PAGE THREE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1927 THE LETHBRIDGE HERALD OAME TONIGHT •> Thero wilt be a regulap City •> •> League fixture tonight between •> •> the Gyros and Lho 20th Gallery. <• tUTH STRIKES FOR INCREASE ^ The game will commencft •> . • » • • • « •' • ..»••• •»• ••• * * • ••» itsrply at 7 o'clock. * ices Defeat Raymond High—Locals Defeat Carmangay **•» GAZE UPON THE GREATEST RACE KORSE OF ALL TIME, MAN 0' WAR AS JUVENILES TO BAMBINO TO "QUIT BASEBALL" HE LOOKS TODAY CHALK ANOTHER CLASH FRIDAY MESS GIVEN HIS OWN TERMS WIN FOR ACES ATBJ,A1RMORE ;ulh Returns Contract* Unsigned Sent by Yankees' Presi- Vanquish Raymond High at ellevue Withdraws Protest dent Because Terms Called for Only $52,000 per Home By 30 to 19 Score Year—Famous Home-run Hitter is Making and Replay Has Been •.—"Aggies" Beat Local Ordered a Firm Stand Picked Team NEW YORK, Fell. 10.—Echoes ot ter terms are offered him, "why I'll (From Our Q^m Correspond""* ) quit baseball," ho announced from BLAIRJIOHE, Feb. 9.—The protest 10 drat slots fired In Babe Ruth's Raymond High School lost to odged by the- manager of the- Belle- >ng anticipated contract war with the Hollywood, Calif. 1 Col. Iluppert said the big homo run tho "Y' Aces by a score of 19 to Juronllo hockey team against w York Yankees sounded through 30 In a Southern Alberta Basket- he gamo played in Blairmore last no broad world today in the wake ot hitter would not be allowed to report to the training camp at St. Petersburg, ball Association fixture last night week has beon withdrawn ami by ar- IB of tha most Important player deals at Raymond. The gams was fast angeraent the gams will be re-played £ the winter. Flu.* until ho slgnod a contract. Right back camo Ruth's declaration that he throughout, though Inclined to be the Blalrmoro Arena next Friday Hardly had Col. Jacob nuppert, a little rough towards the last. Ight. iresltient of the Yankees, announced would report in St. Petersburg on March 6, whether or not tho contract The score was 2C to 4 in favor flf Considerable interest has been .hat tho conflict was on, than tho Bam- the Aces at tho end of the 'irst roused over Iho splendid and closely Ino trained his guns .on New York question had been settled. "I am not saying wbat terms I want half. ontested games—five In number— 11 the. way from the-Pacific const A preliminary game between a layed by these two evenly matched /hero ho Is making a movie. or what I would accept," Ruth said. "That is to be worked out with tho picked team from Lethbridge and earns in an endeavor to declare a wln- Babe has returned the contract Rup- the Raymond "Aggies" resulted in lor to meet tho Calgary city Cham- jrt offered hiiy, unsigned, he said, he- club owner. But unless the terms arc satisfactory I'll quit baseball If neces- a win for the latter by a 34 to 3.1 ilons hi tho provincial play-offs, A. o tho terms called for tho same score. AB the score Indicates It arge number of fans and supporters lary he has received for tho last sary. I would not like to do that, of course." was a hard fought battle with it botli teams will doubtless be on e years—$52,000. And unless bot- honors pretty evenly divided. iand^lo witness this last game on Frl. Raymond High School Is com- lay night. Ing down to Lethbridge to face the Aces on home territory to- M1ANGAY LOSES TO LOCALS morrow night. The Raymond Ag- gies and a picked team from the High School will also play. TIGERS SLATED A full account of last night's ' IN SLOW GAME PLAYED HERE game« will appear In Friday's Herald. FORPLAY-OFFS /Uitors' Defence Was Very Weak—Only Flashes of Good Man 0' War, considered by most experts as the of the Faraway Farms, looks after Man o' War's wel- • Hockey Dished Up for Entertainment of Fans— greatest running horse of all time, Is taking' things fare. During tho season Just closed two of his get reached unparalleled success. His three-year-old SOD Are 10 Points Ahead of Re- Ward and Fred Henderson Got Goals for easy on tho Faraway Farm at Lexington, Ky. The Crusader had a total winnings of $166.000. The two- HUGE SALARIES gina as Consequence of Lethbridge—Champagne for above picture shows how he looks today. He la owned year-old Scapa Flow won about half as much, his best ! by S. D. Riddle. Miss Elizabeth Daingerfleld, in charge performance being the winning of the rich Futurity. Decisive Victory Carmangay COMING Last Night Hanlan very well. My first champion- . Flashes ot speed, notably in the Ifo anl for a period : ome fast hockey econd period, saved last night'a hoc- was dished up. Carmangay got. two ship race was with Tcmmer iu St. REOINA, Feb. 10.—Calgary Tigers, goals and equalized. They wero not Gaudaur, One Of Greatest Oarsmen Louis. I won. In those days wo were leaders in tho Prairie Hockey League, ley gamo between Carmangay and able to maintain equal standing, how- Cobb and Speaker Will Like practically qualified . for the cham- jethbrldge from being entirely unin- ever, for long, and two moro goals for all professionals." ly Draw Down 75,000 pionship play-off when they defeated .orestlng. However, upon the whole, jo locals wero tallied before tho bell That was the first of two hundred :ho Reglna Capitals four to one here he hockey played was slow and not Of World, Now At Silver Age Of victories tlrat followed during the next Apiece—Increase Wednesday night. It was the Tlgeis' jp to tho standard set earlier in tho In tUo third Carmangay tried hard twenty-five years. It is now Just ^lilrd victory over the Capitals In four winter. The score of six to two .0 get into tho scoring column but for Ruth games here tbis winter. The victory in favor ot the Vets about Indicated were unable to get the rubber past Career; Won 200 Races ,wenty-flve years since he rowed his places the Tigers exactly ten points tha play, tho Carmangay defence be- Blsselt who was turning In a good ast raco and lost the championship of ahead of Reglna, who are in second game as goalie for the locals. When NEW YORK, Feb. 9.—;Ty Cobb wi place. • g deplorably weak at times. At the world to George Townshend, ot receive $76,000 tor his services In th least threo o£ the go tls scored by the Lethbrtdgo secured two more goals, Has Lived Without Riches Popularly Associated With Australia, at tbo age of 43. Hie visitors apparently lost heart, and : outfield of the Philadelphia Athletic 'locals were made possible -by tho the New York Times says today. Th /opening HP of the visitors' defence until tho final boll only half-hearted Present Day Hero Athletes— Some Remarkable For five years ho held this title, but attempts wore made by either side tq during .that time he started in the contract will call for a salary of 540 with hut feeble efforts to check. Rates—Was Careful in Training 000, ft bonus of {25.000 for signing, an Ward and Fred Henderson shared score, the locals being evidently satis- hotel business and slopped training. SENATORS LOSE fled by tuelr substantial lead. He -was challenged, raced and was an exlra $10,000 at the close ot th ; the honors for goals,, both players ORILt/IA, Feb. 10—One o( the great-1 George Young. "I was born just across beaten when he was 43 years of age. season. turning in a good game for tho locals, Father h3avy Ice, of course, had est oarsmen the world has ever known I«"> narrows there," he said, pointing while Champagne for tha visitors, some effect upon slowing down the to Iho cut from Lako SImcoo to "I well remember the race on tho At the same time a report "was cu '..notched their two tallies within a game, though even at that fans wit- has lived without tho riches popularly 'ouchlclung a hundred yards Thames for the championship ot the rent among baseball men. gatheri TO HAWKS, 5-3 {few minutes of. each other in tho first nessed a much faster game in tho re- associated with present day nero ath- way. "My dad had lived there for world. The course wag from Putney here for the major league uild-wlnti cent fray her] a few nights ago be- to Jfortlake. a dialaneo of -i'A miles. sessions, that Trls Speaker, absolve CHICAGO, Fob. 10.—Chicago Blade "of the second. Ward, out o£ his cus- letes. lany years and I was brought up on with Cobb on charges of baseba tomary position "In goal, demonstrat- tween tho local O.P.n. team and Cal- te shores of the lakes. I pulled an Wo started off and there wasn't'a foot 1 Hawks defeated (he Ottawa Senators gary, on Ice which was covered with Jacob Gill Gaudaur, better known as between us. All the way up the course crookedness by Commissioner Land hero last niglit ftve to, three before ed his ability on defence, and was the 'Jako Goodoar," for five years the Id row boat around when I was a kid star ot the game. He accounted for slush. nd [he boys used to have racej. for three miles wn rowed stroke for Is to receive {75,000 for Ills efforts tb tho largest crowd In local hockey his- Bob Watson handled the hell satis- champion of the sculling world, the stroke.
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