West Bengal Police Recruitment Board Araksha Bhavan (5th Floor) Sector-II, Block-DJ Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700091 ADVERTISEMENT NO. 01/2015/WBPRB NOTICE Recruitment to the post of Warder /Female Warder for Correctional Homes under the Department of Correctional Administration, West Bengal Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens for the post of Warder /Female Warder for Correctional Homes under the Department of Correctional Administration, West Bengal from candidates between 18 and 27 years of age as on 01.01.2015 (relaxable for SC/ST/OBC candidates of West Bengal only and Ex-serviceman) having passed Madhyamik or equivalent examination. Willing candidates may submit their application form through on-line /off-line from 25/02/2015 to 27/03/2015. Candidates must visit the websites of West Bengal Police (policewb.gov.in) or Department of Correctional Administration (wbcorrectionalservices.gov.in) to ascertain the eligibility criteria, method of selection, scheme of examination, procedure for submission of application form and other terms & conditions. The last date of receipt of application is 27/03/2015 (upto 05:00 PM). lj!)Ytrl"itlllulll uI YY E5t lJsrrtscl Finar*e DePort*lslll Audit Branch Writcrs' Buildings, Kolkata-?00001' NOTISICATION the proviso tcj article 61-63{013.*[n exercise of the power conferred by No.tB31-F(P) dt. giroo:r, uaicd ttre ?5u' June' in parrinr *.ciiroii*. of notifioarion-N", iOg of tiie constirution of India and *ut*t the fotlowing ruies' namely:- ll?e. dre Govetlsr it h"d;;;tti io Rulu,r l.Shorttitlcarrdcommencemerrt.-(l)Tlreserulesnrlv.becal]edtheWestBengaIServices Gioup c E;r'plove;s) Rulcs' 2013' ,^peoini,r,.n;:;;;;;,i";';'J nt'*o'ption' of (2)Theyshatlcon:eintoforcewitheffeetfrori:thela!dayofHE0Bh?013' arly post or cacre or service apply in case of appoinmrent ttt z. Appiicatlon.- (l) These rr:ies shalt C' !)1'dntegory Gbnging to oroup (2) Thesc rulcs shail noi aPPIY to- (a}part+inreworkets.casrnllabourers,dailylabourem,Inaslerrollworkersarrdseasonal labotrrersi _ ftcm time to time bY Governrner* bY {b)siiQilothercategot.icsofpcrsoneasmaybespeoified (jtt"cite' notit-rcation itr tlre A.fri.;ial (c) cnses of appoirrnrrcnt o''t i?rcrnoiioil 3.Definitions.-ltttl.leserules.unlegrtheco[textoilrer}Yisereqrrires._L; (l)..Appointn)ontonprobation,.nreansappointrrrentontriaibeforrabsoqtion; Bengal; (Zj "Covernmenl" tileans the Covemrnent of Wcst ,(3)*Frobatigllgi.',trreatlSaC<rver[1rretitemployeeappoir:tetionpobatioir. 4.Modtofappointment'.onoraf,et,.tlredateofcornirrgintoforceofthescnrles,tllGovernnent oi categcry beluugins to crcr:p c in the rppointments on €ntry inio port, or cadre u, ,rroi.. three years' ieiuice. slrall be ori piobation for a period of Lre ri-nurt'fl'l utt tvgulat b'r$r on Snef pfoDf,lto[.-A r]dVemnturtt etttp]uyu'l sitall 5. AbSbFpUdn perfcrmance of the soilccmed prtbation and for this prupose" the satisfactor.y comple.tion uf the perirul of year: *tutt u" revie'+red after compietion o[each ;;;ily." is or othcr exan''ination iike computer skill etc' hovirled thal wlrere passirrg of depailmetttsl Cpost' the ccnc'err:cd entployee shall hsve to ,;sseniial under a.ty existingniles of ftr""orornuJ$'oup pass the same within the pe riod of probation: Pr.ovidedlurttlerthatirrcasesuchOovetnn:Er:tcnrployeefailstopassthecieparrnentalorothBrexten'Jed ior ftrrther pcriod of period of pmbarion, tb#;; nlay b; exarninarion witirir"r.ttre "i'piobarion ufle year on the rcquest of the etnplqyee' the pcrio<t of probarion"-ln case of non' 6. Dischrrge sn non-satisfactory performnnce tluring oxarlination or other examination as sarisfacrory performafloe or fniling ro pass'thc drpartflreGi may be disclrargcd' nretllioned in rute 5. tire Gcvu""'"'""i empioyee concerned ttre,?ubtic tt-'lit:-!:Tmission' west $election L-.orYr$iissio,r. w*sr Bargal or rontjucred by the staff menrioned u*. u'y ,ruy of foltowing rhe procedurer Bengal {clerkship E-;ffig';""l;;;; il;:*ry c posls or ca<jre or sen.Iice or oarsEory' in tlre rclevant rcciuitnieni rulx of lhe co*cerneci Gioup &orawetofsalrryduringthcpcl,i0dofprobetion,-?Ynetheperiodofprobationonlythepeu or 8en'ice or esdre or Eosic pl*r Grodc a" qt fii *ra cry-ur c rnny poinr poy i.a. foy any' l,nru po'ann6l and medical allowance' if r:iregory shall be dlOwed llith alruat incren:sr:t @ g.Trertuentofprobationperiodnf|erlbsorption'{l)Afterabsc,rptiononsuccessful exantination whfltver applicable' cainplelion of the period of probation and passing of such departn:entat af .erlipfoyic shqii'b6 allowod to diaw pay ln tho rogulu uxlc nlatsd to tbn sdrcsrrud posts or tcrvlcs or rlttl|r.oi category frolr date of confii'mation, 1!):The period of probatiorr,shall be coilnted for pensionarv benefit and shall noi counted flor 14i,rlifi,id Grrier Advancenrent Schenie (MCAS) or for prorrotioo, Iil. L4ve during perlod of probation.*Leave duLing period of probation sirall be allowcd as per r *te ?rl3 0f the West Bengai Service Rules, Fart i. appllcable fol contracnml appointmert. By order of the Covemor, sa/* tLB, Drrtv€dt ,$ec.'y- ro rhe Govt. a{West Bengal. No, 183?Jl(S@).F(p) Datad ;0143-2013 Copy frwadcd for information rnd nececsary astisn t) : l) TlcAccourranr Carerd (A&E) Wcst Bengal, 2) The Diroctor of Treasuries & Accflnb, West Bengpi, New L' Indis Assurdooe BuildiryS 4, Lyons Range, kolksu - ?00 001 . 3) T?e Pay & Accounrs Offccr, Kolkaa pay & Acrounb Ofiicc.l, 812/2, Pheam lanc, Kolkata"i00 012, 4)Tho Pey & Acaounls Officet, Kolkara pay & Aecount Oflicc-ll, P. l , Hyde L^cne, lewahar Buildings, Kolkarr-7p0 0?3. 5) Thc Pay& AsoounrsOfficer. Kolk*u pay a eioounrs oflicc-fit, . l,B. l,vta*et Ssctor- lll, Salt LEke, Kdkata.?O0P1; 6) -t.re*Sesebry, '.lqlA,:Sj Public ServiceCommission, l P; Muklrc;jee Road, Kolkata- ?WU26, 8) fie SirhDivisional Officor, --i!.-;.-* 9i The TEasury Olficcr, --.----*-DepttlDre. l'l).TlrCo - isshncr, 12) The Superinrndent of police no-'\tAJ v !t l. B.t6 gO. OSD & ,oinr Secretary to lhc Covernrnent of West Bargul Finance Departr,ent WEST BENGAL POLICE RECRUITMENT BOARD ARAKSHA BHABAN, SECTOR – II SALT LAKE CITY, KOLKATA – 700 091 DETAILED INFORMATION FOR “On-Line” APPLICANTS FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS OF WARDER / FEMALE WARDER UNDER DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONAL ADMINISTRATION 1. NAME OF THE POST AND PAY SCALE:- Warder/Female Warder under Department of Correctional Administration, Government of West Bengal in the Pay Scale of Rs.5,400 – 25,200/- (i.e. Pay Band-2) + Grade Pay Rs.2,600/- . [N.B. Drawal of salary during the period of probation (for a period of three years) : only the entry point pay i.e. Basic Pay + Grade Pay shall be allowed with annual increment @ 3% per annum and medical allowances, if any.] 2. RESERVATION OF VACANCIES:- Sl. No. of vacancies Category (Sub-category) No. Male Female Total 1 Unreserved (UR) 210 35 245 2 Unreserved (E.C .) 114 16 130 3 Unreserved (Ex -serviceman) 27 04 31 4 Scheduled Caste 97 14 111 5 Scheduled Caste (E.C .) 47 07 54 6 Scheduled Caste (Ex -serviceman) 07 01 08 7 Scheduled Tri be 28 04 32 8 Scheduled Tribe (E.C .) 13 03 16 9 OBC -A 47 07 54 10 OBC -A (E.C) 21 03 24 11 OBC -B 34 05 39 12 OBC -B (E.C) 14 02 16 TOTAL 659 101 760 Note: - i) Total vacancies as stated above is purely provisional and subject to change. Conditions of recruitment will be guided by the provisions of the West Bengal Services (Appointment, Probation and Absorption of Group-‘C’ Employees) Rules, 2013 issued under Finance Department Notification No. 1832-F (P) dated 01/03/2013. Please visit the websites of West Bengal Police (policewb.gov.in ) and Correctional Services (wbcorrectionalservices.gov.in ) to obtain the copy of the rule. ii) Shortlisted candidates applying under exempted category (E.C) as a member of the family of Land Loser / as Ex- Census employees/Election Job Workers/Enumerators should produce original copies of Identity Cards showing Registration & NCO number issued by the Labour Department, Government of West Bengal at the time of scrutiny before the Interview. 3. ELIGIBILITY:- (a) Must be a citizen of India. (b) AGE: - The candidates must not be less than 18 years and not more than 27 years as on 01/01/2015 . The Upper age limit may be relaxed for the SC/ ST candidates of West Bengal only by 05 years and OBC candidates of West Bengal only by 03 years. The upper age limit is also relaxable for the Ex-serviceman as per existing Government Rules. Note:- The Ex-serviceman candidates, if shortlisted, have to produce relevant documents regarding service rendered by them, in original, in support of their claim for Age Relaxation at the time of verification. (c) Educational Qualification:- The candidate must have passed Madhyamik Examination from the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent examination from any other Board recognized by the State Government or the Central Government. (d) Acquisition of Computer Literacy Note : - The candidate must possess t he above noted Qualifications on or before the date of publication of the advertisement. Page | 1 (e) MINIMUM PHYSICAL STANDARD:- For Warder :- Height Sl. Chest Category (Barefoot) Desirable Weight Range No. (in cm.) (in cm.) 1. Candidates of all categories (except 78 cms. With expansion of 05 Proportionate to height as Gorkhas, Garwalies, Rajbanshis and 167 cms. per medical standard* Scheduled Tribes) (78 cms. - 83 cms.) 2. Gorkhas, Garwalies, Rajbanshis and 76 cms. With expansion of 05 Proportionate to height as Scheduled Tribes 160 cms. per medical standard* (76 cms. - 81 cms.) For Female Warder :- Height Sl. Category (Barefoot) Desirable
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