and Mrs. James T. O'Neal for dm- ■r Friday evening. Boys and a:rls of the two seventh SPECIAL node 4-H dabs at Amelia Elemen- ts! v School had a weiner roast and ■’arty at the Amelia country dub LOW ! ’■■ PRICES Hiram Holmes, county Spotless ■rent. M’s. Mar’-' Williams, home ■.'tent, Mrs. J'lm Smith Mrs. Ralph THURSDAY. FRIDAY Mnnden and Mrs. C. Garland Hutcheson, interested parents, were AND SATURDAY n hand for the fun. Charlr:- A Holman. Ill and Wal- •'•■■ K Ha’dv. of Vienna, left Satur- day for Clarksville, to play in a Sturdily Constructed ■ If tournament, at the country club there. 10-FT. DOUBLE Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zimmer- man. and her. daughter. Mrs. John BEND SLIDING I Ti ■ pss formerly ef Amelia and now of Richmond. spent Saturday visit BOARDS ’no friends here. Mv>. Burke Entertains > Reg. 4it ''/fee Mrs E. H, Burke and her daugli- Reg. $29.95 M-s. Eugenia Lee, entertained $11.95 32 with 10 table.1; of bridge at the Amelia Golf and Country Club Sat- 21-Inch 6-ft. afternoon. single urday beard, $1?.' Miss Frances Evans, of Peters- Picnic Grill rail all-steel burg. and Msss Mary Jefferson, of with welded I Lynchburg, wi re home for the week end. .X. Charcoal Mrs. William Jifferson. of Rich- »I„ Briquets mond. spent the week end at her home tare. K'L‘,!:'9 15-Inch Tongs WADING POOLS Mr and Mrs Janies and Boyer 40-Inch 52-Inch 68-Inch Mr. and M-- Thomas Eppes saw Charcoal Lighter Cinerama in Washington KtR. K.-tf. S'.', it* 2.33 3.66 S7. I ft 6.22 \!'! Injit»!n Attends Convention ALL 9.95 Robert Arrington loft Sunday for Grill has air vents for controlled ccolc- Colorful vinyl plastic pools, easily inflated. Cineinnnii Ohio, where he will at- ing and wa*er drainage, tend the national convention of the eesy-rolimg wheels and removable legs for Par. >t-Teachers association, return- easy storage. INFLATED BEACH TOYS ini; to Amelia Thursday Mr and Mrs, H a r r y Brume. Tennis or Badminton (iame SOM I-'. PEOPLE CALL ’EM MONKEY FACE—Not John Stock, right. Farmville new' Herald edi- Harry. Jr Mrs. Edward Babcock Keg. 98c tor, or Robert instructor at PICNIC Merritt, science Longwood College, but we mean the young barn owl and hed daughter. Jessie, wre in that are they holding. The owl ran into a car driven by George Barker, of Moran, last week near Jamestown Sunday for the James- JUGS Also swim rings, beach bah. sand Boswell’s Dairy Farm at Burkeville. Barker left the owl at the Herald office and John town Festival. pal's, Stock turned and other beach needs. it over to Merritt, who is an amateur Merritt goggles taxidermist. immediately identified the owl as an "almost Namo/uie Heme Demonstration Gallon Site adult barn owl -sometimes called monkey-face." club ’told it. annual dance at the community house there Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Thomas Stark were ROD AND REEL Amelia News And Social Items ilk1. Crewe. 'Buikeville and Rich- pi ••sent for the dedication services mtind were among the miests who With fiberglas in- at old St. Luke's Episcopal church attended the fiftietii wedding anni- sulation and screw BOTH 3,88 Doctor Leaks Over For or Smithfield. This is considered *s Prospects versary Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. tc the oldest Protestant church cap. James Dallas Rami. 4-ft. glass rod has cork handle Fam Fetlina Sen: Practice In M l! standing in America, and has ms-male lTp County 2 Attend Ol-.S Opening ree' ha; ba>e -e .a:s and been restored. Mrs William recently The iiftii grade pupils and their recently for the nurses graduation A. Mortimer and corl handle. actors are still talking of the trip at Blue Ridge Sanatorium. They at- Mrs John Puller were in Richmond Mortimers Go to Save 'hey had to the surrender grounds tended the public health conference ru< i: ben met ting of and Mrs. William A Morti- : Appomattox. Between <;0 and TO in Roanoke last week. the. grand chapter. Virdei id Eastern Split mer their and BOAT 25 1 upils of Mrs O B. Ward. Mrs. Star. daughter, Nancy, SEATS 3,85 Hardys V isit Parents Oak William and Mrs Barbee Mrs S. V Whfielei arrived 1-V ■on Preston, spent Sunday at Saxe seat t-; ; Stc-ngi.T Mrs. O. III. and Padded^ plasfjc-covered arcj .Av. George Hardy as -.ute.it:. Jones took a lunch and day to visit her sister. Mrs. E. H the of Mr. Mortimer's haadle tor picnic spent children. Meredith, Olson and Bill, carrying. Folds fat. ti’.i there. Burke. mother. Mts. M. IJ Lipscomb, anti day with Picnic spent several days last week Mr. Preston Mm1 n:ie;'._ who .- s'a Lipscomb. Mt and Mis William Boyer spent her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. tioned at Cecil Field Air Base at Mrs. R L Blanton, of Beave Baskets last Sunday in Powhatan as the Ellen, at Jennings Ordinary •• Jacksonville. Fla arrived home P ud spent Monday with h e r -<t.s id the i>! v. and Mrs. F. w. Pfc Marvin Davis, who has been Friday for a 10-day visit with his nephew. George O. Hardy. Jr. I'u'-ijand. He was formerly pastor spending 3') days with his mother 18x10x8” 21x12x11” parents. Mr. ml Mi.- William A. of Trinity Methodist church in Mrs. Jamayne Davis, left Tuesday Amelia Parent-Teachers associa- Reg. $3.49 2.25 Reg. $4.79 3.50 Mortimer. Amelia to return to Germany, where he is tion held a reception after their Well-made basket: G-Ft. Diameter with Aluminum J. eorntan Hutcheson, of Plot-- an M.P. Doctor Surveys Amelia meeting Monday at the high school, with two convenient Pole ■ in handles as i: Reg. $12.95 H’e. Ala and his sister. Mrs. J. Mrs Charles A Holman. III. and Another doctor was in town Fri- honor of the new Amelia dentists folding usfrated. Monroe Osborne, of Smithfield. her- children. Allen Scott. Eleanor day looking over the prospects in Dr Charles S Fralin and Dr. Alton J Choice of C’.. were recent guests of their and William, returned home last Amelia. Citizens of the county and E. Hodges. colors and patterns. brother. J. Garland Hutcheson, and Wednesday after visiting her the health council are anxious to Beaver Pciid-EarF Hotm Demon- Mrs. Hutcheson. mother. Mrs W A. Haley, in Cul- get another doctor, as the two her- stration club will meet at 2 p.m. Or Clear Green and Mr Jam s Ilamner. of peper. 1 now arc greatly overworked. The Tuesday. May 22. in the home of FOLDING YACHT Mr.iiiihiiru. were n Charlottesville Guests from Blackstone, Farm- new prospect was the guest of Dr. Mrs Lilly C Vaughan. CHAIRS Keif. $8.95 A AP PLASTIC Special HOSE Varn'rhed hardwood frames with colorful striped » 25 Ft canvas - sear, and backs. "T MODEL TO T~BiRD” 0 QC $3.80 Brown SO Ft. Canvas 75 Ft. R«'g. $6.!t5 5.45 K.-e, $9.95 7.95 ’ IVOW \ t Have I/2-inch waterways and FOLDING COTS mrsrn/ Metal Re)f. $6.95 5.50 HOSE RACKS H**/* mcn^1 that you have been waiting for. In May of 1927 Yates Motor Company opened its doors and out K.-b. '!*<• 69c ro sed a new 1 Idea! for summer and -Model Ford. During the past thirty years se verul thousand new Fords have been sold and serviced here, cottages camping trips. _Folds to compact size. the new Thurderbird Fdrds. In we are including May not going to offer you o Service or Peris Special, as we have in Sturdy qreen the pasr few months ... we are to a chance to NEW AND USED TRUCKS AND at going give you buy CARS LOW- er imeled racts. ER PRICES than you ever dreamed possible. If you want a car—this is the month fo buy. 4-Inch Metal ^ BRISTLE GRASS < FREE—1932 HUDSON HORNET—FREE K<k. BRUSHES SHEARS !M( 77c M7\ DRAWING Cut with easy up arc J An me*'on of SSi 1.95 one hand. A to be held HEDGE III DSON MAY 3U P. M. Help you get more profes- sional painfing results. WHO MAY ENTER THIS CONTEST? SHEARS R«*S. $2.29 Anyone taking a test ride in one of our new or used cars in May will become eligible to win this 1952 four-door Hud- ELECTRIC FANS Special 1.79 son Hornet with radio, heater, scot covers, white sidewall ti res, tinted and 34,000 actual miles. Contestants glass, IV- Blades 1J” Blades Limb notch witf S In. must be 21 years old. Employees of E. F. Yates and members of their immediate families will not be type blade and eligible. 5S, 8.95 S5. 15.95 smooth wood handles raircus-rnai<e fans. A!.o 16-Inch Cut LISTED BELOW ARE A FEW OUR OUR USED CAR BARGAINS DURING MAY: oscillating •endow fans and air conditioners. Sole 1957 FORD MAY Reg. Lawn Mowers 1955 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN, Blue and Men's Cool SPECIAL rour-door Victoria, black and White. 6 Passenger, Radio, Heater Dent SJ7.95 gold, V-8 engine, radio and AT V 8 Er 1,895 1,695 Skip Reg. heater, Fordomatic power steering, white-well tires Pow- 1954 rORD CUSTOM FORDOR, Tutone SPORT or at package Reg. priced Green Radio, Heater, V 8 Engine .. 1,295 1,175 S3 445 s2875 SHIRTS 1954 FORD MAINLINE FORDOR, Green, HOUSE PAINT Reg.
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