34: THE SUXDAT OREGOXIAX, POBTLAND, JULY 16, 1905. life, deals with or things. J artist, who crucifies his models In order good work If It only succeeds In leading- men nights under the pines, breaking- - trail f to paint their death agonies on canvas. to think and inquire for themselves." Though up new slopes, heat, cloud bursts, wild after the legend of Giotto, the Florentine a tew among the ministers who have spoken painter. The Illustrations are by Cyrus of the book declare themselves unable to go beasts, sheep and mountain bloom, all quite the length of Mr. Dlcklnson's-coaclu- s- - equally delightful because understood. Cuneo. and two of his drawings of Vasari, Ions, the tone of their comment Is In every Her home Is at Independence. CaL. the mad painter, are works of art. Instance unhlgotedly appreciative. where her husband is a Government land agent. She has made a careful IX WORKSHOP AND STUDY. Apparently there Is a g In study of the mission days in writing' terest In Mark Twain's works, for real hu- believes to be his- A new'edltlon of "Hawthorne and Lavender" morists are few, and the busy world Is "Isidrc." and it an by the celebrated English poet. W. E. Henley, alwaya eager for a laugh. Some time ago TRINPtfNG torically accurate and fair picture of la Harpers Issued subscription OF 50UU5 to be printed. the a uniform the times. It aroused much favorable edition of six of Mark Twain's books, calling comment during- Its serial publication the set "Mark Twain's Best Books." This Mrs. Margaret Deland has gone for the Sum- was by In the Atlantic mer to her home at Kennebunlcport. Me. She followed six more volumes, "Mark When Isldro meets what he supposes' Is now busy with a new novel. Twain's Funniest Books." Both these sets to be an Indian girl, he fights with her proved so popular that they have recently Marriage of Issued 11 more uniformly bound volumes, captor and secures her liberty. Then Mrs. Humphry Ward's "The making In all 23 volumes, the same num girl off on William Ashe" and Maurice Hewlett's "Fond Isldro and Jaclnta, tho ride gone new edl- - ber as In their HUlcrest edition of Mark specimen Adventures," have each Into a Twain's complete works. A large new horseback. Here is a of the L , edi young- Spanish cavalier's coolness: tlon. tion of the first series, the "Bst Books just been ordered printed. Jaclnta said little of any sort, but that to Two novels of which new editions are or- has the point. dered are "The Descendant," Ellen Glasgow's "Senor" she said, when tber came to an vigorous study of heredity, and "Between the Nancy Stair." by Elinor Macartney Lane. opes grassy valley, riding side by side, "when Lines," Captain Charles King's war story. is no longer her full name In the office of you D. Appleton & Co.. but she has been so you,have me at Sas Antonio what will ubiquitous for the year since she was pub do with me?" Mrs. George Madden Martin, author of lished that every one calls' her "Nancy" now. "Marry you." said Isldro, with the great "Emmy Lou" and "The House of Fulfilment." When the publishers brought out the budding est cheerfulness. is convalescing slowly at her home In Anchor- debutante they did not know that It was one How Jaclnta was discovered to be age, Ky.. from a serious case of typhoid fever. of the most Important comlngs-ou- t of their the long-lo- st daughter of a Spanish publishing career. Nancy was modest and re- Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, author of tiring at first, but It was not long before she commandantc and her various wan Closed Room," will spend' the Sum- derings. Is "In the was known as "the adorable, spoiled, magnifi told with fine literary skill. mer In her English country home. Maytham cent maid." An Australian edition has Just and the finish Is a satisfactory, sane Hall. Kent. She has a novel, the first long been ordered, and "Nancy" can be Just aa one. This Is one of the Pacific Coast work from her pen In a number of years, epolled and magnificent as she cares to be. a books of the season. It is no chance practically completed. long as she will continue to charm the reading shot. The bull's eye is hit every time. world. The book Is selling about 4000 a James B. Connolly returned from the ocean month. Philippines, race by eteamer. and will pass the Summer at a With the 13th MlaseseU la the Why average 100,000 New by Bowe. A. B. Farsham Printing his Massachusetts home, with perhaps a trip an of over John among his fishermen for the mackerel fish- Yorkers visit Coney Island every Sunday dur Minneapolis, re Co.. Minn. ing. His new book. "On Tybee Knoll," Is ing the Summer season Is shown by Tneo-do- We expect much from a soldier's ac published by A. S. Barnes Sc. Co. Waters. In an entertaining article In count of battles in which he actually took the current Harper's Weekly, on "New York'g The Harpers are printing a new edition of New Playground." Within the last 10 years part, and especially Army life In the nearby Philippines, Including the capture Ma "Down South," Rudolf Btckmeyers pictures Coney Island has become the chief of and sketches of Southern plantation life. The recreation place for the people of New Tork. nila, eta Portland people still remember volume, which has a preface by Joel Chandler and now bears about the same relation to when the gallant Minnesota boys passed Harris, contains 4S charming reproductions of the old Coney Island that Greater New Tork through this city on their way home Southern enes, printed on paper. bears to old Manhattan Island. The present from the war, and the military and social shows and concessions, some of which cost friendships between Oregon and Minne The famous JIttle classic, by William C $30,000 to establish, together with other Im- sota are many. The Second Oregon were Prime. "I Go Is being reprinted. provements and extensions already planned, The author's rare familiarity with all that will, says Mr. Waters, make Coney Island comrades with the Thirteenth Minnesota resort In world. time, bled is best In literature and hU heartfelt love the largest amusement the for a and fought and together. for Nature In her wilder retreats, make this Probably no more savage book about volume an Ideal companion for a Summer's "Thirteen Chapters of American History." American Army life In the Philippines, trip. by Theodore Sutro. 51.50- - The Baker & Tay- from the viewpoint of the volunteer sol- lor Company, New York. This Is a most at- dier, has ever been published than Mr. Since the finish of the ocean race. Dr. Henry tractive volume, beautifully Illustrated with Bowc's. Here and there his word pic C. Rowland, author of "The Wanderers." and reproductions of famous aeries of "Thirteen tures rough, lively a seafarer himself, has been dividing his at Historical Marine Paintings." by the late have a humor, but tention between Henley and the racing at Edward Moran (the greatest marine painter or he fairly revels in exposing regimental Kcll. where he handled the Emperor's yacnt. the United States), with an Interesting de- scandals and brutality of certain officers Meteor. He will spend the Summer on the scriptive essay accompanying each picture, of his regiment. It almost seems a pity Continent. the whole embracing 13 thrilling episodes In to bring up these matters at this late day. the history of America, especially the United Why not allow them to rest? The book New edition of two old favorites are or States, written by Theodore Sutro. a distin- would be one It had dered: Lew Wallace's "Ben Hur" and Thomas guished member of the New Tork bar. The a much better if been Hardy's "Teas of the d'Urbervlllea." Indica original paintings have been for some time on more carefully edited and certain sen- tions point to a great revival of Interest in exhibition in the Metropolitan Museum of Art tences omitted, especially on page 3S. All Tess. " due in part, no doubt, to tne rumor In New York City. This is the first time that of which Is said with the kindliest feel- that New York Is to aee an elaborately staged any reproductions of them have bees accessi- ings toward the soldier-autho- r. revival of the play this comln? Winter. ble to the public, as they are all copyrighted. Oa the We--a Trail, by Caroline Brown. The Phillip Verrlll Mlghels, whose latest novel. Never before la theexperlence of D. Apple-to- n Macmlllan Co., New York. "The ultimate Passion." was recently re & Co. have they published a book, which, In columns, has Pleasant ex- Southern newspaper office, and the hero- and snips SS9, 'Win order that all the style viewed these left after the first few thousand, had an The inimitable of Fenlmore gone young strength beauty may be forced Into .J. vllle. N. T.. and has with hta wife to clusive sale In one place and but little In all ine is a woman of education and and Cooper Is recalled In the skillful treat California for six or eight weeks. Mr. Mlg the rest of the country. After the first rush character. one bloom" an argument for trusts and ment of Indian fights, forest life, French hels plans a camping trip through, the loae of sales of Margaret Potter's latest novel.
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