We Dig Dirt: Archeology at Tell ‘al Umayri What Can Adventists Learn from Jews About the Sabbath The Holistic Spirituality of Ellen White Congratulations! Now What? Q&A with Mt. Ellis Academy’s Principal Through the Lens of Faith VOLUME 39 ISSUE 1 I winter 2011 winter 2011 I VOLUME 39 ISSUE 1 SPECTRUM contents 11 Editorials 2 A Time to Mourn | BY BONNIE DWYER 3 Memo to Elder Wilson | BY CHARLES SCRIVEN Feedback 15 5 Letters | BAKER, OSBORN, WILLEY, EUN, CARR, ROTH, WILL, BULL, GUY Biblical Studies: Sabbath 11 The Sabbath and God’s People | BY GERALD WHEELER 15 What Can Adventists Learn from the Jews about the Sabbath? | BY JACQUES B. DOUKHAN 21 21 My Celtic Sabbath Journey with Esther, Lady MacBeth, and St. Brigid | BY BONNIE DWYER 31 Negotiating Sabbath Observance in the Local Church | BY JOHN BRUNT Archeology 37 We Dig Dirt: Archeology at Tell ‘al Umayri | BY JOHN MCDOWELL 31 Spiritual Journeys 43 The Holistic Spirituality of Ellen White | BY HARRI KUHALAMPI 52 The Art of Intervention: Finding Health in Faith | BY HEATHER LANGLEY 56 Through the Lens of Faith | BY MARTIN DOBLMEIER 62 Capturing Spiritual Moments—Digitally | BY RAJMUND DABROWSKI 36 Adventist Education 66 Time to Act: Strong Convictions Expressed at a National Summit on Adventist Education | BY GILBERT M. VALENTINE 77 Congratulations! Now What? Q & A with Mt. Ellis Academy’s Principal Darren Wilkins | BY JARED WRIGHT 43 Poetry cover She Presents a Paper on the Theory of Everything | BY MIKE MENNARD 77 66 62 56 52 WWW.SPECTRUMMAGAZINE.ORG I CONTENTS EDITORIAL I from the editor A Time to Mourn | BY BONNIE DWYER esus Wept. The image of Christ with down-turned eyes complicated and never has a single cause, members of the on the cover of the current Sabbath School Lesson Walla Walla Chapter remember Holly talking about how Quarterly seems eerily appropriate for the sorrows hard it was for her to be disfellowshipped by her home that have marked the middle of January. The world church in Oregon years ago and that she was very inter- Jstill weeps for Haiti a year after the earthquake, as well ested in finding out if a local church would be open and as for those whose homes have been flooded by swollen accepting.” rivers in Australia or been swept away by mudslides in It was further reported that “this tragedy brought the Brazil. In America we weep for the victims of the Arizona Kinship community together in a way that Holly proba- shooting. bly would have appreciated. Her memorial service was And there is sorrow in Adventism as we mourn the loss held at the Walla Walla University Youth Chapel, and of former General Conference President Neal C. Wilson, several chapter members commented on how meaningful theologian Graham Maxwell, and estranged member and healing it was to be able to mourn Holly in an Holly Drum (more about her later), among others. Adventist church. The son of missionary parents, Neal C. Wilson served Holly is survived by her partner Suzi Sullivan and his church his entire life including the years of his presi- three children. dency of the General Conference 1979–1990. During his In the spiritual journey of our community, we pause for administration he oversaw the 1980 adoption of the reflection at the passing of these family members. Each church’s Fundamental Beliefs, the creation of Adventist was controversial in his own way—Wilson for his han- World Radio and Global Mission and the relocation of the dling of crises related to church theology and the equality denomination’s world headquarters from Takoma Park, of women, Maxwell for his theology, and Drum for her Maryland, to its current location in Silver Spring. He is sexual orientation. Yet they are all part of the Adventist survived by his loving wife Eleanor, daughter Shirley, and family and so deserving of our love. son Ted—the current General Conference president. To borrow language President Barrack Obama used at Author, teacher, and theologian Graham Maxwell’s the Memorial for the Victims of the Arizona Shooting, legacy is a generation of students who came to under- “If these losses prompt reflection and debate, as they stand the character of God as being the central point of should, let’s make sure it’s worthy of those we have lost.” Scripture. He spoke of God’s love in such compelling President Obama went on to say that what happened fashion it brought overflowing crowds to his weekly Sab- in Arizona “should make every one of us strive to be bet- bath School classes in addition to the courses he taught ter in our private lives—to be better friends and neigh- first at Pacific Union College and then at Loma Linda bors, co-workers and parents.” University. The son of (Uncle) Arthur Maxwell, Graham These losses within the Adventist family should help is survived by his sister Deidre and daughter Audrey. every one of us to be kinder and more generous to each According to The Kinship Connection, Holly Drum, a Kin- other in our church lives. And let us pray that our spiritu- ship member from the Walla Walla Chapter committed al journey together will be strengthened by the love and suicide in January. It reported, “While a tragedy like this is emotion that flood our hearts at this time. I 2 spectrum VOLUME 39 ISSUE 1 I winter 2011 from the forum chairman I EDITORIAL Memo to Elder Wilson | BY CHARLES SCRIVEN ecause my counsel is unbidden, it Our conviction that God made heaven and may never reach you, or if it does, it earth is crucial, and this came to me in a may seem obtrusive. But we are newly full-blooded way a few weeks ago. My brothers in the faith, and that makes wife and I were peeking into some art galleries Bme bold to offer perspective on two challenges in Manhattan, and one was exhibiting works you are embracing. by Max Ferguson. He creates ultra-realistic One is revival and reformation. You pray paintings of people and their surroundings A revival is for it and preach on it. A 2010 Annual Council inside of New York City—inside of shops, appeal on this matter came out under your eateries, apartments and the like. One of them authentic if it influence. It lifts up Holy Spirit power, puts was on an easel instead of a wall, so you could Christ at the center, and calls us to humility walk around and look at the back of it. As Fer- produces love, and prayer. guson told us—we were surprised and pleased One great pastor who wrote in a time of to meet him—he puts notes or clippings of if it produces revival was Jonathan Edwards. Eagerness for quotes and pictures on the reverse side of his God was sweeping across New England, and paintings. A painting’s reverse side is thus a what Paul this seemed exactly the time to pose the kind of diary of his thoughts during the sever- question of authenticity: How do you distin- al months he spends on it. Just as he was say- famously guish the mere appearance of piety from gen- ing this, we were standing behind the painting uine renewal? How do you test whether the on the easel, and my eye landed on a note referred to as spirit of Christ, or some other spirit, is actu- he’d written: “When you removed God from the equa- ally at work? tion you removed the sanctity of human life. Once you the “fruit of I think you would identify with his conclu- have accomplished that, you are wiping your feet on the sion. A revival is authentic if it produces love, door mat of Auschwitz.” the Spirit.” if it produces what Paul famously referred to I had considered this before, but never the as the “fruit of the Spirit.” precise image, and never as I was standing When Paul spells this out in Galatians 5, he beside the person who had done the writing. says not only that the fruit of the Spirit is love Atheists would offer counterarguments, of but also that it is longsuffering, gentleness and course, but the record of the most powerful meekness. And all this strikes me, just now, as atheists—besides Hitler, think of Stalin, Mao crucial. One reason is that another of the chal- and Pol Pot—is utterly vicious, and in scale lenges you are taking on is the doctrine of cre- utterly unprecedented. Dostoyevsky worried ation. You want to revise the church’s that the demise of God would make all things Fundamental Belief on this matter to say that permissible, and the evidence, if not conclu- creation took place some 6,000 years ago, sive, is at least alarming. I admit complexity. I over “seven contiguous, 24-hour days.” know very well that New Atheists pin the WWW.SPECTRUMMAGAZINE.ORG I editorial 3 blame for violence on religion: bad faith, and acteristic of true spirituality—evokes both of abuses stemming from it, sadly abound. Never- these ideas. And doesn’t this fact take us right theless, if you re-write John 1 to say, “In the back to your message of revival and reformation? beginning was non-sense, and the nonsense Some Adventists see mystery where others was with God, and the nonsense was God,” see only information. For them, faith is too When those you just do, I think, open doors to devastating deep for words—too deep, that is, for the words consequences.
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