St. Anthony of Padua Parish Mass Schedule Pastoral Staff Pastor: Fr. Dale W. Staysniak Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm, 6:00pm Parochial Vicar: Fr. Peter T. Kovacina Sunday: 8:00am,10:00am, Deacon: Rev. Mr. Gerard Blanda 12:00pm DRE/Pastoral Minister: Mr. Randy Harris, M.R.E Pastoral Minister: Sr. Roberta Goebel, OSU Monday-Friday: 7:00am, 8:00am Principal: Mr. Patrick Klimkewicz Parish Secretary: Mrs. Joyce Fanous Holy Days: Vigil - 5:30pm Music Minister: Mrs. Nancy Tabar 7:00am, 9:00am 5:30pm, 7:00pm Parish Directory Parish Address: 6750 State Road Confession Schedule Parma, Ohio 44134 Saturday: 3:00pm-4:00pm Parish Office: (440) 842-2666 or by appointment Religious Education: (440) 845-4470 Parish Office Hours: Mon /Wed/Thurs 9:00am - 7:00pm Tuesday & Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Stay Connected Parish Website: stanthonypaduaparma.org parmastanthony School Directory @parmastanthony School Office: (440) 845-3444 School Website: stanthonyofpaduaschool.org Parmastanthony ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH PARMA, OH MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4 7:00AM Leslie & Justine McCoy 8:00AM Florence Koopman TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, St. Agatha, Virgin & Martyr. Elmer East 7:00AM Celia Miller 8:00AM Ray Pfeil Alma Mitchell WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, St. Paul Miki & Companions, Martyrs. 7:00AM Albert Maroun 8:00AM Barbara Kutnik THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7 7:00AM Mary Relich Contributions for January 26/27, 2019: 8:00AM Joan Page Total Offering: $14,629.44 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Sunday Collection: $10,460.88 7:00AM Jean Gurchensky Faith Direct: $4,168.56 8:00AM Helen Harlacz Poor Box: $64.00 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9 4:30PM William Svoboda 6:00PM For People of the Parish (living & deceased) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 8:00AM Steve & Geraldine Stibley 10:00AM Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kolodgy 12:00PM Matthias J. Zolnay SUNDAY THOUGHT Please Pray For: Ed & Helen Bartkiewicz, Irene Bednar, Luke 4:21-30 Bob Boger, Roseanne Buzinski, Maxine Cerny, Joe & Marcia Demko, Ray Dmytriw, Margaret Double, Norbert Erker, Rita Fecek, We are told in today’s Gospel that many from Jesus’ Greg Findura, Anne Kilbane-Friedl, Sandra & Logan Friedl, Frances hometown of Nazareth spoke highly of Him. Funtek, Sam Gappa, Josephine Gaul, Andrew Gerda, Robert Apparently, Jesus’ reputation preceded Him! Whether Gielski, John Gladden, Frank Gumina, Rose Marie Hewitt, Ron we are aware of it or not, we, like Jesus, leave a similar Hicks, Celeste Hurley, Marian Jarabek, Colleen Jarvis, Millie Jasany, trail wherever we go. Our own personal imprint on our Janet Johnson, Pat Jones, Bill Kaine, Lou Ann Keith, Betty Kilbane, Donald Kotarsky, Anthony William Kronholz, Cynthia Kufleitner, surroundings is recognized by our family, our Andrea Lagzdins, Dorothy Laquatra, April & John J. Lieske, Pat co-workers, and our friends. It might be a trail of Lieske, Corinne Lipinski, John Mackin, Elizabeth Madar, Thomas kindness or pain, a trail of harmony or discord, a trail of Madej, Edward & Josephine Maskulka, Lenore Masterson, Claudia laughter or tears. How we treat others determines the Mazanec, Peyton McCarthy, Rosemarie Medvin, John Metzger, trail we leave behind us. Perhaps we might ask people Dorothy Nagy, Jane Najlepszy, Mary Niec, Ann Marie Niziolek, we live and work with if the trail we leave behind is one Rose Nosse, Dora Oney, Agnes Padar, Gabe Papke, Marla Perko, Timothy Petro, Carrie Piechowski, Nicholas J. Precario, Mary Jane, they look forward to or wish to avoid, follow or run the Nick, & John Precario, Brian Puhaulik, Jan Ravas, Christopher other way. It could be very enlightening. Reeves, Leigh-Ann Revay, Kendall Rossi, Mary Sabo, Lorraine Schmidt, Sue Seda, Robert Setele, Margaret Sheridan, Helen Smith, Joan Smyke, Doug Stos, Sylvia Stibley, Diane Straub, Richard Tabar, Alice Tucker, Richard Turocy, Loretta Vacca, Annie Vorndran, Beverly Von Alt, Margaret and Mary Williamson, Cathy Yappel, Christopher Yurko, Amanda Zmecek. 1 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 3, 2019 CELEBRATING THE SAINTS ST. MICHAEL THE Saint Bernard of Menthon, Founder (+1081) ARCHANGEL The Women’s Faith Ministry Ordained a priest for the Diocese of Aosta in invites all parishioners on northwestern Italy, Bernard rose to become an Tuesday, February 19 from 7 to archdeacon, a perfect outlet for his natural zeal. He 8:30 p.m. for a discussion on the background of St. preached with great energy to the people in the far- Michael the Archangel, defender of the Church and flung corners of the diocese. In art, Bernard is often chief opponent of Satan, followed by a brief history shown chaining a demon to a mountainside, signifying and recitation of the St. Michael chaplet. Since the St. his work to counter the pagan practices that still Michael chaplet rosary is unique, handouts will be flourished in the remote Alpine valleys at that time. provided to follow along. The evening will close with While traveling through the treacherous refreshments and fellowship. This program will be snowbound passes, Bernard witnessed firsthand the cancelled if weather is severe and other events in hardships faced by pilgrims who had to cross the Parma are cancelled. mountains on their way to Rome. Moved by their need, he collected funds, and around 1049 he began to build a hospice on the high mountain road, which later became the Great Saint Bernard Pass. A few years SOCIAL CONCERNS GROUP later, he constructed a hospice on a lower mountain The Social Concerns Committee presented road, the Little Saint Bernard Pass. Bernard received ‘Maggie’s Place with $200.00 worth of gift permission to establish an order of Augustinian canons cards to be used to buy needed Christmas gifts in the hospices to offer shelter and solace to travelers. for a mom and child in need. “Maggie’s In time, the canons became experts at rescue. They Place is a community that provides housing bred the local farm dogs to help them in their work, and assistance for expectant mothers who creating the Saint Bernard breed. have no one else to help or support them. It In 1923, Pope Pius XI, who had before depends on donations to support their becoming pope reached the summits of four of program. If anyone is interested in supporting Europe’s highest peaks, named Bernard of Menthon “Maggie’s Place”, visit their web site for patron of mountain climbers, and by extension, skiers information www.maggiesplace.org, or and rock climbers. St. Bernard of Menthon’s feast is donations may be sent to Maggie’s Place, celebrated on June 15th. P.O. Box 25612, Garfield Hts., OH 44125. UPDATE: DIAPER DRIVE A big thank you from the Social Concerns VALENTINE RAFFLE Committee to our parishioners. The diaper There is still time to purchase your drive for the MetroHealth Friends of Mothers Valentine Raffle tickets from the St. and Infants was a great success. Our parish Anthony Ladies Guild. Members will donated over 2100 diapers, over 3500 baby be selling chances this weekend, February 2/3 before wipes, and over $1200. Thank you for your all the Masses and after all the Masses (except the support. 6:00pm) in the Gathering Space. Chances are $1.00 each or 6/$5.00. First prize is your choice of $150.00 in gift cards sold by the PTU, second prize is $75.00 your choice of gift cards sold by the PTU and third HEY CATHOLIC! DID YOU KNOW… prize a Sweet and Salty Treat - a box of Malley’s The candles used at Mass have a symbolic meaning: chocolate and Peterson’s nuts. A reminder to all the beeswax symbolized the pure flesh Christ received members that you may make your raffle returns to the from his Virgin Mother, the wick symbolized his soul, rectory, through the collection at Mass, or at the table and the flame his divinity. in the Gathering Space this weekend. Thanks and (from http://www.usccb.org/prayer-and-worship/sacred-art- good luck! and-music/architecture-and-environment/composition-of- candles.cfm 2 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH PARMA, OHIO BLESSING OF THE WEEK The Book of Blessings is the liturgical book used by priests and deacons to bless people or objects for religious use. If you come across a blessing you need to receive, do not be afraid to ask a priest or deacon. AN EVENING AT THE This week’s blessing is the Blessing of an Office, RACES Shop, or Factory. Through the labor of our hands, Please join us for a fun night on we seek to be stewards of God’s creation. Our labor Saturday, February 16, for our also helps provide for the needs of the human family. annual Athletic Association “An Evening at the Therefore, this blessing reminds us of the importance Races” fundraiser to benefit our grade school and dignity of work and how, when done rightly and athletic programs. Tickets are only $25 with a fairly, it can be a path to holiness. catered dinner by Antonio’s. Beer and pop are included. Gym doors open at 5:30pm, dinner at 6:00pm, and the races begin at 7:30pm. In addition, you can be a horse owner for $20 or get 3 horses for $50. Reserved tables of 10 or SEMINARIANS OF THE WEEK more get a free horse! We are also looking for This week, we pray for business sponsors to purchase ads in the David Chojnacki, Alexander Clark, program. Tickets will be sold after all Saturday Joshua Cochrac, and Christopher and Sunday Masses and are also available the Cotone. rectory office Mon. - Fri. from 9:00am to 4:00pm only. For more info contact Lisa Monn at [email protected] or (440) 390-8274. PRE-CANA TEAM Pre-Cana is a team of married couples that enjoy sharing their life experiences with each other as friends and with engaged couples intending to receive the Sacrament of Marriage.
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