Ready, Set, Verify! Applying hs-to-coq to real-world Haskell code JOACHIM BREITNER, University of Pennsylvania, USA ANTAL SPECTOR-ZABUSKY, University of Pennsylvania, USA YAO LI, University of Pennsylvania, USA CHRISTINE RIZKALLAH, University of New South Wales, Australia JOHN WIEGLEY, BAE Systems, USA STEPHANIE WEIRICH, University of Pennsylvania, USA Good tools can bring mechanical verification to programs written in mainstream functional languages. Weuse hs-to-coq to translate significant portions of Haskell’s containers library into Coq, and verify it against specifications that we derive from a variety of sources including type class laws, the library’s testsuite,and interfaces from Coq’s standard library. Our work shows that it is feasible to verify mature, widely-used, highly optimized, and unmodified Haskell code. We also learn more about the theory of weight-balanced trees, extend hs-to-coq to handle partiality, and – since we found no bugs – attest to the superb quality of well-tested functional code. CCS Concepts: • Software and its engineering → Software verification; Additional Key Words and Phrases: Coq, Haskell, verification 1 INTRODUCTION What would it take to tempt functional programmers to verify their code? Certainly, better tools would help. We see that functional programmers who use dependently- typed languages or proof assistants, such as Coq [The Coq development team 2016], Agda [Bove et al. 2009], Idris [Brady 2017], and Isabelle [Nipkow et al. 2002], do verify their code, since their tools allow it. However, adopting these platforms means rewriting everything from scratch. What about the verification of existing code, such as libraries written in mature languages like Haskell? Haskell programmers can reach for LiquidHaskell [Vazou et al. 2014] which smoothly integrates the expressive power of refinement types with Haskell, using SMT solvers for fully automatic verification. But some verification endeavors require the full strength of a mature interactive proof assistant like Coq. The hs-to-coq tool, developed by Spector-Zabusky, Breitner, Rizkallah, and Weirich[2018], translates Haskell types, functions and type classes into equivalent Coq code – a arXiv:1803.06960v2 [cs.PL] 20 Mar 2018 form of shallow embedding – which can be verified just like normal Coq definitions. But can this approach be used for more than the small, textbook-sized examples it has been applied to so far? Yes, it can! In this work, we use hs-to-coq to translate and verify the two set data structures from Haskell’s containers package.1 This codebase is not a toy. It is decades old, highly tuned for performance, type-class polymorphic, and implemented in terms of low-level features like bit manipulation operators and raw pointer equality. It is also an integral part of the Haskell ecosystem. We make the following contributions: 1Specifically, we target version, which was released on January 22, 2018 and was the most recent releaseofthis library at the time of publication; it is available at https://github.com/haskell/containers/tree/v0.5.11.0. Authors’ addresses: Joachim Breitner, [email protected], University of Pennsylvania, 3330 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA, 19104, USA; Antal Spector-Zabusky, [email protected], University of Pennsylvania, 3330 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA, 19104, USA; Yao Li, [email protected], University of Pennsylvania, 3330 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA, 19104, USA; Christine Rizkallah, [email protected], University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia; John Wiegley, john. [email protected], BAE Systems, USA; Stephanie Weirich, [email protected], University of Pennsylvania, 3330 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA, 19104, USA. 2 Breitner, Spector-Zabusky, Li, Rizkallah, Wiegley and Weirich • We demonstrate that hs-to-coq is suitable for the verification of unmodified, real-world Haskell libraries. By “real-world”, we mean code that is up-to-date, in common use, and optimized for performance. In Section 2 we describe the containers library in more detail and discuss why it fits this description. • We present a case study not just of verifying a popular Haskell library, but also of developing a good specification of that library. This process is worth consideration because it is not at all obvious what we mean when we say that we have “verified” a library. Section 4 discusses the techniques that we have used to construct a rich, two-sided specification; one that draws from diverse, cross-validated sources and yet is suitable for verification. • We extend hs-to-coq and its associated standard libraries to support our verification goal. In particular, in Section 5 we describe the challenges that arise when translating the Data.Set and Data.IntSet modules, and our solutions. Notably, we drop the restriction in previous work [Spector-Zabusky et al. 2018] that the input of the translation must be intrinsically total. Instead, we show how to safely defer reasoning about incomplete pattern matching and potential nontermination to later stages of the verification process. • We increase confidence in the translation done of hs-to-coq. In one direction, properties of the Haskell test suite turn into Coq theorems that we prove. In the other direction, the translated code, when extracted back to Haskell, passes the original test suite. • We provide new implementation-agnostic insight into the verification of the weight-balanced tree data structure, as we describe in Section 6. In particular, we find the right precondition for the central balancing operations needed to verify the particular variant used in Data.Set. Our work provides a rich specification for Haskell’s finite set libraries that is directly and mechanically connected to the current implementation. As a result, Haskell programmers can be assured that these libraries behave as expected. Of course, there is a limit to the assurances that we can provide through this sort of effort. We discuss the verification gap and other limitations ofour approach in Section 7. We would like to have been able to claim the contribution of findings bugs in containers, but there simply were none. Still, our efforts resulted in improvements to the containers library. First, an insight during the verification process led to an optimization that makes the Data.Set.union function 4% faster. Second, we discovered an incompleteness in the specification of the validity checker used in the test suite. The tangible artifacts of this work have been incorporated into the hs-to-coq distribution and are available as open source tools and libraries.2 2 THE containers LIBRARY We select the containers library for our verification efforts because it is a critical component of the Haskell ecosystem. With over 4000 publicly available Haskell packages using on containers, it is the third-most dependent-up package on the Haskell package repository Hackage, after base and bytestring.3 The containers library is both mature and highly optimized. It has existed for over a decade and has undergone many significant revisions in order to improve its performance. It contains seven container data structures, covering support for finite sets (Data.Set and Data.IntSet), finite maps (Data.Map and Data.IntMap), sequences (Data.Sequence), graphs (Data.Graph), and trees (Data.Tree). However most users of the containers library only use the map and set 2https://github.com/antalsz/hs-to-coq. 3http://packdeps.haskellers.com/reverse Ready, Set, Verify! 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- --Sets are size balanced trees -------------------------------------------------------------------- data Set a = Bin {-# UNPACK #-} !Size !a !(Set a) !(Set a) | Tip type Size = Int --| O¹lognº. Is the element in the set? member :: Ord a => a -> Set a -> Bool member = go where go !_ Tip = False go x (Bin _ y l r) = case compare x y of LT -> go x l GT -> go x r EQ -> True Fig. 1. The Set data type and its membership function5 modules;4moreover, the map modules are essentially analogues of the set modules. Therefore, we focus on Data.Set and Data.IntSet in this work. 2.1 Weight-balanced trees and big-endian Patricia trees The Data.Set module implements finite sets using weight-balanced binary search trees. The definition of the Set datatype in this module, along with its membership function, is given in Figure 1. These sets and operations are polymorphic over the element type and require only that this type is linearly ordered, as expressed by the Ord constraint on the member function. The member function descends the ordered search tree to determine whether it contains a particular element. The Size component stored with the Bin constructor is used by the operations in the library to ensure that the tree stays balanced. The implementation maintains the balancing invariant s1 + s2 ≤ 1 _ ¹s1 ≤ 3s2 ^ s2 ≤ 3s1º; where s1 and s2 are the sizes of the left and right subtrees of a Bin constructor. This definition is based on the description by Adams[1992], who modified the original weight-balanced tree proposed by Nievergelt and Reingold[1972]. Thanks to this balancing, operations such as insertion, membership testing, and deletion take time logarithmic in the size of the tree. This type definition has been tweaked to improve the performance of the library. The annotations on the Bin data constructor instruct the compiler to unpack the size component, removing a level of indirection. The ! annotations indicate that all components should be strictly evaluated. The Data.IntSet module also provides search trees, specialized to values of type Int to provide more efficient operations, especially union. This implementation is based on big-endian Patricia trees, as proposed in Morrison’s work on PATRICIA [1968] and described in a pure functional setting by Okasaki and Gill[1998]. The definition of this data structure is shown in Figure 2. The core idea is to use the bits of the stored values to decide in which subtree of a node they should be placed.
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