(PHOSE ssr>o) Thursday. May 27, 1913 PAGE 36 DETROIT EVENING TIMES CHEEKY Test Passed Lost and Found Male Help Wanted I rges Hubs BLACK Mlfold: valuable papere and MARRIAGES—DEATHS—DIVORCES money: reward, 0. F. Moaea. Bombers Blast Aill Hod Cross Tons of Bombs llv Dahlgrcii Murray 3(0. BROOCH—Topaz, aet In silver: loat Fri- day: keepsake Reward. Trinity 2-3421. NEW* YORK. May 27 (UP) PHILADELPHIA, May 27 »INS) MARRIAGE LICENSES DEATHS 5.300 public and Bahe Dahlgren. shortstop and Sidney Howard, ftl; Martha Well*, 50. Roy Harwood. 29# Winder 31 LOST—Billfold containing A and C book. The nation’s Rmald W. Powers. 24, Ethel m. Hyre. 1* Amanda Stoner. 200« t Fifth 73 registration card, car inspactlon report, urged Jap leading hitter for the Phillies, registration private goll course* were h> Base 1 Manley A Brady Deathetfge. 33*# K. Varnor High- driver'* license and draft Blast Grabowakl. 33. Edith I.anrfi. 31 Resistance today successfully passed his Tony Angela way . Vicinity Reward. Tem- J. 5.%. Eastern Market Attention Last had Adragna, 25. Ruggtrello, George president 1 W. Blossom Jr. Hattie ratter»..n 3182 Shirman 30. ple 2*0384 or Oregon *919. Golf first physical examination for the •19 _____ of the I'nited State* Associ- Ed (Juellelte NX; Alice Ki*. Uenet Walla, e 2228 Chene, .A 3 army. 54. LOST— Friday, oval pin. open ation. today to hold Red i i os- Delbert H June* 23: Paulin# Pavlik. 23. Mary Carroll, 2412 Newton. 70 Good center. draft hoard Dyke. Reward. Townsend 5-10*6 tournament* thi- week-end. if Officials of 52 said Leonard A. P/uiban 24. Clara Cromek. 2A Helen Butler. 50*9 Van 42. New Dahlgren eligible for Robert E. Keuper. 22; Helen O. Wheeler, 1 LOST Man's Masonic diamond ring, wash On Guinea will he in- Japs serving I JIG on with entry lees BORER Attu possible, Recreation; keepsake Of 19 room Great Lakes fills its DIVORCES as donations. duction when the hoard John Pyar 58 Gertrude Kortnev. 52. SSO reward. Call Lenox 0542. Cadngan. 4* George Carter from Minnie 851 UNITED NATIONS HEAD- next quota probably in July. P.ichard Octavla Green. 4A gas book, May “7 *TNS> La.-t vear tournaments of Henry E. Schultz. 27. Dorothy C. Anna Wat km* irom Robert LOST—"A’* rationing please re- WASHINGTON. Sever)., Margaret am turn. Charles Davie 527 Brewster clubs $101,301 for ihe Red QUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA. 2 A C Stretcher from Will P. OPERATOR t«o jvy'kei« of Japa- iaised V Bertram Zella M •"The la>t Cross, ind $309,387 went to various (INS)—Massive William G. Selkirk, 2A. Norma Cornelius. George from LOST—Dog Irish setter male: all red. the May 27 Allied 22 Irma V'. Lnuderback from Jam**. license 6*852. Reward, lvanhoe 6829. ns resistanrr today uere agencies Phillip# from war relief and recreation tons William J Schoenherr, 24; Mary Elizabeth Clarence Aucuata. LOST Dog. black police dog, tan to bombers hurled many of Aniceta Baldad from Klaine of the American diivr following a nationwide series of Navarre. 2" marking*. Reward. Tuxedo 2-59*5. tarcet" high fragmentation Hamlin Loses 27, Margaret King. Cora I Taylor fmm Harold D. at 1 298 clubs. explosive and John Patrick Keefe M. 1 dog; pet. nwfep enemy forces off Attu be- tournament* 20 Herman Thompson from Cecil MALE SCOTTIK. old child'* Re- BORING Mary Nlasaerang Falrport Arlington MILL ward. 18079 4522 bombs on the important Japanese Kiank Kama*!) 4 1 Dorothy Cardinal, 29 from Elmer fore turninp their attention to Kllen Johnson from Lout* wool; Mariang. of Lae Harry Koae 52, Dorotnv Starr, 40 SWEATER—Man's button; black ha-e at north Wilson, 24; Elisa J Rowerman from Wilfred loat May 19. Reward. Lafayette 2174 Ki'ka McKynlty Necla D. Harkleaa Stella Koleaa Edward 22. 7 from tiger New Guinea, Gen. Mae Arthur's Kdmund A Kkhardt from Virginia TIMID cat. Blarkrlone. near Third 'OPERATOR Waves of heav y and medium To Rochester William E. Boyd. A3; May Moore. 58, Trinity 2-7t>*i Orville Reward Favored headquarters announced today. 39, Chutorash, MrCormlck from l.nla Hlad Henrv Ide Julia 30. Containing pa- sup- I |. Lost valuable bombers and fighter plane* l-eany 'lilgga. 25; Lorraine Franklin. Hazel Brazier from Everett F WALLET I tilled I’rm 20 Marian line, from m#< pers. money. Despite continuing 38.. B Th. P Reward. Arnold Thurkow. ported the ground forte* which had flyingj i-iank H Harrow. J... Amelia Janoskv. Klanor A.lkina from T.a'rl Tvaza 5250. Wings Tnomaa Carey. 19 Beatric** Gilman |7 William out the Japs eriHenc Med on jveaihcr in the Southwest Pacific The Rochester Red (ju\ K. Conra'h, 37, Bartiara W. Rumnry. ! Gant from Edna cleaned Eva Wachowzkl from John TOOL MILL at 28 Charlea Trade Schools—Male Chichagof the enemy airdrome blanked Toronto 5-0, behind the 1,. Morgenweck from Harriet. both sides of Harbor. Title fhaile* Ma**e 37: Ada Sm"h. 40. Rymal For C.C. Almira from Joseph K (, twq other of Kenneth E? VVtlion, 20. Marguerite Phillip* ; The nav\ *aid that operation" in the i islands and six-hit pitching Kemp Wicker Bernice Loomis from Clarenc. 20. C MacDonald. (INS) Hud*on, Margaret Orate Watts from Merril “continuing." intimating that MILWAUKEE. May 27 Jap outposts also were attacked* last night but despite the defeat R' tmrt 20; Hoerauf, 19. 1 Maggie HANDS uore Trice from Kua*n* PLASTICS* No David H. Rice, 3fi Murlal M i’a**ey, 37 Margaret Poss Robert VISIT, PHONi Oft WRITE alrcadv were storming Charley Hlad. University of Chi- by Allied airmen. enemy planes tin* Maple Leafs still held a five-j Camiiiet Ociepka, from T S. forces John 20; Anna M William P Walla from Hratrlie Amsrlca'i Foi*mo»t Initiluts Devoted Earlu- game lead over Syracuse in Hubecka. 19. lively of the la't positions cago star and Western Conference were reported over Allied terri- the to Ttaehln* All Pita.*! et Plaitlci. one or both league today. Don Luther. 22: France* Denton. 18 tory. International Roch- I-red M Cousins to Marion S. Burn*, 43 ! PLASTICS INSTITUTE around Attu vllage and north of high and low hurdle champion, 39; ester got to Luke Hamlin for nine Leon Nevin. Helen Morriaon. 3A Member of Society of Plastics Industry BENCH HANDS Weingart, 21; Rosemary Death Notices Lake Nicholas. today to win a cen- John K. Scherrer. Aye. was favored FIGHTER PLANER ACTIVE hit*. M, TR. 3-1007 31 Melbourne village is little more than Cl. At—Private John A . L’. S Army Air Off 8 of Attu tral collegiate track meet titr that Syracuse lost 8-1 to the Newark I*hmael Stevenson 30 Marine Walker, 24. Woodward Block! North RUd. navy Allied long-range fighter planes Corps May 22; age 20; beloved son of Open 9 * m. to 9 p in a name since the announced him when he ran the gave Charlr- Bowden. SA. Mazie Mae Patton. 40. and Clay, dear eluded under Bears. Tom Ananuv up Mi Mrs Andrew brother 4 ago that t\ S. planes strafed enemy positions in areas Alton Maxwell, lk, Florence Wimer, 21. of from NEW ÜBBIA NOW FORMING several ria>* colors of Michigan Normal. hits while team- Harper, Robert. Fuiieial reaidence. 2990 Home Study Also Available seven his Newark John C Robb*. 22. Klaie L. 20. Belvldere. Friday morning. May 28, at Course destroyed the entire .settlement i* in Ivoth near Madang. George Deberry 40. Rosa M Walker, 24. LATHE HANDS Hlad entered hurdle mates scored 10 hits off Bartleson, 8 15, to St Edward's Church at 2 o'clock. except for the church and one eighteenth Erwin Kosmowski, 21, Phylll* Tiedeman. Olivet events at the Cenfial, (A Reuters report identified Schultz and Blackburn. 14 Interment Ml. building. - Rryant other Collegiate meet in Marquette Sta- 1 The Montreal Royals defeated Joe H German. AA Jettie Rohyne*. 83, FORD May 26. 1»43. F.dael .hus Culture Schools the bombers which attacked i of Eleanor Clay Ford, father of Beauty Saturday. He is eligble as Charlie King, 2k. Eleanor Holt, 31 band drum Madang as four-engined Libera- the Buffalo Bisons, 9-2, with Bob Paul R. Frank 22 Mat' Artka 20 1,1. Henry Ford 11. Pvt Benson Ford. Mrs BEAUTY CULTURE training $1 weekly a service athlete studying in the tors. ) Chipnian hurling six-hit hall. Robert Christian, 22, Edna Washington. Waller Buhl Ford 11 and William Ford, Hvgenic School. 8540 Twelfth. Madison SHAPER HANDS army meteorology school at the and Ciiehell, Barley and 22 son of Mr and Mrs Henry Ford Funeral - Attack planes bombed Waldstein. Walter Wardlow 3R‘ Edna Gooch. 2R. service at Chnat Church Chapel. Gross* of Chicago. Irish Stars University strafed enemy installations on ob- Parkhurst were hammered for a Maunie Wilenaky, >3 Ko>e Denenberg, 23 Poinie Friday at 2 3<» p m Burial 2 Dorothy private Help Although he competed in the servation hill Mubo, New total of 18 Royal blows. Arthur L. Olson 2k, N Clark. 3k Male Wanted Must Be A-l on Gauge near (’oiombo Chri*tofori 38 Ora Howard 2R KRAMER Josephine of 11 *>79 Archdale at Central Collegiate The Burritt, hurdles the Guinea, and a heavy recon- Baltimore Orioles converted Edward O Davenport, 3k; Flora beloved mother of William and Mrs and a* a meets of 1940. 1941 1942 naissance bomber strated coastal 17 hits into a 10-0 shutout over 31 Freda Neukam. ‘sister of Mrs. Wallv , and Tool Work Normal, John C Pipp 23 Marilyn Carrier. 21 Seharman Services at Schmalrriedl Sons student at Michigan Hlad areas in the vicinity of Aravve, the Jersey City Giant*.
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