Week Ending Friday, July 17, 1998 Remarks at a Democratic Now the time has come for me to deliver Congressional Campaign Committee a few. And I would like to have a few. Dinner in Miami, Florida Let me say to all of you in this magnificent home tonight that I always love coming here, July 9, 1998 and I feel so deeply indebted to the people of Florida and especially to my fellow Demo- Thank you very much. First let me thank my friend Dick Gephardt for his leadership crats, because it was in December of 1991, of our party in the House of Representatives, at the Florida Democratic Convention, that for his wonderful remarks tonight. I thank I won the first victory of any kind when I Martin Frost. We were together in Texas, was out trying to become the nominee of my Martin's home State, a couple of weeks ago, party. And in 1996 you brought Florida back and I was trying to be helpful and funny at to a Democratic candidate for the first time the same time when I said that I named my in two decades, when your State voted for dog Buddy, but I had considered naming him me and for Al Gore. And I'm very grateful after Martin Frost because Martin Frost is to you for that, and I thank you. like a dog with a bone; when he asks you I want to make a brief case tonight. It's to do something, you might as well just go late, and all of you know that my family and on and say yes, because it's the only way to many members of our administration just got get him to let your leg go. [Laughter] And back from China. And they say if there's a he has had a very thankless job, which he 12-hour time difference, it takes you 12 days has performed magnificently for our people, to get over it. I don't know about that, but and I thank him for that. for the last four nights, sometime between I thank all the Members of Congress who 9 and 10 o'clock, I hit the skids. And I'll be are here tonight from Florida and from all right, so if I fall asleep up here in this around the country, and the leaders of Flor- speech, if you'll just wait about 5 minutes, ida in our Democratic Party here, including I'll be fine and I may go on to 3 in the morn- Buddy MacKay and his newly announced ing after that. [Laughter] running mate, Senator Dantzler. I'm de- But I've given a lot of thought to what I lighted that they're here, and I'm for them, might say tonight. You know, a lot of you strongly. come to a lot of these dinners, and you won- Mayor Penelas, Attorney General derÐI wonder, what could I say that would Butterworth, Commissioner Crawford; and really animate all the people that were here, we also have here the mayor of Akron, Ohio, that would make them say, ``Boy, I made a Don Plusquellic. I don't know what he's good investment tonight, and I want to go doing here, but I'm glad to see him. [Laugh- out and talk to my friends and neighbors ter] He's a good friend of mine, and I'm de- about this tomorrow, and I'm still going to lighted that he and his wife are here. He may feel good about this in October, and I want be running for Congress in Florida for all to talk about it some more''? I know. But I'm glad he's here. You know, when I was in China, I thought I'd like to thank the Paxsons and all the it was so fitting that, after I was given this other major sponsors of this event tonight. incredible opportunity on your behalf to And Sylvester Stallone, thank you for having speak for the American people in China and us at your home and for giving me those box- to try to listen to the Chinese people and ing gloves. I can use them. [Laughter] I think their leaders, that I was coming home for I have established that I can take a punch. the Fourth of July. It was a wonderful feeling 1363 VerDate 25-JUN-98 09:35 Jul 22, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P29JY4.013 INET01 PsN: INET01 1364 July 9 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 to think about being on Air Force One, hav- surplus in 29 years. We have the lowest infla- ing worked as hard as I could to press Ameri- tion in 32 years, the smallest Federal Govern- ca's cause, our interests, our values, our de- ment in 35 years, and the highest home own- sire to have a genuine, constructive friend- ership in the history of the United States. ship with the Chinese in the 21st century, I am grateful for that. and that I was coming home for the Fourth I am grateful that we're giving 5 million of July; that Hillary and Chelsea and I would children, who couldn't afford it otherwise, be able to see the fireworks on The Mall from health insurance, that we have the highest the White House and celebrate with a lot rate of childhood immunization in our coun- of people who work hard all year for us. And try's history, that we've proved you can clean so I was thinking, what is this election about? the environment and grow the economy. The You know, I'm not on the ballot, and I air is cleaner; the water is cleaner; the food can't run anymore. I'm here for others and is safer; there are more toxic wastes cleaned for things in which I believe. In 1992, when up. We've made a big step toward helping I started running for President, I believed to save the Everglades and protect Yellow- that our country was in trouble and that stone Park from a gold mine and done a lot Washington was paralyzed by partisan poli- of other things to try to prove that we can tics and old ideas. I wanted to try to modern- have a healthy economy in America and ize our party and come up with some new honor our responsibilities to the environ- ideas without violating our most deeply held ment. principles. And I've tried to do that. And you should know, when you're asking I tried to stick with the things that made yourself, ``What am I doing here?'' number us a great party and the things that made one, that I think the evidence is we were us a great country: opportunity for all, re- right on the economy. And Dick Gephardt sponsibility from all, an American commu- and these other Members here supported us, nity of all people. And I said to the American and the other party said that if my economic people, if you will elect me, here are the poli- policy were implemented, it would lead to cies I will pursue in the economy and welfare a recession in America. Well, we now have and education and crime, health care, foreign some evidence; we know they were wrong. policy. I think we were right on crime, to try to As Dick said, I would never say that I, as put 100,000 police on the street and to stop President, or our party were completely re- selling handguns to people with criminal sponsible for a lot of the good things, all the records and mental health histories. And they good things that have happened in this coun- went out there and told everybody we were try in the last 51¤2 years. I appreciate very trying to take guns away, but I think they much what Bud said about the telecommuni- are wrong. cations bill, because we worked very hard to I think we were right to say, okay, we're create opportunities there. But I will tell you going to require able-bodied people to go to this, there is a connection between the deci- work if they're on welfare, but we're not sions made by the leaders in this country and going to punish them in their most important the consequences that flow from them and job, which is taking care of their children. the options that are available to Americans. So we're going to give them money for child And there are profound differences between care, and we're going to support their kids the two parties in the House of Representa- with health care. I think we were right. And tives about whether we've been right and I think that's one of the reasons we've got what we should do going forward. the lowest welfare rolls now in 29 years. And when I was coming home and I made And there was a difference of opinion on a list of all the things I'm grateful for for this between the two parties. I think we were AmericaÐI mean, I'm very grateful for all right to say we're a nation of immigrants, and of us that we have the lowest crime rate in we ought not to discriminate against immi- 25 years, the lowest unemployment rate in grants who are here legally.
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