Digital Commons @ George Fox University "The Crescent" Student Newspaper Archives and Museum 2-4-1955 The Crescent - February 4, 1955 George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/the_crescent Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "The Crescent - February 4, 1955" (1955). "The Crescent" Student Newspaper. 624. https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/the_crescent/624 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Museum at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in "The Crescent" Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. George Fox College Library Newberg, Oregon Volume 66, No. 6 GEORGE FOX COLLEGE, NEWBERG, OREGON Friday, February 4, 1955 Drama Students to Enact Ninety-Nine Enroll Singing Men of George Fox 'Arsenic and Old Lace' For Second Term The Victorian atmosphere of the sisters to the delusion Teddy Present Sixth Quartet Festival the Brewster home in which live maintains that he is Teddy Roose- Reports Registrar The sixth annual Gospel Quar­ Six or seven quartets will ap­ the elderly Brewster sisters, Abby velt. tet Festival, sponsored by the pear, among whom are groups re­ and Martha, and their brother, "Arsenic and Old Lace," the Second semester for the 1954, presenting Seattle Pacific college, Teddy, is disrupted one afternoon major spring drama production '55 school year officially began Singing Men of George Fox col­ Cascade college, Northwest Chris­ in September by the presence of of George Pox college, sponsored January 24 with 99 enrollees. Ac­ lege, will be in the Newberg high tian college, the Four Flats male a long-lost nephew, a series of by the Actorators speech club, cording to Miss Mary Sutton, re­ school auditorium, Sunday, Feb­ quartet, and the Quaker Lads policemen and a scattering of will be presented Thursday and gistrar, this is a 10 ner cent in­ ruary 13, at 3 p. m. Allan Had- from George Fox college. dead bodies. Friday evenings, March 10 and crease over the number of stu­ dents enrolled at this time last ley will act as master of cere­ Larry Ross, freshman, is head Various abnormalities evidence 11 at 8 p. m. in Wood-Mar audi- of the publicity committee, and themselves in the Brewster fam- torium. year, but a decrease of 13 from monies. first semester of the current school Quentin Nordyke, freshman, is in ily from the unusual charities of The three-act play written by charge of decorations for this . Joseph Kesselring will be directed year. However, there are now more event. Chuck Tuning, sophomore, by Mrs. Margaret Lemmons with full-time students. has been made head usher, and the followin cast: New students are: second sem­ Camera, Projector Ralph Cammack will serve in the Reaisfrnr Revearc & ester freshman, Lenore Davis, who capacity of traffic director. IWtJKMIUI IXUTCUI3 Abby Brewster Kara Newell was graduated from Newberg high President Clinton Brown states: {% n • u The Rev. D. Harper....Jim Houston school and attended one semester Meet College Need Tedd "The Singing Men are going to wfCldG I Oltlt llOnOrS y Brewster Robert Byrd in California; Robert Smith, fresh­ In response to an item in the man from Camas, Washington, present a scholarship to a pros­ Officer Brophy Mel Lamm November - December George Fox pective student who has an active Leading their respective classes Officer Klein Ralph Cammack and a veteran; Darlene Lane, se­ college Bulletin expressing a need cond semester freshman, who is interest in music, which will be in the first semester grade point Martha Brewster Lois Burnett for a camera and projector, Har­ used at George Fox college." honor roll at George Fox this Elaine Harper Yvonne Hubbard a transfer from the University of low Ankeny, Public Relations dir­ A portion of this program will year are: senior Florene Price, Mortimer Brewster-Arnold Wilcuts Washington. Erma Lea Broyles, ector, reports that Mrs. Bertha 3.71; junior Verdella Greene, 3.81; Mr. Gibbs Quentin Nordyke first semester sophomore, returns be broadcast over radio station Roberts, mother of Dr. Roberts, KMCM, McMinnville. sophomore Kara Newell, 3.93; and Jonathan Brewster....Wayne Cole following one semester absence. has given 175 dollars to meet the freshman Christine Childs, 3.69. Dr. Einstein Earl Tycksen Dorothy Herrick, returning spec­ A time of fellowship and re­ need for the photographic equip­ freshments is planned after the Following Florene in the sen- Officer O'Hara. Larry Ross ial student, is enrolled in adoles­ ment. ior class are: Clinton Brown, 3.67; Lieutenant Rooney Dick Mott cent psychology. program in the college dining hall. Lavelle Robison, 3.33; Yvonne Mr. Witherspoon Phil Harmon With this money a "SVE In­ Hubbard, 3.17; Harley Brother- . - structor 500" slide and film strip ton, 3.15; Rosemary Ramsey, 3.05; . _ projector and a "Graflex 22" Re­ Reece nd Edit '55-'56 Crescent flex camera have been purchased. orvLwSsS * CharlottePassoltto dent Christian Union, financial These are considered to be of Gold Q, Escorts Completing the junior honor Charlotte Passolt, sophomore secretary of Oregon Yearly meet­ the best in their particular price roll behind Verdella are: Arnold from Klamath Falls, Oregon, was ing of Friends Christian Endea­ ranges. These are to be used main­ To Attend Concert Lee, 3.76; Joane Joanis, 3.44; unanimously elected last week as vor, is a member of various org­ ly in publicity for the college but Willis Valech, 3.07; and Joyce anizations including Foreign Mis­ will be used in classes in the Seventeen Gold Q members and Hoover, 3.00. sionary Fellowship, Future Teach­ college. their escorts will attend the Port­ Sophomores earning honor grades ers of America, and represented A series of 36 slides including land appearance of the concert of besides Kara are: Charlotte Pas­ the sophomore class on the Home­ charts and colored scenes and per­ the Vienna choir boys at the Civic solt, 3.44; Janet Hight, 3.29; Pat- coming Queen's court. sonalities of the campus, will be auditorium the evening of Febru­ tricia Day, 3.21; Fred Newkirk Elementary education is Char­ used to promote long-range plans ary 17 in keeping with the tra­ 3.07; Wayne Cole and Karen lotte's major, as*she-is preparing of the-college by President Mllo ditional annual banquet of the let- Hampton. 3.00. ,r»-i-n.»... ^ for a teaching career. Ross. terwomen's organization. Competing with Christine for Assisting the new editor will The camera is capable of tak­ The dining place of the group is the freshman honors are: Beverly be Carol Parrett and Joyce Hes­ ing very sharp pictures under all not revealed until the evening of Belles, and Mary Jo George, 3.62; ter as assistant editors, Eugene conditions. It will be operated by the affair which is financed by Joyce Hester, 3.57; Doris Pearson, Morse as business manager, and the Public Relations office, but the Gold Q members except for Neva Cox and Rollie Rogers, 3.36; Carolann Moor as circulation man­ will be available for all campus the corsages purchased by the es­ Naomi Kliever, 3.33; Carol Par- ager. pictures arid publications. corts. rett, 3.31; Faye McCord, 3.21; Delores Hinkle and Genevieve Mills, 3.20; Fay Hanson, 3.07; Carolann Moor and Herbert Sar­ Annual Valentine Formal to Honor Queen of Hearts gent, 3.00. Attaining grade honors in the Thursday evening, the tenth of al entertainment. honor of the Queen of Hearts and special student category, Lois Charlotte Passolt February, will find George Fox According to Bob Byrd, social will consist of Arnold Lee, violin; Burnett tops the list with a per- the new Crescent editor by the Bill Hopper, tenor; the Madrigals feet 4.00. Next to Lois are Betty associated students of George Fox students and faculty arriving at chairman of the event, the even­ Lou Sargent and Jo Anne Tun- college the college dining hall at 8:30 ing will be completely different directed by Lydia McNichols; ing, 3.86; Margaret Hancuff, 3.80; for the annual Valentine's form- than any other Valentine party Marcia Reed, piano; and several and Dorothy Gimbel, 3.00. Post Active ln campus activities, the school has had. With special readings. Larry Ross will be the graduate Ron Barnick earned Charlotte is the chairman of the emphasis upon unique decorations court jester, Milo Ross will emcee 3.43. deputation program of the Stu- Committee Selects and effective lighting, the dining the entertainment and Carl Reed room will be transformed into a will play the processional music. hall of mystic splendor. Assisting Bob and Shiryl in the The World Is Our Campus "American" Theme Highlighting the activities will direction of the activities are Lou. By Mackey W. Hill The chapel program committee, be the crowning of the King and ise Benham and Lavelle Robison, Under presidential leadership the United States has defined more composed of chairman Carl Reed, Queen of Hearts who will be sel­ decorations; Ardeth Beals, re­ specifically, within the last ten days, its considered policy for the Donald McNichols and Arthur O. ected from the freshman and freshments; and Arnold Willcuts, Roberts, recently selected an ov­ Western Pacific area. A line has been drawn west of the Pescadores sophomore classes during the lighting effects. er all theme for the second sem­ According to tradition, the par­ and Formosa beyond which if the pommunists attempt to go, it will chapel hour Tuesday, February 8. ester chapel programs. The pur­ The program under the direc­ ty is formal and corsages are in mean war with the United States with or without the United Nations' pose of having this general theme tion of Shiryl Gurn, will he in order.
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