CORNELL UNIVERSITY OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Volume XIII Number B Directory of 'the University Second Term 19 21 - 22 ! Abbreviations. The colleges are designated in the list of students as follows: Arts, A; Chemistry, A (Chern) ; Agriculture, Ag; Architecture, At; Engineering. Eng; Civil Engineering, C; Mechanical Engineering, ~ I ; Electrical Engineering, E; Law, L; Medical, MD; Veterinary, V; Graduate Students are indicated by Grad; Special Students by Sp. The number, e. g., I I 1 ~!~:2, · j 1' 1923," etc., indicates the year in which the student intends to graduate. Changes of residence should be reported promptly to the Registrar. Ithaca, New York Published hv Ii,. U ..ivers itv . " ~ M1 __ .... ~ " •. _ OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY Morrill Hall, middle entrance, secODd 800r. Tel. 2549. THE DEAN OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY GOldwin Smith HaU. room 231. Tel. 5512. THE COMPTROLLER OF THE UNIVERSITY MorriU Hall, south entrance, first floor. Tel. 2087. THE TREASURER OF THE UNIVERSITY Morrill Hall, south enrrance, first floor. Tel. 2188. THE REGISTRAR M orrill Hall, nortb entrance, !itst floor. Tel. 2004. THE SECRETARY MorriU Hall, north entrance, second floor. Tel. 2941. THE GRADUATE SCHOOL Office of tbe Dean. Morrill Hall, middle entrance, second floor. Tel. 37.U. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Office of the Deac, Goldwin Smith Hall, room 141. Tel. 2110. COLLEGE OF LAW Office of tbe Dean, BOaJdman HaU. room I. Tel. 411S. MEDICAL COLLEGE Office of tbe Secretary at IIhata, Stimson Hall. Tel. 2205. VETERINARY COLLEGE Office of tbe Dean. James Law HaU. Tel. 2965. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Office of the Dean, Roberts HaU, room 122. Tel. 2410. Offi ce of tbe Secretary, Roberts HaD, room 192. Tel. 2501. COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE Office of tbe Dean, While Hall, middle entrance, third floor. Tel. 4661. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Office of the Dean, Sibley Dome. Tel. 1261. SCROOL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Office of the Direc tor, Lincoln Hall, room 12. Tel. 2287. SmLEY SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Office of the Director, Mechanical Lab" W. Sibley. Tel. 1121. SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Office of the Director, Franklin 18. Tel. 5251 . UNlVERSITY LmRARY Office 01 the Librarian. Tel. 2449. SUMMER SESSION Offi .::e of the Chairman, Goldwin Smith HaD, room 246. Tel. 4852. Office of the Secretary, Goldwin Smith Hall, room 173. Tel. 4722. THE DEAN OF WOMEN I Sage Ave. Tel. 5842. THE INFIRMARIES, E. STATE STREET Office of the Superintendent. Tel. 2510. MEDICAL ADVlSERS Men'S GymDasium. Tel. 3653. Sage CoUege. Tel. 2193. THE PROCTOR Morrill BaD, middle entrance, second 800r. Tel. 3471 . FIRE ALARMS The Fire Alarm Boxes on the Campus afe as follows: 121 Southeast comer of Morrill Hall. 122 Southeast Comer of Franklin Hall. 123 Southeast of Lincoln HaU near intersettion of East and Reservoir Avenues. 124 Southwest of Home Economics Building. 125 Southwest corner of Veterinary College. 126 Soutb side of Sage College near the Botanical Lecture Room door. 127 Central Av enue at Sa,e Cotta,e. FACULTY, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS, AND EMPLOYEES Abel, (Mr•. ) L., Clerk, Veeetable Gardening. 201 Linn, Poultry Bldg., Tel. 2102. Acker, G. B., lnatr. lbperimental Encineering, 110 Osmuo PI,. Tel. 5317. W. Sibley. Tel. 8071. Ackles, (Miss) F. E., Clert, Physica, liS CoUege Ave., Tel. 3669. Rt)£itefeUer, Tel. 6522. "Adam., Bri.tow, Prof., Editor of Publications. AgTiculture, 202 Pall Creek Dr" Tel. 6427. (Abaent on leave.) .tdarns, J. Q .• Prof. EncUsb, 120 Wait AVe., Tel. 6874. Goldwin Smith 167, Tel. 4522. AdamI, (Mi.. ) P . G., Stenographer and Clerk. Buildings and Grounds, 410 N. Auror., Tel. 3024. Morrin, Tel. 2444. -Adams, R. 14.. Asst. Eden5ioo Prof. Vetetable Gardening, SOl Dryden Rd., Tel. 7012. Poultry Bldg., Tel. 2102. Adams, R. R. t Asst. Chemistry. Tbe KnoU. Tel. 2239. Morse. Adelmann. H . B., Asst. Histology, Stimson, Tel. 4255. Aiken, (Miss) Alice, Clerk, Agr. Ec. and Farm Met., 218 Pleasant, Tel. 7195. Farm Mgt. Bldg., Tel. 2934. Aiken, H. K., jr., Asst. Chemistry, Hillcrest, Tel. 2634. Morse. Aiken, (Miss) M . S., Stenographer, Dairy, 118 Delaware Ave., Tel. 4559. Dairy Bldg., Td. 2294 . • Albee, Ernest, Prof. Philosopby, 207 Kelvin PI., Tel. 7063. M W, 10, Goldwio Smitb 226 . • Alb ert, C. D., Prof. Machine Design, 130 Blair, Tel. 3201. E. Sibley 201, Tel. 7911 • • All en, A. A., Asst. Prof. Zoology, 208 Kline Rd .. Tel. 4843. T W Th, 12-1, McGraw, Tel. 2492; Roberts, Tet. 2649. ·Allen, C. L .. lnstr. Animal Husbandry, 211 Cornell St., Te\. 7605. Animal Husbandry Bldg., Tel. 2208. Allen, R. P., Asst . Chemistry, 110 Founders Hall, Tel. 2849. Morse • • AlI eD, (Mrs.) T. R ., Stenograpber, Botany, 120 MiUer. Stone, Tet. 2093. ·Anderson, C. B. • Asst. Rural Education, Y. M. C. A., Tel. 2200. Caldwell, Tel. 2520. And~son , (Miss) O. C., Office Asst., Alumni Representative, 136 College Ave., Tel. 3085. Morrill. 31 , Tel. 2242. 'Anderson, R. J., Prof. Animal Nutrition, Geneva, N. Y. 'Anderson, W. C., Sergeant, Military Science, 51J E. Plain, Tel. 5697. Drill Hall, Tel. 3462. "Andrae, W. C., Iostr. Experimental Engineering, 214 S. Geneva, Tel. 6025. W. Sibley. Tel. 8071. Andrews, A. L., Asst. Prof. German, 203 College Ave., Tel. 4049. M Tb, 2- 3, Goldwin Smith 178, Tel. 5121 . • Andrews, E. P., Prof. Greek Archaeology, J09 Stewart Ave., Tel. 5117. (Absent on leave.) 'Andrews, F. E., Foreman, Poultry, Forest Home, Tel. 4686. Poultry Bldg., Tel. 2973. -Apgar, F. W., Greenhouse Asst. Agronomy, Varna. Agronomy Greenhouse, Tel. n07. Apgar, W. B., Asst. Forestry, 206 Farm, Tel. 4715. Forestry Bldg., Tel. 2459. Arbuckle, J. S., b str. E)ec. Eng., 315 Elmwood Ave., Tel. 4306. Franklin. Asbton, (Miss) L. R., Asst. to Secretary, Agriculture, 302 W. Buffalo, Tel. 6898. Roberts, Tel ' 2501. ·Asmus, H .• Asst. Prof. Farriery, Veterinary CoUege, 7 Reservoir Ave., Tel. 2446. FlLfTiery,8- 5, Te). 4704. Atwood, (Missl I. M., Stenographer, Extension, 325 Pleasant, Tel. 6900. Roberts 104,Tel. 2591. Atwood, L. L., lnSIr. Romance Languages, 115 Kelqjg Pl., Tel. 3359. Goldwin Smith 282, Tel. 4652. ·Atwood, M. V.. Asst. Prof. E:rtension Teaching and Asst. Chief Publications, Agri culture, 116 Delaware Ave., Tel. 4493. Roberts 62, Tel. 2101. ·Auer, J. A. C. P., Acting Curator White Library, 407 E. Buffalo, T el. 2683. Library, Tel. 2449. ·Auer, W. F., lnstr. Pbysical Education, 202 Dryden Rd. II- I, GYmnasium, Tel. 3853. Ault, E. 5., Iostr. Machine Design, 400 College Av e., Tel. 6832. E. Sibley 103. *Austen, Willard, Librarian, Willard Way, Tel. 4246. Daily, 9- lZ, Library, Tel. 2449. AxteU, (Miss) F. B. , Instr. Rural EdUcation, Trumansburg. N. Y., Tel. Hi&h Scbool. Ayers, (Miss) R. B., Asst. ComeUian COuncil. 218 Hudson, Tel. 8230. 9- 5, Morrin 32, Tel. 2629. 'Ayres, W. E., Ertension Jnstr. Dairy, 122 Delaware Ave., Tel. 6762. Dairy Bldg., Tel. 2294. Babbitt, R. M., Asst. Chemistry, 113 Oak Ave., Tel. 2192. Morse. *Babcock, H. E., Prof. AgT. Ec. and Farm. Met., 103 Harvard Pl., Tel. 6157. Farm Mgt. Bldg., Tel. 2479. Bailey, (Miss) L. A., Research Aut. and Clerk, Agriculture, 321 S. Geneva, Tel. 7978. Robert., Tel. 1405. *Sailey, L. H., Professor in tbe College of Apiculture, Emeritus, Sage Place. Tel. 2136. Baker, Bartoo, Asst. Librari1.ll, Law, Forest Home Drive. Boardman, 'Tel. 4315. Baker. (Min) D. R., Stenographer, Dairy, 422 W. Seneca, Tel. 6889. Dairy Bldg., Tel. 2294. 'Baker, W. C., Prof. Drawiog. 304 Parkway, Tel. 4976. Daily e:rc. 5, 10- 12, Dairy Bldg., 31d 8001, Tel. 5114. Baldwin, D. L.,lnltr.• English, 211 Bryant Aqe., Tel. 6457. Goldwin Smith 337, Tel. 7471. ·Married. 3 4 CORNELL UNIVERSITY saU, (Mill) D. J.• Clnk, All'. Ec. ud Fann Mgt., 124 LiDdeD .be Tel ..', Tel. 24'19. .. • Farm Mil. Bid(., *Ball8.rd, W. C., Alit. Prof. Elec. EQ(., Renwiclr: Reithb Rd .. Tel 7868. Fnnkljn Tel SolSI . *Baaeroft, W. D., Prof. Cbemistry, 7 Eut AYe., Tel. 7917. T Th. 12. Mone 206, Tel 5661. &n1Ield, (Miss) lv., Clerk, Ap. Be. and Fum Mgt .• 217 Mitch... Tel 7093 p ...........~. Tel. 2479. ~... .-... Sallll, J. R. t ir.tInstr. Industria, Euglueerlnc. 3 Central Ave., Tel 2639. W.Sibley ll, Tel. 70'71. !kDkII, (Miss) J" Secretary to Manager 01 Punbase., Tel. 210S. Robertw. Tel. 2263. "Barber. Raymond. Ser,eant. Milituy Science, U.s S. Aurora, Tel. 7007. Drill Ih11. Tel. 3462. Barina, (Mig) KerOlA, Clerk, Publications, Agriculture, 108 W. 'au.. Mai1int Room. Roberti Tel. 2101. • Bukas, B. W.• lnstr. AII'. Ee. and rum Mgt., 108 catherine. Por • ....,. Bldg., TeL 8463. Barker, (!6iss) V. K., SteDoV'apher, Rome Economics, 123 Dryden Rd., Tel 5849, HOlDe Eeo­ nOmJcs Bldg. 370, Tel. 2972. ~arnard,7512. W, N., Prof. Heat_Power Eng., 4 South Ave., Tel. 6082. D~·ft.v, 9 W. Sibl-¥,..5 T.' *Barnes, F. A., Prof. Railroad Engineering and Director of the School of Civil EO\ineerin, tc» Elmwood Ave., Tel. 7204. Lincoln 12, T/!1. 2287. • BUDes, (Miss) Hatti/!, Periodical Asst,. Library, Agriculture, R. D. 3, Tel. 37-'-15. Stoae, Tel. 4134. BaneH, F. W., Farm Supt., Farm Practice, Forest Home, Tel. 5698. Tool Shop, Tel. 4471. Banett, W. R., Asst. ChemisUy, 114 N. Titus Ave., Tel. 8089. Morse. Barring~, (Mrs.) I., Helper, Plant Pathology, S02 W. State. Bliley. Tel. 2494. *Barron, J. R., Extension Prof. Agronomy, 145 Cascadilla Puk, Tel. 8346. caldwell ISO. Tel 2401. "Barrus, M. F .• Extension Prof. Plant Pathology, Forest Home, TeJ. 5838. Bailey, Tel. 2494. Barton, William, Lieut., Military Science, 213 Durbom Pl., TeJ. 6775, Drill HaU. Tel . .u62. *Bason, G. F., lostr. Elec. Eng., 210 MitcheU, Tel. 8993. Rand, Tel. 7851. Bateman, (Miss) D. H., losh. Physical Education, 202 Eddy, Tel. 3S45. Dlily, 9:30-12:.30 I . m. ; daily exc. S, 2:30-4:30 p. m., Sa,e Gymnasium. TeJ. 6471 . Bates, E. A.• Adviser iJllndian Extension. 127 Linden Ave., Tel. 5369.
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