;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Phi Alpha Theta Regional Conference - 2011 the role of both James Oglethorpe and the Alpha Beta Omicron (UH Hilo) Chapter South Sea Company in their agitations for war against Spain. The War of Jenkins' Ear The creation and settlement of the English colony of Georgia caused a significant Jingoistic mercantilism, amount of tension between the English and pacifistic diplomacy, Spanish in the 1720’s and 1730’s. The first English settlements in Georgia date back and securing of the to 1720, with King George’s order to South Carolina governor, Francis Nicholson, to send Georgia border. a contingent of troops to secure and build Robert Franklin a fort at the head of the Altamaha River in Spanish Florida.2 The text of the resolution, In The Diplomatic History of Georgia, which stated that Nicholson was “not to suffer John Tate Lanning wrote that “the mention any other nation to take possession of any Part of the War of Jenkins’ Ear evokes from the of the said River, or of the Sea Coasts from average individual either frank laughter or Port Royal to St. Augustine,” virtually ensured courteous blankness,” a statement that can immediate conflict.3 In 1670, England and still be considered valid today.1 There is more Spain signed the American Treaty adopting the to the War of Jenkins’ Ear than a declaration principle of actual possession, meaning that of war over the injustices suffered by Robert the two countries could only claim territory Jenkins in 1731 that caused him to lose that where they had a physical presence in 1670. vital appendage. Rather, it was a combination The English claim to Georgia was in direct of ambitious colonial expansion on behalf of violation of the American Treaty, but the England in Spanish Florida, and the inability English pressed on with claims to the disputed to solve a decade of conflict over trade territory. Spain immediately protested to rights in the West Indies that gave birth to the English, who chose to remain silent on a jingoistic and proto-nationalist sentiment the American Treaty and instead held up the which forced conservative Member of Carolina grant of 1665, in which Charles II Parliament (M.P.) Robert Walpole to declare granted land as far south as St. Augustine.4 The war on Spain in 1739. Robert Jenkins’s ear Spanish protestations that the English destroy merely played a role, albeit a large one, in the the fort inadvertently came to pass when the rise of anti-Spanish sentiment in England and fort burnt down in 1725 and was not rebuilt, the subsequent decade of war that followed. although the English did not give up their The War of Jenkins’ Ear also marked the first designs for the territory that would come to time that English colonists in America were be known as Georgia. The destruction of the involved in warfare in other areas of the fort pleased many in the English government, English empire, and the conflict between especially those who wanted peace, ‘English’ and ‘American’ forces spawned security of trade, and the limited budgetary lasting resentments on both sides that expenditures it entailed. This pacifistic part contributed to the formation of these separate of the English government is known as the identities during the colonial period. In this Walpole ministry, named after M.P. Robert analysis, the light will be cast unevenly on Walpole, who would play a large role in the the English, due to the privations committed events leading up to the War of Jenkins’ Ear. against the Englishman Robert Jenkins, and The opposition to Walpole looked 85 abroad and saw the need for England to In August of 1737, the Spanish Minister Don expand its holdings in the Americas at Spanish Tomàs Geraldino sent Walpole a memorial expense. These ‘imperialists’ were prevalent detailing all the English depredations to in both South Carolina and the House of the time of writing, and stating that if Commons, and as far as the disputed territory Oglethorpe was to return to Georgia it would was concerned were personified by one be considered an act of war.9 Oglethorpe man, James Oglethorpe. The opposition, returned later that year as the “General and led by Oglethorpe, petitioned and was Commander in Chief of all…his Majesty’s granted a charter on June 9, 1732 to settle Forces…in his Majesty’s Provinces of South the territory named Georgia in honor of King Carolina and Georgia in America.”10 The George.5 Georgia was ostensibly promoted Spanish did not make good on their threat by its trustees as a “colonial workhouse to at this time. Tensions in Europe between redeem England’s idle poor”6 but “[Under] England and Spain continued to rise, with Oglethorpe’s leadership Georgia as a both Georgia and Spanish Florida fearing an religious and philanthropic undertaking took attack by the other. In December of 1737, second place to Georgia, the imperialistic in response to a letter concerning claims to colony.”7 From the beginning, the colony the disputed area by the English Minister in was threatened with Spanish attack, a Madrid, Benjamin Keene, Oglethorpe replied perilous situation due to the skeleton force that he believed since the English “were in possessed by Oglethorpe in the Savannah actual and quiet possession of Georgia, it area and the reports that the Spanish were was incumbent upon the Spanish to make stockpiling arms and troops in St. Augustine in out and prove their rights.”11 In the words of preparation for an invasion. It was common Lanning, “The onus of proof was the lot of the knowledge that Walpole did not approve plaintiff.”12 of the Georgia colony and the developing Reports of attack from Spanish Florida, situation therein, but his options were limited which was a constant worry in the disputed as all of the Georgia trustees were members Georgia territory, steadily increased in the of the House of Commons and Walpole early months of 1738. Adding to the tension needed their support for his trade policies.8 were two reports that Oglethorpe sent to By 1737 Oglethorpe was back in England, officials in London: the Spanish had landed unsuccessfully arguing for more protection five thousand men in Georgia, and that two for the colony in the form of British troops. Spanish men-of-war seized an English ship off Word soon came that Spain had attacked the coast of Carolina –both of which proved with six hundred soldiers, and they had been to be false and infuriated both the Spanish repulsed by the threadbare Georgia defense. and Walpole.13 To reduce tensions the English Oglethorpe could not have asked for a drafted numerous treaties of goodwill but the timelier boon. Walpole reluctantly approved Spanish refused to sign—by signing any treaty a regiment of troops, with Oglethorpe at its of peace they would be giving up any future command, to be transferred to the colony. claim to Georgia, thereby ceding that vast Walpole’s negative position regarding territory to the English. Further contributing the Georgia colony had more to do with its to the tensions were the South Sea Company interference in peaceful trade relations with merchants and their allies in Parliament, who Spain than it being in the interests of his were chaffing over the Spanish tightening of enemies in the House of Commons. Walpole trade restrictions in the West Indies and the saw little advantage to the Georgia colony; it seizing of English ships beginning in the early brought little to no revenue, and it caused his 1730’s—the source of the offense against ministry a great deal of worry and ink with Captain Robert Jenkins. the constant diplomatic tension with Spain. During the eighteenth century the 86 Spanish were slowly losing the ability to I was a little surprised to hear of the supply their colonies in the West Indies and usage Captain Jenkins met with off the relied on contracts with other merchant Havana, as I know the governor there has companies, which were usually state the character of being an honest good controlled monopolies. One of these was man, and I don’t find the British owned South Sea Company (SSC), anybody thinks he would connive or which was formed under the 1729 Treaty of countenance such villainies. Seville with Spain to carry out the asiento contract.14 The asiento was an especially I can’t help observing that I believe that I lucrative contract, allowing the SSC to am the first military person who has stood supply an unlimited number of slaves and up in [defense] of peace and quietness, five hundred tons of goods per year to the and for delivering up vessels, against Spanish territories in the West Indies. This a parcel of men who call themselves trade was extremely important to the Spanish merchants, but except two and profitable to the SSC, however, tensions or three of them that have signed the started to arise as early as 1732 over unpaid letter, they are no better than [peddlers], duties on Negroes, and accusations that the and one of them formerly in jail for SSC was carrying on an illegal trade with piracy.17 Spanish colonies.15 English piracy based out of Jamaica was active before this date By 1735, the constant piracy and and Spanish guarda costas (coast guard) disagreement over unpaid duties led the spent much time patrolling the West Indies Spanish to suspend the importation of and indiscriminately seizing British and Negroes.18 In early 1736, with no resolution, Colonial ships. The SSC were the only English the Spanish king suspended all trade between merchants allowed to conduct business with the crown and the SSC until the duties were the Spanish in the West Indies, and thus they paid and the accounts of the annual shipments were blamed for these pirate activities.16 were given to the Spanish court.19 Both However, this indiscriminate seizing by countries now filed claims against each other: Spanish ships also reeked of piracy and Spain claimed the unpaid duties and loss of was interpreted as such by English colonial revenue from English pirating at £65,000, officials and merchants.
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