“The ARTS Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update envisions a seamless network of safe and inviting bicycling and walking paths, trails, and on-street facilities, between South Carolina, Georgia and the four member counties, that equitably supports economic development, active transportation, healthy lifestyles and improved quality of life for all citizens and visitors of the region.” Chapter V Two ision , Goa ls, and Objectives 1.1. Objective: Ensure that accommodations for Introduction bicyclists and pedestrians are provided on Based on goals and objectives of existing local all appropriate infrastructure projects where and regional planning documents, the input of pedestrians and bicyclists are permitted to the Project’s steering committee, the project travel. purpose, and relevant examples from around 1.2. Objective: Integrate bicycle and pedes- the country, vision, goals, and objectives are trian facilities in their projects, including, but listed below. The goals and objectives are not limited to, transit, development, public categorized by five of the six E’s associated works, infrastructure, and recreation facili- with bicycle- and walk-friendly community ties. designations. The five E’s are: Engineering, 1.3. Objective: Improve the level of service for Education, Encouragement, Enforcement, and existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities in Evaluation. Equity is considered a sixth E and the member counties. is interwoven within the goals and objectives 1.4. Objective: Increase the mileage of bicycle provided. Objectives 1.6, 1.7, and 3.3 give and pedestrian facilities by fifteen percent particular attention to equity, though it should in each of the region’s four counties within be addressed within the implementation of the next 5 years. each objective. 1.5. Objective: Prioritize bikeway and walkway projects that create connectivity for bicy- clists and pedestrians, such as closing gaps Vision in the sidewalk network. The ARTS Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update 1.6. Objective: Improve integration of public envisions a seamless network of safe and transportation with bicycle and pedestrian inviting bicycling and walking paths, trails, and facilities by creating safe routes to and on-street facilities, between South Carolina, from transit stops and convenient means for Georgia and the four member counties, that transporting bicycles via transit. equitably supports economic development, 1.7. Objective: Prioritize bicycle and pedestrian active transportation, healthy lifestyles and projects and programs that improve access improved quality of life for all citizens and to jobs and services for citizens who walk visitors of the region. and bike out of necessity rather than by choice. Goals & Objectives 1.8. Objective: Prioritize bicycling and walking ARTS, member jurisdictions, and related facilities that provide access to schools. agencies, including GDOT, SCDOT, and local 1.9. Objective: Maintain and improve the net- transit agencies will work collaboratively to work through inventory and assessment of achieve the following goals and objectives. existing pedestrian and bicycle routes. 1.10. Objective: Improve integration of public Engineering transportation with bicycle and pedestrian 1. Goal: Increase and improve the quality of facilities by creating safe routes to and bicycle and pedestrian access between from transit stops and convenient means for Augusta and Aiken, within local municipali- transporting bicycles via transit. ties, and across the ARTS region. 2. Goal: Improve the bicyclist and pedestrian experience within the ARTS region. Vision, Goals, and Objectives | 2-15 Augusta Regional Transportation Study 2.1.Objective: Promote the ARTS area’s natural to generate frequent and ongoing media beauty, character and sense of place by attention for both issues and opportunities connecting bicycle and pedestrian facilities related to bicycling and walking. along scenic and inviting corridors. 3.3.Objective: Promote the viability of walking 2.2.Objective: Increase the number and qual- and biking as a practical transportation ity of support facilities in the ARTS region to option throughout the region for all poten- complement the bicycle and pedestrian tial users, whether a person does so out of network, including, but not limited to, way- necessity or by choice. finding signage, bus shelters, pedestrian 3.4.Objective: Promote bicycling and walk- lighting and end-of-trip facilities, such as ing as healthy transportation options that bicycle parking. improve physical fitness and significantly 2.3.Objective: Establish on-going maintenance impact rising rates of childhood obesity. programs for bicycle and pedestrian facili- 3.5.Objective: Provide bicyclist and pedestrian ties at the regional and community levels. safety training and education to children 2.4.Objective: Promote community stewardship and youth through schools and community of bicycle and pedestrian facilities, includ- programs such as presentations and “bi- ing transit stops, through beautification and cycle rodeos.” public art programs. 3.6.Objective: Work with local businesses and 2.5.Objective: Develop specific solutions for partners to educate employees about the improving bicyclist and pedestrian safety at benefits and ease of bicycling, walking and bridge underpasses and at-grade railroad taking transit to work. crossings. Encouragement 4. Goal: Increase the popularity and number of bicycle and pedestrian trips in the ARTS region. 4.1. Objective: Conduct bicycle and pedestrian counts every two years at a minimum of fifteen locations throughout the region as part of the National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Program. 4.2. Objective: Participate in the statewide Safe Routes to School program and promote the benefits of bicycling and walking to school. 4.3. Objective: Increase each year the number of events within the region that involve bicy- cling and walking. One objective of the Plan is to improve bicyclist and 4.4. Objective: Host competitive or fund raising pedestrian safety at bridge underpasses. sporting events related to bicycling and running (such as downtown cycling races Education and Ironman triathlons) for the purpose of economic development, positive promotion 3. Goal: Establish a broad base of public en- of healthy lifestyles and fitness and to en- gagement in and ongoing dialogue about courage community members to engage in bicycle, pedestrian and transit facilities, ac- bicycling and walking. cessibility and activity. 4.5.Objective: Profile individuals who walk or bike and/or describe the benefits of walk- 3.1. Objective: Work with private sector partners ing and bicycling through utility newsletters, to create educational, informative and fun radio, newspaper and other media. community events as tools for outreach and 4.6 Objective: Publish and distribute print and encouragement. digital materials that show the region-wide 3.2 Objective: Work with private sector partners bicycle and transit network and how both 2-16 | Vision, Goals, and Objectives Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update modes can be combined for greater car- 6.3. Objective: Annually review and assess Ifreen mobility. Google’s public transporta- progress in implementing the Bicycle- and tion andtr bicycleo route mapping services Walk-Friendly Community designation ac- are good examplesdu of digital mapping for tion plans and develop recommendations bicycle and transit services.ctio for further action. n 6.4. Objective: Apply for Bicycle- and Walk- Friendly Community status of each member Enforcement city in or before the year 2017. 5. Goal: Improve bicycle and pedestrian safety in the ARTS region 5.1. Objective: Provide bicyclist and pedestrian safety training and education to all age groups through schools, community pro- grams, and workplaces. 5.2. Objective: Analyze bicycle and pedestrian collision data every two years to identify regional trends and locate intersections and corridors needing safer infrastructure. 5.3. Objective: Partner with local law enforce- ment agencies to develop targeted en- forcement programs based on the primary contributing factors of bicycle and pedes- trian collisions, as determined by the bi-an- nual review of collision data completed by ARTS. Citizen advisory committees will spearhead the local 5.4. Objective: Reduce the percentage of bi- Bicycle-Friendly and Walk-Friendly Community designa- cycle and pedestrian collisions that result in tion campaigns. injuries or fatalities, with a goal of zero fatali- ties within 10 years. 7. Goal: Develop bicycle and pedestrian proj- ects that are financially feasible with broad Evaluation public support. 7.1. Objective: Identify appropriate and ad- 6. Goal: Obtain a Bicycle-Friendly Community equate funding for the development and designation, from the League of American maintenance of regional and local bicycle Bicyclists, and a Walk-Friendly Community and pedestrian systems designation, from the Pedestrian and Bicy- 7.2. Objective: Prioritize bicycle and pedestrian cle Information Center, for each city within projects for Transportation Enhancement the ARTS area. funding. 7.3. Objective: Prioritize multimodal transporta- 6.1. Objective: Implement the recommenda- tion projects that positively impact conges- tions of the updated ARTS Bicycle and tion management and improve air quality. Pedestrian Plan, including the Bicycle- and 7.4. Objective: Incorporate sidewalk develop- Walk-Friendly Community designation ac- ment into all reconstruction or new con- tion plans. struction roadway projects. 6.2.
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