Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 199 / Friday, October 14, 2016 / Notices 71051 1. Calculation of COP Period of Investigation more than 25 percent of the estimated 2. Test of Comparison Market Sales Prices weighted-average dumping margin. The period of investigation is July 1, 3. Results of the COP Test Because PCT is the only mandatory D. Calculation of NV Based on Comparison 2015, through December 31, 2015. respondent eligible for a separate rate, Market Prices XIII. Currency Conversion Scope of the Investigation PCT is the only respondent for which XIV. Verification we individually calculated an estimated The products covered by this weighted-average dumping margin. For XV. Conclusion investigation are truck and bus tires. For [FR Doc. 2016–24818 Filed 10–13–16; 8:45 am] this reason, we assigned PCT’s a full description of the scope of this BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P calculated rate to all non-examined investigation, see the ‘‘Scope of the separate rate respondents. With this Investigation’’ in the Appendix of this amended preliminary determination, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE notice. the estimated weighted-average Analysis of Significant Ministerial dumping margin for each non-examined International Trade Administration Error Allegation separate rate respondent is also [A–570–040] amended to 30.36 percent. The Department will analyze any In the Preliminary Determination, Truck and Bus Tires From the People’s comments received and, if appropriate, because the rate individually calculated Republic of China: Amended correct any significant ministerial error for PCT was lower than the highest Preliminary Affirmative Determination by amending the preliminary dumping margin alleged in the petition, of Sales at Less Than Fair Value determination according to 19 CFR we used the highest petition rate of 351.224(e). A ministerial error is 22.57 percent as the adverse facts AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, defined as ‘‘an error in addition, available (AFA) applied to the PRC- International Trade Administration, subtraction, or other arithmetic Department of Commerce. wide entity. Because PCT’s amended function, clerical error resulting from preliminary estimated weighted-average SUMMARY: On September 6, 2016, the inaccurate copying, duplication, or the dumping margin is now higher than the Department of Commerce (the like, and any other similar type of highest dumping margin alleged in the Department) published the preliminary unintentional error which the Secretary 3 petition, the AFA rate applied to the determination of sales at less than fair considers ministerial.’’ A significant PRC-wide entity will also be 30.36 value (LTFV) in the LTFV investigation ministerial error is defined as a percent.6 Because we are relying on of truck and bus tires from the People’s ministerial error, the correction of information obtained in the course of Republic of China (the PRC). We are which, singly or in combination with this investigation on which to base this amending our preliminary other errors, would result in: (1) A rate, not on secondary information, it is determination to correct two ministerial change of at least five absolute not necessary to corroborate this errors which are significant in percentage points in, but not less than calculated rate as AFA.7 combination. 25 percent of, the weighted-average DATES: Effective October 14, 2016. dumping margin calculated in the Amended Cash Deposits and Suspension of Liquidation FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: original (erroneous) preliminary Yang Jin Chun or Andre Gziryan, AD/ determination; or (2) a difference The collection of cash deposits and CVD Operations Office I, Enforcement between a weighted-average dumping suspension of liquidation will be and Compliance, International Trade margin of zero or de minimis and a revised accordingly, in accordance with weighted-average dumping margin of section 733(d) and (f) of the Act and 19 Administration, U.S. Department of 4 Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue greater than de minimis or vice versa. CFR 351.224. The amended cash deposit NW., Washington, DC 20230; telephone: Pursuant to 19 CFR 351.224(e) and rate will be 29.95 percent after the (202) 482–5760 and (202) 482–2201, (g)(1), the Department is amending the deduction of the export subsidy rate of respectively. Preliminary Determination to reflect the 0.41 percent from 30.36 percent.8 correction of two ministerial errors it SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Because it is an increase from the made in the calculation of the estimated Preliminary Determination, the Background weighted-average dumping margin for amended cash deposit rate will be 5 On September 6, 2016, the PCT, a mandatory respondent. The effective on the date of publication of Department published the preliminary combination of these two errors this notice in the Federal Register. constitutes a significant ministerial error determination that truck and bus tires Amended Preliminary Determination from the PRC are being sold in the within the meaning of 19 CFR United States at LTFV, as provided in 351.224(g) because PCT’s margin The Department preliminarily section 733 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as increased from 20.87 percent to 30.36 determines that the following estimated amended (the Act).1 On September 6, percent as a result of correcting these 2016, the Department received timely two ministerial errors, exceeding the 6 See Preliminary Determination and significant threshold with a change of at accompanying Preliminary Decision Memorandum filed allegations of ministerial errors in at 20 (‘‘In an investigation, the Department’s 2 least five absolute percentage points and the Preliminary Determination. practice with respect to the assignment of an AFA rate is to select the higher of (1) the highest 1 See Truck and Bus Tires From the People’s Allied Industrial and Service Workers International dumping margin alleged in the petition or (2) the Republic of China: Preliminary Affirmative Union, AFL–CIO, CLC. highest calculated dumping margin of any Determinations of Sales at Less Than Fair Value 3 See section 735(e) of the Act. respondent in the investigation.’’) (citation and Critical Circumstances, and Postponement of 4 See 19 CFR 351.224(g). omitted). Final Determination, 81 FR 61186 (September 6, 5 See Memorandum from Senior Director James 7 See 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluroethane From the People’s 2016) (Preliminary Determination). Maeder to Deputy Assistant Secretary Christian Republic of China: Final Determination of Sales at 2 See the ministerial error allegations from the Marsh entitled, ‘‘Less-Than-Fair-Value Investigation Less Than Fair Value, 79 FR 62597 (October 20, petitioner and Prinx Chengshan (Shandong) Tire of Truck and Bus Tires from the People’s Republic 2014), and accompanying Issues and Decision Co., Ltd. (PCT) dated September 6, 2016. The of China: Allegations of Ministerial Errors in the Memorandum at 3. See also section 776(c) of the petitioner in this investigation is United Steel, Preliminary Determination,’’ dated concurrently Act and 19 CFR 351.308(c) and (d). Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, with and hereby adopted by this notice. 8 See Preliminary Determination, 81 FR at 61191. VerDate Sep<11>2014 14:29 Oct 13, 2016 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\14OCN1.SGM 14OCN1 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES 71052 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 199 / Friday, October 14, 2016 / Notices weighted-average dumping margins exist: Weighted average Exporter Producer dumping margin (percent) Prinx Chengshan (Shandong) Tire Co., Ltd. .............................. Prinx Chengshan (Shandong) Tire Co., Ltd. ............................. 30.36 Actyon Tyre Resources Co., Limited .......................................... Chao Yang Long March Tyre Co., Ltd. ..................................... 30.36 Actyon Tyre Resources Co., Limited .......................................... Shandong Haohua Tires Co., Ltd. ............................................. 30.36 Actyon Tyre Resources Co., Limited .......................................... Shandong Longyue Rubber Co., Ltd. ........................................ 30.36 Aosen Tire Co., Ltd. .................................................................... Qingdao Taifa Group Co., Ltd. .................................................. 30.36 Aosen Tire Co., Ltd. .................................................................... Shandong Chuanghua Tire Co., Ltd. ......................................... 30.36 Aosen Tire Co., Ltd. .................................................................... Shandong Hawk International Rubber Industry Co., Ltd. .......... 30.36 Aosen Tire Co., Ltd. .................................................................... Shandong Hugerubber Co., Ltd. ................................................ 30.36 Aosen Tire Co., Ltd. .................................................................... Shandong Yongsheng Rubber Group Co., Ltd. ........................ 30.36 Aosen Tire Co., Ltd. .................................................................... Shandong Zhentai Group Co., Ltd. ........................................... 30.36 Beijing BOE Commerce Co., Ltd. ............................................... China National Tyre & Rubber Guilin Co., Ltd. ......................... 30.36 Beijing BOE Commerce Co., Ltd. ............................................... Shandong Hawk International Rubber Industry Co., Ltd. .......... 30.36 Best Choice International Trade Co., Ltd. .................................
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