THE CATHOLIC June 13, 2012 Vol. 50,C No. 10 ommentator SERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1963 thecatholiccommentator.org Joseph Vu ordained a deacon By Laura Deavers entered the seminary with Deacon Vu but chose to Editor become a religious brother, were the lectors for the Mass and Deacon Garrett Savoie of the Diocese of Two cultures – Vietnamese and American – Lafayette proclaimed the Gospel. came together June 9 to witness and celebrate Jo- “Reactions by humans to a divine call are of- seph Hoang Vu’s ordination to the diaconate, the ten, if not usually, met with … doubt, skepticism, first of three levels of ordination one called by God implausibility, resistance and even rejection,” to serve his people as a member of the clergy can noted Bishop Muench in his homily. “Fortunately, receive. Joseph, you let the interior impulse from God to In their traditional attire of brightly colored you, mediated, nurtured and confirmed by others, long straight dresses, many Vietnamese women at- to marinate and develop within you, and you have tending the Ordination Mass gave witness to their responded with admirable faith and trust.” heritage and were a visible reminder to all of the The bishop added, “A person so called must be struggles their families have endured to come to conscious of personal limitation, weakness, inad- this country to be free of government domination. equacy and even sinfulness. As has been said, God Seminarian Vu sat in the first pew of St. Joseph does not call the perfect, but perfects the called.” Cathedral with his parents, Cuong (Don) and Kim Aware of the current concerns the Catholic Mai Vu, his brothers, John and Michael Vu, his sis- Church is facing over religious freedom, Bishop ter An Vu, his cousins, Long and My Vu, and his Muench quoted St. Paul, “For the time will come uncle, Nam Vu, who came from Vietnam for the when men will not put up with sound doctrine, but service. with itching ears, will pile up for themselves teach- When called by Bishop Robert W. Muench, Jo- ers to suit their own desires.” seph Vu stepped forward and answered yes to God’s “Sound familiar to today’s society? As we know, call to serve his people. The newly ordained deacon the term ‘itching ears’ describes a proclivity to seek is assigned to Ascension of Our Lord Church in only teachings that conform to one’s own pleasure Seminarian Joseph Hoang Vu lies prostrate on the floor of Donaldsonville for the next five months. and convenience, and thereby avoid truths that can the sanctuary at St. Joseph Cathedral during his ordination The readings for the Mass were in English and bring the uneasiness of confrontation and chal- to the diaconate June 9 as the Litany of Saints is chanted. Vietnamese so that all could understand God’s lenge,” the bishop said. Kneeling in front of the altar are Bishop Robert W. Muench, message as written by the prophet Jeremiah, St. The ministry of a deacon is multi-functional: he and Vu’s seminary classmates Deacon Simon-Peter Engu- Paul in his letter to Timothy and St. John’s Gospel. helps the bishop and the priests as a minister of rait, Deacon Daniel Green and Tim Grimes. Photo by Laura Deavers Katie Nguyen and Brother Kevin Piper SC, who had SEE ORDINATION PAGE 11 | The Catholic Commentator Diocese participating in Fortnight for Freedom: A national campaign to protect religious liberty By Laura Deavers “Upon prayer and reflection I am inviting each of make a 14-day pilgrimage during the Fortnight for Editor you to join in a diocesan expression of our unity on Freedom, visiting churches throughout this diocese religious freedom,” said Bishop Robert W. Muench in that are participating with special services. Over the The mandate issued by the U. S. Department of a letter to all people in this diocese. “I am asking you span of the two weeks are the feast days for many Health and Human Services requiring almost all to gather together as a community of faith for the cel- saints who are known for their dedication to religious private health plans to cover contraception, steriliza- ebration of Mass, adoration, recitation of the rosary freedom. tion and abortion-inducing drugs has become a ral- and talks on religious liberty.” “We are hoping people will travel to as many lo- lying point for the U. S. Catholic Conference of Bish- This will be “a time for us to reflect upon the cations as possible in the spirit of a pilgrimage,” said ops (USCCB) and leaders in strength of our Catholic and Danielle Van Haute, who is working with others to or- many other faiths to the loss American heritage, espe- ganize the fortnight of events. Realizing that not every of religious freedom that is cially when they have stood church will have an event, people are encouraged to go taking place in this country. against political pressure,” to churches near them or to travel to distant churches The USCCB has called for said Bishop Muench. to take an active part in the many services focusing on a “Fortnight for Freedom” “A Summer Pilgrimage religious freedom. from June 21 through July 4 for Liberty” is the theme of St. Joseph Church in Ponchatoula will begin the for people to pray, study and the Fortnight for Freedom in pilgrimage with Mass, rosary and a talk on Thursday learn about their religious the Diocese of Baton Rouge, June 21, at 7 p.m. June 21 is the feast of St. Aloysius. rights, and to take action to which includes a variety of Friday, June 22, is the feast of St. Thomas More protect their religious free- events across the diocese. and St. Thomas More Church in Baton Rouge will dom. People are encouraged to SEE FORTNIGHT PAGE 9 2 The Catholic Commentator June 13, 2012 | IN THIS ISSUE | DID YOU KNOW VATICAN II PRODUCED MANY There are 33 archdioceses and 145 dioceses in the U.S. DOCUMENTS TO BE USED AS GUIDES for the church and its people. Did you know there under the authority of Unlike previous church councils, the are 18 U.S. cardinals the pope. There is also documents that came from the Second and 447 active or re- one personal ordinari- Vatican Council need to be taken as one tired Catholic bishops ate, who heads a group body of work, not as separate, unrelated in the United States? of Anglicans who wish texts. Page 4 Of the 18 cardinals, to become Catholic. five are currently the There are currently WHEN THE DIVINCENTI FAMILY episcopal leader of an 13 bishops and seven di- SETTLED IN INDEPENDENCE LOCAL AND NATIONAL RALLIES ARE archdiocese in this oceses within the state 100 years HELD SO CITIZENS CAN EXPRESS country. These arch- of Louisiana: Archbish- ago, the their right to religious freedom. With dioceses are Galveston- op Gregory Aymond of family’s pa- concern that the government is taking Houston, New York, Chicago, Boston and New Orleans; Archbishop Alfred Hughes, triarch built away the freedom to express their reli- Washington. Nine are retired and four archbishop emeritus of New Orleans; a chapel gious beliefs, people across the nation are currently not diocesan bishops but as- Archbishop Francis Schulte, archbishop to honor gather to show solidarity in their fight to signed to specific ministries. emeritus of New Orleans; Bishop Domi- Our Lady of protect their rights. Page 19 There are 272 active bishops that in- nic Carmon, auxiliary bishop emeritus Perpetual clude the five who are cardinal archbish- of New Orleans; Bishop Shelton Fabre, Help. The tradition of constructing a ops, 28 archbishops, 156 diocesan bish- auxiliary bishop of New Orleans; Bishop chapel to honor a particular person that | INDEX ops, 74 auxiliary bishops and 9 apostolic Robert Muench of the Diocese of Baton or diocesan administrators. Rouge; Bishop Ronald Herzog of the Dio- the Catholic Church recognizes as holy CLASSIFIED ADS 18 was brought from his homeland in Sicily. Thirty-three Catholic archdioceses cese of Alexandria; Bishop Sam Jacobs of COMING EVENTS 18 Page 5 and 145 dioceses serve this country. In ad- the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux; Bishop ENTERTAINMENT 14 dition, the Eastern Catholic church has 15 Michael Jarrell of the Diocese of Lafay- REPRESENTATIVES OF THE MARIANS FAMILY LIFE 5 dioceses and 2 archdioceses in the United ette; Bishop Glen Provost of the Diocese of OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL NEWS 4 States. Lake Charles; Bishop Jude Speyer, bishop visit Baton Rouge to tell the story of LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 17 There is one apostolic exarchate for the emeritus of Lake Charles; Bishop Michael Syro-Malankara Catholic Church, a rite Duca of the Diocese of Shreveport and St. Maria Faustina Kowalska and how it SPIRITUALITY 7 came to be that God asked her to begin within the Catholic Church that started Bishop William Friend, bishop emeritus VIEWPOINT 16 a devotion to Christ’s Divine Mercy. in the Middle East. The exarchate comes of Shreveport. Page 7 YOUTH 12 | PRAY FOR THOSE WHO PRAY FOR US 2012-2013 Please pray for the priests, deacons and religious women and men in the Baton Rouge Diocese. June 17 Rev. Matthew E. McCaughey June 24 Rev. Michael A. Miceli Dcn. Edwin J. Martin Dcn. Ricky P. Oubre ATON OUGE Sr. Maria Rabalais CSJ Sr. Mary de Montfort Schexnaydre OP B R June 18 Rev. William H. McCue SC June 25 Rev. Cleo J. Milano Dcn. Larry J. Melancon Dcn. Ricky A. Patterson IOCESAN IRECTORY Sr. Anne Michelle Ramagos CSJ Sr. Lucy Silvio CSJ D D June 19 Rev.
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