— TABLE OF CONTENTS — SPECIMEN MSDS PRODUCTS LABEL (Material safety data sheets) AZATIN® XL Biological Insecticide . .2 . .7 COMPASS™O 50 WDG Fungicide . .9 . .14 CYCOCEL® Plant Growth Regulant . .17 . .21 DECATHLON™ 20 WP Greenhouse and Nursery Insecticide . .23 . .25 INSECTICIDAL SOAP 49.52 CF Insecticide . .27 . .30 MARATHON® 1% GRANULAR Greenhouse and Nursery Insecticide . .32 . .35 MARATHON® 60 WP Greenhouse and Nursery Insecticide in Water Soluble Packaging . .38 . .42 MARATHON® II Greenhouse and Nursery Insecticide in Water Soluble Packaging . .45 . .49 PYLON® Miticide . .53 . .56 STRIKE® 50 WDG Greenhouse and Nursery Systemic Fungicide . .58 . .62 SUFFUSION™ GRANULAR Growing Media Wetting Agent . .66 . .68 SUFFUSION™ LIQUID Growing Media Wetting Agent . .69 . .71 TRIACT® 70 Broad Spectrum Fungicide / Insecticide / Miticide . .72 . .75 TRIATHLON™ Greenhouse Disinfectant . .77 . .79 CHEMIGATION BULLETIN PAGE NO. AZATIN® XL . .80 GENERAL INFORMATION DOT SHIPPING INFORMATION . .82 WORKER PROTECTION QUICK REFERENCE CHART . .83 FUNGICIDE USAGE CHART . .84 INSECTICIDE USAGE CHART . .85 MARATHON 60 WP IN WSP IRRIGATION AND HOSE END APPLICATIONS . .86 PESTICIDE DILUTIONS . .87 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES CHARTS . .88 SCOUT STICKY TRAP™ . .89 Product labels in this guide are for reference purposes only. Please refer to specific labels found on product containers prior to actual use. Always read and follow label directions carefully. The specimen labels and information contained are correct as of the publication date but are subject to change without notice. NOT ALL PRODUCTS AND USES REFERENCED IN THIS GUIDE ARE REGISTERED FOR USE IN ALL STATES. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR OLYMPIC HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS REPRESENTATIVE FOR CLARIFICATION. publication date 6 / 01 TM P.O. Box 1885, Bradenton, FL 34206-1885 For more information regarding Olympic Horticultural Products, for the Greenhouse, Nursery and Interiorscape, we may be reached at: Customer Service: 800-659-6745 Technical Service: 800-356-4647 www.olympichort.com 1 ® AZATIN XL TM Botanical Insecticide SPECIMEN LABEL FOR INDOOR AND OUTDOOR USE ON ORNAMENTALS AND HORTICULTURAL CROPS ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Azadirachtin* . 3.0% OTHER INGREDIENTS . 97.0% 100.0% *Contains 0.265 pounds (120 grams) of azadirachtin per gallon EPA Reg. No. 70051-27-59807 EPA Est. No.: 44616-MO-1 Net Contents: One Quart KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS This pesticide is toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. Do not apply directly to water, or to areas where surface CAUTION water is present or to intertidal area below the mean high-water mark. Drift and runoff may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in neighboring areas. Do not conta- XL PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS minate water when cleaning equipment or disposing of HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS equipment washwaters. ® CAUTION: Harmful if swallowed or inhaled. Avoid breathing vapors or spraymist. Causes eye irritation. Do not get in eyes. Avoid contact with skin or clothing. N Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Do not apply this product in a way that will contact work- Applicators and other handlers must wear: ers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only • long-sleeved shirt and long pants protected handlers may be in the area during applica- tion. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, • chemical resistant gloves such as barrier laminate or consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation. Viton ( 14 mil) • shoes plus socks, and • protective eye wear. AZATI Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning / main- taining PPE. If no such instructions for washables, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE sepa- STORAGE AND DISPOSAL rately from other laundry. GENERAL: Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage and disposal. FIRST AID Do not store above 100 Flush eyes with plenty of water. Call a physi- PESTICIDE STORAGE: If in Eyes: degrees F or below -20 degrees F for extended cian if irritation persists. periods of time. Keep containers tightly closed If Inhaled: Move to fresh air. Clear lungs and airways. when not in use. Get medical attention if irritation develops. Wash with plenty of soap and water. Get If on Skin: Wastes resulting from the medical attention if irritation develops. PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: use of this product may be disposed of on site or If Swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. Contact a at an approved waste disposal facility. physician immediately. CONTAINER DISPOSAL: Do not re-use as a con- tainer. Triple rinse or equivalent. Then offer for recy- cling or reconditioning, or puncture and dispose of User Safety Recommendations: in an incinerator or landfill or by other procedures • Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing approved by State and local authorities. gum, using tobacco or using the toilet. 2 Chafers, such as: Leafrollers, such as: AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS European Chafer Blueberry Leafroller Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and Northern Masked Chafer Filbert Leafroller the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170. This Rose Chafer Fruitree Leafroller Standard contains requirements for the protection of agri- Southern Masked Chafer Grape Leafroller cultural workers on farms, forests, nurseries, and green- houses, and handlers of agricultural pesticides. It contains Oblique Banded Leafroller requirements for training, decontamination, notification, and Cutworms, such as: Omniverous Leafroller emergency assistance. It also contains specific instruc- Black Cutworm tions and exceptions pertaining to the statements on this Citrus Cutworm Leaf Perforators label about personal protective equipment (PPE) and restricted-entry interval. The requirements in this box only Flies, such as: apply to uses of this product that are covered by the Worker Marsh Crane Flies Caribbean Fruit Fly Protection Standard. Crane Fly Do not enter or allow workers entry into treated areas dur- Mealybugs ing the restricted entry interval (REI) of 4 hours. Fungus Gnat PPE required for early entry to treated areas that is permit- Hessian Fly Moths, such as: ted under the Worker Protection Standard and that involves Oriental Fruit Fly European Pine Shoot Moth contact with anything that has been treated, such as plants, Mediterranean Fruit Fly Pine Tip Moth soil or water is: Melon Fly Tussock Moth Long-sleeved shirt and long pants, chemical resistant Shore Fly gloves such as barrier laminate or Viton ( 14 mil), shoes Walunt Husk Fly plus socks, and protective eye wear. Psyllids Leaf Tiers Sawflies NON-AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS Leafhoppers, such as: The requirements in this box apply to uses of this product Thrips, such as: Grape Leafhopper that are NOT within the scope of the Worker Protection Citrus Thrips Standards for agricultural pesticides (40 CFR Part 170). Potato Leafhopper Flower Thrips The WPS applies when this product is used to produce agri- Variegated Leafhopper Gladiolus Thrips cultural plants on farms, forests, or greenhouses. For other Western Flower Thrips uses including golf courses, and other non-agricultural Leafminers, such as: uses, do not enter treated areas without protective clothing Citrus Leafminer until sprays have dried. Whiteflies, such as: Serpentine Leafminer Greenhouse Whitefly Vegetable Leafminer Silverleaf Whitefly Pests controlled by AZATIN® XL Sweetpotato Whitefly Aphids, such as: Japanese Beetle ® Apple Aphid June Beetle CROPS ON WHICH AZATIN XL CAN BE USED ® can be used indoors and outdoors. Plants may be pot- Cotton Aphid Mexican Bean Beetle Azatin XL ted, grown in the soil or soiless mixtures or grown hydroponically. Green Peach Aphid Rose Chafer Melon Aphid Bedding Plants, Cacti Ficus Pea Aphid Cankerworms, such as: Flowers, Potted Calabrese Foxglove Plants and Potato Aphid Fall Cankerworm Caladium Freesia Foliage, such as: Calla Fuchsia Rose Aphid Spring Cankerworm Actinopteris Calathea Gaillardia Aglaonema Calendula Gardenia Armyworms, such as: Caterpillar and Loopers, Allamanda Carnation Geranium Beet Armyworm such as: Algerian Ivy Cabbage Looper Chrysanthemum Gerbera Fall Armyworm Alocasia Corn Earworm Coleus Gladioli Lawn Armyworm Anthurium Diamondback Moth Columbine Gypsophilla Southern Armyworm Aphelandra Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Dahlia Hedera Yellow Striped Armyworm Artemisia Imported Cabbageworm Daisy Hibiscus Aster Navel Orangeworm Daylily Impatiens Bagworms Aucuba Illex Soybean Looper Delphinium Iris Azalea Tent Caterpillar Dianthus Lily Beetles, Grubs and Baby's Breath Tobacco Budworm Dieffenbachia Manvilla Weevils, such as: Begonia Black Vine Weevil Tobacco Hornworm Dusty Miller Marigold Bougainvillea Colorado Potato Beetle Tomato Fruitworm Easter Lily Nasturtium Boston Fern Elm Leaf Beetle Tomato Pinworm English Ivy Pansy Boxwood Flea Beetles Euphorbia Pelargonium Brachycome Fern Peony 3 Peperomia Iris Honey Locust Gherkin Brassica (Cole) Root and Tuber Petunia Ivy Horse Chestnut Gourds Crops, such as: Crops, such as: Philodendron Lily Juniper Honeydew Broccoli Beet, red Phlox Maidenhair Fern Larch Honeyballs Brussels sprouts Beet, sugar Photinia Marigold Laurel Mango Melon Bok choy Carrot Pittosporum Narcissus Lilac Pumpkin Cabbage Cassava Pinks Orchid Linden Squash Chinese cabbage Celeriac Poinsettia Pansy London Plane Watermelon Cauliflower Chervil Pothos Pelargonium Magnolia Dasheen (taro) Ginger Portulaca Peony Manvilla Fruiting Leafy Vegetables,
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