RADIOLOGY REVIEW 1.5 ANCC Contact Hours Posterior Dislocation of the Sternoclavicular Joint A Case Study Marcia Gamez he posterior dislocation of the sternoclavicu- of motion in the right arm. Sleeping in a chair or up- lar (SC) joint is an uncommon injury and can right position allows the patient to sleep without pain be easily missed, leading to potentially life- and helps prevent perceived dyspnea. threatening consequences if untreated. An SC Tjoint dislocation accounts for less than 3% of all shoul- der injuries, and a posterior dislocation of the SC joint Physical Examination is but a fraction of these injuries ( Glass, Thompson, A.D. was awake and alert. His parents were in the ex- Cole, Gause, & Altman, 2011). In a review of 1,600 SC amination room at the time the history and physical ex- joint dislocations, only one subject had a posterior dis- amination were conducted. The patient denied any pain location ( Cope, 1993 ). One third of the patients diag- as long as his arm was in a stable position. Shortness of nosed with a posterior SC joint dislocation will suffer breath was not present unless the patient was lying fl at symptoms related to the compression of the structures or bending forward. The patient reported fatigue and a that lie posterior to the SC joint ( Garg, Alshameeri, & loss of appetite since the injury. Overall the patient ap- Wallace, 2012 ). This case study discusses the diagno- peared to be a healthy 15-year-old. sis, treatment, and follow-up of a patient with poste- The focused examination of the left shoulder demon- rior dislocation of the SC joint acquired while playing strates 165º of forward elevation, 60º–70º of external ro- football. tation, and no pain with active or passive range of mo- tion. The patient had 5/5 strength in the muscles of the rotator cuff. History of Present Illness A.D. showed an abnormality around the right SC The patient (A.D.) was a 15-year-old, white male patient joint when compared with the left and was tender to who sustained an injury to his right shoulder playing palpation. The patient had forward elevation to 120º football. He is currently a full-time high school student. with pain. The testing for rotator cuff strength was lim- After taking a hit to the left side, he fell onto the poste- ited because of pain. Neurovascularly, the patient was rior aspect of his right shoulder producing immediate intact and had sensation to light touch over his axillary, pain. median, radial, and ulnar distribution. The temperature Clinic presentation occurred 10 days after the initial of the right extremity was equal to the left. injury. The patient’s general practitioner saw the patient The patient’s neck had full range of motion with immediately after the injury; however, chest x-ray fi nd- some discomfort on moving the patient’s chin to his ings were read as normal. When the patient continued chest. There was tenderness noted on palpation on the to complain of pain, shortness of breath, and a pins and right side of the anterior aspect of the neck. There was needle feeling in his right arm, a computed tomographic no tenderness on posterior aspect of the neck. (CT) scan of his clavicle without contrast was ordered. On neurological examination the strength of grips, A.D. was subsequently referred for further evaluation. biceps, and triceps were 5/5 and symmetric. The pa- Additional complaints identifi ed at the time of referral tient’s upper extremities sensation was equal to touch included diffi culty breathing when lying in the supine when comparing the right with the left. The deep ten- position or bending forward, and a “pins and needles” don refl exes were present ( + + ) bilaterally at biceps, tri- feeling in the fi ngers of his right hand when in these ceps, and brachioradialis. same positions. The patient rates the pain as a 6 or 7 on a scale of 0–10 when the right arm is not immobilized. Pain in the shoulder and chest often awakened the pa- Marcia Gamez, RNFA, CNS, Self-employed RNFA, DNP student, Dallas, TX. tient from sleep. A.D. also complains of intermittent The author and planners have disclosed no potential confl icts of interest, nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue, and dizziness since the fi nancial or otherwise. injury occurred. Pain is improved by limiting the range DOI: 10.1097/NOR.0000000000000128 © 2015 by National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses Orthopaedic Nursing • March/April 2015 • Volume 34 • Number 2 113 Copyright © 2015 by National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. OONJ745_LRNJ745_LR 111313 110/03/150/03/15 44:53:53 PPMM A.D. had equal pulses bilaterally at the radial, ulnar, and brachial pulses. The patient’s capillary refi ll was within 1–2 seconds in bilateral upper extremities. The patient’s skin temperature was equal bilaterally. Radiographs An anteroposterior radiograph reveals asymmetry of the SC joint on the shoulder girdle view (see Figure 1 ). The glenohumeral joint is well reduced. The proximal physis is almost closed. A CT scan with three-dimensional reconstruction shows a posterior dislocation of the right SC joint with a physis injury of the medical clavicle (see Figures 2 and 3 ). The clavicle is abutting the innominate artery. No evidence of mediastinal hematoma or vascular in- jury is seen. Brief Discussion A dislocation of the SC joint is not common, accounting for less than 1% of all joint dislocations that occur in the body, with an anterior dislocation occurring 3 times F IGURE 2. Computed tomographic 3-dimensional reconstruc- more often than that of a posterior dislocation. This is tion of the right SC joint. partially attributed to the strength of the posterior SC ( Cope, 1993 ; Garg et al., 2012 ; Jaggard et al., 2009 ). ligament ( Jaggard, Gupte, Gulati, & Reilly, 2009 ; Marker Other symptoms can include dyspnea, hoarseness, and & Klareskow, 1996 ). The usual cause of a posterior dis- dysphagia ( Cope, 1993 ; Garg et al., 2012 ; Jaggard et al., location of the SC joint is indirect trauma, with the most 2009 ). If the condition goes untreated, more severe common being a direct blow taken to the posterolateral symptoms can occur such as tracheal stenosis, cyanosis part of the shoulder with the arm adducted and fl exed of the neck and upper extremity, pneumothorax, arterial ( Cope, 1993 ; Jaggard et al., 2009 ; Marker & Klareskov, injury, neurological damage, and thoracic outlet syn- 1996 ). Many of these dislocation injuries occur from drome ( Cope, 1993; Garg et al., 2012 ; Jaggard et al., participating in sports, although they have been seen 2009 ; Marker & Klareskov, 1996 ). after motor vehicle accidents or falls from a great height ( Garg et al., 2012). D IAGNOSTIC T ESTS S IGNS AND S YMPTOMS A diagnosis is often made from the history and physical examination ( Cope, 1993 ). Although x-ray fi lms may be The more common symptoms seen with a posterior dis- taken, a standard chest x-ray fi lm is often inaccurate location of the SC joint are pain around the medial as- pect of the clavicle occurring with motion of the shoul- der and neck, and a gap or depression felt on examination of the medial aspect of the clavicle along with swelling F IGURE 3. Computed tomographic 3-dimensional reconstruc- F IGURE 1. Anteroposterior x-ray fi lm of the chest. tion of the anteroposterior of the chest. 114 Orthopaedic Nursing • March/April 2015 • Volume 34 • Number 2 © 2015 by National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses Copyright © 2015 by National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. OONJ745_LRNJ745_LR 111414 110/03/150/03/15 44:53:53 PPMM and hard to interpret. Oblique views such as the bilize the SC joint has the potential for serious compli- Rockford or Serenity view uses a 50º tilt of the x-ray cation due to migration of pins, wires, or screws migrat- machine with the center on the manubrium. The Hobbs ing posteriorly and causing damage to vascular view is performed by a 90º cephalocaudal lateral view of structures. Because of this potential complication, this the SC joint. The Heining projection is achieved by hav- form of fi xation is no longer the standard ( Garg et al., ing the x-ray beam horizontal to the SC joint and paral- 2012 ; Glass et al., 2010; Jaggard et al., 2009 ). lel to the opposite clavicle. Any one of the aforemen- tioned views should be ordered if a dislocation is suspected ( Cope, 1993 ; Garg et al., 2012 ; Jaggard et al., Diagnosis/Initial Plan 2009 ). A CT scan can also be used to help rule out or After the CT scan was reviewed, the patient was diag- diagnose damage to the structures that lie posterior to nosed as having a posterior dislocation of the SC joint. the SC joint ( Cope, 1993 ; Garg et al., 2012; Jaggard et al., Open reduction and internal fi xation of the right SC 2009 ; Marker & Klareskov, 1996). If damage to the cir- joint with suture fi xation was the recommended. culatory system is suspected, then an angiogram or ve- Because the patient had sustained the injury more than nogram should also be ordered. ( Cope, 1993 ; Garg et al., 10 days ago, a closed reduction was not recommended. 2012 ). For a closed reduction to have the best chance for suc- cess, it must be performed within 48 hours of the injury, but no later than 10 days postinjury ( Jaggard et al., Treatment 2009 ). A cardiothoracic specialist must be available in The preferred treatment for a posterior dislocation of case of vascular trauma. the SC joint is a closed reduction ( Cope, 1993 ; Garg et al., 2012 ; Glass et al., 2011; Marker & Klareskov, 1996 ).
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