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N,M. 87 4 4 5 1 (505) 3 45- pI.( ICf I I J I • col. 23 no. 6 • • nov.-dec. 1981 • new mexico architecture ~ The Editor's Column 3 NMA News 7 For our readers, ., NAWIC 1982 Convention and our adver- :1 Monday Lect ure Series at UNM . h )\ Institute for Enviro nmental Educati on Monograph series tI sers, we WIS • :: 1982 to be auspi- .~ clous. propitious , .1 A Twenty Year Index 1959-1979 9 prosperous and ~ l eudaemonistic. Advertisers Index 18 .- ~. -: . ~.: (Cover: Working Drawing Detail - Magdalena Railroad Station-dated November 1910) -Official Publication oj the New Mexico Society oj Architects, A.I.A.- Society Officers Commisssion for NMA President-Robert J. Strader, Jr. John P. Conron, FAIAIFASID,-Editor President·Elect - Dale L. Crawford Secretary·Treasurer- Wayne A. Connell Mild red Brillelle-Advertising Manager, Director- John P. Conron, FAIA Accoun ting-and Circu lation Director- Jon Moore 425-A Val Verde, S.E. Director-Beryl Durham Albuquerque, NM 81108 Director -Mark Jones (505)265-1010 Will iam L. Burns Director-Randall L Kilmer SAIA-Ms. Joan Schmid Charles E. Nolan, Jr. Internati onal Standard Serial Number-0545-3151 Passive and active solar; photovoltalc, wind. waste heat recovery. and PNM Jerry Neal is keeping track of the development of photovoltaic cell electric generation technology. Steve Pyde monitors the design and performance of passive solar homes with electric backup heating systems. Pam McKeever is working to find out how cost effective waste heat recovery systems are for residences and commercial buildings. Tom Nesmith is testing active solar systems on new homes to see if these systems can be made both simple and cost effective. Steve Albright is finding out whether wind-generation systems are going to prove cost effective in isolated regions of the state. John Noble is monitoring the application of solar and conservation techniques to commercial buildings. Dave Summers is measuring how currently available solar hot water systems work on new homes and retrofit to existing residences. They're all PNM engineers . Their job is to evaluate new energy and conservation sources. Are they cost effective? Are they safe? What impact will they have on electric demand and when will the demand occur? How can they benefit the customer? The engineers' research is on techno logy's leading edge. They apply that research every day. helping PNM's residential and commercial customers interested in waste heat recovery. wind energy. photovoltaic or various solar systems. You, too, can find out from PNM how cost effective your system will be-before you build it For information or assistance on any similar project, call the PNM EnergyUne. 1-800-432-6881. ~ PUBUC SERVICE COfv1PANY OF NEW fv1EXICO November-December 1981 L.... -_-- - -. - - -- - - --- --- - -- NAWIC SCHEDULES 1982 ANNUAL CONVENTION & TRADE SHOW in progress, disseminate completed IN ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO research, and to make available out Th e Nati onal Associati on of Women in Construction (NAWI C) has of print publications by affiliated scheduled its 27th Ann ual Convention and 1st Ann ual Trade Show, authors. September 19-23, 1982, at the Convention Center in Albuquerque, ew Prices listed pertain to stapled Mexico. xerox copies and th ey include Activities will get unde rway with a pre-convention Welcome Party on handling and mail ing in the United St ates. F or sp i ral bound Sunday, September 19, to officially open the Con vention & Trade Show , whi ch is scheduled to run tw o da ys during the three da y conventio n. monographs, please add $1.50 per Th e Regent Hotel has been Betty Kornegay, Executive Di- copy. To order items, please prepay designat ed as the head qu arters rector hotel. An additional 1,000 sleeping Nationa l Associati on of Women and send check made out to "I ­ room s ha ve been blocked at six in Construction STITUTE FOR ENVIRONMEN­ TAL EDUCATION". University of other leading hotels to accom- P.O. Box 181068 New Mexico, 2414 Central S.E. modate th e expected record atten- Fort Worth, TX 76118 Albuquerque, N.M. 87106 dance by NAWIC member s, Telephone (817) 284-7961 guests, and trade show exhibitors. 1. Gray, C., et. aI. , Public Free transportation will be pr ovid­ Building A ccessibility: A Self ed for conventioneers and ex­ MONDAY LECTURE SERIES Ev aluation Guide. 62 pages. (Off­ hibitors to and from the Conven­ CONTINUES ON UNM CAMPUS. set, 1978)-A graphic guide with tion Center and outlying hotels Th e School of Architecture and checklists of requirements for bar­ where NAWIC space is reser ved. Planning at the University of New rier free design. $ 7.50 Th e 1982 NAWIC Convention & Mexico, Albuquerque, continues its 2. Bartlett , D. , et. aI. , User Par­ Trade Show theme, " NAWIC . regular Monday Lecture Series. ticipation and Requiremen ts in th e Sky's the Limi t" - reflects the Each lecture begins at 5:30 pm and Planning Nav ajo Sch ool Facilities. man y opportunities for Association will be held in the SUB Th eater , 102 pages (1978)-Post-occupancy members to pa rticipate in outstan­ Stu dent Union Building on the evaluation of Nava jo Schools and ding sem inars on professiona l UNM campus. Admission is free. developm ent of culture-responsive development ; hear well-kn own Monday, 1 March BRUCE design criteri a. $10.00 constructi on industry speakers; GOFF, Archit ect. Th e Arch itec­ 3. Preiser, W .F.E. (Ed .), Program­ and, enable exhibitors to make and ture of Bru ce Goff ming For Habitability. 119 pa ges ren ew business contacts- while Mondav, 8 March GEORGE (Offset, 1975)-Proceedings of a ca p italizing on Alb uqu erque's ANSELEVICIUS, Dean of Ar­ symposium on facility program­ claim to fame as the " Hot Air chitecture and Planning, UNM. ming for large institutional clients. Balloon Capital of the World." W orks and Th oughts to be announced. NAWIC is a professional con­ Monday, 22 March JOHN 4. Preiser, W .F.E. (Ed .), Psqch e struc tion association with member­ DAISH , Professor of Architecture and Design . 63 pages (1975)-A ship open to an y woman acti vely Victoria University, Wellington , collection of papers on cultural, employed in the construction in­ New Zeal and. Architecture in New sp a t i a l and psychological dustr y. At the present time, there Zealand phenomena as they relate to the are approximately 9,500 individual Mo n d ay , 29 March designed environme nt. $ 7.50 AWIC members -45 % ad­ LAW REN'CE HALPRI N, En­ 5.Gidel, J. , et. aI., Evaluation of a minstr ative/ management , 30 % ac­ vironmenta l Designer. A rt of th e Congrega te Retirement Residen ce cou n t i ng / co n t ro llers; 15 % Landscape and Housing Pref eren ces of Pros­ cleri cal ; 5 % architects; 5 % job­ Monday, 5 April SUSANA pective Occupants. 103 pages site- re p resenting construction TORRE, Architect , Educator, Ar­ (1975)- A post-occupancy evalua­ firms across the U.S. and Canada , chitect u re Beuoee n Past and tion using multi-method data who annually spen d billions for Futurc gather ing, including p ic t u re construction materials, supplies, Monday, 12 April A TOI E preference testing . $10.00 and equ ipment. PREDOCK, Architect , Albuquer­ 6. Rohane, K.P. Preiser, W .F.E. , Suppliers and / or distributors in que. Recent Work et. aI., Post- Occu pa ncy Evaluation all ca tegories of building materi als, of Rural Medical Clinics: Five Case heav y equipment, office equip­ Studi es ill N e w M exico (p re li mina ry draft) 42 pages ment a n d su p p lies, and INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMEN· (1977)- Design recommendations cons t r uct io n - rel a ted se r vice TAL EDUCATION businesses int erested in reser ving for space and environmental re­ MONOGRAPH SERIES exhibit space should plan to do so quirements in new and rehabilitated early. Exhibitor inform ation ca n be Th e intent o f th e l EE rural medical clinics. $ 5.00 obta ined by calling or writing: Monograph Series is to share work (Conti nued Page 18 _. ' ) November-December 1981 7 TELECONFERENCING. TURN YOUR PHONE INTO ACONFERENCE ROOM. ~ =~ Architectural projects So you can serve your often demand mid-course clients conveniently and adjustments in design, professionally, while saving schedules or materials. And precious time and expenses Teleconferencing can help you used to spend on travel. you deal with these changes Teleconferencing.
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