ff rt THE LARGEST SURBURBAN NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTY COMFHTELV CQVEJUX6 WOODBRUKJl, SEWAR£N, AVIMtt, 1 rout READINO, COLONIA »di MM* XXXII.—No. 83. WOODBRIDGB/N;'j . OCTOBER W. J. ohrnOutEn MasseThursdty REV. LENYI Despot Three November Holidays,ISSUES lntiewBrunswkkForWendellWillkie Teachers To Appropriate Two More Slid the thlnMerm candidate^ at- ably be provided fpr thoie who IOBEHOST Vse Ottinary Sthod Day$ For Conventions; Taxpay- AS CAMP All «o pjah to be in our party,!' cannot be accommodated in the .;. Arrangements'haVcboen made to automobiles available. ers To Pay Substitutes So Classes Can Continue finish .trans'po)rtat|on for all Who Mayor. August- P. Greincr, who If O.J. LAW do not-'hjwe,carg.,Bu8eB will prob,- was an alternate delgate fa the ROYALTY <p teachei* of, the Township convention which nominated J(r- wlfl.lje.'of.. f five,, Arijl'j a half dsjftouftij i a possible.twentypty- Schedule Of Hours Wjllkie, will ibad the Woodbridge one school'days during; the-.moiith ti i4oyembi(8P, accoifd- Township party; .He urged latt Pretender Jo Lost Throne U»I Parties Evidently 0* Calls For: C|osi«g, * \ haWood night thW /'every true friendytf irtg toa" r?pcfe^fthiittel Hf6ne(aRf6ne(ay nijrhnijhtt to^fli.to^fh>e $sarjfroard of tfe. Wshlp 'Rei»ubUcan ^ democracy,' regardless of their *iictpftl .Victor: C,;MeklRs. pending Upon Outcome . At 2 P. i JDwiir . ' expected tp turn out usual -party aflillitiftn or to thjijr flip VjHbe closed November choices lor'"any' other 'office/1 ft- Local Ptriih Monday on m«SBe.. next, ',f htoqUy .to - at-' 6 and 'U, general election day tfijrd (M National Election ; .. , ,f htoqUy .to - at- tend the NowBrunswick rally ."t. ••' •••*.. "• • •• "• tend the rally. ih^ew. Brunswick Armistice'Jtoy. Froih 1' o'clock IS MANbATOftY »t which' W<mdelf?limlf?li,, .Willkie.RpWillkie.Rp. carry on the, magnificent «ru«»de|«A AfTCNn nCW^ONO Wednesday afternoon;. November that Wendell Willkie Is wagingj » V AlFfcND DEVOTI9NS publicabli n ,c-andidate lpX President,' 20, until Mdnday motoring, Nivi IIRECTGRS will be;the principal-speaker. for the perpotiiayon *bf oflristitu- timber 25, the annual Thanksgiv- tionnl government, in the' Utlted TO PUSH REFERENDUM Mflf D^Cli f S WMT. ing recess will bo observed. .. f ^cClain, of Sewaren-is States.^ ;>••", v-'1 ••;• m charge of; arranging -a motor- Observance of these holiday* Mr. Willkie is sencdufefl to ar- f j National tffTormu- cade of Willkie supporters tyiich docs not end the-vacationing of or( s rive in' New Brunswick at three Mayor Greiner To Welcome will ]eave Republican headquart- t e the teachers. Teachers desiring to Association Gathers Fortet B attend the 'State Teachers' Asso- |ate Schedule At Ses- ers on Railway.Avenue at 1:30 P. o'clock Thursday afternoon. Be Royal Guest In Behalf M. Delegations from every section will go directly to the Court Housj elation meeting Friday, November To Secure Tenure For sion Next Week of the Township will be included where a speaker's stand' will; be 8, can do no, the school board ruled . Of Township Monday night. Schools, however, Town Employes in the caravan,. Mr. McClatn said erected and loud-speakers provid- will remain open. Substitute teach- last night, with present estimates, ed. His address, win probably take ers will replace the regular facul- W'ii-iiiiliBRIDGE-T-In'Hne with indicating upwards of, 1,000 local' thirty minutes. At its concluslo^ . Wc-ODBRIPGE-Archduke' Ot- ty members on that day at 14 per WOODBRIDdE—With only tflfcj taken by other banks in Mr. Willkie and his party will ms- to,'of Austria, a member of the folks will be present *t the mam- day, . " • ' days remaining before' the'geh-, Amboy and vicinity, the moth meeting. ;.'"".''. tor to Plainsboro and tho Walkar,. House.ofiHgpsburg and erstwhile t |l>nilfee National Bank will With 38 teachers now signed to oral election on Tuesday, N^vMs v imi "We have had word," Mr,• Mc- Gordon Farm where he will be t|* drown' prtHce to the Hungarian ,,,. ,|uily lit 2 P. M., instead of ke the day off, the recess. #1)1 ber.fi, Woodbridge Townihlp hV Glain said, "that scores of Demo- guest of Henry W. Jeffers and 'a ithcone, will he (he guest of Rev. [I, M., ;is heretofore, starting oh large group of New Jefiey larw* out the board $152. It is very like- entering the last lap of a ; r crats opposed to the. third term Vincent fcijnyi, poator of Our Lady jilnv, N iiV(.'mber J, era. pf Mt Garmel Church, and the y that by November 8 the total campaign without a ilngta* Tli, new schedule has been nr- Hupgarlan. people urf the Town- ill reach greater proportion!. •tfcl, according to Frank Van being raised by either side. '. ihip, Monday night. In addition to these off-days, vi-k!i', president of tho Institution, chools will be closed Monday, Oc- • The only subject of interest Otto who .was oldest son of irr to keep within the 40 Deberh$WQrnAsB.ofi Member^RTENSEN DRAWS ober 28, at which time teachers cally to date is thhe Civil 8«n the; late Charles, the Fourth, once per week working time, as Referendum for it appears at King -ot Hungary, will arrive in ill have an opportunity to at- i tii in the "-Federal Wages the. New Jersey Civil Service A* Woodprtdge to have dinner with ;end tho InBtltuto of county <inrs" law. Tho measure of- And Long Controversy k Closed^. 1 DRAFT SPOT soclatlon Is planning to put, on *;' Father Lenyi. He will then attend ichools. mnl; officers and employes. campaign in favor of the meM Local Board Will Contact the .forty-hour. devotions a,t Our Lejvu) A.' Compton Humming on November 1, the SewmmMm Replaces Morrison Christie Who Finally Although both John Coyne • Lady of Mt. Car'me'l Church at banking hours of the James 5. Wight,' Democratic Resigned After Right To Position Was Challenged Regular Office Hours 7:30 P. M. |? l ' nit,'u National Bank will be Tk Ain't Hay Bepublican municipal ahalrm ws WOODBRIDG&—Dr. Seymour C. Deber, of Sewaren, At Fire Hwse -At-r:30 P. M., a public recep- PLEA MEDISON apectively, h»ve announced tion, to. the Archduke will be held $224,940 Realized In iiv, H:00 A. M., to 2::0>0 P.M.; WOODBRIDGE—Harold Thom- theithi r organisationli s are dfl was sworn a member of the Township Board of Education in Our Lady of Mt. pHrftel Par- 'hivs U:00 A.'M.until 12 as Martensen, of 48 Ryan Street, against Civil 8ervice for Mum'eL , Monday evening by Commissioner William Turner. Dr. ish Hall 'on Smith" Street. Little MADEBHOMPTON 9 Months By Town Fords, was given No, 1 by the lo--. employes, the men and women e,n> V * Anna'Faiekas, a daughter of mem-t C. Brichze, cashier of Deber Alls the unexpiredtermof Morrison Christie, who caPtlraft board this week when Sale Of Land ployed at the town hall are *' hers of; the pariah, will greet the Frills National Bank, said yes- resigned from the post last month. the cards'were Bhuffled and num- Election As Governor Is lining up their frelnds to honored, gueat apd present him nhiy that no action has been bered. Edward Joseph Slivoski, pf WOODBRIDGE—One hun- the referendum. The appointment of Dr. Deber last month, immedi- with. JL -large .bpuquet of flowora, Urged By Assistant na yet. Thn, 311 Florida Prove Boad, Hopatoai dretl and... n. tfljtfy-rix. Prom, wM Trtely An a.ddrQ88 of ' * win brought to the atten- was the last on the list with 'No, "welcome In be- "—Navy-Secretary™*" Township-owned property were Democrats and Ropublifctfns an Christie, ended a long controversy half 'pt , Woodbridge Township sold for $224,940.05 .during the on "i the Board of Directors at 3660. The numbers have been 1 depending upon the national ticket < .••(•ting this week, but it "was regardihg the legality of Christie's posted on a large bulletin board in will'heimade'by Mayor August I '. WOODBRIDGE—A plea for th Urst nine months of 1940, .ac- membership on the,board. Always First! to carry them along. They are dnl to continue the discussion the .meeting room of Woodbridge GtelrieV and' Father Lenyi in turn election of Charles Edison as Gov cording to a statement prepared evidently convinced that their sue- ^ Residents of Sewaren charged i mooting scheduled for next Firo Company, No, 1, wiiioh is now will welcome the Archduke in be- er.nb'r of New- Jersey watt made al by William Allgaicr, Township cesa, depends upon whefther WillW^ ."v that Christie had moved from the Woodbridg7~Scene Of half of the Hungarian residents. the headquarters of the local dtftft Democratic rally here last nigM Real Estate Director., or Rootevalt.la ekcted. ' ' In iinnnuncinu the new business school district into another coun- Initial Thanksgiving board. Archduke Otto is expected to From the first of the jyear to ty several months ago und that he by Lewis Compton, Assistant Sec While It i«K conceivable that $i\; i he Woodbridge National Drawing 20 give a length j addrcBs and to dta- retary of thjb Navy and a resident date the records show the fol- continued to serve "illegally" as a Observance g present office holders seeking y^-~-' i«;k ^ated that "Hunk officers and h cutt world events, especially those of Mi lowing: '.' ' .. of the education gio.uf.,- In the meantime, the nation's . iiyi'.s are reguMtadby-th*;!^ ;.^-*^****'' • "-.i-»s -i* . Deposits on Real IWato, |4i- record," the taadidstis- e policing prtitiotis woto" ftled ODBRIDGEi-''BRIDGEi-''.
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