PANGOLINS ON THE BRINK Temminck’s Ground Pangolin, Namibia. ABOUT WILDAID Scott Hurd WildAid’s mission is to end the illegal wildlife trade in our lifetimes. We envision a world where people no longer buy wildlife products such as shark fin, elephant ivory and rhino horn. With an unrivaled portfolio of celebrity ambassadors and global network of media partners, WildAid leverages nearly US $200 million in annual pro bono media support with a simple but powerful message: “WHEN THE BUYING STOPS, THE KILLING CAN TOO.” Visit wildaid.org INQUIRIES AUTHOR SPECIAL THANKS WildAid Christina Vallianos Earth Touch 333 Pine St., Suite 300 Lisa Hywood, Tikki Hywood Trust San Francisco, CA 94104 SCIENTIFIC ADVISOR IWT Challenge Fund [email protected] Daniel Challender The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund Oxbow Creative Cover Sunda Pangolin. Paul Hilton/ PHOTOGRAPHY WildAid Paul Hilton Michelle Zhang Back Cover: Thousands of dead pangolins lie in a pit before being Scott Hurd burned following the April 2015 Mark Leong bust in Medan, Indonesia. Paul Hilton/WCS TABLE OF CONTENTS PANGOLIN OVERVIEW BY THE NUMBERS 02 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 18 SEIZURES 04 PANGOLINS 19 MARKET INVESTIGATIONS 06 SPECIES 20 SURVEYS AN UNSTABLE SPECIES LOOKING AHEAD 08 VULNERABILITY 22 INEFFECTIVE ENFORCEMENT 08 THREATS 22 LEGAL PROTECTIONS 10 USES 23 OUTLOOK & 13 TRADE RECOMMENDATIONS 15 PANGOLIN FARMING 16 TRADE ROUTES RESOURCES 24 APPENDIX: RANGE STATE PROTECTIONS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY t may come as a surprise to most people I that the world’s most illegally traded mammal—far surpassing the poaching and trafficking rates of elephants, rhinos and other high-profile species—is a sol- itary, nocturnal, scale-covered creature they’ve likely never heard of: the pangolin, commonly known as the “scaly anteater.” nese Pangolin M. pentadactyla. Less than a golin in Peninsular Malaysia have fallen It is estimated that more than 1 million decade later all eight are now threatened dramatically, with 95% of hunters recog- pangolins have been taken from the wild with extinction, with the above Critically nizing severe declines, especially since in the past decade or so, making them the Endangered, the Indian and Philippine 1990, when the commercial trade began 1 world’s most-trafficked wild mammal. Endangered, and all four African species to escalate.3 The rarity of sightings in the Overexploited by illegal trade in their ker- Vulnerable. wild, coupled with the massive volume of atin scales for medicine and as an exotic scales and carcasses seen in trade over the The International Union for Conservation meat, conservationists agree that swift ac- past decade, suggests that all eight species of Nature (IUCN) Species Survival Com- tion is required to save these animals. may be on the brink of extinction. mission (SSC) Pangolin Specialist Group Over the past several years, seizures of recognized hunting and poaching of pango- Vietnam’s and China’s rapidly emerging scales and of whole pangolins, both live lins, largely for illegal international trade— middle class is driving the illegal trade. and frozen, have increased. Seizures of the majority of which is destined for China Pangolin meat has become a luxury item products originating from African nations, and Vietnam—as their primary threat.2 and status symbol, consumed by business including South Africa, Cameroon, Nige- leaders and government officials. Despite Pangolins are nocturnal and solitary, par- ria, Sierra Leone and Uganda show that an absence of scientific evidence to sup- ticularly vulnerable to poaching pressures Asian markets are now sourcing African port the alleged curative properties, 70% of because of their slow reproductive rate, species to meet demand in China and Viet- Chinese citizens believe pangolin products sensitivity to capture-induced stress and nam. Overwhelming evidence indicates have medicinal value, as they use scales instinct to curl into a ball when threatened, that trafficking follows some of the same to “cure” rheumatism, skin disorders and rather than try to escape. Their elusive na- routes as that of elephant ivory and rhino wound infections.4 Meanwhile, China has ture has made it difficult to estimate how horn. Some of the same criminals profiting distributed legal prescription medicines many still exist in the wild. However, from these trades are now shipping tons of containing pangolin scale derivatives, uti- hunters, traders and locals have reported pangolin scales to Asia. lizing ~25 tonnes each year since 2008, drastic declines in sightings of Asian spe- sourced from a stockpile of unknown size, In 2008, two of the eight species were clas- cies across different parts of their range. and effectively perpetuating unproven me- sified as Endangered by the IUCN—the Interviews with hunters in 2007 and 2011 dicinal beliefs: Sixty-six percent of Chinese Sunda Pangolin Manis javanica and the Chi- suggested populations of the Sunda Pan- 02 / WILDAID EXECUTIVE SUMMARY One of 96 live pangolins confiscated in Medan, Indonesia awaits release in April It is estimated that more 2015. Paul Hilton/WCS than 1 million pangolins Highly specialized diets combined with Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and have been taken from the weak immune systems and extreme sen- Flora (CITES) treaty by uplisting all sitivity to capture-induced stress mean species to Appendix I, strengthened wild in the past decade, pangolins do not do well in captivity, with domestic legislation in some countries, making them the most records showing the majority of individ- improved international law enforce- uals die within the first three years. The ment efforts, educational initiatives to trafficked wild mammal 100 zoos and organizations that have tried raise awareness and support for their to sustain the animals over the past 150 conservation, and campaigns to reduce in the world. years have recorded mortality rates up to consumption in the key markets of Chi- 70% in the first year.7 These characteristics na and Vietnam. Eliminating the main residents have purchased government ap- demonstrate that commercial breeding is markets for meat and scales and sub- proved medicines.5 In Vietnam, just 8% of not a viable option to supply the medic- sequently profits from the illegal trade residents believe pangolins have medicinal inal trade. While farming has been intro- will remove incentive to poach pango- properties, but an additional 64% are cur- duced to supplement wild populations of lins. Eradicating the biggest threat to rently undecided; they have heard scales some species whose body parts are prized their survival will give Asian and Afri- can be used to increase libido, cure rheu- in traditional medicines, this is not a possi- can pangolins the best chance to recov- matism, asthma, and even cancer, but don’t bility for pangolins, and therefore the only er. Experts anticipate that populations know if such claims are true. Yet despite way forward is to reduce hunting and the can rebound and stabilize if poaching such widespread use, 96% of Chinese and demand for their meat and scales. is contained. But for this to happen, the world needs to take notice of this unique 98% of Vietnamese residents believe pango- In order for pangolins to survive, they 6 creature and make a concerted effort to lins deserve to exist on earth. require greater protection under the save it. Convention on International Trade in PANGOLINS / 03 PANGOLINS OVERVIEW A mother and baby get released in Indonesia. Paul Hilton/WCS WHAT IS A PANGOLIN? angolins are small-medium sized Pangolin) often walk on their hind legs, P mammals often referred to as “scaly using their long tails to balance. And anteaters” for their defining physical trait: while many are ground dwelling, burrow- overlapping scales composed of keratin ing deep into the earth, others are arbore- (the same protein that makes up human al, sleeping in trees and able to hang from fingernails as well as rhino horn). They branches with their strong tails. are the only mammals in the world to be Gestation periods vary by species, but all covered in scales. Though similar in ap- fall within an estimated 105 to 165 days. pearance and diet to armadillos and ant- Pangolins typically give birth to one eaters, pangolins are more closely related young at a time, though they may occa- to animals of the order Carnivora, which sionally give birth to twins. After a pan- includes cats, bears and raccoons. golin is born, it is carried on its mother’s Insectivores, feeding primarily on ants back for the first three months while its and termites, pangolins may eat up to scales gradually harden. 70 million insects each year,8 thereby A pangolin’s scales offer it protection from acting as natural pest controllers, saving predators: When threatened, they curl countries millions of dollars in pest de- into a ball and their hard scales act as ar- struction.9 In addition to keeping poten- mor. Though this armor can fend off lions, tial crop-damaging insect populations it provides no defense against humans. in check and thus lessening the need for Pangolins can also emit a foul secretion harmful pesticide use, pangolins further from their anal glands when threatened benefit crops and humans by helping to (similar to a skunk). aerate soil as they dig for prey. Detailed knowledge of the pangolin’s life Their anatomy is well adapted to their history is lacking, since their nocturnal, specialized diet: Though pangolins have solitary habits are rarely observed.10 Re- no teeth, they have long claws for digging searchers lack extensive quantitative data up ant nests and termite mounds, ears about their population levels, lifespans that seal up to prevent ants from crawling and diets. In all, there are eight pangolin in, and sticky tongues as long as one-third species—four Asian and four African— of their body length for scooping up prey.
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