Archives and Special Collections Dickinson College Carlisle, PA COLLECTION REGISTER Name: Three Mile Island Alert TMI-TMIA Material: Papers (1965-2002; Bulk 1979-1994) Volume: 92 linear feet (82 Document Boxes, 1 Oversized Folder, 5 Photograph Folders) Donation: Gift of Three Mile Island Alert, 1989-2004 Usage: These materials have been donated without restrictions on usage. HISTORICAL NOTE Three Mile Island Alert (TMIA) is a not-for-profit citizens’ organization dedicated to the promotion of safe-energy alternatives to nuclear power. Founded by concerned citizens of the Susquehanna Valley area when the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant was under construction in 1977, TMIA has been especially critical of Three Mile Island and its operators. The organization became more active after the accident at the TMI-2 reactor and continues to publish materials on the potential dangers of nuclear power and TMI. COLLECTION DESCRIPTION The Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant is located near Middletown, Pennsylvania. It consists of two nuclear reactor stations, Unit One and Unit Two. The Unit Two station was the site of the most serious accident in United States nuclear power plant operating history. The accident took place on March 28, 1979 at four o’clock in the morning. The accident and the subsequent investigations had profound effects on the commercial nuclear power industry in the United States. The Three Mile Island Alert Collection consists of the various papers, government documents, legal documents, transcripts, and publications collected and maintained by Three Mile Island Alert, Inc. The collection is divided into seven record groups as follows: RG 1 - Three Mile Island Alert, RG 2 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission, RG 3 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission Directed Legal Proceedings, RG 4 - General Public Utilities, RG 5 - Groups and Organizations, RG 6 - GEND Reports, and RG 7 - Mixed Media. The materials in this collection range in date from 1965 to 2002, with the bulk of the material falling between 1979 and 1994. More detailed descriptions of the record groups appear before each inventory, and details of the organization and content of individual series precede the inventory of each series in the collection. A list of commonly encountered acronyms and an outline of the complete collection to the sub-series level have been provided following this description. TMIA - p.2 LIST OF ACRONYMS The following list represents the most common acronyms for organizational names and technical terms found in the TMI-TMIA Collection. These acronyms may be found in lieu of the full-length title of groups or terms without being previously indicated. Non-Governmental Organizations Government Organizations ANGRY - Anti-Nuclear Group Representing York AEC - Atomic Energy Commission, U.S. ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASLB - Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (NRC) CEA - Chesapeake Energy Alliance ASLAB - Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal ECNP - Environmental Coalition on Nuclear Power Board (NRC) EEI - Edison Electric Institute DOE - Department of Energy, U.S. EPRI - Electric Power Research Institute EPA - Environmental Protection Agency GAP - Government Accountability Project FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics FERC - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Engineers, Inc. IE - Inspection and Enforcement, Office of (NRC) INPO - Institute of Nuclear Power Operators NRC - Nuclear Regulatory Commission, U.S. NEA - Nuclear Energy Agency PaDER - Pennsylvania Department of Environmental NRECA - National Rural Electric Cooperative Resources Association PaPUC - Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development PANE - People Against Nuclear Energy SVA - Susquehanna Valley Alliance Industry Terms TMIA - Three Mile Island Alert, Inc. TMI-PIRC - Three Mile Island Public Resource AFHB - Auxiliary and Fuel Handling Building Center BN - Board Notification UCS - Union of Concerned Citizens CFR - Code of Federal Regulations YEA - York Environmental Alliance CWIP - Construction Work in Progress ECCS - Emergency Core Cooling System FOIA - Freedom of Information Act HPI - High Pressure Injection Electric Utility Companies and Related LER - License Event Reports LLRW - Low-Level Radioactive Waste B&W - Babcock & Wilcox Co. LOCA - Loss-of-Coolant Accident GPU - General Public Utilities Corp. LWR - Light-Water Reactor GPUN - General Public Utilities Nuclear Corp. NSSS - Nuclear Steam Supply System JCP&L - Jersey Central Power & Light NUREG - NRC technical report designation LP&L - Louisiana Power & Light OTSG - Once-Through Steam Generator Met-Ed - Metropolitan Edison Co. PDMS - Post-Defueling Monitored Storage NIRS - Nuclear Information and Resource Service PEIS - Programmatic Environmental Impact PECO - Philadelphia Electric Co. Statement Penelec - Pennsylvania Electric Co. PID - Partial Initial Decision PP&L - Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. POL - Possession-Only License TMI - Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station PORV - Power-Operated Release Valve TMI-1 - Three Mile Island Unit-1 RCP - Reactor Coolant Pump TMI-2 - Three Mile Island Unit-2 REP - Radiological Emergency Plan RPV - Reactor Pressure Vessel RTS - Reactor Trip System SALP - Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance SBLOCA - Small-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident SECY - Secretary of the Commission, Office of the (NRC) TMIA - p.3 COLLECTION OUTLINE RG 1 – THREE MILE ISLAND ALERT 1.1 Correspondence 1.1.1 General Correspondence 1.1.2 Widoff, Reager, Selkowitz and Adler, PC; Attorneys and Counselors at Law 1.2 General Business 1.2.1 Chronologies 1.2.2 Committees 1.2.3 Fact Sheets and General Information 1.2.4 Financial Materials 1.2.5 General Mailings 1.2.6 Meetings 1.2.7 Organizational Information 1.2.8 Papers and Proposals 1.2.9 Petitions and Resolutions 1.2.10 Questionnaires 1.2.11 Speeches and Lectures 1.2.12 Statements and Testimonies 1.2.13 Telephone Log 1.3 Legal Papers 1.3.1 Exhibits, Joint Mailgram 1.3.2 Exhibits, Miscellaneous 1.3.3 Freedom of Information Act Materials 1.3.4 GPUN Deficient Character Materials 1.3.5 Pleadings 1.3.6 Research Materials 1.3.7 Restart Materials 1.3.8 TMIA v. NRC 1.4 Newsletters 1.4.1 TMIA Article Reprints 1.4.2 TMIA Island Updates 1.4.3 TMIA Newsletter 1.5 Press Releases 1.6 Programming Events 1.6.1 Anniversary of Three Mile Island Accident, 10th 1.6.2 Anniversary of Three Mile Island Accident, 15th 1.6.3 Anniversaries, Three Mile Island Alert 1.6.4 Event Notices 1.7 Miscellaneous 1.8 Photographs 1.9 Artifacts 1.10 Audio Recordings TMIA - p.4 RG 2 – NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 2.1 Board Notifications 2.2 Correspondence 2.2.1 Letters Sent 2.2.2 Letters Received 2.3 Emergency Planning/Preparedness 2.4 Evaluation and Assessment Reports 2.4.1 Safety Evaluation Reports 2.4.2 Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance Reports 2.4.3 Miscellaneous 2.5 Examination Reports 2.5.1 TMI-1 Examination Reports 2.5.2 TMI-1 Reactor Operator Licensing Examinations 2.5.3 TMI-1 Requalification Program Evaluations 2.6 Inspection Reports 2.6.1 TMI-1 (50-289) 2.6.2 TMI-2 (50-320) 2.6.3 TMI-1 & TMI-2 (50-289 & 50-320) 2.6.4 Pennsylvania Low-Level Radioactive Waste Shipments 2.6.5 Miscellaneous 2.7 Investigation Reports 2.7.1 Keaten Investigation 2.7.2 Parks Allegations Regarding TMI Unit-2 Investigation 2.7.3 Possible Falsification of Leak Rate Data Investigation 2.7.4 Miscellaneous 2.8 Meetings 2.8.1 Reports 2.8.2 Summaries 2.8.3 Miscellaneous 2.9 Memoranda 2.10 NUREGs 2.11 Operating Licenses 2.11.1 Amendments to TMI-1 Facility Operating License 2.11.2 Licenses 2.11.3 Notices of Consideration of Amendment to TMI-1 Operating License 2.11.4 Notices of Applications and Amendments to TMI-1 Operating License 2.12 Policy and Rulemaking Issues 2.12.1 Commission Meeting 2.12.2 Commissioner Action 2.12.3 Information 2.12.4 Notation Vote 2.12.5 Rulemaking Issue 2.13 Press Releases and Announcements 2.13.1 Information Notices and Bulletins 2.13.2 NRC Office of Public Affairs 2.13.3 NRC Region I Office of Public Affairs 2.13.4 Speeches and Statements TMIA - p.5 2.14 Publications 2.14.1 Federal Register 2.14.2 Inspection and Enforcement Manual 2.14.3 Rules and Regulations (10 CFR) 2.14.4 Regulatory Guide 2.15 Status Reports 2.15.1 TMI Program Office Weekly Status Reports 2.15.2 TMI-1 Status Reports 2.15.3 TMI-2 Cleanup Project Directorate Weekly Status Reports 2.15.4 TMI Status Reports 2.16 Miscellaneous RG 3 – NRC DIRECTED LEGAL PROCEEDINGS 3.1 Affidavits 3.2 Appeals 3.3 Briefs 3.4 Certificates of Service 3.5 Contentions 3.6 Decisions 3.6.1 Partial Initial Decision - Procedural Background and Management Issues 3.6.2 Partial Initial Decision - Plant Design and Procedures & Separation Issues 3.6.3 Partial Initial Decision - Reopened Proceeding 3.6.4 Partial Initial Decision - Licensed-Operator Training at TMI-1 3.6.5 Partial Initial Decision - TMI-1 Restart 3.6.6 Partial Initial Decision - Dieckamp Mailgram 3.6.7 Final Initial Decision - Disposal of Accident Generated Water 3.6.8 Atomic Licensing Appeal Board Decision 654 3.6.9 Atomic Licensing Appeal Board Decision 697 3.6.10 Atomic Licensing Appeal Board Decision 698 3.6.11 Atomic Licensing Appeal Board Decision 705 3.6.12 Atomic Licensing Appeal Board Decision 729 3.6.13 Atomic Licensing Appeal Board Decision 772 3.6.14 Atomic Licensing Appeal Board Decision 807 3.6.15 Atomic Licensing Appeal Board Decision 826 3.6.16 Atomic Licensing Appeal Board Decision 887 3.6.17 Atomic Licensing Appeal Board Decision 926 3.6.18 Decision CLI-83-22 3.6.19 Decision CLI-84-11 3.6.20 Decision CLI-84-18 3.6.21 Decision CLI-85-2 3.6.22 Decision CLI-85-19 3.6.23 Director’s Decisions under 10 CFR 2.206 3.7 Depositions and Testimonies 3.8 Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law 3.8.1 Aamodt Family 3.8.2 Combined Intervenors (ANGRY & Newberry Township Intervenors) 3.8.3 Environmental Coalition on Nuclear Power TMIA - p.6 3.8.4 Licensee 3.8.5 NRC Staff 3.8.6 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 3.8.7 Steven C.
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