Senior Death March staged by Bill Delaney said ‘no.’" two years have staged Death event. But the seniors of the past Marches that went smoothly. Seniors will stage this years annual Senior Death March this Friday. The March will leave from the main circle at 1:45 p.m. and continue through the afternoon until the Air Force pep rally, according to Jim Gardner, who, along with Jack Boehm, is organ­ izing the event. The Senior Death March trad­ itionally occurs the Friday before the last home football game. Seniors commemorate the occasion of their last home game as under­ graduates by visiting, as a group, one local bar per hour for the afternoon. ‘ The event is a cooperative effort between the Senior classes of Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s,” Gardner said. "This year, we are asking people to meet in front of the main circle to cut down on the use of cars,” Gardner explained. “The first stop will be the Library at 2, then Bridget McGuire’s at 3, Corby’s at 4, and Lee’s Ribs at 5,” he said. From Lee’s, the March will proceed to the pep rally. Several of the bars on the route will be offering specials on beer and shots, Gardner added. Lee’s SMC regents Ribs was included as the last stop, he mentioned, “partly because tuition increase people can get some food or dinner th ere.” Corby's is the third stop for this year's Senior Death March on by Brigid Rafferty now own. Our books are in four or A parade permit could not be Friday, but even as the third stop, this pole may find someone Staff Reporter five different locations now. We obtained for the march because of to hold it up! also need display space for our rare the cost, Gardner said, but “the books.” South Bend police have been The recent decision to recom­ St. Mary’s is actively formula­ notified and they offered their mend an increase in St. Mary’s ting plans for a campaign to assistance." The police will be on AM A, ABA recommend tuition to the Board of Regents for acquire funds for the new library. hand to prevent traffic congestion the 1978-79 academic year is not a Instead of the large-scale fund and keep things orderly, he added. marijuana decriminalization result of the proposed construction drives used by larger instituions, St. M ary’s hopes to launch a James Roemer, dean of stu­ CHICAGO [AP] - The nation’s stration announced proposed legis­ of a new library for the college, dents, told Gardner and Boehm according to Dr. John Duggan, relatively low key campaign, and to most influential organizations of lation in August. The U.S. Senate that he will not give administration college president. establish it as an annual event. The professionals, the American Medi­ is preparing to consider a similar campaign will be directed toward approval to the Death March, but cal Association (AMA) and the bill that would eliminate jail terms “We are not going to fund the alumnae, parents, and friends of according to Gardner, Roemer American Bar Association (ABA), and arrest of users who were found construction of our new library out the college although, Duggan no­ won’t interfere with it either, since joined this week to call for the on federal property with less than of our operating budget," ex­ ted, the very substantial donations it is an off campus activity. elimination of criminal penalties for an ounce of marijuana. plained Duggan. “Our operating will come from only a small “ We originally wanted to include marijuana use. The joint AMA-ABA statement, budget runs the college. For exam­ percentage of the potential contrib­ the Senior Bar as the last stop,” The doctors’ and lawyers’ groups issued by the AMA president, Dr. ple, we did not use current income utors. Gardner said, “but Dean Roemer issued a statement that called on John H. Budd, and the ABA chief, to pay for the construction of the U.S. Congress and state legis­ William B. Spann, concluded, "We Angela Athletic Facility. We will, latures across the country to “de­ believe the time has come to however, pay for Angela’s opera­ Catholic bishops seek criminalize’’ the use of marijuana. liberalize laws regarding the pos­ tion out of the budget.” It is the strongest statement so far session of marijuana for personal He stated that the significant new teaching on the marijuana situation by either use. In too many states, statutes increase in fees is dictated by group. exact punishment that far exceeds WASHINGTON [AP] - Roman address that a prime church job is corresponding rises in workers’ the crime." Catholic bishops convened yester­ to evangelize nominal Catholics to Under decriminalization, posses­ minimum wages, faculty salary “We agree with President Car­ day to find new ways of teaching attain a firmer personal relation­ sion of small amounts of marijuana increases, and costs of energy and ter, who showed a reasonable their faith in a modern environment ship to Christ. would be legal, but those appre­ food, as well as increases in social attitude in asking that the posses- which their top leader says has hended with large amounts would security payments. “But,” he no­ Many of them “have never . sion of insignificant amounts for become increasingly hostile toward experienced true conversion,” he still be subject to penalties. personal use should not subject the ted, “relative to the cost of living, Backers say it is a way of bringing religion. said, noting that they have been user to criminal penalties.’’ the cost of our education has not marijuana law more in line with "Christianity itself has almost only “practical” or “minimal” The statement said the groups do risen in ten years.” public preferences without going as the status of a counter-culture,” Catholics with varying degrees of not condone the use of marijuana. far as complete legalization. “The construction of a new said Archbishop Joseph L. Ber- apathy or even hostility and that But they called for “reason and library is our number-one priority nardin of Cincinnati, president of some no longer practice their faith President Carter has endorsed moderation" in laws controlling its now,” Duggan continued. “We the National Conference of Catholic at all. decriminalization and the admini­ use. need our own first rate undergrad­ Bishops. Gone are the days when the uate teaching library, with comfort­ “The Christian message is one social atmosphere tended to sup­ able space for students to study, that many persons would rather not port “cultural Catholics” in allegi­ Senior Fellow election rules and room for all of the volumes we hear,” he said in an opening ance to the church, he said in an The Senior Class Fellow Committee has announced the election accompanying interview released rules for nominating the Classs of 1978 Senior Fellow: here. “ Now it is quite different.” . 1. Each Senior will be given the opportunity to vote for his/her In the changed, often anti-reli­ 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th choice on the given ballot. gious atmosphere, he said, “an 2. Write in votes will not be counted. individual has to chose to be a 3. 1st place votes will receive 8 points. Catholic. And, having made the 2nd place votes will receive 4 points. choice, he or she must work hard at 3rd place votes will receive 2 points. it." 4th place votes will receive 1 point. As for young people, he added, 4. Candidates will be invited to be Senior Class Fellow on the “the larger culture simply doesn’t basis of their total points. give them the kind of support for 5. In the event that any senior does not follow the election religious beliefs and values which procedures and does not vote for four candidates, that senior will many of us older Catholics enjoyed forfeit his first place vote. when we were growing up. 6. Seniors must include their name and ID num ber on the ballot. “If anything, many of the atti­ All ballots will be checked against a University class roster. tudes and values they encounter are quite inimical to the Catholic Nominees are: tradition.” ALAN ALDA STEVE MARTIN He said the church needs to get BILL BRADLEY RALPH NADER “on fire with a zeal to proclaim ART BUCHWALD CARL SAGAN Jesus Christ and His good news’’ BILL COSBY O.J. SIMPSON to revitalize the convictions of its KATHERINE GRAHAM BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN people. ALEX HALEY SYLVESTER STALLONE The archbishop said it is unreal­ BOB HOPE TED TURNER istic for the church to concentrate HUBERT HUMPHREY KURT VONNEGUT on evangelizing the 80 million BARBARA JORDAN JOHN WAYNE unchurched Americans “when so JERRY LEWIS HENRY WINKLER Although yesterday was a relief from Sunday's bitter cold, the many Catholics themselves have RICHARD LUGAR ANDREW YOUNG ducks at St. Mary's lake are preparing for the trip south. yet to experience conversion.” the observer Tuesday, November 15, 1977 News Final elections fo World slated to begin W by Pat Dermody Votes will be counted on a “total tivity are personal qualities which points” basis. Each senior’s first should be highly regarded when Final elections for Senior Class choice will receive eight points. considering a candidate Naquin ‘Food Corps’ proposedFellow will begin tomorrow at 11 His second choice will get four explained. a.m., according to Senior Class points, third will get two, and a "We want the Senior Class ROME -- U.N. Ambassasdor Andrew Young, saying that food Fellow Committee Chairman Eliza­ fourth place choice will receive one Fellow’s visit to be one which the “ underpins all other human rights,” has proposed a “Food Corps” beth Naquin.
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