The Fortiav\, The hAaqa-zii^ of the Model School, sydiA^ey, NSW J u ly 7 , ±^os 4, l^OS septem.ber i, n^os October £>, i^ o s Noveruber 3 , o g ir^ecem-ber 1 , o g Februflry 2 , March 2, April (¿>,±^0^ May 4, J u u 4 i , • . ; i ^ 3 : . '> *4*: * E ' l : ■■ ■■ iFai»tàs#7 Fort Street High Library R25345X8504 R25345X 8504 y I \ . i ^ C ■~y« ■—jfi—g , -C ^ ^ y i f V ^ - O " • :i r Á'“'^ X íS t - * K»:,' . • ■■'<:: ■*'■. ''y / iiÄ'iiiiäci'. THe Magazine of tKe Fort Street Model ScKool, Sydney, N.S.W. EDitor : Sub-EDitors : Mr. G. HACKANESS, B.A. Mr. A. W. CUSBERT, B.A,; Mr. C, H. COELINS. (Published Monthly, on the First Tuesday in each month.) Volume X .— No. I. New Issue. SYDNEY, JUDY 7, 1908. Price : One Penny. ANNual SubscriptioN, One ShilliNg. styleD the “Pymble News,” on a little wooDeN home-made press. It NO MAN 2 Çditoriol ^ occurreD to me that perhaps a paper for the school woulD be a more CAN HIT A riARK. profitable uNDertakiNg. WalforD “ No man can, hit a mark without aiming at was to be EDitor and I Associate it, and skill is acquired by repea'ed The Editor wiU he pleased to receive EDitor anD Printer. We mentioned attempts.” contributions, which should he left in the our plans to Mr. TurNer who at Editor’s Box in the main entrance. All EXACTLY, that is why we are recognised oNce saw the value of the suggest­ as tile principal Photographers of Sydney, contributions will he acknowledged in the as shown in the following extract : — current issue. ioN, but thought the paper ought to be a school paper, owNeD by the With to-Day’s issue begiNs a new “ The high standard of excellence school. This made matters easier, attained in their work (The Crown Studios) era in the life of the “ FortiaN.” and one afterNooN the three of us, is an incentive to the photographic pro­ We hope that our readers will give fession o( Australia.” — The Australian accompaNieD by Mr. PiNcombe, a Photo Review. the eNlargeD paper a corDial wel­ teacher, who was to have charge of come. Though the Number of “ The FortiaN,” made for CowaN & WE AIM HIGH, pages this moNth is but eight, Co., where the type, cases, aND a yet within a moNth or two we HIT THE MARK, real machine were purchased. hope to issue a paper of twelve The ■' real machine ” was my AND THEN AIM HIGHER. pages. InsteaD of writiNg you a especial pet for moNths! regular EDitorial we have asked OUR pictures cost us much study and Great assistance in the first issue practice. SOME when they achieve a Mr. FreD CoNway to write you a of “ The FortiaN ” was reNdered by success say, “ that is good enough.” short accouNt of the origiN and Mr. Kelman, a compositor at the WE SAY, “ good enough is good for early history of the “ FortiaN." GoverNmeNt PriNtiNg Office, who nothing.” WE waste no time in conceit, So exit the EDitor, enter Mr. Oon- but keep aiming higher and higher. as a frieND of Mr. TurNer’s, williNg­ way. We aim neither at prettiness nor popularity ly gave his services. With Mr. but at Gullick’s permission he came DowN COMPOSITION, from the GoverNmeNt PriNtiNg ^emiNiseeNees of Office in the afterNooNs to teach us HALF TO N E, how to set type in a vvorkmanlike AND INDIVIDUALITY. “ Jhe fortiaN.’* manner, and to manage the machine We are always aiming at the apparently like master machinists. As far as impossible, THAT we might attain the The first issue of “ The FortiaN ” I can remember the first EDitor highest point. THEREFORE—the name saw the light of Day on 7th August was Mr. J. Green. of The Crown Studios on your photograph gives it greater value. 1898, and was the outcome of One of the first “ jo b s ” doNe on maNy little chats between Mr. J. the Press was a card of welcome to W. TurNer, (theN HeaD-master,) LorD Beauchamp, who visiteD the a classmate and brother moNitor school shortly after the historical THE CROWN STUDIOS. WalforD and myself. A frieND purchase was made. The machine of mine had made me a preseNt of VICE-REGAL PHOTOGRAPHERS, was then iN the HeaD’s office and BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT. two or three pouNDs of type, and I his tables were littered with type, had for some moNths been priNtiNg cases, iNks, galleys, and other 448 GEORGE ST., SYDNEY. a tiNy 3 x 4 inch paper at home Necessaries of the PriNter’s Art. Next door to Roberts’ Hotel. THE FORTIAN. July , 1908 The machine occupieD a prouD TuesDay morNiNg was speNt iN thereby wiNNiNg the praises of positioN near the wiNDow, and fixiNg tents, and the boys threw ColoNel Paul, who was standlnof after our distiNguisheD visitor came themselves heart and soul iNto by. in and had been iNtroDuceD to the their work. IN the afterNooN a .— ^ — _ “ PriNter’s Devils,” as Mr. Kelman battalioN parade was held. The O.C. Desires to complimeNt calleD US, I handed him a card of The first Night in camp on the boys of “ A” CompaNy on their welcotne, wet from the press. He accouNt of its Novelty caused a spleNDid behaviour right through thaNkeD us and tolD us to take a gooD deal of excitemeNt, and even the camp, and for the excelleNt after “ lights out” haD beeN half-holiDay. I thiNk all the "Devils” way in which they marched DuriNg wished he’d come every Day in the souNDed, a great Number of boys the review. week after that! fouND it hard work to go to sleep. WheN the noise and bustle of Boys, too, had their first experieNce One rather humorous iNcideNt priNtiNg got too much for Mr, of guard aND seNtry Duty. All over happeNeD to oNe of our boys while TurNer, he put us DowN i.N the the camp coulD be heard the zealous doing seNtry Duty. The captain CarpeNtry shed, and there with calls. “ Who comes there,” aND of the guarD was makiNg a rouNd Messrs Pincombe, Drew, and Hat­ frequeNtly was heard, " Guard of iNspectioN of his sentries, aND field, ClauDe Kerr, Harris, Victor turn out.” The over-zealousness as he neared this cadet, he saw him Cobb, and other members of the of the boys to challeNge preveNteD briNg his rifle to the reaDy posi­ staff whose names I caNNot for the the officers from gettiNg to steep. tion, aND waited for the challeNge, momeNt recall, I have passed maNy WeDNesDay was DevoteD to but in vain. What’s the matter, pleasaNt hours. Parades, both morNiNg aND after­ b oy ? P-pplease, sir, I stuttt-er. The School plaNt haD Not been NooN, aND the eveNiNg formeD So he was relieved, aND speNt the locateD iN its New positioN loNg quite a coNtrast to the previous rest of the night asleep. one. After 7 o’c'ock harDly a ere it was seen that some coNsiDer­ A miNiature rifle raNge i.s being able aDDitioNs were Necessary. It souND was heard, the majority of the boys beiNg lireD out by the erected at the NortherN enD of the was then that a large fouNt of playgrouND for the use of the brevier romaN type and aNother Day’s Drill, aND were soon asleep. ThursDay morNiNg was takeN up cadets, who are eagerly awaitiNg press were purchased. WheN I its completioN. was leaviNg iN 1899, the staff by a rehearsal for a review in the Numbered about six, and it was afterNooN. Major General Hoad, “A ” CompaNy is still below its geNerally pretty hard work to get Inspector-GeNeral of the CommoN­ establishment, aND the 0.0. woulD the paper out to time even then. wealth Military Forces, and several like to get as maNy more Ncruits We were Never before date, aNy­ staff officers were present, also as possible, so as to turn out oNe of how. Mr. BoarD and the Chief INspec­ the strongest corps for the review The first “ leaDer” in " The tor. to be held DuriNg the visit of the FortiaN” coNcluDeD with “ Quod On ThursDay afterNooN the American fleet. felix faustumque sit,” and that “ it General revieweD the BrigaDe, aND Cadets Marsh and Rtiilto'.i suc­ may be happy and prosperous” the boys caNNot be giveN too much ceeded iN wiNNing prizes at the still, is the sincerest wish of praise for the spleNDid way iN recent rifle competitioNs. which they marched past. In FRED. CONWAY. fact. General HoaD remarkeD at the coNclusioN of the leview that Examination Results. he haD Never seen meN march Cadets. better. 4 a Class.— Top of the class. May On ThursDay eveNiNg a camp Dexter; secoND, Muriel Crowther. fire was held, prior to which, the CompositioN, Dulcie Peirce aND The first camp cf the metropoli­ CaDets marched from the camp VaNDa Leef-soN, 1st equal ; ENglish, tan battalioNs to take place since through Parramatta, and back to Muriel Crowther, 1st; History, the CommoNwealth GoverNmeNt the fire. On their arrival. General VaNDa LeefsoN, 1st; Geography. has taken charge of our DefeNce GorDoN, the State commanDaNt, Muriel Crowther, 1st; Arithmetic, forces was held on Parramatta spoke to the boys aND tompli- May DDxter anD Dorothy Walshe, Park DuriNg the last week of 1st equal. meNteD them on their Drill anD May. Altogether there were 1821 coNDuct, aND afterwarDs preseNted caDets iN camp, anD from this 5a Class.— Quarterly ExamiNa­ the medals woN iN the rifle compe­ large Number Not one complaiNt tion Marks.^Top of the Class, was heard.
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