and Prt> Grid Coverage SEE PAGES 26-30 Sonny, Windy THEDAILY Sunny, windy looay. cloudy., 7" FINAL cold tonight. Rain likely to- Red Bank, Freehold J morrow. Clearing on Sunday. Lon&Brancb EDITION Monmouth County's Outstanding Borne Newspaper 40 PAGES VOL 94 NO. 107 RED BANK, N.J. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26,1971 TEN CENTS Railway Prison Rebellion Quelled (Related stories, picture of the maximum security pris- with the inmates for over .an man that Is confronted with on pages 2 and 38.) on for 24 hours. hour. the situation has to make the ' By CARL ZEITZ The prisoners, who released Officials pledged full nego- best decision under the cir- their remaining five hostages tiations on the grievances. cumstances." RAHWAY (AP) - Officials on Thanksgiving night in re- No Attica Tie • Last September, 43 persons were in control of Rahway turn for a promise of no repr- Gov. William T. CahiU. Who died when police broke up the State Prison today after isals against them, were per- sought the release of the hos- rebellion at Attica State Pris- reaching a peaceful agree- mitted to air their grievances tages without bloodshed, told on in New York. ment with about 500 rebellious to three newsmen who en- newsmen, "1 can't relate At- The hostages included U. inmates who held two wings tered the prison and talked tica to this situation. Each Samuel Vukcevich, the prison superintendent, who was treated at Rahway Hospital for cuts, apparently caused by stab wounds, and injuries to Cahill: Prisons Fail the pelvis and spine. Prisoners contended that RAHWAY (AP) - Gov. or by more efficient utili- has stopped short of calling Vukcevich, 43, was stabbed by William T. Cahill of New Jer- zation of existing mortar and for outright abolition of Capi- a prison guard who pulled a sey, who worked to prevent a bricks. The failure of the tal punishment. switchblade when fighting repetition of the bloodshed of traditional prison as a deter- Cahill feels it should be re- broke out Wednesday night. the Attica prison uprising in rent to crime and as a rehabi- tained for crimes of "cold- The prisoners released a quelling the prison disorders litative agency has been too blooded premeditation" such • statement purportedly signed here, is convinced the penal well documented." as the murder of law en- by the superintendent in •system has been a failure. Cahill, who considers him- forcement officers. ., which he said the inmates did Cahill, a 59-year-old former self a moderate to liberal Re- But, he said, "for philosoph- not harm him and sought me- school teacher, recently pro- publican, has also expressed ical and humanitarian rea- dical attention for him. posed a major construction opposition to capital punish- sons, I am generally opposed Guards Hospitalized program to alleviate over- ment on more than one occa- to the use of capital punish- At least two of the guards crowding in New Jersey pris- sion during his nearly two ment." .who were held hostage were years in the State House in The governor, who served • hospitalized with injuries that AP Wlrephoto ons. But the governor has also Trenton. briefly as an agent with the included a possible fractured HOSTAGES FREED — Rescue squad members and an unidentified guard, second from left, peer from FBI before turning to teach- window of one of five ambulances leaving Rahwav State Prison last nioht, shortly before New Jersey said, "we cannot reduce He recently created a study arm to one. crime and recidivism by . commission to review the ing and later to the legal pro- The prisoners had held sev- Gov. William T. Cahill announced that inmates had freed hostages. The guard was believed to be one Sec Cahill, Page 2 of the freed hostages. merely building more prison^ death penalty in the state but See Halt, Page 2 Ex-Monk Says Nation Needs More Traitors By DORIS KULMAN must widen its base "to reach tcrElizabeth reportedly was and domestic repression and the people we ordinal-torn ' stricken ill earlier Wednes- • said the "Harrisburg Eight" . FREEHOLD — The case of off," broadeb |ts scope to in- day. case illustrates this. Daniel Efflsberg, the former clude domestic issues, and be • Mr. Mayer, who addressed The 13 defendants and co- Band Corp. researcher who willing to take great risks in county groups last winter, conspirators named in the divulged tbe Pentagon Pa- non-violent resistance to a was cited but not indicted as a first indictment had publicly pers, "is a classical example government he said is grow- co-conspirator in the first stated "with clear conscience that what is needed today are ing increasingly militaristic Harrisburg indictment last that we are neither.con- traitors' - people willing to and repressive. January. His name was spirators nor bombers nor kid- betray their tribe, their class, Tax Resistance dropped when a second in- nappers," he said. their race, their caste, their "Tax resistance is one of dictment was issued. Mr. Mayer said FBI direc- age group and, if necessary, the most important things tor J. Edgar Hoover first re- their country." now," Mr. Mayer said. He Three nuns in habits were among the audience. vealed the alleged plot by a That was the advice a said that when the day of group of Catholic priests and spokesman for the Catholic massive income tax resis- •Nixon Lie' "We must find ways of tell- nuns, allegedly led by the Resistance Movement gave tance comes "we will see the Revs. Phillip and Daniel Ber- 150 persons attending a rally government up against the ing people the war isn't being wound down," Mr. Mayer rigan, during bis first appear- sponsored by county peace wall. Sure you run the risk of ance ever befoie a Senate ap- groups in Temple Shaari Jail. But can they put all of us said. "That's one of the lies of the Nixon administration. The propriations committee. He Emeth here. in jail? How do you think the said that although the hearing Rtglster Staff Photo by Don Lordl first guy who burned a draft air war is being maintained. STORM STRUCK — Tho storm that raged along the north Atlantic Coast Wednesday night and yes- "Ellsberg is important be- The electronic battlefield is was supposed to be secret, the card felt?" FBI had 75 copies of the Hoo- terday morning caused coastal flooding and some wind damage. This apartment construction site on cause he betrayed the in- being maintained. Vietnam- Ocean Ave., Sea Bright, was left a sh.ambles. (Other Storm Pictures Page 38.) . tellectual elite, the ruling, ization is being maintained. ver text delivered to news- Mr. Mayer, a New York men, "and there had been no class, to which he belonged," Theological Seminary faculty People are dying in Vietnam Paul Mayer, a former Ben- in greater numbers today, but indictment or judicial hear- member, substituted at the ing." edictine monk, said. "He is Thanksgiving Eve rally for they're yellow people. What's more notorious, but not more being wound down is the Mr. Mayer said a federal 'Chutist Air Pirate Snares Sister, Elizabeth McAlister, important than the hundreds peace movement. Grand Jury was convened of draft resisters who also are the Catholic nun who is one of only after Rep. William R. saying 'no.' We must be will- the "Harrisburg Eight" under "What's really so fright- Anderson, D-Tex., publicly de- ing to say 'no* to death as a federal indictment for alleged ening. .is that we live in a so- clared Mr. Hoover should way of saying 'yes' to life," he conspiracy to raid draft ciety that is militaristic in po- seek indictments against the boards, blow up the heating licy and philosophy. Much of $200,000 Haul Vanishes said. ibrothersBerrigan "if there is. systems of several govern- foreign policy Is shaped by any substance to your allega- PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - Nev., en route to the man's a Clark County, Wash., sher- go to Mexico. He also de- Declaring that a societal ment buildings in Washington, people in the Pentagon." tions. .." A hijacker who apparently demanded destination, Mexi- iff's deputy said. manded four parachutes and crisis is upon us,' Mr. Mayer D.C., and kidnap presidential He asserted there's a con- The defendants were held in knew precisely what he want- co. It was the first time an air- $200,000. said the peace movement aide Henry A. Kissinger. Sis- nection between militarism See Ex-Monk, Page 2 ed to do and how to do it has Helicopters and airplanes craft hijacker had used a The FBI said he had used vanished after bailing out of a crisscrossed over the brushy parachute to make his escape the name D. B. Cooper when commandeered jet airliner and timbered foothills of the and it was the largest sum of he boarded the plane in Port- with $200,000. Cascade Mountains most of money an air pirate had ever land. The pilot of the Northwest yesterday before the weather escaped with in the United "That's the name he used Airlines Boeing 727 said he be- closed,in. The hunt resumes Slates. when he bought his ticket," an lieved the hijacker "took" today. Described as a tall, slim FBI agent said. "But he's leave of us" in the Woodland. Authorities held out little man in his mid 40s, the hija- probably no more D. B. Coop- Wash., area 25 miles north of hope, however, that the hija- cker took control of the three- er than I am." here as the plane flew low and cker would be found soon. engine jetliner Wednesday as When the parachutes and slow from' Seattle to Reno.
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