POSTALPPOSTTAL PATRONPATRON www.westbendnews.net VOLUME 10 – ISSUE 51 Good News for Good Communities - Serving Northwest Ohio and Northeast Indiana WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2014 BOUNTIFUL BLESSING FROM FLATROCK CHRISTMAS LIGHTING NH PARKS & REC EARN HOLIDAY MAGIC IN MONROEVILLE CONTEST ENTRY DEADLINE 2014 AWARDS OF EXCEL- LIMBHANGERS IS APPROACHING! LENCE AWARD Random Fact Random FactTime is running out… Th e New Haven Parks and Random Truth of God: Randomthe Truth deadline isof almost God: here… Recreation Department has Get those entries in for the been chosen as the recipient Christmas Village of Lights of a 2014 Awards of Excel- Contest this year! lence Award from the Indi- Show your holiday spirit, ana Park and Recreation As- deck the halls and the walls sociation (IPRA). IPRA will in holiday cheer. Antwerp present the award publicly at shines its brightest during a special awards banquet at the holiday season and the the IPRA State Conference in Antwerp Chamber of Com- Michigan City on January 15, merce would like to help our 2014. residents show their commu- Th e 4 Wellness Summer Shaylin McCray with Santa & Mrs. Claus at Holiday Magic nity pride through friendly Series is four running events in Monroeville. Wally Owens, Linda Wilhelm, and Jason Messman work to- competition. Th e Christmas that are a collaboration be- By: Jill Starbuck ta and Mrs. Claus posed for gether to fi ll the Caring and Sharing Food Pantry food Pan- Village of Lights holiday dec- tween the parks department, On Saturday, Decem- pictures and graciously lis- try. orating contest gives you the the New Haven High School ber 6, Monroeville resi- tened to children’s Christ- I received a phone call last pantryBranch full of people Christian who are opportunity to make Ant- Cross Country teams and dents and visitors enjoyed mas wishes, and off ered week and heard, “Th e Car- hungry. I Fellowshiphad not idea how werp a little (or a lot) brighter. Well Strategies Inc, a local the town’s annual Holiday sound advice for continued ing and Sharing food pantry busy the facility is. Th e contest is open to every- wellness non-profi t. Th ese Magic sponsored by the good behavior. one in the Antwerp School events appeal to all ages and is getting in a large donation Executive Director, Lin- Chamber of Commerce. All visitors who stopped of turkeys.” It was right aft er da Wilhelm, said it’s been a District and will be judged abilities and our main focus Several businesses partici- Th anksgiving and people do busy year. “Nine years ago based on curbside appeal is to encourage an active, (Continued to Page 7) need to eat more than one when I started we had about only. Judges will not enter the healthy lifestyle. Th e series pated including the Mon- time a year. “Sure. I’ll come 200 people a month. Now we interior of any property. includes an elementary mile roeville United Methodist over,” I said. over 500.” Paulding Coun- Chamber is letting tech- run, a 5K, A kid’s triathlon Church, the Monroeville TAZ I arrived at the food pan- ty’s population hasn’t grown, nology help with the work and a 10K. 2014 sponsors in- Park, the Fire Department, try on Saturday morning, one but its needs has. Many peo- this year by having the com- clude Parkview Physicians Cornerstone Youth Center, Construction of the two days a week they ple do not have the jobs they munity enter or nominate a Group, Parkview Live, Lu- and the Trackside Museum. Services LLC are open, only to fi nd the food did or their income has been neighbor through Facebook theran Health Network, Indi- Th roughout the day, a beau- cut. Food stamps has been or email. For those who are ana Physical Th erapy, Beacon tiful white trolley escorted Tony A. Zartman & cut by the politicians (who technologically challenged Credit Union and Th ree Riv- visitors to each venue’s own Travis A. Zartman you can still submit an entry ers Running Company. version of holiday cheer. gave themselves raises). Even 4376 Rd. 33, Branch if you are working full-time, or nomination to the Ant- Each year, IPRA Awards Visitors browsed craft and many times a person cannot werp Chamber by calling us of Excellence are presented vendor booths, handpicked Payne, Ohio 45880 Christian to individuals and agencies cookies from the cookie Phone (Continued to Page 8) (Continued to Page 2) across Indiana to honor their walk, admired gingerbread Fellowship eff orts – both personally and houses, and enjoyed com- 419-263-2977 professionally in the fi eld of plimentary coff ee and hot Customer Satisfaction is Parks and Recreation. Win- chocolate. Children partici- Our Specialty ners are evaluated by their pated in various types of ac- peers in the industry based tivities including ornament • Remodeling (Continued to Page 2) making. Special guests San- Vinyl 3-Track • Contractorso • New Construction Storm Windows Welcomel • Free Estimates Call MerleM for Free Infon – 260-632-0207-0 We Buy Old Gold - Fessel Jewelers • Insured FREEFRRREE ESTIMATES ESTIMATTEES - WE INSTAINSTALLAALL TURN YOUR OLD GOLD INTO IMMEDIATE CASH Double Hung,n Sliders, Awning,g, Casements, Pictureu Windows, I Cor. 10:31 - whatever you do, Patioo Doors, Replacementme or New Constructionru on the square – Paulding • 419-399-3885 do it all for the glory of God. Sunday Morning Call or Visit our Showroom at 7432 Brush College Rd., Woodburn, IN STORE HOURS:Mon-Thurs 9-5:30; Fri 9-6; Sat 9-1:00 Service-10AM CALL NOW Paulding High FOR Creative Design & Construction LLC. School Auditeria Been doing quality work for 25 years - Schmucker Our office utilizestili the th Triton T it Emerald Road Entrance DTS Decompression Table ROOM ADDITIONS • GARAGES This amazing machine is an excellent alternative to back Children’s Church and BASEMENTS (Foundation, surgery. Its main function is to decompress the spine Walls & Repair, Waterproo ng) Did you naturally and painlessly over a period of treatments. Child Care Provided Bowing, Cracking, Settling? No problem! The Triton DTS can save you money Check us out on Facebook or and a lot of unnecessary pain. online at: 260-403-8949 KNOW? www.branchchristianfellowship.com Licensed • Bonded • Insured Krouse Chiropractic 419-263-1393 Call for Estimates CDChomeimprovements.com 110 West Oak St • Payne, OH 2015 DOG TAGS on Sale Now 1 year $18, 3 year $54 or Permanent $180 NEW PATIENT Dog Tags may be purchased at the County Auditor’s Offi ce, 1st Floor of the Courthouse, 115 N. Williams St., Paulding, OH 45879 • Phone: 419-399-8205, Mon.-Fri. 8-4:30 (Cash or Check Only), by mail (please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope) or visit www.pauldingcountyauditor.com. • Deadline for new tags is January 31, 2015 6SHFLDO Color Codes: BL=Black; WH=White; GR=Gray; BD=Brindle; TA=Tan; BR=Brown Bragg Chiropractic YE=Yellow; RE=Red Term Codes: 1=1 Year Tag; 3=3 Year Tag; P=Permanent Tag Claudia J. Fickel, Paulding County Auditor We specialize in helping with... APPLICATION for the registration of dog(s) for the year 2015 115 North Williams Street, Paulding, OHIO 45879 • Headaches • Carpal Tunnel • Shoulder pain • Knee pain 2014 2015 • Foot pain • Sciatica • Back pain • Auto Accidents License # License # • Neuropathy • Sprains/Strains • TMJ • Massage Therapy SPORTSSPORTS PPHYSICALSHYSICALS FFOROR $20$20.0000! State of the art Equipment! Initial ENTIRE visit for $27.00! Includes: ConsultationCCo • 1st Adjustment • Therapy Call to make an appointment at: 419-506-9010 410 East River Street, Antwerp, OH • Located East side of town on Old 24 Dr. Chris Bragg PAGE 2 – WEST BEND NEWS – DECEMBER 17, 2014 Phone: 419-258-2000 • Email: [email protected] OBITUARIES pudding, dinner roll Christmas Lighting Contest Commissioners, and that all deliberations of this Board of County Commissioners SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK PAYNE, OH 12/22 – Baked ham, sweet (Continued from Page 1) and of any of its committees that resulted in Tony Adamski, 91 of Payne such formal action, were in meetings open “Th e angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; for you potatoes, wax beans, orange at 419-258-1722. to the public in compliance with all legal passed away Dec. 9, 2014. Arr by juice, WW bread, cherry pie requirements including Section §121.22 of have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive Dooley Funeral Homes of Payne Th e categories for 2014 the Ohio Revised Code. in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him 12/23 – Chicken & brocco- have been updated as well. IN THE MATTER OF ENTERING & Antwerp. li casserole, warm applesauce, INTO A MEMORANDUM OF UNDER- Jesus.” Luke 1:30-31 NASB ANTWERP, OH Th ey will be: STANDING WITH CCAO SERVICE biscuit, grape juice CORPORATION (CCAOSC) FOR SE- Howard Dean Stout, age 86 • Facebook Favorite – CURING ENERGY PRICING FOR ELEC- of Antwerp died Dec. 10, 2014. each home entered or nom- TRICAL AGGREGATION: GROVER HILL STUDENT COUNCIL HOST Arr. by Dooley Funeral Homes PAULDING COUNTY SENIOR On September 30, 2013, the Paulding inated will be photographed County Board of Commissioners entered CANNED FOOD DRIVE of Antwerp & Payne. CENTER ACTIVITIES 12/17 and posted to the Antwerp into a Participation Agreement Regarding HICKSVILLE, OHIO Electricity Purchase Program of the CCAO – 12/23 Chamber Facebook page. Th e Service Corporation (CCAOSC); and Mary Kathryn Rogers, 94, house with the most “likes” CCAOSC has contracted with a subsidiary died Monday December 8, 2014 of Palmer Energy Company, Inc. to obtain 12/17 – Bunco, 12:30 p.m.; will win. information, provide a plan of governance at Community Memorial Hospi- Buckeye Hearing Bingo at draft and provide other assistance to Pauld- tal, Hicksville.
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