I90400 C I T Y O F W A N N E R O O MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBER ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, BOAS AVENUE, JOONDALUP, ON WEDNESDAY, 13 APRIL 1994 ATTENDANCES AND APOLOGIES Councillors: G A MAJOR - JP, Mayor South-West Ward P NOSOW - Deputy Mayor South Ward H M WATERS North Ward W H MARWICK Central Ward A V DAMMERS Central Ward B A COOPER - to 8.30 pm Central Ward L A EWEN-CHAPPELL Central Ward M J GILMORE South Ward B J MOLONEY South Ward K H WOOD South Ward I D MACLEAN South Ward F D FREAME South-West Ward N RUNDLE South-West Ward G W CURTIS South-West Ward Town Clerk: R F COFFEY Acting Town Clerk: A ROBSON City Treasurer: J B TURKINGTON City Planner: O G DRESCHER Acting City Engineer: D BLAIR City Recreation and Cultural Services Manager: R BANHAM City Environmental Health Manager: G FLORANCE City Building Surveyor: R FISCHER Deputy City Building Surveyor: L CANDIDO Acting City Parks Manager: D CLUNING Manager - Municipal Law & Fire Service: T TREWIN City Librarian: N CLIFFORD Manager - Welfare Services: P STUART Publicity Officer: W CURRALL Committee Clerk: J CARROLL Minute Clerk: M HOSSACK In Attendance Mr Jim Kelly, Chief Executive Officer, Shire of Kalamunda. An apology for absence was tendered by Cr Davies. There were 37 members of the Public and 2 members of the Press in attendance. The Mayor declared the meeting open at 7.37 pm. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES I90401 MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING, 23 MARCH 1994 MOVED Cr Freame, SECONDED Cr Curtis that the Minutes of Council Meeting held on 23 March 1994, be confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED QUESTIONS OF WHICH DUE NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN, WITHOUT DISCUSSION Nil QUESTIONS OF WHICH NOTICE HAS NOT BEEN GIVEN, WITHOUT DISCUSSION TWO ROCKS MARINA - [615-0-5] Cr Waters enquired whether Council had received a reply from the Minister regarding the Two Rocks Marina. The Town Clerk advised that he would investigate the matter. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE MAYOR, WITHOUT DISCUSSION OPENING OF CLUBROOM ADDITIONS AT QUINNS ROCKS BOWLING CLUB Late last month I had the pleasure of officiating at the opening of clubroom additions at the Quinns Rocks bowling club. The Club has a proud tradition in the area that dates back to the early seventies when members of the Club approached the Council of the day for assistance in establishing a Club. From those early beginnings, the club has gone from strength to strength. FESTIVAL FINALE Also last month I went to Sorrento Quay for the Festival Finale to mark the culmination of Multicultural Week festivities. The City of Wanneroo, in conjunction with the Multicultural Arts Council of WA and the Office of Multicultural Interests, jointly organised the activities at Sorrento Quay. The day provided perfect weather and a good crowd was in attendance. The Festival Finale was a fitting finish to a week of multicultural events. PRO/AM GOLF TOURNAMENT On 27 March I attended the Marangaroo Public Golf Course for the City of Wanneroo's annual Pro/Am Golf Tournament. This was the seventh year Council has hosted the tournament and each year it has gone from strength to strength. This year's event will go down as another successful day. More than 700,000 rounds of golf have been played on the course since its opening in March, 1988. Last year more than 116,000 rounds of golf were played at Marangaroo, making it the busiest public golf course in Perth. BUSINESS LAUNCH FOR REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GROUP Earlier this month I attended the business launch of the Regional Economic Development Group (commonly known as RED) and formerly the Wanneroo Economic Development Association. The City of Wanneroo has been a major funding source for the RED group since its inception in 1989. Over the years Council and the RED group have developed a strong working relationship. Through the promotion of RED, Council is attempting to redress the imbalance between the municipality's population and the available employment opportunities. RUBY BENJAMIN FOUNDATION SEMINAR Yesterday Council hosted the Ruby Benjamin Foundation Seminar. About 50 people involved in Local Government, State Government and concerned Animal Welfare groups attended the seminar. Ruby Benjamin and her team of workers attended and an interesting and informative morning session tackled the problem of animal sterilisation and associated topics. Pet ownership is on the increase and the role of enforcing rules that govern the welfare of cats and dogs in the community falls squarely at the feet of local Councils. JUNIOR COUNCILLORS IN ATTENDANCE Tonight we have eight members of the City of Wanneroo's Junior Council in attendance. Junior Council mirrors the senior Council in that it meets on a regular basis to discuss problems and areas of mutual concerns. It is made up of representatives from each of the high schools in the district. Earlier this month I had the pleasure of being the guest speaker at the Junior Council's monthly meeting. It gave me the opportunity to meet Junior Council members and also inform them about the workings of Wanneroo City Council. On behalf of my fellow Councillors I would like to welcome the Junior Councillors to tonight's meeting. VISIT BY MR JIM KELLY - SHIRE OF KALAMUNDA I would also like to welcome as a guest of the Council tonight Mr Jim Kelly, the Chief Executive Officer of the Shire of Kalamunda who has come to Wanneroo to see how we conduct our affairs. SUSPENSION OF STANDING ORDERS - CLAUSES 73 AND 96(1) MOVED Cr Nosow, SECONDED Cr MacLean that in accordance with Council's resolution H50814, point 9, Clauses 73 & 96(1), ie "No member, unless that member is the mover of the Motion, shall speak twice on the same Motion" be suspended for the duration of the meeting. CARRIED PETITIONS, MEMORIALS AND DEPUTATIONS I90402 PETITION - CRECHE WITHIN WANNEROO RECREATION CENTRE - [330-7-1] A 21-signature petition has been received expressing concern at the current operation of the Wanneroo Recreation Centre. The petitioners state that service within the creche has deteriorated, fees risen causing decrease in numbers, and disappearance of toys. This petition will be referred to Recreation Department for a report to Council. MOVED Cr Wood, SECONDED Cr Curtis that the petition expressing concern at the current operation of the Wanneroo Recreation Centre be received and referred to Recreation Department for a report to Council. CARRIED I90403 PETITION COMPLAINING OF NOISE - ALTAIR WAY, BELDON - [2388/ /23B] A 10-signature petition has been received complaining of noisy behaviour from a property in Altair Way, Beldon. This petition will be referred to Environmental Health Department for action. MOVED Cr Wood, SECONDED Cr Curtis that the petition complaining of noisy behaviour from a property in Altair Way, Beldon be received and referred to Environmental Health Department for action. CARRIED I90404 PETITION REQUESTING TRAFFIC TREATMENTS - GIRALT ROAD, MARANGAROO - [510-1130] A 46-signature petition has been received requesting installation of roundabout or some other form of traffic treatment in Giralt Road, Marangaroo to reduce vehicle speeds. This petition will be referred to Engineering Department for action. MOVED Cr Wood, SECONDED Cr Curtis that the petition requesting installation of roundabout or some other form of traffic treatment in Giralt Road, Marangaroo be received and referred to Engineering Department for action. CARRIED REPORT ON SNAKE SWAMP - [790-594] Cr Curtis tabled a report on Snake Swamp - Preliminary Flora Survey dated 1 March 1994 prepared for the Coalition of Wanneroo's Environment. I90405 PETITION - REQUEST TO USE LAKE GNANGARA - WANNEROO AEROMODELLERS FLYING CLUB - [750-9] Cr Cooper tabled a 131-signature petition from Members of the Wanneroo Aeromodellers Flying Club in support of its request to secure Lake Gnangara as a regular venue for its sport. This petition will be considered in conjunction with Item I20416. MOVED Cr Wood, SECONDED Cr Curtis that the petition from Members of the Wanneroo Aeromodellers Flying Club in support of its request to secure Lake Gnangara as a regular venue for its sport be received and considered in conjunction with Item I20416. CARRIED COMPACT WARRIORS - UNIFORM LAUNCH Cr Ewen-Chappell advised she had represented the Mayor and Council on 12 April 1994 at the Compact Warriors Launch for their new uniform. BUSINESS OUTSTANDING FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS PETITION OBJECTING TO BRICK STRUCTURE ON LOT 779 FRANGIPANI LOOP, MARANGAROO - ex I90308 "the petition and letter received from residents of Nutwood Court, Marangaroo objecting to the brick structure under construction at Lot 779 Frangipani Loop be received and referred to Building Department for a report to Council". DEPUTY CITY BUILDING SURVEYOR'S REPORT I10411 HILLARYS COMMUNITY PRESCHOOL - ex I10305 "a report on the relocation of the existing preschool building located at the corner of Shackleton Avenue and New England Drive, Hillarys". This matter is currently being investigated; a report will be submitted in due course. PROPOSED ELECTRIC FENCE: LOT 14 (28) AVERY STREET, NEERABUP/AMENDMENT TO BY-LAWS RELATING TO FENCING AND PRIVATE TENNIS COURT FLOODLIGHTING - ex I10307 "defers approval of an electrified fence at Lot 14 (28) Avery Street, Neerabup until the proposed amendments to Council's By-laws Relating to Fencing and Private Tennis Court Floodlighting are promulgated and advises the applicant accordingly". Approval will be given after amendments have been publicised and promulgated. Advertising closes on 11 April 1994. If no objections are received, the matter will be referred to the Minister for Local Government. LOT 935 WANNEROO ROAD, WANNEROO: USE OF OFFICE SPACE - ex I90349 "reviews this matter after 12 months" This matter will be reviewed in March 1995. SITE WORKS ORDERS - ex I90366 "a report be submitted to Council on the feasibility of site works orders being registered on title within 14 days of failure to comply." This matter is currently being investigated.
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