had the- Robert Armpriest. Boise, FlUrtdTprlmary. ' . * 'Francisco. *U am'not satisfied lip becatJse' farm ers 'cbiudn't Ohio, and Lisa P. Merritt. Santa flam es under control .,when the Federal Avlation^u^gfipcy Led by Sen. Sam J . E^ vln Jrs ., with the contract, but I have no ship It/.some businesses cut , Barbara. Calif. extinguisher ran dry ^ d the coordinator, said this morning ^ • Southern senates choice but go b ack." ■Back employment, foreign car . The fifth victim was identified flames roareti. up again* • *' D ^ ta ff v ie w several parts ‘ of the aircraft piahried to press for a vote on . The first men back on the dealers ran out of cars lo sell ^ d a y as Mjss Lynn fteidy, £5, ' U e said he did not see any of W A G G L IN G FINGER (or empl^iU, Mn. would be g l o v e d from the iheir amendment to the higher docks were "gear men." who and exporters lost ciistomers to, A Ketchum. She was reportedly the victims ^ntll-recovery scene and ^aRen lo laboratories .education bill to bar school worked Sunday to .prepare other nallohs. ‘ -Richard Nlxoo apsears to be giving Qhlneie returning to. Chicago to^Uend operations were under way. for study In an attempt • to diUrlcta from busing children machinery for *use when most [Resident Nixon estimated Premier- Chou Eo-lal word of advice during sch o o l.. - Investigators were ferried to determ ine what caused the uHgp ra c ial composition of the 15.Q00 longshoremen the strike cost ihe Western coavenradoo prfor t o formal baoqilet fo'Pekiqf ■ * The Investigation is being the scefi^ about a quarler-OiUe Monday. |UPI). crash. of schools, reported for work b s of the slates' cconomy 23.5 million a conducted by agents of the north ahU a mile eastM Fair* Armpriest said it would be Civil'rlghu advocates, led by first shift today. day, but the actual cost can Federal Bureau of Investi(^tion ' field across a flat, open field, on- Mme time before a cause can be sen. Walter K. Mondale. D- Rank-anfUIlp membeu. oLUn, prohdbly never be cajuulated. from Montana and Idaho, by snow machines by Fairfield established. If ever, because of contended the move ' International ,Longs)ioremen's •The new 18-mont’h contract officials of the Federal Aviation' residents and memberji of .the thrteavy damage lo remaining would sacrifice- efforts lo and WaPehousemen's Union includes $1 .1 2 an hour pay Admlnlsiration h-om Boise, and Soldier Mountain Search and Menu told ' portions of the aircraft, achieve equality in schools "on voted Saturday with 7.1 per ceh.t increase and a $5.2 million by .an official of ,,lhe National Rescue Team. the a lta r, of fwhtical expe- . in favo r of a proposed contract •' annua] package guaranteeing a TranspoVMtidn ^fety Board.' The aircraft dug a pU 25 feet (Continued o n P r l l i (lienee.■' io end the lengthy strike. The minunum weekly,wage. for feast *rhe busing 'issue has become a m ajor i'ssue in the Florida P E K IN G (U P D - M e n u for rm od erg tes tonight's banquet by Premier from both p arlies m ay $ee ■■Qinil for Prerident and replace the Ervin amendment Rep orter's ■Mrs, Nixon: " with a less binding proposal ilpongy bamboo shoots egg- that could fnake the choice JirsJ view ^ white consinime..Jluirk.ils easier for the candidates.
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