Grondmaster ayme, lefl, explafntnq the qallle 01 d»eu to 80"011, c.nter, and USSR Champion Stein, Byrne later floated SteIn 10 anOfher leuon o"er the board. accountmq tor Sleln's only lou 01 lhe lournamenl, SARAJEVO 1967 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 W L D !: ~~::: :::::::::::::::::::::.:.... .::: :' .' ...: . ~ ~~, ---.-~;.-.::~;--:~;-"~,==~: =~~f. =~"tl =j~~=;~t="ii"'\'----;.~:;:--;"-;-·I - ::- -;:===-;~'----;~'---";:""~=- 10 ~ .4- ~ 3. tknko , If.! Y.i: % 0 I 0 1 1 I ~ I \ _ ;-1 _~'~ ,;--;;-, - \1)-5 x 1h 'h ':-l - '--'' 1 I I 1 'h I 0 I ,';-,,'c-- -:';-_-- 1().5_ °1 '""' 1h x 0 0 n 1 n I ¥, I 1 1 I ,..' .....;:3_ ~ 9Ik.5 ~ h 1 x I,i h ~ 1 n h I I,i 1;.--:1_ _ 5 1 9 9h . ~~ ° "1 h 1 I,i x 0 I 'h 0 1 "':"''-''''7----:-1 t 6" 5'- - 8'7 .6% o o lit liz 1 x 1,1: .., .., 1 "':t I t ¥l -.' , 2 ~ 81.1 f1lh 1 0 0 n 0 If. :< 0 0 1 J I n _ -;-I _ ';--;-6_ ,_ _ ,.. - 11 Duc1n tcin .. .. .... ... n ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ "~'- : : ~ ~ ~ --,~,,-:~:-~ ----.-~ :: ~! 12. Ja.noS('vic .... ... ... ... .. ~_-;";... _~ ~ _Ifl "1 ;;:0'--;,;..0 _ 0,,-:"':-"''7--;;:''--''''' 1 ~"''-.;.I _ _.;:-' _ ;!i 8 f.. 9 13. Pict%.Sch ................................... \o!t Vr 'tit;. _ ";. ,-~O:- 0 n 'fl 0 0 . __1 'h x 0 1:'.1 0 1 6 --;8- - - 5- 10 14. Bogdanuvic .. .................. Y.t 0 0 0 0 lit Yt 0 0 Yt 1 0 I x 0 h 2 8 5 _ _ " "1.100" :~ : ~:~;:~. ~; :: .. :':.'.:::: .... ... ::::.:::::. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ; I: .-=--';_-~l~"--:;'-- " ;: :~~ A lull report on thb important tour nament will appear in July CHESS LIFE. ~ UNITED Volume XXII Numb<.'r 5 June. 1. 6; EDITOR: Burt Hochberg CONTENTS CHESS FEDERATION International Grand Prix af Monoco 1967, by William Lombardy ... ..... 14L. PRESIDENT Marshall Rohland Chess Life, Here and There, compiled by Wm. Gaichberg .. .. 147, 152, 176 VICE·PRESIDENT Isaac Kashdan Larry Eyans on Chess ..................................................... ...... .. .... ...... .... 14 8 REGIONAL VICE.PRESIDENTS Observation Point, by Miro Radojcic .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 -' NEW ENCLAND James Bolton ' 1 Harold Dondl. E!I Bourdon 1 :;: -: Women's Chess, by Kathryn Slater ~ - EASTERN Hobert La Belle .... ........ .. ........ .... ............. ..... .. ........ LeWif E . Wood Michael Raimo MID-ATLANTIC Eart Clary Gomes by USCF Members, annotated by John W . Collins .... ... .... .. .. .. Steve Cllrruthers Robert Erkes SOUTHERN Philip Lamb Election of USC F State Directors .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... Peler Lahde Carroll M. Crull U.S. Open Information ........... ............... .......... ................ ....... .... ... -­ GREAT LAKES Donald W. Uildine: - Dr. Harvey McCle llan V. E. Vandenburg - - NORTH CENTRAL Dr. George T iers From the Editor's Fite .. ... ... ... .. ........ ..... .......................... .. ...... ...... .. -- Robert I,erner Ken Rykken One-Track Mind, by Robert Byrne .. ....... .. ... .. ............................. .. - J SOUTHWESTERN W. W. Crew -- John A. Howell Fark Bishop PACIFIC Burnrd Eddy A Message to All Players ond Organizers, by E. 8 . Ed mondscn Kenneth Jones Col. Paul L. Webb USCF Executive Director .. ........................................ , .. ... , ... , ' . SECRETARY Dr. Leroy Dubeck Special Ra ting Supplement ... .. ..... ............. ..... ... .. ....... .... .. ..... ... .... EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR E. B. Edmondson Benko's Bafflers, by Pol Benko .............. ........................... ... .. .... , -... NATIONAL CHAIRMEN and OFFICERS Tournament Life, compiled by Wm. Goichberg .... .. ... .. ... .. .... .. ... .. -- ARMED FORCES CHESS" ..•.. __•. ... Roberl Kareh COLLEGE CHESS. ... ........ .. ........Mark L . Schware• . INDUSTRIAL CHESS .. .. " ...•. Stanley W . D. King INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS.. .. ...... .J c rry Spann Women's Inte rnaUonal.. ........... .Kathryn Slat<:r JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION JUNIOR CHESS.... "" ...................... .. ... .Uobcrt Erkes MASTERS AFFAIRS .............. ......... ... Robert Byrne USCF is a n on·proflt democratic orranization, the of!lclal e:ovi'rnlne: bodY and FIDE ( W o ~l c. NATIONAL OPEN .... .. .... .. .. .......... llcrmun &-.trada Chell Federation) unit for chess In the USA. Anyone Interested in advancln, AmerIcan che!.; NOMINATIONS .. ........ ............. ,.. .. ... .. ..... Frank Skoff Is elliible for membership, with beneflts which Include a CHESS LIFE l ubscr lptlon and eUf1bUilr RATINGS" PAIRINOS.. .. ................Arpad E. Elo ror USCF rating. RATING STATISTIC1ANS .......... Wm. Go\chiJt,I'g Sleven Spencer Regullr Membership: 1 year, $IQ.OO; 2 "! Junior Membership (Under 21 at e XPlra ll:O";?:;~ TAX DEDUCTIBILITY ..... ............. .. Harold Dotld;" Family member$hlps apply when 1"'0 or :: um. TOURNAMENT ADM . ........ Gcorge Koltanowski Iddress and receive only one monlhly COPY reeu1ar TOURNAMENT RULES.. _ .........Jam es Shc.-wln rates a nd each additional member pays . ";.~~;.~,~r I.Ime COUNSEL" TREASURER ........ Dav;d Hoffmann IlIPlrltlon d.te as the first member (except where Is a we.~ U. S. CHAMPIONSHIP... .. ..... ........ II-l a" rlcc Kasper shOUld be submitted toge lhe¥. Wh"never they a re not. the name, U.S. OPEN ... .................... .. ...... .. ............ W . A. Scott the first must be given; added will tlln!", Membershipmember (becomes I.Ife athfteer 10 conmsecutiveembe r(l) Inn"al hi';'j';?:;:, WOMEN'S CHESS ..... ......... ................ Eva Aronson :\1embenhlp has b<.'gun, each SIlct'elioSlve year'. dues must be I Otherwile, the lustalnlng cycle starts over again at year one efrect. Lif. MemberShip: $21)(1.00. WORLO CHESS FEDERATION CHI!SS LIFE Is publl$hed monthly bY USCF .nd entered a. matter It t-&I"l (F.1.0.1:::.) Dubuque, nUnob. Non-member l.yr. subscription: $6.~O ($7 .50 outSide COpy: ~ , ~ ~ outside USA), Change of address: Allow six week. notice; please give UI new ad. dre" Fred Cramer and the old address, Incl"ding thc numbor. and dates on the top Une of your stencn. Vice-President. Zone 5 (U.S.A.) Address all commun!caUons, and make all checks payable to: ------- UNITED STATI!S CHESS FEDERATION, 110 hst 11th Street, NEW YORK, N.Y. 11*» 1.2 CHESS LiE IF YOUR RATING IS BELOW 2200, HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO COMPETE FOR $1200.00 IN CLASS PRIZES EAST IPS JULY 1-2-34 • NEWARK, N.J. SPONSORED BY THE EAST COAST CHESS ASSOCIATION LARGE CASH PRIZES FOR ALL CLASSES HERE FINALLY A TOURNAMENT ORGANIZED SPECIFICALLY FOR THE CLASS PLAYER TOURNAMENT SITE: The refreshing, fully air-condi tioned Robert Treat Hotel, 50 Pork Place, Newark, N.J. Just mi nutes from New York City. Rex>m rotes: $9.50 single, $15.00 double or twin. WHO CAN PLAY : Open to a ll chessp!oyers who are or become USC F members and whose rcting is be­ low 2200. GUARANTEED PRIZE FUND $1200.00 TO EXPERTS & BELOW h. PRIZE, $250.00 pl •• TROPHY & TITLE 2nd PRIZE, 125.00 plus TROPHY 3,d PRIZE, 75.00 plus TROPHY 4.h PRIZE, 60.00 1st CLASS A: $120.00 plus trophy 1st D and Below: $60.00 plus trophy 2nd CLASS A: 60.00 2nd D and Below: 30.00 lst CLASS B: 100.00 plus trophy 1st Junior: 50.00 plus trophy 2nd CLASS B, 50.00 lst Woman: 50.00 plus trophy 1st CLASS C: 80.00 plus trophy 1st Unrated: 50.00 plus trophy 2nd CLASS C: 40.00 TYPE OF TO UR NE Y: a·round Swiss syslcm t2 rounds a day); 50 movcs/ 2 hours. DIREC TOR : F rcderick Lobdell. ENTRY FEE : $1 6.00; Juniors under 21, $14.00; Juniors un der 18. $11 .00. Advance entries and inquiries should be post­ marked before midnight, June 23, and mailed to the EAST CO AST CHESS ASSOCIATION, 11 Vt>.r. Sisc Court, Syosset, N.Y. 11791. Entries aft er that date, $2.00 extra. Final registration, 10 a.m. to noo n, Saturday, July 1 at playing sitc. Entrics will be refunded if unable to attend provided AssociaHon is notified at least I hour before 1st round. PLEASE NOTE : Players are urgently requested to bring their own clocks. Sets wi ll be Jl .·ovided by the Association. 1966 CHESS LIFE ANNUAL Beautifully bound In a n attracti ve black cover with gold lettering, an Indllpenlable a ddition to the complete chess library. For ALL cheslplayeJI , ,m invaluable record composed of the year's twelve luu.. 01 CHESS LI FE: Hundreds 01 games by Ihe world's grealest players- fischer, Petrosian, BolvinniJr. Reshevsk y. SpassJry. Tal. Byrne. Larsen. Benko, Evans, Gligoric. Korchnoi. Lombardy. Stein, and many more . Articles. annotated qames, diagrams by many 01 lbe above players and by regular CHESS LiFE: con­ Iributors including Berliner, Collins, Marchand, Mednis. Saidy, and Zuckerman. A record ot all ma;or U.S. tourna menlS and reports on inlernational. nalional, slale. a nd local events. Annual rallng lisls and supplements listing all nationally-rated U.S. lournamenl players. 1966 Annuals now available, each $7.00 postpaid. 1961 , 1962, 1963, 1964, I nd 1965 AnnuIll, l ing I. volumes, eOl ch $6.00 postplld. SPECIALl FIVE VOLUMES FOR $22_501 (One for ..ch yeu, five for I given yelr, or Iny ..sortm ent of five volumel.) One 1966 Annual plus Any Five earlier ¥alumes, $29,00 JUNE, 1967 143 International Grand Prix of Monaco 1967 by International Grandmaster William Lombardy "Very early Fischer caused the tension to run high," commented a well·known chess columnist analyzing the Lombardy­ Fischer game, a deadly serious affair in contrast to the other games between nati!! ns. Indeed, it was th ~ first bl ood· letting of the tournament. The first round pairings were forced and so were the results. The French, the Yugoslavs, the Soviets, all played "friendly" draws. Mutual respect, fear of losing, a desire not to hurt the other man's feelings sums up an approach to the game to which }'ischer certainly does not sub· scribe. Both sides began quiet build-ups. But Lombardy, undoubtedly due to the lack of serious international competition, consumed too much time. The critical last hour saw him commit severai faulh which, though minor, resulted in the dissipation of a clear positional advan· t1ge. Adjournment came with Lombardy sealing his move. Lombardy.Fischer next but Fischer soon revealed himself that Friday morning. Imagine Bobby on to be the master chef in this variation the Black side of a Dragon Sicilian! d the King's Indian. Confer the glme Playing lackadaisically, he missed a Reshevsky-Fischer, Piatigorsky Cup 1966.
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