RED BANK REGISTER Uinod W«eklr. Enturtd u BMoad-Obw Matter at the Pelt. VOLUME LI, NO. 43. offlco at Bad Bank. N. J» aqder th« Act ol March I, 1818. RED BANK, N. J., .WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1929. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO 12. NUB8ES1 ANNUAI, MEETING. POLITICAL POT BOILING. NEW EXCHANGE CLUB MEMBER HEBREW FROLIC IN MAY. SUNDAY SHOW QUESTION. A TESTIMONIAL DINNER, An Insurance Company Representa- BUSINESS OF THE TOWN. Mayor W. Warren Barbour of Bum- AN ANNIVERSARY DINNER. tive Will bo the Speaker. ion Joined the Club Last Week IT BOBS OF AGAIN AT BED IT WAS GIVEN LAST WEEK FOB IT FAIRLY BUBBLED OVEB AT BIDS OPENED FOB STORM SEW- YOUNG PEOPLE'S GBOUP WILL AIB HAVEN FIRB DEPAET- The annual meeting of the Mon- Mayor W. Warren Barbour of BANK IN A NEW FOBM. TWO BED BANK MEN. mouth county public health nurses BED BANK 3IEETING. ERS ON BIVKB STREET. Rumson joined tho Red Bank Ex- MAKE MERBY. MENT HOLDS CELEBRATION. and the New Jersoy federation of hange club at laat week's meeting. The Aero Club Wants to Hold Sun- T. D, Mooro and Irving Finch Wore public health agencies will be held Frank E. Price's Adherents Victori- A Bid Made for tho Lions State Con- Ho was a guest of Bradley M. Fischer Completion of Changes to the Syna- 'olunfeer Organization OtMerred SB day Evening Performances—The the Guests of Honor of Employees this afternoon, at half-past threo ous in Electing Republican Club vention—Daylight Saving Tlmo Be- and ho made a short speech. Robert gogue Was Celebrated With a Years of Eire Flghtlnfc wlttl i» Mayor and Council "FOBS the of the Jersey Central Power and o'clock at tho River street school. President and in Getting Endorse- gins the Last Sunday In April—A Donovan was elected treasurer to re- House Warming Party Last Week Dinner, Entertainment and Dance Buck" to John S. Applegate. Light Company, Miss Maude Burgess, a representative ment for Mr. Price. Scheme to Advertise the Town. lace Harry Heavlland, who is unable —Nine New Members. Last Wednesday Night to attend tho meetings, due to slck- The Aero club of Red Bank wants T. D. Mooro and Irving Finch of of the Metropolitan life insurance The Red Bank Republican club Bids for putting down storm sew- The Red Bank young men's and About 200 persona attended the «ec- to hold Sunday moving picture Bhows Bed Bank, district manager and dis- company, will speak on "The Pre- held a lively meeting last Thursday ers on River street wero opened at OSB In his family. Frank V. Bake- -nd annual dinner, entertainment *.an of Mfddletown, president of tho young women's Hebrew association to raise money lor tho air circus or trict superintendent respectively of School Child" and the summer round- night in Robert S. Johnson's radio the meeting of the mayor and coun- will have their third annual spring md dance of tho Fair Haven lire de- aviation meet which It will hold next the Jersey Central power and light up of the public school pnront-tcach- studio in the Monmouttl building on cil of Rod Bank Monday night. Tho Oilrito company of Red Bank, will mrtment lant Wednesday night at peak on oils at next week's meeting. frolic at the Smoke Shop Wednesday summer. The owners of tho Carlton company, were guests of honor at a_ erB' associations. Broad street. Usually these meetings T. & T. construction company of nlght\May 8th. The Smoke Shop or- ho Smoko Shop tavern at Shrewg- and Hunting theatorB have offered to dinner given Thursday night at the last only halffan hour orssHntt the Red Bank made th,e lowest offer with chestra-will supply tho dance music >ury. give the use of the theaters free o[ Monmouth boat club by employees ot one last Thu(sdaynlghtwas in ses- a bid of $1,804.58. The other bid- and an entertainment will be fur- At the first affair laat year the fire- charge for one or more Sunday even- tho Bed Bank district. The gathjbr- sion nearly threenours. ders and the amounts of their bids nished. This la one of the society's en cleared about $600, but the flrs- ings for shows tor the benefit of tho lng included the employees and their COMIMG FLOWER SHOW. Bradley M. Fischer had been the were Peter DlPontl $2,020, H. L. Har- RED BANK IRON WORKS. largest money making events and tho len did not make any money at club, wives and friends. About eighty per- president of the club threo years, and rison & Son of Newark $2,180, tho profits will be used to pay for the ast week's, event The expenses were sons wero present. Robert Llnton, one of tho members IT WILL BE HELD TWO DATS at an early Btage of laat week's meet- Coast construction company $2,385, NEW CONCERN' INCORPORATED changes and renovations which have several hundred dollars more than A roast beef dinner was served. It ng he was nominated for a new tho Red Bank sanitary sewer com- been made to the synagogue building. he receipts, but the firemen expected of the Aero club, ashed permission NEXT OCTOBEB. LAST WEEK. Monday night at tho meeting of tho was prepared by Mrs. Bert Northcott term. George W. Bray was also nom- pany $2,492, the Monmouth construc- William Nachamkls of Atlantic hat. Their object this year waif not mayor and council to use the thea- and Mrs. Mlllard P. Aumack and inated for president of tho club. He tion company $2,497 and Angelo Fas- Highlands and Samuel Weinstein of o make money. The affair was glv- they wero accorded threo cheers for Two Special Prizes of $30 and $20 Is tho Red Bank campaign manager tiggl $2,400. Awarding the contract It Is Known as the "Seacoast Iron in celebration of the department's ters in question for Sunday perform- Offered by A. F. Llchtensteln for Works" and Is Capitalized at Red Bank are chairmen ot the frolic ance!, Mr. Linton was accompanied tho line dinner. for Frank E. Price, who is running was postponed to the next meeting. committee. Misses Jane Cohen and 25th anniversary and the principal John Carhart was toastmaster. Bed Bank Residents Who Do for nomination as one of the Repub- $127,000—Part of Hunter's Coal llm ot the firemen was to provide a by a number of tho members of the Their Own lawn and Garden Work The clerk was instructed to adver- Yards Leased for Ten Years. Ruth Fischer head the ticket com- Aero dub, Including Jack Casey, tho Talks were given by Mr. Moore, Mr. lican candidates for freeholder. tise for bids for oiling various mittee. :ood timo for everyone. pioneer aviator of this part of tho Pinch and L. E. Dequlnd of Long Tho Monmouth county horticul- ' Mr. Bray was elected president of streets. Incorporation papers of a new Red A house-warming party was held A souvenir program wan printed state. Mr. Llnton Bald tho Aero club Branch. An entertainment was giv- tural society -will hold its annual the club over Mr. Fischer by a vote Firemen's exemption certificates Bank business concern known as the In.ir. Thursday night at the synagogue 'nr fhe occasion. Anniversary nou- would like to have the uso of the two en by professional talent: Music was flower show this year on Wednesday of 20 to 7, Mr, Fischer then moved were granted to C. Ray Sweeney and 'Seacoast Iron Works" were filed last and it was attended by about 100 per- renlrs wero distributed, the women theaters for two or three Sundays furnished by McGulre'a orchestra of and Thursday, October 2d and 3d. that the election of Mr. Bray be made Leon E. VanBrunt week at Freehold. The incbrpor- sons. The gymnasium was appropri- •eceivlng leather change purses and but that If nothing bettor than ono Asbury Park. Tho society expects to give a better unanimous. This was done and a The Red Bank Lions club is en- ators are Henry O'Haver of Atlantic ately decorated. Dancing was en- *ey cases and the men leather bill- Sunday could bo obtained, tho club Mr. Mooro ha.B been district man- show than any previously held. In motion was pasBed that no mention deavoring to have next year's stato Highlands, who is president of the joyed, and tho music was furnished folds and key cases. would bo pleased with this arrange- ager hero since last September. He addition to flowers they will havo a of tho contest be made in the club convention of the Lions held at the company; George • W. Howland of by Alfred Berlow's orchestra. A fine dinner was served, TOIB ment. was formerly in charge of tho Point largo number of fruit and vegetable minutes. The minutes simply record new Molly Pitcher hotel at Red little Silver vice president, M. L. the fact that Mr. Bray was elected Milton Berk headed the party com- menu comprised chicken ealad Pleasant district. Mr. Finch has been exhibits. Prizes will be offered for Bank. A letter to this effect from the Mausner of Atlantic Highlands sec- mittee and he was assisted by Miss canape on saltlnes; olives, mixed pick- ' The upshot of the matter was that associated for moro than. 25 years unanimously. The other officers tary, William Orth ot Atlantic It was referred to John S. Applcgate, varieties, of dahlias not exhibited at club was read, with a request that Ruth and Andrew Fischer.
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