n 1978, when doctors introduced "critical look at the direction of the ART what they have decided on and asked I Louise Brown, the first "test tube" or indtlstry's agenda and actions leaves the doctors to carry out" in vitro fertilization (IVF) baby, to the Catholic observers with several trou­ Many Catholic scholars, scientists, world, the international media hailed bling ethical and medical questions and J.aypersons adopted sentiments the event as something jUst short of the that might be summed up as: "Where similar to those of the pope, only definitive answer to infertility. In Time will it all end?" without the helper verb, "may." Unen­ magazine, Dr. Robert Edwards-one of Coming precisely one decade after cumbered by meaningful opposition, the brains behind Baby Louise's birth the publication of Pope Paul VI's pro­ the ART industry, a ·consortium of re­ and the acknowledged godfather of the phetic encyclical, Humanae Vitae, the searchers, medical school profession­ assisted reproductive technology (ART) initial Catholic response to Baby Lou­ als, pharmaceutical companies, and industry it spawned-boasted: "This is ise Wa.s ambiguous. Just days before others, formed an unofficial alliance the first time we've solved all the prob­ being named Pope John Paul I, Albino with the secular media and quickly lems at once. We're at the beginning of Luciani expressed his "best wishes to evolved into a formidable and profit- the end-not the end of the beginning." the baby," suggesting that the parents able presence worldwide. Now, more than three decades later, a may "have ~at merit before God for As IVF births mounted, media out- ------------------- -------------------- lets recognized and satiated the public's the procedure is looked upon as com­ is Changing Men, Women, and the appetite for heartstring-tugging stories monplace, even routine. The most World (2007). The book offered about infertile couples who were finally recent data available from the CDC detailed descriptions of the reduc­ able to achieve pregnancy and live birth shows NF procedures in the US have tions of multiples-pregnancies via the "miracle of NF." Multi-birth doubled over the past decade, with 475 (twins, triplets, or more), in which pregnancies and grateful moms and NF clinics performing nearly 150,000 the least viable-looking fetus (or dads holding their smiling IVF triplets, "cycles" of NF annually. fetuses) is aborted by sodium quads, quints, or more made for great TY. NF stories in the media, including chloride injection. More recently, ART publicists were only too happy TV reality shows, continue to generate a New York Times Magazine cover to supply IVF doctors and other medi­ cal professionals who delivered appro­ priate soundbites. To the casual viewer on the outside looking in, the medical world had, indeed, solved the problem of infertility. ONTHE CU1TING ROOM FLOOR: THE IVF PROCEDURE Cultural attitudes and perceptions of IVF, formed in large part by the media, are long on images of darling NF chil­ dren and short on information about the impersonal NF procedure itself, ·.· . which is rarely-if ever-described in good: audien!=e ratings. But iri recent story (Augtist 11, 2011) high­ detail. years a number of new, Un.scripted stor­ lighted selective reduction under Here's the basic process: oocytes, or yllites have beg\m to emerge,:r~vealing the headline "The Two-Minus One human eggs (obtained surgically from the dart<er;·unsettling underbelly of the Pregnancy,"· recounting chilling the wife's ovarian follicles in drug-in­ ART industry and, its practices. explana:tions from NF mothers of duced, super-ovulated cycles) and pre­ A sampling of these revelations how th~y decided-which of their pared sperm (previously collected from includes: fetuses to destroy. the husband, usually through mastur­ bation) are brought together in a petri • Unemployed single mother Nadya • The connection between sperm dish in the laboratory. Fertilization, if Suleman ofCalifornia gained bank~. and NF clinics drew scru­ it is successful, takes place in that dish worldwide: notoriety in January tiny after an article titled "One in a lab-that is, outside the woman's 2009 as the "Octomom" -givip.g Sperm Donor,-150 Offspring" body and any act of sexual union be­ birth to eight NF babies-after a appeared in the New York Time$ tween the couple hoping to conceive. Beverly Hills doctor transferred (September 5, 2011). In the article, Next, three or more blastocyst-stage 12 human embryos to her uterus. writer Jacqueline Mroi chronicled (five-day old) embryos are piaced in the It appears that Suleman's children the myriad potential health and uterus through a process called embryo are the world's longest-surviving ethical concerns surrounding transfer. Less robust-looking embryos set of octuplets. They joined the sperm donation, including the are either destroyed or cryofrozen at six children Suleman had a~ready case of one sperm donor who "fa­ -320 degrees Fahrenheit in liquid nitro­ given birth to through previous thered" 150 children (with more gen for possible future implantation or NF procedures. All14 births were on the way), all of whom are half­ use in embryo-destructive research. from the same physician, whose siblings. The possibility that genes The average cost for a single, basic medical license was eventually for rare diseases could be spread cycle of IVF in the US is about $12,000. revoked. Although a spokesman throughout the population and Success rates, a hotly debated topic for the American Society of Re­ the increased odds of incest be­ even within the ART industry, vary productive Medicine (ASRM), the tween half-sisters and half-broth­ widely according to a number of fac­ chief advocacy group of the ART . ers who live in close proximity tors, most notably the age of the wom­ industry, condemned the event as to each other but are unaware of an. The latest available data (2008) from a violation of ASRM guidelines their blood relation are just some the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for embryo transfer, an Associated of the potential problems arising place IVF success rates (measured by Press story revealed that less than from a largely unregulated sperm~ numbers of live births) for women 20 percent of NF clinics in the US donation industry. between the ages of 35 and 37 at 37.4 follow the guidelines, which do percent; women 38-40, 28.2 percent; not carry the force of law. Two recent documentaries high­ women 41-42, 16.5 percent; women 43- light other little-known health 44, 7.8 percent; and women 44 years • The largely unknown practice consequences of NF. Eggsploitation or older, 2.8 percent. About six out of known as "selective reduction" (2010), produced by the Center every 10 NF procedures are performed gained prominence through for Bioethics and Culture, earned on women age 35 or o~der. Washington Post journalist Liza high praise from across the politi­ Today, after the birth of more than Mundy's book Everything Conceiv­ cal and cultural spectrum for ex­ four million NF children worldwide, able: How Assisted Reproduction posing what the film calls the NF · I 11 II CAl 1101 !( 1\0RI IJ IU !'OR!, ,\!ovcmbc•, :'lll I 10 I industry's "dirty little secret'' -the popular traction in the US, the number beings determined to be less desir­ hidden dangers and risks to the of same-sex or transgendered persons able than their siblings. Confer­ health of young women who wishing to have children is also sure ence speakers include a sympa­ "donate" eggs for use in IVF clin­ to rise. thetic columnist from the Guardian ics, thus fueling the human-egg and Simon Fishel, Ph.D., a former trade. The film was named Best DRIVINGTHE RADICAL colleague of Dr. Robert Edwards Documentary at the 2011 Califor­ AGENDA: MAINSTREAM whose achievements include ap­ nia Independent Film Festival. MEDICINE'S ROLE pointment as deputy scientific di­ Echoes of Our Choice (2010, Ignatius These and other reproductive tech­ rector of the world's first IVF clinic Productions) is a film by Michi­ niques, services, and consequences are at Bourne Hall, Cambridge. gan neonatologist Robin Pierucci well within the mainstream of the medi­ documenting the largely ignored cal field. In fact, major ART conferences • The title of an Australian sci­ dangers of premature multiple­ in the us and around the world tell the ence symposium associated with births-birth defects and high story of an obstetrics/gynecology/endo­ the World Congress on Human mortality rates-that are common crinology profession that is not only not Reproduction speaks volumes: in IVF pregnancies, and devastat- aghast at the anti-life, anti-maitiage, "When Starting a Family Takes More .Than Two." Other sympo­ sium topics include "Are the Kids Really All Right-What Happens When the Donor Families Link Up?", "Family Structures are Changing More Than You Know," and "Does Sperm Donation in Australia and New Zealand Have a Future?" The World Congress on Human Reproduction's provoca­ tive theme for 2011 is "Making Babies: Is It Just Chemistry?" • A veritable Who's Who of pres­ tigious US research universities and reproductive institutions will be represented at the No­ vember 20ll meeting of ASRM in Orlando, titled "Realizing Scientific Dreams." Among the ing to unsuspecting parents.···· · and anti-family protocols that are gi~­ post-graduate sessions: "Fertility ens in the field of human reproduction and Family Building in the Trans­ These and other revelations represent ap.d nascent life, but is in fact leading gender Population," a one-day merely the tip of the IVF iceberg. With the charge for such practices and pro­ course exploring "gender identity regulation of the IVF industry virtually cedures: dysphoria/disorder, its diagnosis nonexistent in the US, it is estimated and management, and special that a stockpile of some 500,000 human • ''The Embryo's Out-of-Body Ex­ needs of transgendered individu­ embryos-labeled as "spares" -are perience" is one session title at the als seeking ART." Two Yale Medi­ now in a cryopreserved (frozen) state.
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