Publication Title Publisher date "Behind" the text : history and biblical interpretation Zondervan; Paternoster Press 2003 "Demokratie ist lustig" : der politische Künstler Joseph Beuys Reimer 2006 "First-year teacher" eight years later : an inquiry into teacher development Teachers College Press 1997 "Toubab La!" Literary Representations of Mixed-Race Characters in the African Diaspora : Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2007 (Mis)representing Islam : the racism and rhetoric of British broadsheet newspapers John Benjamins Publishing Company 2009 1 & 2 Kings Smyth & Helwys 2000 1 and 2 Thessalonians : a commentary Regent College Pub 2002 1 and 2 Thessalonians : a socio-rhetorical commentary William B Eerdmans Pub Co 2006 100 great children's picture books Laurence King Publishing Ltd 2015 100 great children's picture books Laurence King Publishing Ltd 2015 1-2 Kings Abingdon Press 2006 1204, the unholy crusade Oxford University Press 1980 1650-1850 : ideas, aesthetics, and inquiries in the early modern era AMS Press 2000 1688--The Seaborne Alliance and diplomatic revolution : proceedings of an international symposium held at the National Maritime Museum,Trustees ofGreenwich, the National 5-6 MaritimeOctober 1988 Museum 1989 3D technology in fine art and craft : exploring 3D printing, scanning, sculpting, and milling Focal Press 2016 Published for the Library at the Mariners' Museum by the A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia University of Virginia Press 2007 A changing environment for human security transformative approaches to research, policy and action Routledge 2013 A colour atlas of rocks and minerals in thin section CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 1994 A Companion to Digital Literary Studies Wiley 2013 A companion to intellectual history Wiley Blackwell 2016 A Companion to Josephus John Wiley & Sons Inc uuuu A companion to reformed orthodoxy BRILL 2013 A companion to the Flavian age of imperial Rome John Wiley & Sons 2016 A Companion to the History of Science A confederacy of dunces Penguin 2006 A critical bibliography of Daniel Defoe Pickering & Chatto 1998 A descriptive grammar of Ket (Yenisei-Ostyak) Global Oriental 2007 A global history of sexuality : the modern era John Wiley & Sons Ltd 2014 A good son is sad if he hears the name of his father : the tabooing of names in China as a way of implementing social values Maney Publishing 2015 A grammar of Old Turkic Brill 2004 A Greek countryside : the southern Argolid from prehistory to the present day Stanford University Press 1994 A guide to the flowering plants and ferns of Iceland Mál og menning 2010 A historical commentary on Dinarchus : rhetoric and conspiracy in later fourth-century Athens University of Michigan Press 1992 A history of Augustan fable Cambridge University Press 2006 A history of post Keynesian economics since 1936 E Elgar 2002 A journal of the plague year Oxford University Press 2010 A journey through Scotland (1723) The Grimsay Press 2014 A little manual for knowing Cascade Books 2014 A matter of things NAi Publishers 2008 A missional orthodoxy : theology and ministry in a post-Christian context IVP Academic 2013 A model for marriage : covenant, grace, empowerment and intimacy IVP Academic 2006 A modern miscellany Shanghai cartoon artists, Shao Xunmei's circle and the travels of Jack Chen, 1926-1938 Brill 2015 A nation of shopkeepers : five centuries of British retailing IB Tauris 2003 A new heaven and a new earth : reclaiming biblical eschatology Baker Academic a division of Baker Publishing Group 2014 A new scramble for Africa? : the rush for energy resources in Sub-Saharan Africa Ashgate 2015 The Catholic University of America Press; American Maritain A piercing light : beauty, faith, and human transcendence Association 2015 A political biography of Richard Steele Routledge 2016 A political theory of territory Oxford University Press 2015 A practitioner's guide to maritime boundary delimitation Oxford University Press 2016 A queer history of the United States Beacon 2012 A Relevant Way to Read : A New Approach to Exegesis and Communication. James Clarke & Co 2016 A restatement of the English law of contract Oxford University Press 2016 A sense of place teaching children about the environment with picture books Teacher Ideas Press 1999 A seventeenth-century exposure of superstition : select texts of Claude Pithoys (1587-1676) Springer 2011 A short history of the Jewish people : from legendary times to modern statehood Oxford University Press 2000 A sixpence at whist gaming and the English middle classes, 1680-1830 The Boydell Press 2015 A spectacular failure : Robinson Crusoe I, II, III Rodopi 2012 A tale of a tub and other works Cambridge University Press 2010 A theology of grace in six controversies Eerdmans Publishing Company 2016 A theory of the drone The New Press 2015 A Victorian obsession : the Pérez Simón collection at Leighton House Museum Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea 2014 Abendländisches Musiktheater : Antigonae - Oedipus der Tyrann - Dithyrambi H Schneider 1981 Published for the Conference on British Studies and Absolute liberty : a selection from the articles and papers of Caroline Robbins Wittenberg University by Archon Books 1982 Abstract algebra Overseas Press (India) 2011 Abusing the internet of things : blackouts, freakouts, and stakeouts O'Reilly Media 2015 Academic vocation in the church and academy today : 'and with all of your mind' Ashgate Publishing 2016 William Andrews Clark Memorial Library University of Accounts of the apparition of Mrs. Veal California 1965 Accusations of Unbelief in Islam A Diachronic Perspective on Takfīr Brill 2015 Acts of knowledge : Pope's later poems Bucknell University Press 1981 Adam Ferguson Selected philosophical writings Imprint Academic 2007 Addiction and virtue : beyond the models of disease and choice IVP Academic 2011 ADHD coaching : a guide for mental health professionals American Psychological Association 2015 Advanced Python for biologists : Write your own software, become more productive, and take control of your research CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2014 Advanced Python for biologists : Write your own software, become more productive, and take control of your research CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2014 Advances in responsible land administration CRC Press 2016 Advances in trematode biology CRC Press 1997 Adventurous learning : a pedagogy for a changing world Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2016 Affective performance and cognitive science : body, brain and being Bloomsbury Methuen Drama; Bloomsbury 2013 Affordable housing in the urban global south seeking sustainable solutions Routledge 2014 Zed Books in association with International African Institute Africa uprising : popular protest and political change Royal African Society World Peace Foundation 2015 African political leadership : Jomo Kenyatta, Kwame Nkrumah, and Julius K. Nyerere Krieger Pub Co 1998 African women and feminism : reflecting on the politics of sisterhood Turnaround distributor; Africa World 2003 After modernity? : secularity, globalization, and the re-enchantment of the world Baylor University Press 2008 After the Baby Boomers : How Twenty- and Thirty-Somethings Are Shaping the Future of American Religion. Princeton University Press 2010 After World Religions : reconstructing religious studies Routledge 2016 Distributed in the United States exclusively by Palgrave Ageing selves and everyday life in the North of England : years in the making Macmillan; Manchester University Press 2012 Agoni poetico-musicali nella Grecia antica. F Serra 2009 Aisthesis : scenes from the aesthetic regime of art Verso Books 2013 Alberico Gentili : la soluzione pacifica delle controversie internazionali : atti del convegno nona giornata gentiliana, San Ginesio, 29-30Dott settembre A Giuffrè 2000. editore 2003 Alchemy in contemporary art Ashgate 2011 Alexander & his successors : essays from the Antipodes : a companion to Crossroads of history: the age of Alexander; Alexander's empire:Regina formulation Books to decay 2009 Alexander McDonald, leader of the miners Aberdeen University Press 1982 Alexander Pope : world and word Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press 1998 Algebra : GRE strategy guide. Manhattan Prep 2014 Algorithms Addison-Wesley 2016 Algorithms in bioinformatics : a practical introduction Chapman & Hall/CRC Press 2010 Alternative England and Wales Nicholas Saunders 1975 Alternatives to economics : Christian socio-economic perspectives University Press of America 2006 Amateur filmmaking : the home movie, the archive, the Web Bloomsbury Publishing 2014 America on film : representing race, class, gender, and sexuality at the movies Wiley-Blackwell 2009 American road literature Salem Press 2013 American sanctuary : understanding sacred spaces Indiana University Press 2006 American studies of contemporary China Routledge 2015 American women poets in the 21st century : where lyric meets language Wesleyan University Press 2002 An analysis of the inter-dependency of the prominent motifs within the book of Qohelet Peter Lang 2013 An die Thessalonicher I, II ; An die Philipper JCB Mohr (P Siebeck) 1937 An early Roman fort and urban development on Londinium's eastern hill : excavations at Plantation Place, City of London, 1997-2003MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) 2015 An essay on the history and reality of apparitions AMS Press 2007 An essay upon projects AMS Press Inc 1999 An instance of the fingerpost Vintage 1998 An introduction to interfaces
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