FORT LEONARD WOOD ID( Volume 5 Numlper 9 August 28, 1970 12 Paves Walker Service Club Open for Service :: ::: "Fantastic!" "Beautiful!" "Just great!" These were some ri of the superlatives used by Ft. Leonard Wood personnel when asked their opinion of the new Walker Service Club, which opened :!.K : s. Sunday, Aug. 23. ' ' ' .. The new club is named in honor of the late Major General George H. Walker, a former commanding general of Ft. Wood. Special guests at the opening eremonies included Mrs. George H. Walker, her son, George H. Walker III, and her daughter, Mrs. Tom O'Connor. Also pre- sent were Major General W. T. Ft. Belvoir, Va. He served >i: Bradley, post commanding gen- as commanding general, United eral, Mrs. Bradley, Major Gen- States Army Training Center eral Carroll Dunn, acting chief of Engineer and Ft. Leonard Wood engineers; Mrs. Dunn, Brigadier from September 1967 to October General Carleton C. Preer Jr., 1968. deputy commanding general, and Walker Service Club was Mrs. Preer. opened to all post personnel at 1 p. m. Sunday. During the day, Following a 30-minute outdoor more than 2,000 soldiers and concert by the 399th Army Band, their guests visited the new MG Dunn presented the key to facility. The afternoon's rnain MRS. GEORGE H. WALKER and MGW. T. Bradley, at the new Walker Service Club. (PIO Photo by the new building to MG Bradley. post commanding general, cut the ceremonial ribbon PFC David L. Teer) The presentation of the key sym- attraction was the appearance of The Golddiggers, the unique '* * * * bolized the transfer of control of the building from the Corps all-girl singing group. The girls of Engineers to Ft. Wood. mingled with the service club 'Dateline' patrons and signed autographs. Major R. A. Rhinehart, post Later in the evening the group 'Desert Rats' Welcomed "Dateline: Ft. Leonard adjutant general, then read the performed before a crowd of Wood," Ft. Wood's monthly memorialization General Order, 5,700 at Gerlach Stadium. The television program will be which stated in part, "Building girls also visited aired Sunday, Aug. 30, over General 1607, Ft, Leonard Wood, Mo., is Leonard Wood Army H-ospital, KYTV, Channel 3, Spring- hereby designated as George I. talked with patients and gave To Ozark Hills and Streams field, Mo. The time of the Walker Service Club in honor of autographs, airing will be announced Sat- Major General George H. Walker, By PFC Wynn Anderson urday at 8 a. m. and at noon equipment to carpentry tools, United States Army. MGWalker, In addition to the service club, on the Information Office Major General W. T. Bradley, with the exception of medical, veteran of World War II and the Walker also contains a large radio programs aired over post commander, welcomed the aeronautical, and parachute Korean conflict, died Aug. 31, library and Post Exchange Cafe- KJPW Radio, 683d Heavy Equipment Mainten- materiel. History of the 683d 1969 at DeWitt Army Hospital, teria. ance (HEM) Company to dates back to World War II, when Ft. Leonard Wood in ceremonies the company provided quarter- Monday, Aug. 24, at 11th and master maintenance for the op- Michigan Avenue. erations at the Mariana Islands Commanded by Captain Brad- in the West Pacific. At that PSG Phillips Is 5th Army's Best ford A. Claggett, the 683d, nick- time the company was organized named the "Desert Rats," arrived as the 5th Light Quartermaster 3D BCT BRIGADE - Colonel competition and now will appear ing at Ft. Knox, Ky. and advanced Saturday from an '18-month Maintenance Company. G. V. Reberry, 3d Brigade com- before the CONARC commanding individual training at Ft. Sill, James K. Wool- a drill in- assignment in Southern Califor- In the early 1950s the unit was mander, has announced that the general, General Okla. He trained as C. nia's Ft. Irwin. reactivated as the 378th Ordnance 5th Army candidate for the nough, for the annual Stephen structor at Ft. Jackson, S. with representatives PSG Phillips has been a drill Pointing out the company's for- Heavy Automotive Maintenance Stephen Ailes Award as Out- Ailes Award mer location near the Mojave Unit. In the mid 1960s the com- standing Drill Sergeant in the from each Army division. sergeant since February 1966. Army is Platoon Sergeant Ollis Stephen Ailes, a past Secretary He had a tour in the Republic Desert, MG Bradley welcomedt pany was finally reorganized as E. Phillips Jr. of A-3-3. of the Army, initiated the pre- of Vietnam from February 1968 the men to the "green Ozark the 683d HEM. PSG Phillips was one of two sent drill sergeant program in to February 1969 with the 11th hills and the flowing streams of During the 683d's last assign- drill sergeants to represent the 1964. Armored Cavalry Regiment. mid-Missouri." ment at Ft. Irwin, the company 3d Brigade at post level. He A native of Nashville, Tenn., PSG Phillips and his wife, MG Bradley made his remarks assisted the 78th Engineers in was selected to represent Ft. PSG Phillips entered the service Hattie, live at 220 Turner Street after an in-ranks inspection of Barstow, Calif. in bringing re- Leonard Wood at the 5th Army in 1962 and underwent basic train- on post. the 683d. He pointed out the lief to the flood-endangered abundance of decorations dis- populace of Barstow. The683d's played by the men as indicative efforts prompted a letter of com- of their superior efforts in com- mendation from the mayor. bat zones. For the past two summers, the The 74-man company will be 683d positioned surplus M55 attached to the 5th Engineer Bat- Howitzers in the Mojave Desert talion (Combat), and will support for the Air Force, simulating the 3d and 4th echelons in ord- North Vietnam surface-to-air nance and engineer equipment missile sites, repair, The 683d is garrisoned inbar- The 683d has handled the main- racks formerly occupied by the tenance of everything from heavy 158th Quartermaster Company. Fund Drive To Begin Sept. The Ft. Leonard Wood Com- the Girl Scouts, the Springfield munity Services Fund Drive will Service Club, the Columbia Ser- begin Sept. 1 and continue through vice Club and the Waynesville Oct. 15 with Colonel Wayne F. United Service Organization. Pickell as this year's chairman. Each unit on post will have a Money received will be dis- designated representative to re- tributed among various com- ceive contributions. Individuals munity activities, including the making contributions may spe- PSG OLLIS M. PHILLIPS, rightis congratulated on General Carl L. Buck, 89th U. S. Army Reserve Army Community Services First cify particular activities to re- being named the 5th Army representative for the Division commander, at a recent meeting at Ft. Step Program, the Boy Scouts, ceive their donations. Outstanding Drill Sergeant of the Army by Major Leonard Wood. (Photo by PVT Jim Rifenbark) Page 2 Ft. Leonard Wood GUIDON August 28, 1970 " )R~ I I,()N.\RI) \O() CHAMPUS Questions Answered °(\G UIDON fI QUESTION: What is CHAMPUS? entitlement to the procee ds of the than to the provider of services. ANSWER: CHAMPUS stands for policy and, upon his request, Q: How does becoming eligible Civilian Health and Medical Pro- could have been paid dir ectly by for the Social Security Medicai'e The GUIDON is an authorized unofficial (offset) publication gram of the Uniformed Services, the insurance company. Also Program affect my CHAMPUS of the United States Army Training Center and Fort Leonard a program which offers to re- not considered in dete rmining eligibility? Wood, Missouri 65473. It is published weekly under the super- tirees and eligible dependents of the amount CHAMPUS will pay A: At age 65, all beneficiaries, vision of the information officer and is for the information and service members a wide range on a claim are: paynments by other than dependents of active enjoyment of military personnel, dependents and Department of of civilian health care services so-called income pr otection duty personnel who become en- the Army civilians at Fort Leonard Wood. News, features, photo- which are paid for in large part graphic and art material are solicited, Publication depends on by the government. available space and general interest value as judged by the editorial QUESTION: If I have private staff. GUIDON's phone number is (314) 368-3415. health insurance, will CHAMPUS still pay reasonable charges? Views and opinions expressed in the GUIDON are not necessarily ANSWER: For beneficiaries those of the Department of the Army. carrying private health insur- ance, if the amount paid by such Commanding General ............. MG W. T. Bradley insurance directly to a provider Information Officer .......... .. MAJ Willis J. Haas Jr. of services by the insurance Command Information Officer ...... .. Thomas H. Miller company exceeds the benefici- . NCOIC .............. SP 5 Richard M. Emerson ary's deductible and/or coinsur- Copy Editor ................... Mrs. Dee Dixon ance requirements under Editor .. .................. SP 4 Thomas M. Kruse CHAMPUS, CHAMPUS will pay Managing Editor .... ........ SP 4 Terrence T. McFarland the remaining charges .. pro- Production Manager .............. PFC David L. Teer vided such charges do not exceed Production .......... .. ... .... PFC Gary L, Rich the amount CHAMPUS would have paid had there been no other insurance. -9 ,r, Deountdow .: Q: Does that mean CHAMPUS does not duplicate payments? .. (' > A: Correct, in most cases. CHAMPUS does not duplicate Countdwn payments made directly to a provider of services by an in- surance company. However, What happens when a car, traveling at 55 miles per hour, CHAMPUS does not consider such plans, other similar pl ans and titled to the hospital portion crashes into a solid, immovable object? payments when determining the those private health in:surance (Part A) of the Social Security The University of Washington, in cooperation with the National extent of the government's obli- payments made directly to the Medicare Program, lose their Council, learned the answer in a study and came up with Safety gation if: the insured had alegal beneficiary by the insure:r rather CHAMPUS eligibility benefits.
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