ZOOLOGIA 29 (1): 54–58, February, 2012 doi: 10.1590/S1984-46702012000100006 Trophic ecology and microhabitat utilization by the Bufo gargarizans, Rana guentheri, and Rana limnocharis in southwestern China Tonglei Yu1 & Yanshu Guo2 1 Corresponding Author. College of Life Science, Xinyang Normal University, Henan, China. E-mail: [email protected] 2 College of Life Science, China West Normal University, Sichuan, China. ABSTRACT. We studied the trophic ecology and microhabitat use of the Asiatic toad, Bufo gargarizans Cantor, 1842; Guentheri frog, Rana guentheri (Boulenger, 1882); and the Ricefield frog, Rana limnocharis (Boie, 1834). These three species are common around Nanchong City, in southwestern China, where they live in the same habitat before hiberna- tion. The main objective of this study was to analyze the diets and patterns of coexistence relative to the microhabitat of each species. In the Asiatic toad, based on index of relative importance, the diet was dominated by adult Coleoptera, Isopoda, and Hymenoptera (29.53%, 22.07%, and 15.20%, respectively), while the Guenther’s frog and Ricefield frog ingested predominantly Orthoptera (67.44% and 40.94%, respectively). The standardized feeding niche breadth of the Asiatic toad (0.277) was wider than that of the Guentheri frog (0.177) and Ricefield frog (0.269). The overlap in the trophic niche (prey proportion) between the toad and two species of frog was low (toad vs. Guentheri frog, CH = 0.526; toad vs. Ricefield frog, CH = 0.521), while this was high for the two species of frogs (CH = 0.942). The three species also differed in microhabitat use. Asiatic toads showed strong preference for small roads close to shrubs or pre-harvest corn, while Guenther’s frogs preferred bare surfaces on habitat edges, and Ricefield frogs showed a preference for bare surfaces as feeding sites in the middle of habitat. The difference in diet observed during three species seems to be explained by the difference in microhabitat use and body size of three species. KEY WORDS. Anuran; Asiatic toad; diet; Guentheri frog; habitat; resource partitioning; Ricefield frog. The variation in resources used by sympatric amphibian frog, Rana guentheri (Boulenger, 1882); and Ricefield frog, Rana species may not necessarily reflect competition. Empirical re- limnocharis (Boie, 1834) are three common species sharing same search showing differences between sympatric species in the habitats during autumn in southwestern China. The Asiatic use of trophic, temporal and spatial niches have frequently toads are widely distributed in forests, in fields, and in residen- been used to describe and explain community structure (PIANKA tial areas in China (FEI 2000). The Guentheri frogs and Ricefield 1975). The segregation of these niche dimensions may permit frogs prefer to inhabit still ponds, paddy fields, and rivulets in the partitioning of resources, and thus the ecological coexist- southern china (FEI 2000). Guenther’s frogs migrate to feeding ence of species. Food is a fundamental aspect of the niche, and sites, and live with Ricefield frogs and Asiatic toads before hi- it seems reasonable to assume that the structure of a commu- bernation. Although supposedly exposed to a similar spectrum nity is based mostly on the way that food is shared among of prey, they have some differences, which may result in dif- coexisting species (ANDREW & CHRISTENSEN 2001). Thus, the study ferences in the type and range of prey that they ingest. Fur- of trophic relationships among sympatric species is critical to thermore, they belong to two distinct families, and our understanding inter-specific interactions (DURÉ & KEHR 2001). preliminary field observations suggested that they differ in body Several mechanisms that promote coexistence have been size and probably also in microhabitat use. found in closely related species of anurans, including food dif- In this work, we studied feeding habits and microhabitat ferences (e.g., MENIN et al. 2005, SABAGH & CARVALHO-E-SILVA 2008), use of three species of anuran, specifically addressing the follow- microhabitat use (DURÉ & KEHR 2004), temporal segregation (e.g., ing aims: 1) to describe three anuran species, 2) identify and quan- BOWKER & BOWKER 1979, DONNELLY & GUYER 1994), habitat segre- tify the prey consumed by three species, 3) to calculate the niche gation (e.g., DIAZ & VALENCIA 1985, LIZANA et al. 1990), and call width, niche overlap and diversity of the diet of B. gargarizans, R. site segregation (OLDHAM & GERHARDT 1975). guentheri and R. limnocharis, and 4) to establish the relationship The Asiatic toad, Bufo gargarizans Cantor, 1842; Guentheri between diet and microhabitat used by the three species. © 2011 Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia | www.sbzoologia.org.br | All rights reserved. Trophic ecology and microhabitat utilization by Bufo gargarizans, Rana guentheri, and R. limnocharis 55 MATERIAL AND METHODS The food niche breadth was calculated for the three anu- ran species using the total number of items identified in the stom- Our field study was carried out at County of Gaoping ach. We used the standardized Levins index as a measurement of (30°35’N, 105°45’W, elevation 300 m), in southwestern China. niche breadth, BA = (B–1)/(n–1), where n = number of possible The feeding site consists of a large farmland (58%) and a pond resources, and B is Levins index (LEVINS 1968) of niche breadth, ⌺ 2 (20%) along the Jia Ling River, in contrast to some bare areas B = 1/ pi , where (pi) the proportion of item i in the diet. (12%) owing to crop harvest. Bushes and weeds (10%) at farm- The food niche overlap was calculated using the total land edges were the predominant plants, in addition to veg- number of items identified in the stomachs of three species. etable crops. The local climate is subtropical monsoon climate, with an annual average rainfall of 1020 mm. The annual aver- The overlapping formula is given as: where age temperature is 17.6°C; the coldest month is January (6.5°C), (C ) Morisita-Horn index of niche overlap (HORN 1966), (p ) the hottest is August (32°C). H ij corresponds to the proportion of resource i in the total resource We captured toads and frogs from September to October used by species j, (p ) corresponds to the proportion of resource 2006 by hand about once every two weeks during the night or ik i in the total resource used by species k. The index ranges from dawn hours by slowly walking in the feeding site and looking 0 to 1, where 0 indicates no overlap and 1 indicates complete for animals. We then transported a random sample of animals overlap. back to the laboratory. Body length (measured as snout-to-vent length, SVL) was measured to the nearest 1mm using a plastic RESULTS ruler with the toads or frogs put belly-down on a flat surface. Stomach contents were collected using the stomach flush- A total of 1097 food items were collected from the three ing method (LEGLER & SULLIVAN 1979) at least three times for anurans. The most important prey items for the entire study each specimen to remove all stomach contents and stored in period were adult Coleoptera and Myriapoda. Beetles of 12 fami- separate airtight test tubes in 4% formaldehyde. Prey items were lies were identified, the most important being Carabidae, subsequently identified in the laboratory under a binocular Staphylinidae, Elateridae, Curculionidae and Chrysomelidae. anatomical lens. The number of empty stomachs was twelve (three B. gargarizans, When animals were found, we recorded the type of mi- four R. guentheri, and five R. limnocharis). Traces of molted skin crohabitat in which they occurred. We found 109 distinct sites were recorded in three stomachs (B. gargarizan), but were not for their availability based on the three species of anurans cap- quantified. Plant remains such as leaves (e.g., gramineae), hy- tured, including three major types of habitat: small roads or drophyte (e.g., duckweed), small twigs and seeds (e.g., fever- bare surface close to shrub or pre-harvested corn, bare surfaces few), as well as dirt were also observed in 15 (13.76%) stomachs or short grass in the middle of habitat, and bare surfaces or (eight B. gargarizans, four R. guentheri, and three R. limnocharis). short grass at habitat edges. For better visualization of their Adult female B. gargarizans can reach a SVL of 102.89 ± activity patterns, habitat types were presented as percentages 2.02 mm (N = 35), and the males are 83.41 ± 2.35mm (N = 14). of the total records per species. In order to determine differ- The Guentheri frog is a medium-sized frog, the adult females ences in the frequency of occurrence of habitat type, the Chi- are 57.58 ± 1.18 mm (N = 18), and the males are 52.85 ± 1.84 square test was used. mm (N = 7). The Ricefield Frog is small frog, the adult females The obtained food items were measured as length and of which can reach a SVL of 37.51 ± 1.36 mm (N = 21), and the width (with a caliper to the nearest 0.1 mm) and their volume males are 34.21 ± 1.42 mm (N = 14). Body size varied signifi- was estimated by the ellipsoid formula V = 4/3 × × L/2 × (W/2)2 cantly among three species in both males (F2, 32 = 181.34, p < (COLLI & ZAMBONI 1999), where (L) item length and (W) item 0.001) and females (F2, 71 = 361.32, p < 0.001). Male Asiatic toads width. We compared SVL (in separate analyses) among species were significantly larger than males from the two frog species with a one-way ANOVA for each sex. If the overall ANOVA re- (Post Hoc test, all p < 0.001). For females, Ricefield frog’s were sults were significant, we did pairwise multiple comparisons significantly smaller than Asiatic toads and Guentheri frogs (Tukey’s HSD) to evaluate differences among species.
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